WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Kane (c) vs. Edge - World Heavyweight Championship

This is an interesting match. On one hand, Edge is being built up as SmackDown's #1 face. He won them the Bragging Rights Match and defeated two top competitors in Del Rio & Mysterio to get to this spot. On the other hand there is Kane who defeated the Undertaker three matches straight, two of which were Taker's 'specialty' matches (Though he's only ever won one Buried Alive Match, and that was a tag), something that is practically unheard of.

Both have momentum going into this, but In see Kane walking out with the World Championship. That doesn't necessarily mean he'll win, but I do think he's going to escape as champion. Edge has a thing for Ladder/TLC Matches so with next month being TLC, I fully expect him to capture that championship there.
You know, I dont see why everyone is so sure Kane waltz's with this one.

I mean, look at the big picture here. SD is doing the ratings they thought it would, and Taker is on Christmas vacation. Its been a cutesy little last run for Kane, but I would think they would go ahead and try something out for a bit before we start down the road to WM.

We have never had an Edge world title run, and he seems to be pretty fuckin over right now. It cant possibly get WORSE than Kane if you are going with Edge, so I would say this is anyone's ballgame.
I don't see Kane winning this one cleanly. Unlike with the Kane-Undertaker feud, I think a clean win for Kane would pretty much kill this feud stone-dead. Now that he's not trying to get people to chant "spear" and is pretty much just being himself, Edge is much more over as a babyface now than he was earlier in the year. He's building up some pretty "Orton-esque" momentum right now after winning the match for Smackdown at B.R and pinning Del Rio cleanly and I think there's more mileage to be had from this title chase. I think either Edge wins here, or Kane retains via screwjob. I really hope they don't go for a DQ finish as there's been way too many of those lately.
I'm a huge Edge fan, he was my favourite wrestler as a kid, and I love his mic skills and in ring skills. I also like his destroying anything stupid thing he has going on, but I just don't buy the face Edge. Now the heel Edge was getting stale, it wasn't getting the reaction he was supposed too but I think a face Edge is better chasing for the title rather than being champion. I want Kane to win here despite being an Edge fan, I want Kane to continue his title reign since it's been a good one in my opinion, and Smackdown has really lacked this title reign for awhile now. Also have Wade Barrett win the title and we saw Nexus help Kane out in the Buried Alive Match, if Kane and Barrett are both world champions maybe we can see Kane as being hte mastermind of Nexus.
I would love and think Edge is going to get the title. Now that Taker is out, there's no need for Kane anymore. I think we're gonna se a possible feud between Edge/swagger for the WHC or with Del Rio. What do you guys think about that?
I don't know, I think Edge is simply being fed to Kane here you know. I just don't see him dropping the belt after all the good work he's put in with 'Taker...sure I could be wrong but Edge as champion isn't new and therefore, I don't want to see it anytime soon. So I say, let Kane continue with his current run and prove that he can be interesting and shine outside of The Undertaker. As for the actual match, I think it will be good, Edge and Kane work quite well together and hopefully they'll do so come Survivor Series.
kane will probably lose to edge. because vince is trying to set up alot of events for mania, and honestly i dont see kane headlining mania, i would rather see edge as champ and then some young guy step up for the title... rather then having kane vs someone like rey or morrison. because with kanes big size, there wont be much back and fourth
kane will probably lose to edge. because vince is trying to set up alot of events for mania, and honestly i dont see kane headlining mania

While I agree with this statement (outside of a possible kane/undertaker match that FINALLY ends at wrestlemania if undertaker is well enough) there is still plenty of time between survivor series and wrestlemania for kane to lose the belt. Even if vince wants edge in the main event and not kane, that doesn't necessarily mean the title will transfer now.

Honestly, I think it makes more sense for kane to keep the belt. If he will lose it before wrestlemania it probably won't happen until there's some sort of triple threat or fatal four way match up so that kane can lose the belt without looking weak.
So who thinks the titles will be changing hands at SS? Is each title up for grabs?

Divas: Don't really care, hope LayCool retains.

US/IC Title: Maybe a unification match? Hopefully Dolph wins. I don't see MVP beating Dolph this week for the IC Title on SD!

Tag Titles: Gabriel/Slater vs ??. No idea..

WWE: I want Miz to walk out of SS as champ, but i think Orton will keep the title.

WHC: Kane will retain until a different PPV where there is a triple threat/ 4-way where he can drop the title without being beaten.
While I do believe that Edge is the next World Heavyweight Champion, I'll be very surprised if he takes the title off of Kane at Survivor Series. For one, it's too soon. Edge just returned to Smackdown, so it'd be weird if he got it that quickly. Secondly, Kane was able to beat 'Taker in his last few defenses, though not entirely clean. Edge shouldn't beat him right away. Lastly, there's not much of an actual feud here. The title shouldn't change hands without an engaging story behind the match.

Prediction: Kane retains, Edge wins it at TLC (his specialty), retains in return match at Royal Rumble, probably holds it until 'Mania (I have no clue who he'll feud with)
I don't expect anything great from this match:

- They can't really let Kane lose the title cleanly. It would diminish his 'Taker
3-in-a-row PPV wins which woul make 'Taker look weak as well.

- As been said, Kane doesn't have a lot of faces to feud with if he wins.

- Edge has only been No. 1 contender for a few weeks.

The only thing I can see happening is an interference from Paul Bearer or Nexus (not banned for this one) which means a rematch at TLC. It might not be a bad idea to stretch this feud a bit to give it more depth. I'd love to see more promo's between the two, as they're great on the mic.
I think Edge will eventually win the title...but not yet
the whole reason for this is because WWE wants Kane to be a domanant world champion and he's already had it 5 months why ruin it now

Edge will have his moment dont worry, but kane still needs this for now.
Can Miz cash in on any championship or does it have to be The WWE title on RAW? Because if he can cash in on the SD title, i think SurvivorSeries would be a perfect time.

Everyone seems to think Miz will cash in after the Orton/Barrett match but the fact that WWE acknowledged that on RAW this week tells me they probably wont go in that direction.

But Miz cashing in on Edge after he beats Kane would make sense. Edge has been involved in every single money in the bank cash in so far (aside from kane's), and on Edge's last night on RAW he had some parting shots for Miz when he referred to him as an Edge wannabe. Wouldn't it be ironic if Miz came down and cashed in on Edge the same way Edge did to Cena years ago.

Only problem with this scenario is that Miz would have to move to SD which I don't see happening right now. So if this doesn't happen, I still see Edge beating Kane but eventually losing the title to Miz somewhere down the road whenever he chooses to cash in.
This match is up for the taking. With that being said though, I honestly see Kane being the victor here in a DQ type of finish to set up a TLC match at the next Pay Per View. Kane has been literally running rampant on Smackdown and is enjoying the best part of his career. He's doing a stellar job with his promos, and holding the title. So I don't see them taking the title off him right here. Especially considering it might take away from Barrett/Orton.
I think that Edge takes this one here. Reason being is that the only reason Kane was champ was to feud with Taker. Edge being the transitional champion that he is was chosen to come in and get the strap for a little bit while they find somebody else to have a long title run
Can Miz cash in on any championship or does it have to be The WWE title on RAW? Because if he can cash in on the SD title, i think SurvivorSeries would be a perfect time.

Everyone seems to think Miz will cash in after the Orton/Barrett match but the fact that WWE acknowledged that on RAW this week tells me they probably wont go in that direction.

But Miz cashing in on Edge after he beats Kane would make sense. Edge has been involved in every single money in the bank cash in so far (aside from kane's), and on Edge's last night on RAW he had some parting shots for Miz when he referred to him as an Edge wannabe. Wouldn't it be ironic if Miz came down and cashed in on Edge the same way Edge did to Cena years ago.

Only problem with this scenario is that Miz would have to move to SD which I don't see happening right now. So if this doesn't happen, I still see Edge beating Kane but eventually losing the title to Miz somewhere down the road whenever he chooses to cash in.

I could be wrong here, but im fairly sure he has to cash it in for the championship on raw. It's different to the MITB at Mania where it can be cashed in on either champion.
I just don't see Kane losing here. He pretty much dominated the Undertaker all three times when we all thought the Undertaker would win. Having him lose to Edge would kind of diminish all of that. I don't think he loses it here, though I do think he loses it to Edge.

I see Kane winning with some simple interference from Paul Bearer. You can't have him win cleanly because than there'd really be no chance of a rematch. I think Edge eventually wins it from kane at TLC in a gimmick match to keep Kane looking strong.

To me, that is where it'll get really interesting. Who can Edge fued with after he eventually wins it? We have never seen as a face World Champion and I'm really looking forward to it. My hope is he fueds with Swagger. If Edge wins at TLC, than retains against Kane at the Rumble, than retains again at Elimination Chamber, I hope Swagger gets the push to the ME of Mania with Edge, that would be an awesome match and would really put Swagger on the map.

On a fantasy level, maybe Christian returns at the Rumble and wins it, than we get our Edge/Christian fued we've all been waiting for and they'd both be faces!! Imagine the promos these two would have just ripping on each other, it just reeks of awesomeness.
What would be great for these two is if kane won and edge won at the next PPV. I think that is the best possible outcome. then kane doesn't look like a man who can only beat a weak undertaker he can beat edge as well, and that is a different breed of animal. And also it doesn't look as if edge has just been gifted the title like so many are these days after winning a number one contender match and not really feuding with kane at all since than. All he has really done is get beat down by kane a little and it hasn't been a feud where edge would merit winning the belt off a very good kane right now, I already dont think edge deserves 9-time world champ but there.

But if you were to ask me for a prediction, I 100% think kane will lose and edge will be the 10 time. I'm not happy about it but it just looks the way things are going to be, hope I'm wrong.
Finally!!!! I have been waiting for this match ever since July of 2007 when Edge got injured by Kane during what was supposed to be a world title feud. Kane didn't want the belt at the time and it led to Khali's awful reign.... Anyways, back on topic. My anticipation for this match alone should make it a good one for me. Edge and Kane are the best guys on Smackdown right now and it's only fitting that they get to have this match and it will be great. I've got Edge winning because he would make a better option as champion right now. Taker was supposed to win the belt from Kane but he had to take time off. Where do they go with Kane after that? It's easier to give Edge the belt and he can feud with virtually anyone. The ultimate opportunist will be a 10 time world champion on sunday, for sure. The match could very well steal the show and it's going to be awesome.

Edge will win the World Heavyweight Championship.
I dont see Kane losing the belt to Edge- yet. While he's certainly grown stale as a champion, for him to lose the belt to Edge after defeating Undertaker 3 straight times would completely undermine his credibility. The luster of his championship reign would be lost, and it's been a great one.

That being said, this match should be a good one. They've had good matches before, and though each is a step slower then when they feuded in 05, I still imagine this will be a good one. But Kane has to win this, and I think he will. At Survivor Series, Kane retains, but the feud will continue.
I think that Kane needs to drop the Belt already he has gotten pretty stale and he his reign has been rather lackluster his promos have been decent but his matches against The Undertaker were pretty bad. I just think that Edge makes for a Much better Champ than Kane. Edge gets the win in a rather lackluster match.
As much as I want Kane to drop the title, it's not going to happen at SS. Hopefully Edge brings some more humor into the feud so it's still serious but not as boring as the Undertaker feud became. I like how he kidnapped Paul Bearer on Smackdown and "tormented" him. I hope this feud develops out more and Kane retaining would be the best for the feud then Edge could win it at TLC.

My Prediction: Kane retains.
Seeing as Edge kidnapped...or should I say man-napped Paul Bearer, I think Kane would want revenge. Also Edge and Kane have only been feuding for a few weeks it would be stupid to give Edge the title this early. I think Kane and Edge need to feud until TLC and then Edge can win the title there. I want Kane to drop the title to so hopefully Edge wins the title soon :)
I think tonight is just the beginning of their feud. I see the match ending in a no contest or DQ, setting up some kind of gimmick match for the two at TLC. As of right now, I can't think of a Superstar that's not wrapped up in their own feud, who would make a decent opponent for either of the two.
I think the two will have a fairly decent match that will help to continue build their feud.

Winner: No Contest
It would be stupid in my mind for Kane to drop the title to Edge the first time they collide after defeating the Undertaker 3 times in a row. I see Kane winning this.

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