WWE TLC 2010 - World Heavyweight Championship - Fatal Four Way TLC Match

This is a hard one to call, but I think it was done for a couple of reasons.

Having two chairs matches on a PPV would just be brutal. The one they had last year was just awful. I think the Rey/Del Rio match would have been overshadowed and perhaps given less time due to the more high profile Barrett/Cena match. So they eliminated that problem by adding Rey and Del Rio to the title match, which is a place Del Rio should be anyway.

This will also allow Edge to continue to chase the title. Im leaning toward Del Rio in this, as I think he'll outsmart the others to allow himself to win the title. Kane will be so focused on destroying Edge that he'll lose sight of the title, and Edge won't be able to survive Kane's wrath and two other competitors. This will break down to Rey/Del Rio, and Rey will make a high-flying mistake, allowing Del Rio to win the title after lying in wait. This sets up a trial title run for Del Rio, and Edge being able to continue the difficult pursuit for that elusive 10th World Championship. I think Del Rio wins this.

Dead wrong on this one.

I was really convinced that Kane's rage would be focused solely on Edge, which would allow the two to feud well into 2011 without the title by eliminating one another through the vehicle of the TLC match. That being said, the four put together a really good match that could have been a showcase main event if it were the only TLC-type of a match on the entire show. But by this point of the PPV, the big spots were starting to feel slightly repetitive causes one to feel numb to them more than they should be.

However, the big spots were still great, especially Edge hitting spears on all 3 opponents, Del Rio crashing through the table, and the tombstone to Rey. The ending by comparison with the soft bump to Kane onto the table felt weak, but it was reasonable enough to believe that it gave Edge enough time to climb the ladder and win the title. I always mark out when a wrestler shows genuine emotion after a title reign, and Edge appeared to be doing just that. It should be interesting to see what Edge, a 10 time champion now, is like in his first World Title reign as a face. ***.75/5.
I'm not exactly sure what to think of this match. It seemed rather lack-luster to me. Sure it was nicely back and forth and all that, but considering there's 4 men in there, 2 of them having TLC experience, and the 2 others being agile and quick as hell. Norcal said it himself, it was bound to be exciting in some manner.. But, how come it wasn't truly exciting?

I don't know really. But something didn't completely click for me. It wasn't bad, and it wasn't completely lost on me. But I just didn't feel it to the extend that I would want to remember it as anything special.

Edge winning the belt was pretty predictable. But it was also kinda needed, considering we can hopefully put behind us the awful storyline of Kane vs Edge, as well as the fact that Edge not winning in "his match" would've killed a bit of his legitimacy and most likely also a bit of his pop.

Either way, decent match. But nothing exceptional.

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