WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Kane (c) vs. Edge - World Heavyweight Championship

Prediction: Kane Retains

I just don't see Edge winning the World Heavyweight Championship right now. Give him another month to win it. Kane is on a roll right now and he is just coming off hot with a feud with Taker. Let Kane hold the title for one more month and have him face Edge in a rematch at TLC in a Tables match.
it was a really smart move by WWE by letting this go out has a draw, smackdown has been a shining light for the WWE if you want wrestling. It also gives edge this self richeous unfair mentality that he should be champion. It sets it up perfectly for their next match, that a match that edge the star he is today was TLC that the world heavyweight title will be a tables ladders and chairs match. I am hoping they throw a couple of more guys into the world heavyweight title match at that PPV so we will get more great spots. I would not be surprised if its a fatal four way match for the world heavy weight title at TLC between kane edge mysterio and a up and coming star.

It would have been underwhelming to give edge the title yet, when kane has come off 3 victorys over undertaker which is a great achievement by any star, TLC would be a good time to reward edge the title.
I agree ,and this feud is definitely continuing, obviously, because Bearer is still 'missing' and Edge ploughed Kane through a wall. So yeah still a lot to do there.

I think putting more superstars in the picture is a bad move though, the whole you've kidnapped my dad thing is there to make the match personal between Edge and Kane, randomly throwing Kofi in there will take away from that.
Very confusing ending. But I guess it made sense, Kane needed to retain without making Edge look like a push-over. The no-contest ending served this purpose, and allows for Edge to go on and challenge for the belt once again. Ladder match perhaps? Could be pretty epic no matter what stipulation we'll be seeing at TLC for these guys if they do indeed continue this feud.

Fairly decent match, it wasn't near the best of the night. But it had both looking rather good.
Finally!!!! I have been waiting for this match ever since July of 2007 when Edge got injured by Kane during what was supposed to be a world title feud. Kane didn't want the belt at the time and it led to Khali's awful reign.... Anyways, back on topic. My anticipation for this match alone should make it a good one for me. Edge and Kane are the best guys on Smackdown right now and it's only fitting that they get to have this match and it will be great. I've got Edge winning because he would make a better option as champion right now. Taker was supposed to win the belt from Kane but he had to take time off. Where do they go with Kane after that? It's easier to give Edge the belt and he can feud with virtually anyone. The ultimate opportunist will be a 10 time world champion on sunday, for sure. The match could very well steal the show and it's going to be awesome.

Edge will win the World Heavyweight Championship.

What a mess. The ending was so confusing and dumb. However I'll hand it to WWE on this one.... No one could possibly have predicted that one and I'll admit I got it wrong too. The match was good though and one of the best on the show. I see a rematch coming at TLC with Edge getting the belt there. I liked the match but I think they can do even better and if they do a rematch then I'll still look forward to it because Edge and Kane did a great job and nearly stole the show.
Well, they attempted to be creative with the finish, but the match itself was garbage.

Kane has simply slowed down, noticeably, within the past few years. He's become stale as a champion, and even Edge last night couldn't carry him to a good match. I expect the "false finish" with Edge's shoulders being down as well gives WWE an out to allow Edge another title shot, and hopefully a title win.

I was surprised at the number of botches in this match, especially coming from two veterans like Edge and Kane. I wasn't expecting a 5 star classic, but I expected them to hit on the spots that they were suposed to. I give them credit for being somewhat creative with the finish, but there were better ways to keep the title on Kane. He just beat Undertaker 3 straight times, and couldn't beat Edge once? Kind of defies logic, even if Kane was the "tortured monster" who lost his father. Wouldn't that give him MORE rage to take out on Edge? I just didn't think this was a good match, personally.
Well, they attempted to be creative with the finish, but the match itself was garbage.

Kane has simply slowed down, noticeably, within the past few years. He's become stale as a champion, and even Edge last night couldn't carry him to a good match. I expect the "false finish" with Edge's shoulders being down as well gives WWE an out to allow Edge another title shot, and hopefully a title win.

I was surprised at the number of botches in this match, especially coming from two veterans like Edge and Kane. I wasn't expecting a 5 star classic, but I expected them to hit on the spots that they were suposed to. I give them credit for being somewhat creative with the finish, but there were better ways to keep the title on Kane. He just beat Undertaker 3 straight times, and couldn't beat Edge once? Kind of defies logic, even if Kane was the "tortured monster" who lost his father. Wouldn't that give him MORE rage to take out on Edge? I just didn't think this was a good match, personally.

Itis obvious kane is not the guy he was, he has slowed down especially seeing how quick he was back in the late 90's especially 1999 where he went from a dangerous heavyweight who was very quick for a big man, and he became a high flyer when he teamed up with XPAC. It is a shame kane did not have this title run during his masked run back in the late 90s, he would have been some champion.
Hmmm, probably one of the worst matches of the night, and the ending was very average. I expected Kane to retain, perhaps via a DQ after a rampage on Edge about where Bearer was. It was pretty clear that Kane was keeping the title until a gimmick PPV like TLC where he can lose the title without looking weak, just a random and unexpected way of doing it. Why would Edge have just laid there after kicking out of the Chokeslam and then hitting the spear? Oh well, until TLC, the title stays with Kane.

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