WWE TLC 2010 - World Heavyweight Championship - Fatal Four Way TLC Match

I don't think Edge has a chance in hell winning this match, sure I could be wrong but the way the storyline has been panning out lately, you would think it's set up for Kane to seek his revenge at the PPV and defeat Edge. Plus, Kane can defeat Undertaker three times in a row in Taker's signature bouts yet he can't beat Edge in TLC? Exactly, it doesn't make sense and that's why Kane retains. Kane is doing a damn good job with the belt and he's a hell of a lot more interesting than Edge who has yet to truly recover any of the momentum he had before his injury...
Tough call here....

I am hating the Edge kidnapping Bearer storyline and I hope Kane gets his revenge on Edge here. However, TLC is Edge's speciality match....so its a tough choice.

I will lean slightly towards Kane winning...but I think Bearer may have a role to play in this one...
Despite the stipulation obviously favoring Edge, I'm thinking Kane is going to take this one. Edge has gotten the best of him every week on Smackdown since Survivor Series and it's made Kane look like an absolute bitch. If WWE wants to make Kane seem like a monster, he has to win this match. Perhaps the "death" of Paul Bearer will send Kane over the edge and he'll beat the hell out of Edge.

Though I'm picking Kane, it could go either way, as Edge has looked pretty strong since the trade to Smackdown. If he were to win, the feud would likely continue and this may be the most logical choice. Who else is Kane going to feud with?
I personally can see Edge taking this match at TLC against the Big Red Monster. I'm not sure how exactly...but I see Edge somehow using Paul Bearer (or what he has been doing with Paul) as a way to get further inside the mind of Kane and take him "off his game".
I hope Edge wins this one here. Kane reign started off good but I think its gotten really boring especially this feud with Edge which has been really bad especially will all those segments with the dummies and Paul Bearer. Their match at Survivor Series was pretty bad and I'm not expecting to this to be any good either. Edge should pick up the win here to finally end Kane's Title reign.
I'd LIKE Kane to win as I've been a huge fan of his since I was a kid, but it seems Edge will get the victory.
Tonight on Smackdown, the World Heavyweight Championship match was changed to a Fatal 4 Way TLC. It will now be Del Rio VS Edge VS Rey Mysterio VS Kane.

Wow. This HUGE change really throws a monkey wrench into my earlier prediction. I don't think Del Rio will become World Heavyweight Champion just yet, because he is not ready. There's a chance Mysterio can win, but I don't see it happening. I just can't see Rey becoming World Heavyweight Champion right now. I still think this match is going to come down to Edge and kane. I'm still going to pick Kane to hold on to the title here. There's a part of me that still believes Taker will return to triumph over his "little brother."

As far as this match goes, maybe WWE felt the need to add some spice to the WHC match this Sunday. The kane/Edge feud has been painful to watch, so throwing Del Rio and Mysterio in this match could provide a spark.
The change to a Fatal Four Way should be good as it gets rid of seeing the boring spectacle that was Edge vs Kane but it also provides the chance for an actual good TLC Match. Rey and Del Rio's Luchador background should thrive in this type of match and Edge is the master of the TLC so these three should make up for Kane's inabilities in Ladder matches. I'm still hoping and going with Edge to win b/c of my previous reasons of giving the WHC title picture a better potential future and interest in an Edge face world title run.
I'm thinking the addition of Del Rio and Mysterio will have little affect as far as who will win the World Title. I think most of the battling that Mysterio and Del Rio will be doing will be against each other. I know Edge is one of the best when it comes to Ladder Matches, but, I think the addition of Rey and Alberto will add a bit of spice (as Mitch Henessey stated) that there wouldn't be with just Kane and Edge.
Dude, holy motherfuck bejesus. This could be out of control, entirely. We went from Kane Vs Edge sleeping pill to two guys who can really move being added into a multi man match. Four seasoned vets also involved, so things have a chance to run very smoothly as well. Turned into a must-see contest all of the sudden, and I cant wait. Oddly, I can see pretty much any result somehow coming out of this. Who knows. Thank fuck they are gonna try to save the Kane character apparently though
This is a hard one to call, but I think it was done for a couple of reasons.

Having two chairs matches on a PPV would just be brutal. The one they had last year was just awful. I think the Rey/Del Rio match would have been overshadowed and perhaps given less time due to the more high profile Barrett/Cena match. So they eliminated that problem by adding Rey and Del Rio to the title match, which is a place Del Rio should be anyway.

This will also allow Edge to continue to chase the title. Im leaning toward Del Rio in this, as I think he'll outsmart the others to allow himself to win the title. Kane will be so focused on destroying Edge that he'll lose sight of the title, and Edge won't be able to survive Kane's wrath and two other competitors. This will break down to Rey/Del Rio, and Rey will make a high-flying mistake, allowing Del Rio to win the title after lying in wait. This sets up a trial title run for Del Rio, and Edge being able to continue the difficult pursuit for that elusive 10th World Championship. I think Del Rio wins this.
I'm not exactly sure what to think of this right now.

Sure the extra addition saves for another TLC match, which in the end was probably for the best. Also I guess it will create for a slightly better match, considering Kane vs Edge got dull long ago, and Rey / Alberto could easily bring a bit of fun into this match due to their agility and speed.

Also, something tells me it's most likely Rey Mysterio pulling some strings in the back. I certainly don't hope it means that he will win the championship. There's absolutely no reason to give him the belt again, especially not "this soon". I'm expecting it to turn out to either be Kane retaining, Edge winning or Alberto winning. And Kane / Edge seems most possible.
Well apparently this match was made because of time constraints and they didn't want to rush any of the other matches, Triple H and Vince both agreed. That's according to ProWrestlingScoops so take it for what it's worth.

Onto the match, Holy shit. This match just managed to switch from a bore fest into a match I cannot wait to see. With the addition of Mysterio and Del Rio; two people who can really move, it should be fucking exciting. I'm sure it'll be a spot fest with Mysterio, Edge and Del Rio involved in most. I may actually buy this PPV now with the addition of this match.

As for who I think is going to win, I'm not exactly sure. I can see all four actually taking the title, but I see Kane managing to win with them hopefully trying to bring back monster Kane, this would be the perfect way for him to win; with him leaving all three competitors through tables. I don't really see them putting the title on Del Rio just yet, Mysterio may win it but it would be a transistional reign and pointless and I don't see Edge capturing it just yet unless they go with Christian vs Edge and some point but I doubt that'll happen.

My pick to win: Kane.

Hopefully this match is the main event, as it looks like all kinds of awesome.
We went from Kane Vs Edge sleeping pill to two guys who can really move being added into a multi man match.

You're right, Norkie. The thing that got me as Teddy Long issued his proclamation, though, was how calmly Edge took it. Before, Edge had only one opponent to go through in order to gain the title; now he has three..... and he just stood there as Teddy spoke. You would think he would have at least protested a little.

But it's a better match this way, that's for sure. Plus, if they plan to give Mysterio the title (which I hope they don't), it would be more believable to watch him outwit the bigger men into eliminating each other than it would to see him pin Kane or Edge one-on-one.
I agree with what most have said, that it is a good addition because the main event seemed dull. I also think that this addition will accomplish what was bound to happen eventually--getting the title off kane without him actually losing. I assumed that it was probably not going to happen until kane ended up in a triple threat or fatal fourway, or if he kept it long enough, the elimination chamber. But maybe this way edge or del rio (don't think it will be mysterio again for a while) can be champion without kane losing.

If however Kane retains, then I think that he'll probably keep it until the elimination chamber.
Edge has so much momentum that he's... bound to loose. As much i'd love to see Edge with the title, Kane will propably win it, because for last few weeks his momentum was going down really fast and hard. Im 100% sure Del Rio and Mysterio won't win the title, because that would be effing senseless. Still, WWE kinda broke the "i have big momentum heading into the PPV match so im bound to loose" rule with Orton so... Maybe Edge will actually win? He could always drop the title to Kane back @ Elimination Chamber.
Dang am i excited for this one! We have a fatal fourway match AND a TLC match! This will close the show and i am happy with any guy winning other than Rey. Im starting to like Del Rio but i don't think he will get the world title this soon. Kane has had it for a while.... My pick goes to Edge. This match is his specialty and world title number ten is coming for the rated r superstar. Edge will win because he is by far the best option for world champion out of these four. Rey sucks and del rio is too new, while kane has no one left to feud with. Should close the show and be pretty awesome.

Edge will win the World Championship.
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Dude, holy motherfuck bejesus. This could be out of control, entirely. We went from Kane Vs Edge sleeping pill to two guys who can really move being added into a multi man match. Four seasoned vets also involved, so things have a chance to run very smoothly as well. Turned into a must-see contest all of the sudden, and I cant wait. Oddly, I can see pretty much any result somehow coming out of this. Who knows. Thank fuck they are gonna try to save the Kane character apparently though

Completely agree. Sitting there watching SD!, and when i heard this announced i was stoked. This match should be amazing. As others have said, i think Rey and Alberto will focus on each other giving us a Kane or Edge win, but this match just got a hell of a lot more interesting. I would love to see Alberto as champ, but i don't think its going to happen, with him being on NXT and all as well.

My Prediction: Edge gets title #10.
Recently, the SD main events have been lackluster. However, I think this match will break that trend. This has the potential for a great match with some very fun spots along the way. I expect this match to be one of the better ones on the card instead of one of the worst matches like the SD main event has been on recent PPVs.

Now as for who will win, I think Kane will finally drop the strap. I have not been a fan of his reign as champ. He just hasnt got me interested in his character and its really hurting my ability to enjoy the championship feud. But hopefully, his reign ends tonight. The most obvious one to take the belt off of him is Edge, since it looks to me that the Mysterio/Del Rio feud will continue beyond this match and putting the belt on one of them will put Kane in the middle of that feud.

Edge has been pretty good as of late and I feel that he probably the best person to hold the belt at the moment. But we'll see what happens...
Mysterio- He simply has no chance at all in this match. He's in this match for two reasons. Number one is that they need someone to do all the high spots. Number two being that he's feuding with Del Rio so if they put Del Rio in this match, they had to put Mysterio.

Del Rio- Again, he has no chance at all in this match. He's simply too new and the WWE wouldn't set up a heel vs. heel feud for the World Title when Del Rio's in an unsettled feud with Mysterio and Edge just tricked Kane into killing his own father, which also happens to be an unsettled feud.

Kane- He's had the most boring title reign I can remember since I started watching WWE. Seriously, Jack Swagger's reign was much more exciting than Kane's. Not only that, but Kane has run out of challengers. He won't be walking out of TLC with the strap. If he does, Big Show would be the only guy left to feud with unless WWE decides to superpush Kofi, which isn't happening. Big Show and Kane would put on terrible title matches and Kofi, despite being ready for the main event, can't seem to get out of the IC title picture. So you pretty much know Kane's not leaving TLC as champion. This brings me to the only guy left.

Edge- This guy's the only guy that makes sense to have as champ right now. Not only that, but he's probably the best championn out of these four.

My pick- Edge wins his 10th World Title before John Cena (YES!!!)
This is a great match, from top to bottom. This is a great match!

What is so great about it, I hear you ask? Well, the simple fact of the matter is that any one of these four men are great contenders to take the Championship. We all know that Edge and Kane have been having their very intense feud on Smackdown. That being said, I don't think that the World Heavyweight Championship needs to be a part of that. They have been doing their own thing so far and it could easily continue without the belt being involved. As for Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio, either of these two men could be worthy Champions. Personally, I think that Alberto Del Rio would make an ideal Champion right now.

That being said, can we really count out Kane? Kane won the Money in the Bank ladder match to pick up the Championship and he's gone on to be a pretty good Champion. I think he has completely redefined himself and the WWE could have enough faith in him to see him through this, probably the most difficult, task. He has had his trials with Edge and I could definitely see this being the culmination of this feud. If so, Edge could be the one to walk away with the Championship.

That being said, the point I am trying to get across is that this match is wide open and that is why this match is probably going to be the best match outside of John Morrison vs. Sheamus. I, for one, cannot wait to see it. My money is on Del Rio though.
Im actually looking forward to this match as i am looking forward to the whole show, but i can see either Edge or Kane winning, Edge has the momentum and this is his specialty match. Rey and Del Rio are already in their own feud so neither of them would win, and ADR is way too new to put the title on him bu its good to see him in a main event title match. But Edge has been on a roll lately with his developed feud with Kane, so my money is on him.
I don't know who will win but I see this scenario playing at some point: Kane is alone at the top of the ladder freaching for the belt and a sure win when suddenly the lights flicker (maybe go off) and we hear the gong. Doubt we actually see The Undertaker but I think we will feel his prescence
does anyone else feel smackdown might do a miz and give it to Alberto. I hope kane retains because I still feel there is still a little more left in the tank on kane's reign and there is still more to come but it is WWE for you, kane destroys taker and loses it to a phew guys who are not strong enough to hold the title with a purpose, but continuity is not their strongest point at times.
Who's your pick to win?

- My Pick is Edge. If Kane wins then that would be very redundant and stupid. I dont see alberto or rey winning.

Will Kane finally get Paul Bearer back?

- Im not for sure on this one. But i could see paul interupting the match and letting himself free

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