WWE Money In The Bank - Rey Mysterio (C) vs Jack Swagger WHC match

Will you said your self you don't get SD!, and therefore don't get to see what Swagger has to offer on a weekly basis, that being said how in the blue fuck can you possibly offer a fair assessment of his reign?!?

Swagger did fine as a heel champion, he was SUPPOSE to look like a cowardly heel that would do anything to keep his title, booking a heel champion like this is nothing new, just in the last 10 fucking years they've done it with JBL, Triple H, Orton, Jericho, Punk and even your beloved Edge, you mind as well get used to seeing Swags in the ME, I have a feeling the guy is gonna be there for awhile, in fact I'll even go out on a limb and say Swags will be in the ME of a WM sometime in the next 5 years

As for this match I think it'll be decent, these two work pretty well together, and if given enough time they could steal the show, that being said I think Mysterio retains, prolly after Swags gets DQ'd and takes Mysterio apart in a post match beatdown
Lotta replies to get to, where to start.. why not the beginning.

Except that the fan reports always indicated that Swagger got the most heat BY FAR. :rolleyes:

Front page has a new Smackdown "report" in. Swagger wasn't even listed in the top 3, including over that of a relative unknown, for "most heel heat". Now what.

I'm sure its one out of a dozen though, right? Could've happened to anyone. Just an off day, huh. Sure. I'm betting you, or someone, will come back with something cleaver.

For purpose sake of anything else - I'm simply saying, you claimed "by far" and I'm showing you a report thats JUST come in, that shows him not even getting remote heat. And, you know, this should be a time when he should be at his most hated - considering he also fought Rey at this House show. :shrugs:

I don't buy the implication that "five star matches" (whatever those are) can't be had by a guy who runs like a pussy. It's a tried and true formula in wrestling and a form of storytelling. It still tickles man on occasion and does what it needs to. Why can't a "perfect match" be had from it?

I'm not trying to say a story can't be told within running and playing out the character you're suppose to be. Edge has made a living out of it, as pointed out.

I'm saying that a stellar, MOTY quality match, can not be had by a guy who's ending it in DQ or countout. Which is what Swagger's done recently in his title defenses on Pay per view - when he isn't flatout losing in general.

:icon_rolleyes: I guess the definition of a "perfect match" is viewed differently by everyone.

As for decent Swagger matches, his first ECW title defense against Christain (their second match against one another; on SciFi before Mania last year) is one of the best matches of last year. Of course Christian was one of the top three workers in the 'E last year for my money, so a bad match wasn't really an option. Still, it takes two to <some kind of dance>, and Swagger was one of the two men in that ring.

Hmm, I brought up asking someone to show me matches where he's been so great since winning the Heavyweight Championship - and you mention his ECW reign. Which is ironically enough the perfect example of what I'm talking about.

His best days, are behind him, on a roster no longer there, that carried him.

As for his days as Heavyweight Champion, his match against Orton at Extreme Rules certainly wasn't awful. By any stretch.

Not awful. I wouldn't say any Swagger match is awful. Just because its not "great", doesn't make it bad. I think the majority of you that are trying to ride me, claim my view-point of Swagger is if it isn't a "great match" its an "awful match". Thats a piss-poor assessment of my thoughts.

His match with Orton was probably his best out of every one. And it was dry, with hardy any crowd interaction. And that of any there was - was for Orton. But I'm sure someone will claim it was Swagger.

Of course Swangle will prove he's not Angle when the bout fails to match Rey vs. Angle levels of greatness, but that's not a knock against Swagger.

Agreed. And furthermore, I'm not trying to completely throw Swagger under a bus. I'm merely saying he isn't a Champion worth remembering, and doesn't put on matches that will be considered "MOTY" come year's end.

I really am rubbing my eyes at this post. You're a seasoned vet who I understand to have superior knowledge of booking a heel especially being a huge mark for a guy who's made his career as being a sneaky, cowardly, weak little bitch, like Edge. Nothing against Edge, he's awesome. BUT a quick and easy way to get someone over as a heel is to umm, have them act like a heel. Swagger does this well, not as well as the likes of Edge, but then who could? Do you not hear the tremendous heat Swagger gets? It's not X-Pac heat, it's not hatred against the lisp, it's because he's played the heel role well. Alsooooo... with Show playing the role of the face, he is meant to be the badass that everyone is scared of. Mainly because he is you know, 7ft+ 500lbs. I can't think of a heel that's gone up against him that wasn't scared.

First; I'm not knocking the guy for his character. Never did. I have no clue where any of you got that wild accusation.

My main argument is against NorCal's absurdly funny comments that Swagger is putting on MOTY quality matches. And I fail to see how thats possible, when the majority of his matches all end in DQ's or Countouts.

He plays a quality heel role. He tries to cheat, he runs when he's defeated, he acts like a whimp/pussy almost every match - regardless how big or small his opponent is. Thats playing your character role to a Tee, and I'll never disagree with that.

Second; Where is this heat? I must have hearing loss or something because I'm apparently the only guy not hearing it. Either that, or the rest of you listen to your television very loudly and just believe what you're hearing is massive, when in reality - its just barely average on full volume.

I do agree with the assertion though, that Swagger is NOT a main eventer. I had the same thoughts about Sheamus with his 1st title win, but he's done the work and won me over, and if booked correctly, Swagger will do the same. He won the title too early after winning MITB, but they had to book it that way, to make the MITB more exciting and credible. He has the tools, he's just a little green, that's all.

The thing is, Sheamus won a lot of people over because he proved he can put on entertaining matches with Triple H and John Cena, among others.

I chalk up part of Swagger's disappointing Main Event run due to lack of opponents. Chris Jericho & Edge would've been by far, his better opponents - and they both left upon him taking over the brand. (Likely, because had they of stayed - he never would've been taken seriously as the so-called 'top heel')

Kinda like, when a champion loses the belt, he as the right to a rematch. This is the rematch clause. :)

Not every Champion gets a rematch clause. Swagger should've been one of them.

I think the bigger question needs to be.. Where will Swagger go from here? Even if he wins, he's run out of opponents. (barring Kane or the Undertaker, which the match-up's on paper for those look completely squash-infested)

However, if/when he loses, where does he go from here? Mid-card obscurity.

Will you said your self you don't get SD!, and therefore don't get to see what Swagger has to offer on a weekly basis, that being said how in the blue fuck can you possibly offer a fair assessment of his reign?!?

Swagger did fine as a heel champion, he was SUPPOSE to look like a cowardly heel that would do anything to keep his title, booking a heel champion like this is nothing new, just in the last 10 fucking years they've done it with JBL, Triple H, Orton, Jericho, Punk and even your beloved Edge

Yes, and Punk's first reign was considered a massive failure. Just. Like. Swagger.

As for JBL, Triple H, Orton, Jericho & even my beloved Edge. All of them have WON several high profile Championship matches, and retained.

As far as Pay per view's go.. Swagger retained against Orton. Got DQ'd against a guy who's lost to Mysterio & Spike Dudley. And lost in a Fatal 4-Way where the theme of the night was "opportunity". You'd have thought a Fatal 4-Way, where you can steal a cheap victory (you know, like Miz did the Raw before), that Swagger would've had his best odds at winning.

Instead, Swagger was actually the guy who got pinned. There wasn't even a controversy around it. He just flatout LOST. Kane came in, took Punk out of the match - didn't touch Swagger. Big Show was laid out (by Mysterio, no less). And Swagger simply couldn't seize the moment and capitalize on any type of opportunity at hand.

And now there is suppose to be legit thought that Swagger could win a single's match?! Uhm, no.

you mind as well get used to seeing Swags in the ME, I have a feeling the guy is gonna be there for awhile, in fact I'll even go out on a limb and say Swags will be in the ME of a WM sometime in the next 5 years

:lmao: Bold prediction there, Justin. The next five years, in the Main Event. (of which I surely assume you mean, defending/challenging for a title from one of the brands, and not just "the" final match of the night.)

In 5 years, maybe he'll be what people have this illusion of him being now.
My main argument is against NorCal's absurdly funny comments that Swagger is putting on MOTY quality matches. And I fail to see how thats possible, when the majority of his matches all end in DQ's or Countouts.

Whats absurdly funny is I dont think anyone in here have used the letters MOTY one time. I know I personally DEFINATELY haven't. So, not only do you plainly admit that you havent even watched the majority of his matches WHC, but you would like to put words into peoples mouths now? And anyone should take your opinion on this matter seriously for what reason exactly?
Whats absurdly funny is I dont think anyone in here have used the letters MOTY one time. I know I personally DEFINATELY haven't. So, not only do you plainly admit that you havent even watched the majority of his matches WHC, but you would like to put words into peoples mouths now? And anyone should take your opinion on this matter seriously for what reason exactly?

My apologies.. I confused an N, with a Y.

and yes I do certainley belive this has MOTN potential at the VERY least. I doubt they are given enough time to do anything TRULY special, but this will be a VERY good little 8 to 10 minute match, I garuntee you.

I still think you're being a bit to high-up on the guy to believe this will be any type of MOTN. I suppose considering the only matches announced right now are..

2 MITB's and this.. then yeah, :lmao: Its certainly up there with great potential for now.

But, you know, since I doubt anyone is buying this ppv for this match, (besides you, that is) it only has the option of going up. Not much stock you can lose in predicting it will be "VERY good". Especially considering most Mysterio matches are, at the very least, "VERY good".

EDIT: Also, Norcs, I don't appreciate the trolling you're doing of me right now. You know, considering I gave an opinion first and you randomly gave your best attempt to bait me with some lame name. :disappointed: Shame.
I am very excited to see this match. They had a great non-title match on Smackdown a couple weeks ago and this match should be no different.

At first, I would have said that Rey Mysterio would retain. He is still my favorite to win. However, with Jack Swagger just recently adding his "Ankle Lock" to his arsenal... it makes Swagger that much more dangerous in the ring. It adds a much more exciting element into the match, which will make it a lot more fun to watch.

They have great chemistry in the ring, which Mysterio usually does with any opponent. They are both very good on the mic and can produce a very good feud when it's all said and done. I assume Mysterio's title reign will be shorter than his last one. I, also wouldn't be surprised if it were Swagger who ended his reign. We'll see.

Prediction: Rey Mysterio retains the World Heavyweight Championship.
This is one match that could go either way, however I think if it takes place after the Smackdown MITB ladder match which I imagine it will, then it wouldn't surprise me if the winner cashed it in on the same night they won the MITB. However, let's say they don't cash it in, I'm going to go with Rey Mysterio Retaining the title, if the rumours are true and WWE were not happy with Swagger's Championship Reign, then I can't see them giving it back to him so soon, and I like this more dominant and angry Swagger, so they should keep going with this for a while, and build him up before giving him the title again.
Should be a very good match, if nothing else. May be a little akward with the two differing styles here, but when you have two of the best workers in the company, they're bound to come up with something good.

Rey should be retaining here though, as it wouldn't make much sense to give him the pointless one month reign. I'd rather Swagger have never lost it in the first place, but alas. The Ankle Lock is a good addition to his game though. Maybe he'll actually be winning some matches now.
This should be a good match. Rey and Jack had a nice encounter in the ring a few weeks ago on Smackdown, so I believe this match will be worth watching. I fully expect Mysterio to retain. He won't lose the title so quickly. Also, WWE did a poor job of handling Swagger's World Heavyweight Championship reign. There's no reason to believe WWE would put the belt on him again too soon.

But I'm wondering, where does WWE plan on going with Mysterio as world champion? He's already feuded with Punk, Big Show is a face, and Kane is out looking for Taker's attacker, so it's kind of hard to predict where WWE plans on going with him as champion.
As much as I would love for Rey to drop the title ASAP I don't see it happening here.

He will retain it and somehow be worked into the Kane/Taker storyline I would assume?

I guess I wouldn't be stunned out of my mind if Swagger regained the title but I just don't see it happening... not this soon anyway.
I rather see if Swagger can hang in the ME SD! scene without a title for awhile before he reclaims it to be honest. Rey Mysterio is one of the most well known stars in active wrestling today, and is incredibly over with kids, and adults in the fact they do not "Cena Boo" him. He always delivers in the ring, and is average on the mic. I want to see Mysterio with a nice lengthy run and drop the title down the line to maybe Punk, picking up there feud where they left it off at.
I can't see Rey losing this one, as they will continue to bill him as the Ultimate Underdog with Swagger injuring his leg last week and this new ankle lock angle, I see Rey selling the leg the whole match, and magically hits the 619 followed by the West Coast Pop for the win.

This will be a decent match, but will not be one of the top of the night, and Swagger will definitely come off looking good in this match despite him most likely losing.
If this goes on after the SD MITB then I see a new champ being crowned who isnt called Swagger if not then I see Rey Rey retaining eventually loosing it once Taker and Punk are healthy again and he can go take time off. This has potential the be a really good match if given 15-20 minutes, which it probably will be given there are only 6 matches on the card and one it a divas match they will need to fill in time with lonnger matches. Anyway if this is even half as good as the Angle v Rey match from SSlam 02 then we will have an awesome match on our hands.
Honestly, i hope Swagger beats the living shit out of Rey and takes the title off him. The guy is one knee injury from breaking in half and they put the damn title on him. I'm so sick of Rey in the main event it's not even funny. Swagger needs a decisive victory to solidify him as a badass and as a main event, and Rey needs to GTFO.
Hey guys, first post, hopefully it's a good one.

What, to me, would make sense would be to have Mysterio retain. He's only had the strap for a month and it seems like the WWE is unhappy with Swagger's reign (tangent- I thought it'd be much better than it has been, his character needs development still).

And, as someone pointed out, with Punk injured, there is a major lack of heels on Smackdown. Simple solution-- a heel gets the briefcase and turns it in on Rey. Bam, instant feud, heel heat, and bump to the main event. McIntyre would probably work great and Mr. Ziggles could get a bump too. Or, even better, they could create a new heel. Imagine Christian grabs the case, Rey just narrowly pulls off the win over Swagger after his ankle is torqued to next week, and then Christian comes running down to the ring and draws heat galore from the crowd.
My brain tells me that our World HEAVYWEIGHT (smh) Champion little Rey Rey will retain here since his first reign was garbage and he's already looking worse this reign. But my heart tells me Swagger with his new aggression and submission will put Rey out of commission so he can go get that knee surgery he's been needing.

Tough call but I'll go with my heart having Hardy win MITB, Swagger regaining his championship, Hardy cashing in the briefcase on Swagger only to become the first MITB cash-in failure.
I hate Rey as world champ, but like Sheamus, I don't see him dropping the belt so quickly. Plus Swagger is feuding more with Big Show than he is with Rey imo.

Honestly I don't really like either of these guys, but you can deny they have talent in the ring. Should be a fun match.
I do belive that Jack Swagger shouldn't have lost, the title at Fatal Four Way.Rey will not lose in this match, and why because of his ankle.People may believe that is bad for Rey but it is classic Rey Mysterio storyline.He is hurt and Jack has "mastered" the ankle lock.Rey has no hope, but he will be locked in the ankle lock roll forward.Swagger will fall into the ropes and Rey will stumbles forward and hit a 619, cover and win.Rey is the underdog and for that he will win.
I have little to no interest in this match and I think that whoever wins the match won’t be holding onto the belt for that much longer anyway.

The problem with this match is that it has suffered from becoming an afterthought when people watched Smackdown over the last couple of weeks. Personally, I was tuning in to see the build up to the Money in the Bank ladder matches and what transpired with Kane and CM Punk. My first thought wasn’t what was going to happen in Rey Mysterio’s first match with Jack Swagger as World Heavyweight Champion. Rather, I just saw it as something that was tagged onto the show whilst the other angles took the front seat.

Now, the WWE may not have meant that to happen but I will suggest that is what has transpired at this point in time. I do not know one person in my circle of friends, both online or offline, that find this match to be most appealing or intriguing. In my mind, it is just a formality as Swagger is probably destined to fall away from the main event scene if he loses this match. Rey Mysterio, on the other hand will likely be crushed by someone who wins the Money in the Bank ladder match, as Champions usually are. Every person who has won the Money in the Bank ladder match has become a World Champion and I would be very surprised if Mysterio can turn that figure around.

Really, I am expecting a competitive match but I am not expecting a great match from these two. Swagger will dominate most of the match with his size and presence and Rey will have a glorious come back and win the match. I say Rey Mysterio here but to me, it doesn’t really matter in the long run.

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