WWE TLC 2010: Aftermath & Discussion

No, I don't think he can put on a good 30 minute Main Event match.

I especially don't think he can do it with Randy Orton and/or Wade Barrett!

Those 2 have been absolutely stinking up the WWE lately with their boring Main Event Matches.

Adding Miz to that clusterfuck definitely isn't gonna make it any better!

People can say what they want about guys like John Cena and Hulk Hogan's wrestling abilities. Or lack thereof.

But, when it came to it, they had good, to great, to classic matches all throughout their careers.

Cena was able to it against guys like Angle, HHH, HBK, Edge, and Randy Orton.

Hogan had a classic Wrestlemania match against Macho Man at WM 5.

He also had a classic with The Ultimate Warrior of all people! Who would ever think those 2 would be able to have an acceptable match? Let alone a classic, but they did!

He also had good matches with Ric Flair.

Hell, he even had a classic match with The Rock at Wrestlemania 18 when he was damn near 50!

I don't think the Miz has that ability at all! He especially won't have it facing Orton at TLC!
Randy Orton has his work cut out for him, Miz's poor in ring skills could be exposed at the main event level if he isn't in there with someone great, cause he sure as hell can't carry a main event level match
No, I don't think he can put on a good 30 minute Main Event match.

I especially don't think he can do it with Randy Orton and/or Wade Barrett!

Those 2 have been absolutely stinking up the WWE lately with their boring Main Event Matches.

Adding Miz to that clusterfuck definitely isn't gonna make it any better!

People can say what they want about guys like John Cena and Hulk Hogan's wrestling abilities. Or lack thereof.

But, when it came to it, they had good, to great, to classic matches all throughout their careers.

Cena was able to it against guys like Angle, HHH, HBK, Edge, and Randy Orton.

Hogan had a classic Wrestlemania match against Macho Man at WM 5.

He also had a classic with The Ultimate Warrior of all people! Who would ever think those 2 would be able to have an acceptable match? Let alone a classic, but they did!

He also had good matches with Ric Flair.

Hell, he even had a classic match with The Rock at Wrestlemania 18 when he was damn near 50!

I don't think the Miz has that ability at all! He especially won't have it facing Orton at TLC!

This is 100% true. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Forget about TLC. The Miz doesn't really have the ablitly have a great match with anyone. Now I know people are going to explode and hate all over me for this, but please do me one favor first. Name me one great singles match the Miz has ever had. I'm not talking about a match were he didn't mess anything up, or a match were he won a title. I just want the name of one match he's been in that had you on the edge of your seat. A match that went 20 minutes and had you excited to see who was going to win. You can't because he hasn't. The Miz has been in the WWE for 5 years and still hasn't had one great singles match that he had to carry.

He is now the World Champion. It is his duty to the company to carry ppv's and put on main events that leave people talking. Whatever you do, please don't reply to this by saying "Sheamus, Khali, and Swagger never had a great match before they were champion". Exactly,and look how their reigns turned out.

People keep saying he's the next Jericho. He's not. The diffrence is that Jericho could cut a great promo then have a 5 star match with anyone on the roster. The Miz can't

Cause I'm the Miz, and I'm AWESOME. That is a great catchphrase. Unfortunatly, the Miz isn't able to have an awesome match. If he were, we would of seen it by now.

The Miz is like a young verson of an old Roddy Piper. When Piper was past his prime in WCW he was still the best talker in the industry. No one could work the mic and hype a match like him. Sadly, when it came to the match itself, the in ring performance was so bad that people stopped listening to what he said.

Miz has great potential, but that's all I can give him. He's somewhere between a great mid-carder and a poor main-eventer. If he can up his game now that he holds the WWE Championship, I think he could pull off a decent one on one main event. For now, I'd probably say he's not main event material unless there are at least another 2 main eventers in the ring with him. This is why I think we'll see a triple threat at TLC.

I was asking on another board for people to name a single memorable match he's had, and they couldn't really do it. They mentioned his matches against Kofi, MVP, Swagger, and Cena.

I almost fell out of my seat because those matches were completely forgettable!

Another thing people say about the Miz is he has the "potential" to be a good wrestler.

Shouldn't he be a good wrestler before winning the championship?

Why are you betting on potential? That never winds up working out.

The Portland Trail Blazers thought Greg Oden had more "potential" than Kevin Durant even though Durant was a better player and Oden had already been prone to injury.

Now, guess what? Oden still can't get play basketball because of his injuries, the Blazers' GM got fired, and Durant is an MVP candidate.

People shouldn't be saying about the WWE Champion "he's getting better". The WWE Champion should already be "better"!

He shouldn't be a guy that we have to wait 3 years for his ability to show up!
People shouldn't be saying about the WWE Champion "he's getting better". The WWE Champion should already be "better"!

The difference here is that The Miz obtained the championship using the Money in the Bank contract and he hasn't really "legitimately" won it. He beat up and already injured Orton so I wouldn't class him as the real 'champion' until he can prove he can succeed in winning cleanly at a PPV. What will make the difference is whether WWE let him hold onto it for a decent amount of time. If that decision reflects on his current ability, it will be a short reign. I want to see if his potential comes through. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
Edge vs Kane should NOT be the main event at TLC god Kane is the most boring champ he needs to drop the title to Edge at TLC and WWE needs to end tis fued put Kane back at mid card where he belongs
The Miz can have a good match against Orton at TLC make it a tables match i could c it being a good match cant be any worse then Kane against Edge. Miz has had good matches in the past what has changed now besides his spot on the card? Miz needs to fight Orton at TLC in a Tables Match and give them enought time to have a good match and im giving The Miz a chance at having a good title run only time will tell if he will bomb as champ or not

Vs Daniel Bryan, US title, about oh I dont know, four months ago.

and the thread title isnt asking about great matches, its asking if he can put on a "decent" main event, and given the fact they have an entertaining gimmick to work with, and that he has put on numerous "decent to good" matches, I cant see what your claims have to do with anything.
Can he put on a recent match at TLC? Well, he's not managed it so in a regular so with the added difficulty of objects? No chance. The lead up with long and boring like most of Miz's promos (not entirely his fault i admit, he has to work with what creative give him).

My guess would be that it will be tables match as this gives creative plenty of room to come up with a sloppy ass screw job heel finish. So he can look like a 'cleaver' coward and win 'by accident' and continue the story into RR, when Trips or Orton will drop him for the belt.

His rein will be about what he does on the mic and the short cuts his way to count out, dq or other fluke victories. Like a young flair or jericho (not that that he is within a million miles of either). He's dedicated himself to wwe so he's earned a run with the belt. Kudos for that, but it will make for crap matches.
Honest to god it doesn't matter at all. Look who he's just come from underneath, a guy who was stiff the first time he stepped into the ring and although his working improved, his stiffness never did. By anybody's standards not a great wrestler, and now someone is complaining about the miz's wrestling ability, his ability to put on great matches. When your world champion you get a chance to put on long matches and almost all great matches are pretty long. Lower down the card like miz has been, you dont get 60 minute ironman matches or hell in a cell matches, you dont get a chnace to show that you can go the distance. So we really cant say at this stage if he'll be able to put on GREAT matches but one thing is for certain, he will be a better wrestler than john cena. So I really dont think thats a concern you have to worry about.

Honestly I really dislike the miz, I dont think hes good enough to be top guy in WWE but some people complain about nothing. He'll be perfectly adequate as an in ring competitor and thats all that matters these days. Its about 50% personality and charisma, 30% in ring ability and 20% appearance. He does have some charisma and thats the most important thing.
Short term memory is killing you people.. How in the hell do you think Miz even won Money in the Bank to begin with? I'll give you a hint, it's the L in TLC. And here's one... Who did he push off the ladder to get the MITB? Give you another hint, he pinned him on Raw.

If you ask me, I see WWE playing it up where Miz gets cocky about outsmarting Orton twice within a year and using his MITB win as a boasting for a Ladder Match. However, I can also see Orton invoking his rematch next week so he can lose and that would Leave Miz open and with Miz open, that means Morrison could win.

And if Morrison wins then I can definitely see Morrison and Miz being the ones to lock up in the Ladder match.

Without a doubt, TLC will be main evented by Smackdown with Edge and Kane in a TLC, so I'm guessing that Miz and Morrison will be the Ladder match of the year... much how Christian and Benjamin were last year. Also, I can see the tables match being between Barrett and Orton while the chairs match goes to Rey and Alberto.


Miz vs. Cm Punk - Cyber Sunday 2007 for the ECW Championship
Miz vs. John Cena - Summer of 2009
Miz vs. Morrison - Bragging Rights 2009
Miz vs. Daniel Bryan - Night of Champions 2009
Miz & Big Show vs. DX - 2010
Miz & Jericho vs. Hart Dynasty - 2010
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdwon - Bragging Rights 2010
Miz vs. Randy Orton - Monday Night Raw 11/22/2010

The Miz can definitely deliver in the ring and has far more matches than what I've listed to prove it. You can play up the "better people carried" him roll but the fact is The Miz carries himself and that's a fact. He's without a doubt one of the greatest men to come up from the recent hand full of talent in the last four years. He's more than capable of being a believable champion, and in the ring, he holds his own against just about anybody. And at Live Events, he's always the talk of the night.
the Miz honestly has no chance of making it out of TLC with the WWE title and heres why.

Whether its Miz vs Orton, Miz vs Barrett or a Triple Threat Match, Miz cannot even come close to them. I mean Barrett would destroy him by himself. The only reason he beat Orton is because Alex Riley took his King of the Ring qualifying match (got obliterated by E. Jackson) because he had a feeling Nexus would beat up Orton, and that Cena would get involved to stop Barrett from winning the title, thus leading to Orton beating Barrett and then Miz cheaply cashing in on Orton and beating him. I understand that the MITB is a luxury and he worked hard to get it and had to endure pain to win that match, but think about all the pain Orton endures as champion having to face people like Cena, Shaemus, Barrett and other fighters. If Miz was as "Awesome" as he says he is, he woulda cashed it in fairly and said Next Monday Orton, Im cashing in my MITB on Raw and all that. Just once Id like to see someone who wins MITB not be a coward.

Do you still believe wrestlings real or something? Your whole post screams it...

You did however give the main example of why Miz WILL win at TLC. They'll likely make it a triple threat between Miz/Orton/Barrett. Why? Because triple threats are havens for the not-so-dominant wrestlers to win by way of stealing a pin from someone elses work. A staple of any good sneaky heel, like Miz or Jericho. This is why Miz can make a main event so good. He's still not great at 1 on 1 matches, but is deceptive enough to keep them entertaining. But his type of character can make a lot of matches good because just when you think he's out of the match he weasels in for a victory. I'm not saying he's the quality of Jericho, but he is like him in that regard a lot.

No one believes Miz can beat Orton or Barrett even in a 1 on 1, clean match. That's why booking is so important with someone like Miz. It was the same case with Jack Swagger, only they screwed it up royally with him. I don't see them being that stupid with Miz because they've been pushing him like crazy lately. Swagger's push almost came off as a backup plan it was thought out so poorly.
Come on, can we wait until TLC to judge whether The Miz will put on a decent match? He HAS put on some decent matches, he may not be the best wrestler, but he is entertaining on the mic, and can put on an entertaining match. I personally think a TLC match is the way to go. Either a one on one OR a 3 way. It has the best chance for excitement in what a lot of you fear will be a boring match. Table match is predictable, boring. Ladder match is exciting. Add into that that The Miz needs to WIN. Orton couldn't "accidentally" fall backwards into a table, or trip through one. Or have alex riley set him up. (although A-Ri could still help Miz win a ladder match). Just because they haven't had much experience in these types of matches doesn't mean it won't be good. Remember Orton and Mick Foley hardcore match? Orton had little to no experience in hardcore matches, but it was an AMAZING match, very fun to watch, and a lot of people believe THATS when Orton started to gain some respect. Albeit it was against a hardcore legend.
Lets just wait and see what happens before we judge The Miz on his title defenses. Most of us couldn't wait for him to win, now most of us want him to lose it?

Miz just needs his respect moment. Some people already do because of what he can do on the mic (hint: its the "E" in WWE). I personally think, he's been called the next Jericho, that a nice, long, good fued with Jericho could really win the Miz some respect, if done right (and if it is done with Jericho, I'm sure Jericho will make sure its done right).

Besides, would you prefer Orton/Barrett again? Probably with Cena running in and helping Orton win again? At least this is fresh.
I was asking on another board for people to name a single memorable match he's had, and they couldn't really do it. They mentioned his matches against Kofi, MVP, Swagger, and Cena.

I almost fell out of my seat because those matches were completely forgettable!

Another thing people say about the Miz is he has the "potential" to be a good wrestler.

Shouldn't he be a good wrestler before winning the championship?

Why are you betting on potential? That never winds up working out.

The Portland Trail Blazers thought Greg Oden had more "potential" than Kevin Durant even though Durant was a better player and Oden had already been prone to injury.

Now, guess what? Oden still can't get play basketball because of his injuries, the Blazers' GM got fired, and Durant is an MVP candidate.

People shouldn't be saying about the WWE Champion "he's getting better". The WWE Champion should already be "better"!

He shouldn't be a guy that we have to wait 3 years for his ability to show up!

you my man are laughable :lmao:, miz is more than ready to carry himself in the main event, all this months with the briefcase has giving time to developt his mic and ring skill even further, im not saying he is a wrestling god or something, but he is very good with the mic, and a good performer. I mean come on they gave Khali and batista a title belt, and they couldnt wrestle for their lives.

I think if he is given the time, he can do a very good job at tlc, and if has a good sinergy with orton, it shouldnt be a problem.
After the events of Monday night, I think we'll see something of the following.

1. Randy Orton vs The Miz(c)- Chair Match: I actually liked this match last year, and I could see them using the chair as a vehicle for Miz to work over Orton's "injured" leg, allowing him to retain the title.

2. Edge vs Kane(C)-
TLC Match: Since Edge has yet to return Paul Bearer to Kane, I see the stipulation being that Edge will return Bearer to Kane for another shot at the title, in a match of his choosing. And Edge of course would pick his signature match, the TLC

.3. John Cena vs Wade Barrett- Ladder Match: I see this being some sort of contract match, after Cena spends weeks tormenting Barrett as a "spectator." Cena will cost Barrett another chance at the WWE title, and Cena will vow to never let Barrett become WWE champion. The "contract" will determine Cena's fate: If Barrett wins, Cena never shows his face in a WWE arena again, if Cena wins, he's reinstated.

4. Sheamus vs John Morrison- Tables Match: I could see Sheamus making the claim that a tables match is "his match", since he defeated John Cena last year in one to win the WWE championship. I see the two costing the other their matches at the KOTR Raw respectively, setting the stage for a rematch of their Survivor Series encounter.

5. Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio- 2/3 Falls: This was the advertised match originally for Survivor Series, scrapped due to Rey's ear injury. I think this rivalry is far from over, as Del Rio will want revenge for Rey's team defeating his at Survivor Series. They each have a one on one match victory between the two, so this will be the rubber match.

6. Daniel Bryan vs Ted DiBiase- Us Title Match: Bryan has run out contenders to face, and with CM Punk on the sidelines, I expect a rematch from their very good Survivor Series match. WWE will have to do something give DiBiase momentum heading into the PPV, such as a few victories over established midcarders, but if pushed right, this match again could be the best on the show.

7. Natalya vs Michelle McCool Divas Championship Match: I expect LayCool to invoke their rematch clause here, as they build to their impending breakup. Natalya gets her first title defense on PPV.

Id leave the card at 7, as 8 matches on the last card made the matches feel a little bit rushed, and gimmick matches need more time. All in all, this should be a throwaway card with some fun matches.
With what happened at Survivor Series my predictions for TLC would end up being this:

World Heavyweight Title Match:

Kane (c) vs. Edge in a TLC Match

It only makes sense that there rematch would be a TLC match. Edge hasn't been in a TLC match since beating Undertaker at ONS 08 and is the perfect way for Edge to capture his 10th world title by winning it in the match he innovated.

WWE Title Match

The Miz (c) vs. Randy Orton in a Tables Match

I just feel that Wade Barrett will not be involved in the match. So for The Miz to retain the title against Orton at TLC would he would have to beat him in a tables match. It could kind of go like a screwy type finish where Orton is about to put Miz through a table a Miz stuns him just long enough to hit the Skull Crushing Finale through a table.

Those are the most like scenarios involving the World Heavyweight and WWE Titles that I could really think of that would work.
On another board, someone thought a non-sanctioned match between Wade Barrett and John Cena would be "money". However, I do think that will be at the Royal Rumble, which is in Boston.

As far as this show goes.. I did like how they split the TLC match up into 3 different matches building up to the main event of a TLC match. But man, I really hate this PPV theme.
Edge vs. Kane in an eponymous TLC match headlining the show leading Edge to victory and perhaps a WrestleMania showdown against Christian or Undertaker a returning Undertaker.

Randy Orton vs The Miz in Ladder match wherein The Miz could either retain his WWE Championship following interferences from the usual suspects or drop it in a climatic ending due to interference by King.

Ted DiBiase vs. Daniel Bryan for the United States Championship. DiBiase claiming his first major single's title and birthright. This could be used to begin his transition into the main event scene for perhaps a Money in the Bank victory at WrestleMania to world title contendership later in the year.

Kaval vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship. Kaval picks up the victory leading to a shift from heels to faces on SmackDown.

Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya in a Tables Match for the Divas Championship. Natalya retains over coming all odds in a match where she would be clearly at a disadvantage.

Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater vs. The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Championship. After a run in by John Cena, The Usos pick up the victory and titles from Nexus furthering their feud.

I can't really think of a Chairs match other than a possible John Morrison vs. Sheamus match but that would probably be overkill for that feud now that Sheamus is King of the Ring, etc.
Edge v Kane TLC- without a doubt, i believe that this match will acually be good. This feud is one of the few reasons I watch smackdown. I think edge will come out with the win in this one.
Randy Orton v Miz Tables/chairs- this match could be an intresting one. After the miz won, I was already gussing how long it would last. I want to see what comes up on raw, but look for the miz to win with interference form the nexus.
Nexus(Slater&Gabriel) v Usos/Kozlov&Santino Ladder- ladder matches are always intresting, expecally tag team ladder matches. I would like to see Kozlov&Santino to win, but expecting the Nexus to win.
Rey Mysterio v Alberto Del Rio v Big Show chairs-I do believe that this match will happen. Del Rio has been having issues with Mysterio and Show. Looking and expecting either show or Del Rio to win.
I think next week on raw, Barret will say, he will allow Cena back in WWE on one condition, a ladder match at TLC, with contract above ladder. Cena wins hes back in WWE, loses hes gone from WWE forever
So we've seen Miz announce that his match with Randy Orton at TLC will be a Tables match. The TLC match itself is also locked up, as Edge won the right to pick the stipulation with his victory of Kane last Friday on Smackdown. The Mysterio/Del Rio one si far has been announced as being tables, ladders, and chairs all legal.

But that leaves us currently without a straight up ladder match. There are other feuds going on right now, but perhaps the biggest of the year involves Nexus/Cena, where a ladder match, while predictable, could settle their issues. I think a Barrett Cena ladder match is a matter of when, not if, but you never know. Barretts never had a ladder match, and Cenas only experience has been in one TLC.

So who gets the ladder match at TLC, and what is the "prize" awarded to the winner? Just as importantly, what feud or wrestlers would YOU personally like to see resolve their issues in the ladder match at the upcoming PPV?
John Morrison vs. Sheamus will be the ladder match, this suits Morrison's style better and Sheamus wouldn't be too shabby, honestly a barret cena ladder match would be horrendous, i would expect chairs or an i quit match.
John Morrison vs. Sheamus will be the ladder match, this suits Morrison's style better and Sheamus wouldn't be too shabby, honestly a barret cena ladder match would be horrendous, i would expect chairs or an i quit match.

What would the prize be though? There has to be something to climb up the ladder and get, there is nothing for either guy to get in this feud. Cena vs Barrett in a Ladder match, with a contract for Cena makes more sense. Cena gets the contract he is back in the WWE, Barrett gets the contract and Cena is still fired.
I think it should be Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston for the IC title. Both men are young and athletic, it would be a much better ladder match than Cena and barret.

If some of you remember, back in the day Ladder matches were almost always for the IC Title, this could be a way of making the title seem more important.

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