WWE Over the Limit - WWE Title match - John Cena (c) vs. Batista - "I Quit" Match

I was thinking that maybe this match will end like their last man standing match. I'm thinking something like Rock vs Mankind I Quit match where Mankind didn't say I Quit but it came from speakers in the arena because someone taped it i don't remembe who. I have this weird feeling that something like that will happen in this match.
I'm sure this will be the match that closes the show. I also REALLY hope that this is the last time we see Batista VS Cena again for a LONG time. It gets so old when they do the same feud for 3 PPV's in a row. I don't think it will be as good as their Wrestlemania match, but it should be better than their previous PPV encounter. Cena could not possibly have more of an advantage. His character is centered around refusing to quit. There is absolutely no way he's losing an "I quit" match. Cena will win because he NEVER quits, it's that obvious.

John Cena will retain the WWE Championship.
John Cena wins here.

We've all heard the rumors about Batista leaving, and that definitely weighs into my decision. At the same time, however, Cena forfeiting his rematch clause is one of those stipulations, like Rey putting up his mask, that is pretty much a sure thing for Cena. The match will be brutal, but Cena will figure out a way to pull out the victory.
well john cena got the no surprised there good match knew cena would win but kinda wanted batista to by making cena pass out with the batista bite looks like we want see tha animal for a while
Batista vs John Cena does it again, considering their limited abilities in the ring, they actually put on quite a good match, I find it to be a shame the majority of John's opponents are quitting when presented with something that can truly hurt them, considering their gonna suffer from it anyway.

I liked how Batista "passed out" only to be awaken, had a bit of humor to the whole thing. And I think it could've been awesome seeing John take a powerbomb in the crowd space at the stairs, sadly that wasn't gonna happen, wonder if the people Batista hit were plants, or actual fans.

As I said, good match, very very back and forth, served it's purpose and made both men look great.
John Cena Finish #8.

Thats about the best thing I can say for this match. Predictable. Seen coming. And the ending was basically the same. exact. thing. from the J.B.L/Cena - Judgment Day, I Quit, match. (meaning Cena threatens 'major danger' to the opponent, the opponent chickens out and screams they quit, Cena still goes through with the punishment the opponent quit from to begin with.)

Why add stipulations, when the match for the most part is going to stay in the ring and look normal? Barring the typical through the crowd and up on the stage with the stage props bits.. what was unique about this? Why should we, as fans, continue to buy into and love this crap? It wasn't even entertaining. Thats probably the worst part.

Batista and Cena have had better matches than this. And even their matches with rules involved were more "over the limit" than this pile of crap.
On a polish wrestling site, there was some news that Batista's friends say he isn't ending with wrestling and WWE yet, and has no plans to leave. If it's true, and considering the stipulation that Cena won't use rematch, and nothing about Batista leaving, Batista wins.
On next RAW we may see that Batista will have to leave WWE if he looses, and Super Cena will retain the title, but i think he will drop it to Edge on fatal 4 way whatever. And, by the way, if Batista would leave, that would be second WWE's biiig star leaving the brandthis year...

This is what my biggest problem with the IWC is: What Polish site? How can we discuss something based on unproven rumor, heck, this doesnt even qualify as a rumor.
I think Dave will probably leave after he's at least done a program with HHH.Orton's injury may also mean that he stays longer than previously expected.
What a massive disappointment of a main event this was considering their previous two PPV matches between these two were both very good. Just a really, really poorly worked gimmick match from both men, with sloppy execution and really poor spots, this match just never really gelled and worked. I mean I know it's a gimmick match, but atleast involve SOME wrestling before you start setting up table and chair spots, but here we instead just jumped straight into Cena grabbing a chair and going after Batista and within a few minutes Batista was putting Cena through the table. Decent spot there, and I liked the brawling into the crowd as that's something these two guys can do pretty convincingly, but then that "spot" of Batista falling off the railing onto those security guards? What the fuck was that? Crowd shit on that and I don't blame them, silly spot. Unfortuately that wasn't the silliest spot of the match though as we got another spot out of the Vince McMahon Looney-Tunes Booking Guide with Batista trying to run over Cena with a car. Seriously, why again would this car be sitting there with a tank of gas and the keys in the ignition? That's the kind of thing I'd expect to see in TNA, not the WWE. Ridiculous spot that really hurt the match. And then the shitty finish with Batista quitting without actually being put in much danger or pain really just ruined this match for me. Unfortunately one decent table spot doesn't make up for an all-around poorly worked and poorly booked match. Wouldn't even rate this past **3/4 at the most.

Such a disappointing match. I expected much more out of a gimmick match between these two.

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