WWE Over the Limit - WHC Title match - Jack Swagger (c) vs. the Big Show

For me, Show wins at Over the Limit, but Swagger will win the title on fatal 4 way. I can think of one fatal 4 way will be elimination fatal 4 way, to make the match more... interesting. Show need's another title reign, he deserves it, after he was stuck in this wanna-be tag team shit.And loosing to Show isn't bad for Swagger, especially if he will win fatal 4 way.
Swagger had a great win clean over orton at the last PPV, and they seem intent on giving him a proper run with the belt, so there's absolutely no reason for Show to go over here, and in fact, he won't. He's a glorified jobber to the stars these days, and that shouldn't change here for what would be a pointless title run. As Norcal says those Swagger really should go over cleanly. A submission of some sort would be nice.
Swagger will keep the title. He's obviously getting a big push and dropping the title less than two months after winning it would make his WHC run pointless and kill his main event momentum. How he retains is another matter. A dirty win would make him look less legitimate and do nothing for his heel status (Big Show isn't that over as a face). Like others I reckon, as the Gutwrench Powerbomb is pretty much obsolete, Swagger will debut a submission hold. It's the only thing missing from his move-set.

Big Show taps. Swagger retains.
i am worried about this match, some will proably walk out of this match looking very weak,

If big shows loses he is giong to look weak, cos i doubt that swagger can hit his gutwrench powerbomb on him, so either he gets hit repeatadly with a weapon (or a move on one) if they make the match no-dq untill he gets pinned, or swagger hits a normal move on him that makes him look even weaker, (like his running jump of the top rope). And if they want big show to be the top babyface of smackdown they cant make look weak by being put away by a move that isnt his finisher. (like if cena got pinned after a big boot from batista).

Hopefully swagger will have a new finisher. (submission as others have said)

Or if swagger loses he looks like a weak champ, after only 2 or 3 succesful defences, he will be forgotten in the history of wwe, if he gets himself dq then he will look weak as he will end up like sheamus did a couple of months ago, a trnasitional champ that only retains by d-q.

So my hope is that either swagger has a new finisher to win or...

(if its no d-q) both men are weary, both pull themselves to a standing postion, then GONG the lights go out and undertaker appears in the middle of the ring and goes to town on them both takes out the big show with a boot, then chokeslams swagger then tombstones him leaving completely out. Then he locks in the hells gate on show and he taps, but undertaker holds it on for a while. Then he lets go and GONG the light s go out and he is gone. Swagger rolls onto show for the win.

Next smackdown undertaker explains that he woanted to make an impact on his return and he wants to be in the 4 way for the title, so for the fatal 4 way ppv it will hopefully be Swagger, Big Show, Undertaker and ... hopefully christian (if he doesnt have a fued with mr. Ziggles)
Jack Swagger vs Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship

This match should be very interesting. Jack Swagger will have to pull something new to win this match legitimately. I doubt he could lift the Big Show up for the Gut-Wrench Powerbomb and if he did, it would be very sloppy. I think that Swagger is going to end up hitting Big Show with the belt while the referee is down. I do not want this to happen in any way shape or form but, I think that is how this match is going to play out.

What I really want to happen is Swagger break out a new submission finisher to make Big Show tap out. I would like Swagger to do some sort of leg lock. Not really an ankle lock because that would be too much like Angle but, if Swagger locked in a modified kneebar of some kind, that would be awesome.

Anyways, Swagger defeats Big Show by way of pinfall after a belt to the head.
Quite interested in this, actually. Swagger, as I've said before, is my favorite guy in the WWE, quite easily. When he first beat some random ass guys on ECW I thought to myself "he's mah boi." This whole Big Show feud has been pretty good, with some really good promos from Swagger. If he can keep delivering like that along with his superb in ring work, he can be GREAT. I'm thinking it wouldn't be crazy to compare him to one Mr. Angle.

Not sure how this one is going to work here. Swagger hasn't had a match with anyone comparable to Big Show yet. These are two smart, talented, guys though. I'm sure they'll be able to make it work. Can't wait for it.
This will be cool! I'm expecting a really good match out of the two. Swagger's reign is getting better and better. I don't see the Big Show ending it. Why put the belt on a guy who doesn't have much credibility in the world title picture when they can keep building up a future star in Swagger? Exactly. The World title's not going anywhere. Swagger will win because he can further solidify his status at the top with a victory on PPV over a former world champion like Big Show.

Jack Swagger will retain the World Championship.
I'm thinking Swagger wins here somehow. All Show is right now is a guy to build Swagger's credibility. I can see this feud continuing after this PPV, but Swagger will retain, probably though heel measures, in what should be a surprisingly good match. Show works very well as a face and Swagger works well with everyone.
Umm not quite sure what this match will be like, I'm sure it will be okay but with Big Show you never know. Swagger has been awesome as of late and been having good match will a load of people so hopefully this won't be different. Big Show has been quite entertaining as a face and I enjoy him knocking people out.

Like everyone else, I think Swagger will retain. He looks to be for a nice little reign as champion and I don't see it ending her especially not to Big Show, the person I think to take it from him is Christian but that is for another thread. Big Show is just here to help build his credibility and help him develop as champion.

I see Swagger retaining by means of a DQ and Big Show knocks him out after.
I have to admit this match could've had so much potential to be a great match, but it absolutely failed in my opinion.

They could've build Jack properly in this one, had he defeated Big Show clean, the credibility of Jack could've blown in the air if you ask me, but no, WWE had to get him disqualified, sure Jack retained, which is what I personally wanted to see, but he didn't retain through something properly, this match could've easily gone on for a while extra, and properly build Jack through being able to fight against Big Show, which he proved to be doing fairly well, until he apparently decided that it wasn't worth the time.

Poor match, had potential, but failed.
I called this ending from a mile away. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be harsh but there were a lot of simple-minded fools on this forum who honestly thought Swagger was going to PIN the 500+ pound Big Show.

Let me break this down. Mini-Mid-Card-turned-World Champion-Swa-ngle.. against a guy who's been knocking people the fuck OUT, left and right. And numerous individuals thought Swagger was going to PIN him? For three? Come on, guys.

Big Show was being built up massively as a top Main Event face. While he's been one-off'd before I just couldn't see them allowing Show to knock out Miz and Jericho, all to be defeated by a guy that for all accounts is still nothing more than a fluke Mid-Carder turned Main Event Champion.

Next month we likely get Big Show involved in the Fatal Four Way, and he'll silently be forgotten about. Either that, or Swagger gets involved in Show's Qualifying match and Show never even gets to the next ppv. Either way, thats next month. Show wasn't being built as a one-month wonder this time around.. and it shocks me more that so many others couldn't see that.

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