WWE Over the Limit - Randy Orton vs. Edge

Personally this is the match i'm most looking forward to. In this match we have 2 technically gifted wrestlers who know each other inside out from their Rated-RKO days.
This is the match that most people are bustling to see and for good reason. I haven't been caught up in Raw like I usually am but having heard all of the buzz surrounding what the WWE are trying to do at the moment, I couldn't help myself but to indulge in some Monday Night Raw. By far, the Edge and Randy Orton feud is the most interesting battle on the show. Both of these guys are masters at what they do and this feud is allowing them to showcase that talent. Edge and Randy Orton are so over with the WWE crowd that they could simply go out to the ring and play Chess and the crowd would still cheer for them. However, I really like the direction they are taking this feud in. Randy seems to have transitioned to being an awesome tweener and Edge is back in the role that made him great, heel. Together both of these guys really have some chemistry and can work off of each other perfectly.

That being said, their matches will be pretty good too. Orton has really come into his own again after ditching Legacy and you can see him beating anyone that the WE has to offer him. Then again, Edge is the Ultimate Opportunist and looks as though he has Vickie's backing at the end of the day. Personally, whilst these guys could put on an epic showing for the fans, I think this one will probably end with Edge being victorious because of some interference angle or something similar. This feud will go on for a long time hopefully and some cop out seems to be the only way for WWE to do that without having someone go over clean.

Edge to win here.
Like others, I'm not thrilled about this feud, partially because Y2J arguably deserved the spot, and partially because it makes no fucking sense. Why the fuck is Vickie conniving to support Edge? He fucking humiliated her right before she left a while back. HUMILIATED HER. She should hate him for that, and it makes no kayfabe sense for her to forget either. Anyway, Edge cheats to win, of course. He needs some way to get the heat back on him, and going over orton in some dubious manner would be perfect - of course, getting himself DQed but destroying orton with a con-chair-to would work just as well. Either way, orton needs some reason to do his badass thing and go after Edge like the wrath of God, or something, and Orton winning cleanly just doesn't do that.

So either an Edge win or Orton wins by DQ after Edge destroys him with chairs, tables, etc.
Forgot to mention that either this or Punk/Rey will likely be MOTN. I've seen the match they had on Raw as the blowoff to the breakup of Rated RKO and it was very, very good. Back then, even as a full-blown heel the fans really got behind Orton and I believe they'll do it again. The styles are very compatible and Edge should have shaken off any lingering ring-rust by now. Look forward to a classic.
This match has to be great or everybody and myself in this thread will be very sad.This could be a incredible match and even better then nearly every match on the card by far.Edge and Orton have a great move set and they can work very well together either as a team or facing each other.Orton with his semi heel persona and Edge as the "non PG" Rated R Superstar attuide makes a great fued.Both men will put everything into this match to make it a classic.Hope that Edge wins to give the heel the win.And then the fued to go into Fatal Four Way.
I haven't checked through the entire thread but from most of the posts I see, people are expecting/wanting Edge to get the victory here. I will go the other way.

I do agree that the match has the chance at being very good and both men could put on a stellar contest that ranks high by the end of the night. I feel though that Orton needs the victory more.

They are doing a really good job with this new "face" Orton. I put that word in quotes because while he is a face, he is by no means the regular definition of one. This is his second real feud (Swagger was the first and that ended up with a loss) and I feel as though a win here will really continue the momentum he has. A loss for Edge will not hurt him because if you look back at history, each time Edge fails to win at something, he comes back and gains all his heat by doing something opportunistic. He doesn't need a clean win here at all.

Furthermore, the next few PPV's are all evens that do not lend itself to typical one-on-one matches. When you consider the ideas of the PPV's (Fatal Four Way, MITB), it seems like main eventers such as Orton and Edge will be involved in those matches. I don't see them going one-on-one again until at the earliest, SummerSlam. So, sure, these two could continue the feud through the summer but I think WWE has other plans for the two of them by putting them in the championship race. We still don't know exactly what role someone like HHH will play as well when he returns, as he could very well end up in a program with Edge. And Orton could end up in a program with Sheamus.

I do believe from the way Orton has been booked in the last few episodes of RAW, Edge will go over because that's just the way WWE books it. The person who gets the upper hand the most in a feud loses at the PPV. So in that sense, my money bet would be Edge. My hope and the right booking in my opinion, is Orton.

I am looking forward to it though more than any other match on the card.
Randy Orton vs Edge

I think this feud will be the feud of the year. I know it is extremely early to call that but, I'm gonna say it right now. Randy Orton vs Edge is going to be 2010 FOTY. Okay, now to the real stuff. This feud is one of the few feuds between top contenders that hasn't truly happened yet. I am actually VERY excited about this feud. I really believe that it has a lot of potential. I think that this match is going to end in some sort of double count out or something where they tie. I think the best way to further this feud is to give neither one of the superstars the win. The E could even do a double pinfall to add a spark to the feud.

I see this match ending in some kind of controversial fashion where neither man is a clear winner.
Not sure about this one here. I guess it'll be decent, but with the boringness of both of these guys, could be a little disappointing. The story behind this is quite weak, stemming from the completely randome and nonsensical heel turn of Edge. This whole feuds needs more Vickie.

Who's going to win here? Fuck if I know. This seems like something that'll definetly be continuing for awhile though. It could be great, it could be shit. Probably won't be any in between. There's a chance that the sweet ass theme songs will be the highlight of the whole thing, which is never good.
Not sure about this one here. I guess it'll be decent, but with the boringness of both of these guys, could be a little disappointing. The story behind this is quite weak, stemming from the completely randome and nonsensical heel turn of Edge. This whole feuds needs more Vickie.

Who's going to win here? Fuck if I know. This seems like something that'll definetly be continuing for awhile though. It could be great, it could be shit. Probably won't be any in between. There's a chance that the sweet ass theme songs will be the highlight of the whole thing, which is never good.

Agree with a lot of this...

Vickie helping Edge makes no sense, given how the characters parted a while ago.

My main problem with this feud at the moment is that it doesn't seem to have anything behind it. Sure Edge speared Orton in the number one contender match, but the build up (that to be fair has been decently done) hasn't added any more layers to it.

I hope the writers have something up their sleeve, because this feud could go long, but I think this needs a better story behind it before I can take it seriously.

As for the match sunday... I think Edge needs to win and make a statement doing it.
My third pick for potential match of the night (alongside the tag team and IC matches). I can't wait for this match, I have been wanting to see it ever since Rated RKO split up 3 years ago. Although I would have preferred a reunion, it's great that we now get to see the match we should have gotten 3 years ago. I'm happy no matter who wins although I'd say that Orton has more to gain from a victory. Edge can always find ways into the world title picture as "the ultimate opportunist".... Orton on the other hand, his tweener turn is working out fantastically and he needs to keep winning matches. Even though I will enjoy the match regardless of the winner, I think Orton will win because he has a little more need for a victory than Edge does.

Randy Orton will defeat Edge.
I'm split on this one. With Batista possibly/probably leaving, Raw will need a new #1 heel, and Edge seems the natural fit to take that place. This means that you don't want to risk lowing his credibility before he assumes that role. On the other hand, Orton is going through a slight character change, and you don't do the same to him either. This should be a great match, but I'm thinking that Edge comes out with a dirty win here.
the match ended in a countout wells l supposed the match had to end that with his injury i wonder if its severe hope not but we will find out in the coming weeks
I think it's a shame they had to end it that way, they could've ended it a lot of ways without bringing any risk to damaging Orton any further, the match had so much potential, it lived up to it fairly well until the accident happened to Orton, which absolutely ruined the match.

I'm surprised to see how WWE is gonna work this one, if they're gonna leave them feuding when Orton returns, or if they're just gonna move on.

As I said, decent match, could've been better and could've been one of the best of the night in my opinion, had it not been for Randy's injury.
How stupid can the Company be? Either the planned finish was for Randy Orton to win, or it was a Double Countout all along.

I figure this because with a broken arm, its highly unlikely they wanted to keep Orton with a victory - assuming he'd be gone for weeks to come, and it'd make Edge look even weaker than he's looked in recent weeks to have lost to a guy with basically one arm. Still, backing up and missing a guy who's moving as slow as possible, only to knock yourself out on the guardrail isn't that much better.

I think the funniest thing possible is that I'm sure Orton's arm broke around the beginning portion when he was sent into the time keeper's area, yet they kept going and it didn't fully begin hurting and take its toll until Orton (dumbass) began pounding the mat with his wrists. :lmao: I'm sorry, any type of broken bones are surely no laughing matter - but when you KNOW something is wrong, and you foolishly forget and begin pounding something solid with the same area thats hurting.. you deserve laughed at.

My guess is Edge will take up saying he broke Orton's arm because Orton wouldn't side with him, and this will work its way to Edge against Cena throughout the Summer, until Orton returns and we possibly see an Edge/Orton title feud heading into the Fall/Winter.
I wish people would be more respectful of wrestlers & their injuries.But anyway.The match ended the only way it could have.Like Orton vs. HHH at Extreme Rules '08, all they did was just skip to the finish(sledgehammer to the head) when Randy broke his collarbone, so i'm sure the double count out was planned from the get go.We just hope that the injury is serve and that Randy will be out for maybe 6-8 weeks, and not months.
well it's to early to tell but in the coming weeks we will find all how severe his injury is but it was a great match til the end

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