WWE SummerSlam: World Heavyweight Championship - Kane (C) vs. Rey Mysterio

Kane will more than likely retain the title. I imagine he will lose it at Night of Champions with an interference by the Undertaker or a casket match with the Undertaker. The Deadman isn't likely to show up at Summer Slam or he'd be listed in a match. They obviously expected him to be in a match or he wouldn't have his own little slurpee cup at 7/11.
I am not really to excited about this match as it stands right now. I thought Kane vs Swagger would have made more since and would have been a better match. I think turning this match into a triple threat might be the best idea, if it comes to that I see Swagger being the one who gets added not Undertaker, he'll make his return at the PPV.

No matter who he fights I hope Kane walks out as champion, I hate when they play "hot potato" with the title.
I think this will be an okay match. Even though Rey plays the underdog, I think it's dumb for WWE to switch the title so soon. Kane has been deserving of a title run that lasts longer than a day for a long time. I see Kane retaining here, whether Swagger becomes involved or not.

I would love to see WWE build Kane like he was when he first debuted. He should be portrayed as a dominant force that just destroys everybody. With CM Punk out and Swagger still green to the main event scene, Smackdown could benefit from a dominant heel.

Inevitably, I think they are lining up a Kane vs Undertaker match down the road. I hope Kane holds the title until at least Survivor Series. He has proven in his recent promo work that he is good on the stick. Although the feud has been done before, I think alot can come out of this feud. I just can't see a Brothers of Destruction reunite like I've read in a couple different threads. Kane works much better as a dominate heel than he does a face/tweener.
I feel this match as alot of ppl have said should be a triple threat match as i also feel that Swagger will find his way in and it would make it alot more entertaining for me (Always been a fan of Triple threat matchs myself). Cant see Swagger not getting into this match but whatever the turnout i feel that Kane will win and hopefully Keep the strap for a while, well until Taker returns and takes it from him.
the error made on the taping results whoever inputted them on wrestlezone, clearly had no idea what was going on, must have put it in wrong but jeeze, anyways, prob gunna be a casket match with rey and kane, kane wil wn rey will be gone for awhile and at the end of the match taker will come out of te casket and kane will take off
In any situation, Trip Threat, Casket Kane v Rey, Regular match, whatever the match, Kane wins. He deserves this, and I do believe Taker will come out at the end of the match. Revealing that Kane is his attacker. They can make it work if done right. The two could have a series of matches leading up to a HIAC or Suvivor Series match to end it all, with HIAC being the logical choice. Remember, when they released the poster for SS it was Trips and Taker on it, obviously showing that WWE was focusing on the two stars to return for this PPV. Trips was taken off, Taker wasnt. IMO thats a nod to Taker making some kind of apperance at the Slam. Just what I believe anyways.
I think that Kane will win this match easy. He's gonna try to punish Mysterio for what he did to his brother and beat the shit out of him. I think he might even "injure" him because Mysterio is about to take some time off. It should be a fun matchup though, the highflier against the power guy. It'll be fun to watch.
So it looks like this will be a casket match which is a good decision IMO, it should add a bit more interest to the match. The Undertaker will probably return either during or after the match. Kane will definitely will thought.
I am meh about this match, Mysterio's 2nd reign was as bad as his first, mainly because he only had it for a few weeks, and he didn't do shit with it, I like the fact that Kane is champion, and I see him going over, I really hope that Mysterio is not champion again. Kane for the win
Wow. When they first announced that Mysterio would be facing Kane I was kinda mad. Why not have Swagger vs. Kane? Perhaps, Swagger vs. Kane vs. Mysterio? I think a triple threat match would be wonderful. They can't just leave Swagger out! Plus I have seen Kane and Mysterio fight so many times that I am bored to death of it. Let's have something new!

Whataver happens though, I really hope that Kane retains the title!
Seriously, if Rey wins this, I might gauge my eyes out. I don't want to see Kane hold the title for 6 months but he deserves at least one proper defense, and he hasn't wrestled yet since winning it. Give him an easy win over Mysterio, let Mysterio go on his vacation and then feud Kane with Swagger until Taker gets back. It's the only way to save the Swagger character from complete doom right now.

The match itself should be alright... both guys are kinda old and worn down but both guys should be able to carry a nice 10 minute PPV match.

But again, Kane needs to win clean. Or I might break my television.
Taker has to return here, and that's why I'm picking kane to retain in this one. We can all smell Taker VS Kane coming, because there's no way in hell WWE would have Rey attack The Deadman and turn heel. The lights will probably go out towards the end of the match, and you can guarantee someone is going to wind up laying on the mat when they come back on.

Rey and kane have had a couple of okay matches in the past, so this one should be decent.
I still think they could add Swagger into the match-up. I mean, the guy needs something to do at SS. And it goes without saying that a triple threat is going to be a lot more fun to watch than a Kane/Rey match, and I'm a fan of both guys.

In any case, I can't see Kane losing the title here. Mark my words, the only man Kane's losing the belt to is his big brother. Plus, I don't think the internet could cope with the implosion that will occur when the IWC witnesses Rey overcome the odds yet again.
My first ever reply and it is during a KANE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE RUN!! I have been a Kane fan for 12 years now and it is great that he's finally rockin' big gold. I really thought that he had a chance at No Mercy 2002, but Triple H got him (and unified the IC Title...remember that?).... When his music hit and he came out with that blue briefcase in his hand I marked out like a 13 year-old girl catching Cena's shirt! I agree w/ the fact that Swagger should be added to the match, it would definitely make it more fun to watch. Kane should retain by pinning Mysterio and then go on to feud with his brother for the next few months. I just hope that the "reveal" that Kane is indeed the guilty culprit is worth the buildup they have given it. Kane's promos have been on par with or better than anything he has ever done, and those promos could be even better in a feud with 'Taker, considering the long history between the two. I know it's been done, but I'd watch it again.
ok, so reports are showing that taker should be making some sort of an appearance at summerslam, and they are looking to have Taker and Kane at night of champions then again at hell in a cell... where it all started! anyways what is everyones thoughts, obviously kane is going to win against rey! so everything seems to be coming full circle if they are going to meet in a cell! then HBK is gunna come from under the ring and Superkick Taker! setting up HBK takerat the royal rumble which will be completely ironic since it was hbk vs taker in the cell when kane cost taker then hbks career got ended at the rumble by taker and that will give hbk a proper send off finally pinning the deadman. Kayfabe HBK was so obsessed about beating taker last year he couldnt bare to lose again ;) anyways im getttin carried away :P
Is it just me, or is this match going to be another SummerSlam failure!!

Its a title match aswell, I don't think it will go at the end of the show...but STILL its for the world title and is considered a main event...We all know Rey and Kane have had feuds in the past and have just been crappy, their matches in the past have just been messed up as well...

What makes anyone so sure this won't be an epic failure...We all know as well that its going to lead to a Taker and Kane feud...
Is it all to predictable or is it just me!!
This one's too obvious. Kane retains here, beats the hell out of Rey Mysterio afterwards, then we get a nice gong, the lights go out, and Undertaker appears from out of nowhere and chokeslams Kane through the mat, and in fact claims that Kane was the one that put 'Taker in a vegetative state. Then we get a nice Undertaker/Kane fued lasting up until Hell in a Cell. As much as I hate to see Kane turn heel on the Undertaker for the 52467th time, a Hell in a Cell match between these two would be EPIC! Anyway, Kane retains here, it's way too obvious..
the reports are kane and taker feuding for the next while, but what if were in for a swerve, everyone thinks the angle will be the nexus/cena match, what if its the kane and rey, where we find out who the undertakers attacker is and its someone noone expected
Well now that I'm certain that Swagger won't be added to this match (unfortunately) it's pretty much guaranteed Kane is retaining here. He just won the title off Rey who just won the title off Swagger so the hot potatoing has to stop. Also, he's feuding with The Undertaker upon his return and that has to be over the championship. I just hope Taker takes it from him soon so we can have a fresh feud.

The Best's Best Outcome:
Kane retains and puts Rey out of action so he can have that knee surgery he's been needing
Kane will retain the match, afterward he will put Rey Mysterio in the casket. Afterward though, there is a strong possibility that Undertaker will return. If that happens, I see Kane vs. Taker at Night of Champions and see Kane retain via DQ. Then again we have Kane vs. Taker in a Hell in a Cell and Taker wins the belt. Then at Bragging Rights, we'll see Taker face of Kane for the World Heavyweight title with Taker retaining to end the feud.
Kane wins. The setup is there for another Brothers of Destruction feud, so this will just be to get Rey out of the way. It'll be your typical Rey vs. a huge guy that should squash him match, except Rey won't win it for once. Kane with a chokeslam and tombstone for the win.
I see the outcome of this match a little different than others. Yes, I do have Kane walking away with the World Heavyweight Title, but I do not think he will win the match.
I have Rey winning via DQ. I see Kane and Rey going back and forth for a few minutes then Undertaker makes his return, all three will be standing in the ring starring at each other, then Taker chokeslams Rey. Leaving us all to think Rey was the guilty party, then he turns towards Kane, and their feud begins.

So, Rey wins via DQ or a no contest, either way Kane retains.
Pretty good match. Glad to see that Kane actually retained, and did it legitimately against Rey. I don't think I could've handled Kane dropping the title once again, much less that it had been to Rey.

I'm also happy to see that it didn't end in a cheating way. Kane needed to look strong like this, and he certainly did so, even after Undertaker's re-appearance, which I feel was pretty well handled. Even if I'm not hyped for another Kane / Undertaker feud.

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