WWE NoC 2010 - Kane (c) vs The Undertaker - World Heavyweight Championship Match

i think he loses the title at survivor series more likely maybe an inferno match if PG allows it, kane burns his face, he then returns the masked monster he once was.

i love this idea. have taker retain until elimination chamber where at the end of the match, kanes pyro hits and he tears apart the chamber and cost taker the match (sound familiar) then they continue where they left off but with masked kane.
I think the Undertaker is going to end the four-week rivalry by winning tonight and sending Kane to hell, ending the rivalry that quickly.

Just kidding.

Kane and Undertaker are going to have at least a 2 or 3 month rivalry. Plus, Hell in a Cell is the next ppv, and who wouldn't want to see the brothers face off in that match?

Well that is why this storyline needs to continue, and Kane needs to get some more momentum going into that match, so I think Kane will win in the most easily predictable match of the night.

Who I want to win: Kane

Who will win: Kane
This feud is going to continue barring any injuries to either competitor. So Kane will win in a decent length match I think. Kane is on a roll, has the hot hand and as of last week, Undertaker still looked too "weak" in his match with CM Punk. He'll give Kane a run for his money, but it's just not time yet. Kane will win and win cleanly I think.
Two ways, really.

If they ARE planning on unifying the titles at WM, no better way than to have Taker have the WHC wrapped around his waist here, in the midst of a long, dominant title run. Also, lest we forget, SD heads to cable in two weeks, and wether anyone wants to get with it or not, Undertaker is the clear and lone standing highest profile star on the show. Well, it sure as shit isnt Kane. lulz.

On the other hand, besides the first showdown ever between them, this is the best building of Kane they have ever done, making him seem legit strong. So I wouldnt be TOO shocked to see him win, but I still think I feel Taker overcoming this, and taking home the WHC.
I think what people are saying is right. They couldn't set up another Kane and Undertaker feud without shaking up and I think The Undertaker's weakness has been superbly executed, it's putting a lot more pathos into the story and I find myself willing The Undertaker to get better and kick Kane's ass!

What I wonder are 2 things....
1) Have the embodiment of The Undertaker's powers been explained, what they are or how Kane came by them? I could potentially see it being something to do with Paul Bearer. Which would be AMAZING I think. For instance, Kane coming into posession of the powers and working out how to utilize them and The Undertaker having no other hope of surviving without the help of Paul Bearer and the urn, probably a temporary return though.

2) I know it says on wwe.com that Hell In A Cell is the PPV following Night of Champions, but with the PG rating (which I found quite an insult to the fans who have been loyal for so long), how can they feasibly put on a hell in a cell match. I can't recall a single match where at the very least blood wasn't involved. So how will they get away with that? Although, I wholeheartedly agree that a show-off in the cell between The Undertaker and Kane would be monumental, assuming that The Undertaker was at full health, unless coming into his yard perked him up?

I think pretty much as everyone else has said, Kane will win. If that's by DQ or clean I don't know, but Kane will no doubt win it. Who's to say the match type has been finalised yet....Kane hasn't *officially* accepted NHB yet so the stipulation could be something entirely different. who knows.

Someone said it a couple of points ago about Kane putting his mask back on. I would LOVE that. Absolutely love it. I miss that mask.
Kane will win come Night Of Champions.

Its funny because im so excited about this feud I had a dream last night UNdertaker came out first at NOC then Kanes pyro hit and he came out with his mask and his old suit. but in my dream his suit looked like armor or something.

When he headed towards the ring Undertaker came up the ramp to fight Kane but Kane wasnt getting hurt from the punches and the whole time Kane was dominating.

The next thing i remember about the dream was Undertaker trying to take Kanes mask and wig off (in the dream i knew Kane didnt have long hair i guess) but Kane flipped Undertaker over and tombstoned him.

It was a nice view on things but yes too bad it was only a dream. They are much older now so they wont be wrestling as great as they did in my dream.
So it's official. They have announced that it will indeed become a No Holds Barred match. And I actually think it would be a good choice, Kane will be able to come out the superior without making Undertaker look incredibly weak in this whole thing.

However, I must admit that I feel it might as well become somewhat of a lackluster. The stipulation in itself is fine, however it's the people involved in it. Kane and Undertaker we both know can run a hardcore match damn well. However, the match in itself and the opponents doesn't seem to need a No Holds Barred match to begin this whole feud, it needs to evolve into something bigger, not shoot the guns to begin with.

But I guess the match will be fine, so we'll see if the stipulation hurts, or improves the match.
Undertaker is SO FUCKING DEAD at NOC. It will be a severe squash match making The Undertaker look like a wimp. This match has the potential to become the biggest, most pathetic squash match in the history of all wrestling! Kane will have an easier time with his brother than Sheamus had with Zack Ryder, only difference is Kane will drag the beating out for 20 minutes before the referee stops the match. After Kane destroys him without effort, DO NOT expect to see Taker for at least a couple of months afterward.
Kane will win. It make sense for Kane to win, then Taker comes back and says he's not done with Kane yet.

Undertaker will crush Kane at Hell in the Cell, then it's bye-bye Kane.
Looking forward to this one! It's not at Wrestlemania.... so Kane might actually win! Yes! Kane has been on fire ever since this summer (no pun intended) and I have been anticipating this match for a LONG time. The Brothers of Destruction never fail to amaze me in matches together, and it is one of my two picks for match of the night alongside the WWE title match. This might close the show. I honestly think Kane will win. He needs the win badly. His character is on a roll for the first time in years and it's NOT at Wrestlemania so Undertaker doesn't need the win after the two Wrestlemania victories over his brother. Kane should win because he deserves a great victory over Taker to further build onto the greatness of this world title reign. I like Taker's odds.... but I'm giving Kane the retention in my prediction of this match.

Kane will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
this one caught me off guard i really thought theyd end the rivarly here with a taker W but wow kane got the win this is good for kane this whole ppv had me surprised tbh it was very very good
Glad Kane got the win, and it was expected. I'm hoping this continues to hell in a cell because I would love to see them wrestle in a hell in a cell match. With that being said the match wasn't good in my opinion, but I didn't expect it to be good either.
The match in general wasn't a 5 star classic, but it was a good and competitive brawl. Taker played his part well of looking weak while still being able to give Kane a pretty competitive match. The announcers really hyped Taker's weakness and kept plugging the storyline and it helped the match to tell a great story. The post match stuff with Taker only added to it all. Taker looked exhausted, defeated and weak and it just works. We've never really seen Taker the underdog in something and it's helped make this feud with Kane work. Kane won the match, he won it clean and he looked dominant. Everything that needed to happen with these two happened tonight so I'm very pleased.
The match in general wasn't a 5 star classic, but it was a good and competitive brawl. Taker played his part well of looking weak while still being able to give Kane a pretty competitive match. The announcers really hyped Taker's weakness and kept plugging the storyline and it helped the match to tell a great story. The post match stuff with Taker only added to it all. Taker looked exhausted, defeated and weak and it just works. We've never really seen Taker the underdog in something and it's helped make this feud with Kane work. Kane won the match, he won it clean and he looked dominant. Everything that needed to happen with these two happened tonight so I'm very pleased.

Shame it happened 12 years too late, I still think this is how Wrestlemania 14 should have gone with Undertaker's weakness coming from the incident at the Royal Rumble, as opposed to the "vegetative state" thing.
But as the saying goes, "better late than never."
Kane will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Got this one right. I was impressed by this match. It lasted forever but both guys did a great job. It was almost as good as their two Wrestlemania matches! Kane HAD to win. He stood a chance with Taker's streak not being on the line, plus he has a great title reign that needed to continue. Where do they go from here? We might or might not see a rematch at the next PPV. We ended up doing a lot of talking here, got off topic into stuff going on in our lives, and after several minutes we realized the match was still on and one of the guys made a remark about how long the match had lasted.... It was funny. Unlike Miz/Bryan the length didn't really hurt the match because both Kane and Taker did a great job in what was arguably the second best match of the evening.
I saw a lot of people calling this match a disappointment, but I don't see why. It was a little slow at the beginning, but the back and forth power brawling (I think I just invented a phrase) between these two monsters was very enjoyable. Both men were thrown into the steel stairs with a ton of force, and both took some major punches. I loved when Kane unloaded on Taker in the corner with punch after punch after punch. The finish was also great. Even though I really wanted Kane to win, I was still yelling at Taker to go for the cover after the chokeslam, which just shows you how much this match pulled me in. I really enjoyed it.

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