WWE Fatal Fourway - Jack Swagger (c) vs CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio vs Big Show - WHC

I hope Undertaker will compete at Fatal Four Way, due to the fact that if they're gonna have Jack Swagger retain at the pay per view, he needs to have an opponent that can properly build him as the strong champion he needs to be build like.

Certainly Big Show will be something incredible to defeat for a new champion, but it just doesn't have the same caliber of establishment as Undertaker, and sadly replacing him with Rey Mysterio I don't think will do it either, yes Rey is an established guy to beat, but he doesn't have the same tough main event feel over him with the likes of Undertaker, John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista (used to obviously).
I'm not usually in the habit of making predictions this early in the game, even though the match is already established. Still, I'll go ahead and make a few observations about this match as it stands now.

Rey Mysterio and CM Punk: These two are just there to fill up space and a few big spots in the match, and then go to work on each other. The two of them cancel each other out. I think we can safely dismiss them as potential victors in this match. Currently, neither of their story lines lean towards a championship. I think we can forget about Rey's chances of ever getting a main event championship again, either. He will retire with only one and he was lucky the WWE let him have that. As for Punk, he's in the main event but I think a long way from getting a main event championship again.

Jack Swagger: Because he's the champion, he's the odds on favorite to retain it. Just the way these things work. If they want to continue to push Swagger, then this would be the time and place to do it. Still, Swagger has already shown himself to be annoying rather than truly hate-able by the audience. I think they may be setting him up to drop the belt soon.

The Big Show: Here's a great example of a guy who's paid his dues to the WWE and hasn't asked for a lot in return. I think it's time for him to get a main event singles championship and this would be the best way to do it. He wouldn't even have to pin Swagger (although that's probably what'll happen if he does get the title.) He's showing himself to be very over with the crowd and I think his time is coming once again.
Swagger needs this win as much as anyone else to build him strongly.

I would love for Show to win this but I don't think the WWE will hand him belt.

Punk have an outside chance of winning this as there is not much he can fued with after Mysterio, he may win it with help from the SES and fued with Show for a while.

Mysterio chances of winning this are probably zero and none, rumours has it that he is going to take some time off for surgery and putting the strap around him dosen't make sense.

My pick is going to be Swagger as WWE always book the champions to retain their title in this type of match.
Brilliant idea, as mvp is on the brink. His face turn just like mark henry's shouldn't have ever happened. Ever. This would be perfect. This will also rejuvenate mvp as he knows how terrible he is as a face. But as far as the undertaker goes i hope he just hangs them up. Y does he continue to put his self through this. And don't say for the love of wwe or vince, because that's b.s. There are other ways of showing that. I grew up watching taker etc and i have never seen him as frail and weak looking as he has been the last 3 years. He got burned recently, repaired a broken hip, constant knee problems, and now 3 injuries in one match from a seated senton from a 175 lb guy come on. Had Taker taken that 4 years ago he wouldn't even have this issue. Damn retire already.

Um, no, MVP is nowere remotely close to anything resembling "the brink"....He lost to Luke fucking Gallows last week, hello?

The clear and obvious replacement is Mcytnire. Who takes people out with a chair Mcyntire. Who has shown a streak which makes him brave / crazy? Mcyntire...Who could use the rub from a feud when Taker returns? Mcyntire.

Pretty easy for me to see this playing out. Unfortunately enough, I VERY highly doubt they have 3 heels and one face. We likely will get Rey Mysterio, since he lost the qualifier, against the guy who is now injured.

If it merely boils down to a broken face / broken face componets, Taker will be fine, and work through it.

EDIT: Concussion and broken nose? No big deal, he can cut promos and do vingettes to stay on tv til the show...Broken orbital bone on the other hand is a pretty severe thing. If its true, he is likely not gonna be able to go. Guess we will see Rey Mastrio, or maybe a returning Triple H. Really are no other viable options, as I very much doubt they go with three heels, and Kofi is the IC champ....maybe they throw him in anyway?
Um, no, MVP is nowere remotely close to anything resembling "the brink"....He lost to Luke fucking Gallows last week, hello?

The clear and obvious replacement is Mcytnire. Who takes people out with a chair Mcyntire. Who has shown a streak which makes him brave / crazy? Mcyntire...Who could use the rub from a feud when Taker returns? Mcyntire.

Pretty easy for me to see this playing out. Unfortunately enough, I VERY highly doubt they have 3 heels and one face. We likely will get Rey Mysterio, since he lost the qualifier, against the guy who is now injured.

If it merely boils down to a broken face / broken face componets, Taker will be fine, and work through it.

EDIT: Concussion and broken nose? No big deal, he can cut promos and do vingettes to stay on tv til the show...Broken orbital bone on the other hand is a pretty severe thing. If its true, he is likely not gonna be able to go. Guess we will see Rey Mastrio, or maybe a returning Triple H. Really are no other viable options, as I very much doubt they go with three heels, and Kofi is the IC champ....maybe they throw him in anyway?
Excuse me, let me clarify. When i say mvp is on the "brink" I meant brink of being released, or just flat out being a complete jobber. He needs the heel turn desperately or the above results will happen to him.. He never should have turned face. Ever. So i hope i cleared that up.
Rey Mysterio has officially replaced the injured Undertaker in this match. Still, I think Swagger will retain here. I don't think WWE would throw the belt on Rey so quickly with no build at all. Maybe Rey will come close to winning the title, but I don't think he'll get the win. A win here could help Swagger out a lot, because he's been coming into his own as world heavyweight champion over the past couple of months.
You can almost count out rey mysterio on winning this one. I don't think the WWE would have rey mysterio win when he wasn't even supposed to be in the fatal four way match in the first place. Jack Swagger is most likely going to win this but I really want CM Punk or bigshow to win becuase overall to me Jack Swagger isn't nearly as good of a champion as he was in ECW when he had the ECW championship. But that's another thread. I think Jack Swagger needs to have a god fued with someone before he drops the belt. I think if the WWE books him right he could lose the championship without him losing that much steam.
I have to admit I'm a little (just a little) saddened that Rey Mysterio is going into this match, I would've thought that Kane would've been the better choice.

While Rey Mysterio could serve better in establishing and making Jack Swagger seem legitimate, so could Kane, not as well, but he could.

And had Kane been included, it would've served a purpose because of the fact that it's Undertaker, his brother, so he'd need his revenge somehow, and what better way than to include him in the match his brother can't compete in now?
I have to admit I'm a little (just a little) saddened that Rey Mysterio is going into this match, I would've thought that Kane would've been the better choice.

While Rey Mysterio could serve better in establishing and making Jack Swagger seem legitimate, so could Kane, not as well, but he could.

And had Kane been included, it would've served a purpose because of the fact that it's Undertaker, his brother, so he'd need his revenge somehow, and what better way than to include him in the match his brother can't compete in now?

I think Kane should've been in the match in the first place so if this whole undertaker found in a vegeteative states storyline would have never happened it could overwhelm swagger being in the ring with 3 giants.

But I also think that Kane should replace the undertaker.
Seeing as Rey is now replacing Undertaker, here are my thoughts on his chances:


I don't see Rey walking away with anything here other than a beating at the hands of Swagger. The fact that he was/is going to be taking time off says to me that he isn't winning. The most likely situation for Mysterio is that he'll in fact be pinned by Swagger. I'll say it now, Swagger to Pin Rey Mysterio.
Kane has been on rampage this past couple of weeks, so I'm wondering if he will interfere in this match? It wouldn't surprise me because Kane seems to be hell bent on causing chaos. He attacked all of the participants in this match last night on Smackdown, and maybe he continue to send his message when the Fatal 4 Way ppv comes around? I still believe Swagger will retain if Kane interferes in this match.
I agree Mitch, it could very well seem as if Kane was to interfere in this match, ultimately giving Jack Swagger some way of retaining through pinning one of the guys that got hit by a chokeslam.

Either way I think this weeks Smackdown made this match so much more interesting, I'm fucking pumped for this very match, more than anything on the whole card right now.
Yes, Kane will definitely somehow get involved with this match. Now you could either see it as a way Jack Swagger could use this to retain the title or this could somehow lead to Swagger losing the title but in a way that doesn't make him look too weak. Like what they did with Sheamus at Elemination Chamber.
Kane may indeed have a role in this match, but Swagger will still walk out with the WHC. Rey hasn't been built up fast enough, Punk needs a way to keep stretching him gimmick out, but a title reign doesn't need to happen for him, and as far as Big Show goes, he's better suited as the guy chasing the gold.

I think creative did a good job of replacing Undertaker and keeping this big title match in motion without much of a hitch. Whether Kane interferes or not, I say Swagger walks out. His push and work as of late has been incredible. His promos are solid and he's really getting the heat now, so hopefully he will retain and keep this nice momentum going.
Without The Undertaker, this match has really just died on it's ass and it really shouldn't have.

Looking at some of the people who are in the match, a couple of points come to mind. The first of which being, is this the best Smackdown has got without The Undertaker? I mean come on! Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Big Show and CM Punk? Is that it?! CM punk is probably the only person in this match that I would say deserve to be there. The Big Show's latest heel turn is terrible and Rey Mysterio is only in there because of the injury to The Undertaker. Jack Swagger is only in the match because he is the Champion and otherwise would be nowhere near it. Again, I reiterate, CM Punk is the most interesting and best choice for this match. It surprises me that Kane didn't get the spot instead of Rey but it wouldn't have made a difference when you look at the star-power that the Raw main event has.

The second point I noticed is that this match just seems like it is not about the men involved because of what happened to The Undertaker and the resulting push with Kane. Hands up if you don't think that Kane will get involved in this match? To me, it has just suffered from Undertaker's unfortunate departure and I have no interest in seeing it, to be honest.

That being said, I think Swagger will retain here. I would like to see Punk win the title again but with the whole mask thing going on, I doubt that is going to happen.
Without The Undertaker, this match has really just died on it's ass and it really shouldn't have.

Looking at some of the people who are in the match, a couple of points come to mind. The first of which being, is this the best Smackdown has got without The Undertaker? I mean come on! Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Big Show and CM Punk? Is that it?! CM punk is probably the only person in this match that I would say deserve to be there. The Big Show's latest heel turn is terrible and Rey Mysterio is only in there because of the injury to The Undertaker. Jack Swagger is only in the match because he is the Champion and otherwise would be nowhere near it. Again, I reiterate, CM Punk is the most interesting and best choice for this match. It surprises me that Kane didn't get the spot instead of Rey but it wouldn't have made a difference when you look at the star-power that the Raw main event has.

The second point I noticed is that this match just seems like it is not about the men involved because of what happened to The Undertaker and the resulting push with Kane. Hands up if you don't think that Kane will get involved in this match? To me, it has just suffered from Undertaker's unfortunate departure and I have no interest in seeing it, to be honest.

That being said, I think Swagger will retain here. I would like to see Punk win the title again but with the whole mask thing going on, I doubt that is going to happen.

It wouldn't have been that much better with the Undertaker in it to be honest.

I can see Swagger retaining or any one of the other three winning. If it isn't Swagger I would say Punk because at this point he needs it more if this SES angle is going to pick up any momentum. Show would make for a nice face champion but with the current roster on Smackdown, it's hard for him to have a decent match. I wouldn't mind Mysterio being champion as he can have a good match with anybody. I have Swagger winning but if it isn't him, it will be Punk with hopefully a feud with Christian down the line.
Well, I make it a point to never predict a retention for every single title match of a show.... So here comes my predicted title change. Swagger, Punk, Mysterio, Big Show.... All former world champions. Let's take a look at each.

The current World Champion. Swagger has decent odds of retaining. He would honestly be my pick if it weren't for the likelihood of Kane interfering somehow. That makes it tougher for some reason. Swagger had a good reign, and there will be more, but I believe it will end sunday.

NO WAY. If Rey wins, I riot. Cruiserweights can be a World Champion but not a World HEAVYWEIGHT Champion. I will argue that until the day I die.

Big Show
Big Show might have pretty good odds of winning.... However he didn't win against Swagger last time, so I find it hard to believe that he could pick up the victory here. I'm gonna go with no.

I'll give Punk the win. His previous reigns were good and a world title win could help him regain the credibility he lost by having to put the mask on. Plus, he could move on to feud with Kane during the angle with Taker's unconscious state.

VERY tough call on this match, and I know that Kane will get involved somehow. I expect it to close the show with Punk winning and then Kane runs in and tombstone piledrives him or something. Kane WILL get involved somehow, the question is how and when. I think it will be a great match and I just hope it lives up to the hype. I think Punk will become a 4 time straightedge world champion sunday because he has the most to gain from a victory out of the four.

CM Punk will win the World Heavyweight Championship.
This is clearly an easy way for Swagger to lose the belt without getting pinned. As for who will win, I'm not sure. Big Show has been on a roll lately and I love him as a face, but I don't know if I could buy him as champion right now. Rey, I really don't know if I could ever buy him as champ again. He's my pick for taking the fall here.

Punk is probably the guy who could use it the most. Show will always have credibility due to his size, and Rey will be over when he needs a wheelchair to get to the ring. Punk, however, is over as a heel but has been Rey's bitch for a couple months. I don't think he'll win though either. They are building to a mask vs. mask match at Summerslam between him and Rey, so it would be unnecessary for either of them to have the belt. I guess my pick is Big Show to win.
I am going with Jack Swagger to retain here. Swagger has been a weak champion and needs to gets some win to be a credible champion and a win in the fatal fourway clean maybe will give him some credability.
Jack Swagger wins here by default. Big Show I can't see him as champion. Punk and Mysterio will continue their feud after this. So I am picking Swagger to sneak away the the belt.
Rey is a great wrestler, as I've said so many times, but he should not be a world heavyweight champion. That includes the WHC and the WWE title. Once was bad enough. How can a 5'4", 150 lb guy be the top dog out of a whole roster on a consistent basis? He should be able to pull off a surprise win against much huger guys sometimes, but it's just dumb to take him past the US or IC title. I realize the guy can't help the size he was born with, but still. I know he is massively over and sells millions of masks, but he would still be without the WHC. He won the heavyweight belt once after Eddie died as a nod to his legacy in the business, despite his size, saying that on skill alone he got to the WHC level. I admit that was a fitting tribute to a guy who is a true veteran, wrestling since he was 14 or so in Mexico. One short tribute reign. What I want to know is why, specifically, should an extremely small wrestler be a heavyweight champion, again? Please don't just repeat how dedicated, experienced, skilled, and popular he is. None of that necessitates giving him this specific belt multiple times, in my opinion.

PS- I know a good number of my posts here have been making critical points about Mysterio, but really, I like him. I just really, really hate how they book him.
I was raging at this match when it got down to Show and Rey in the ring that was just stupid. It felt like forever for Kane to come out with the coffin and CM Punk to get chased out then what through the rest of the PPV...NOTHING! no cut scenes of it. It was totally stupid Rey winning this is crazy they should have him fued with Swagger and have Kane after SES. Big Show should just GTFO of contention.
I think it was an absolutely awesome match, it was very back and forth and all until the end I was in doubt who was gonna be the winner.

I think it is a shame that Rey Mysterio walked out the champion, mostly because I don't find it to be believable against guys like Big Show and Jack Swagger, no matter the fact that Kane interfered, which I have to admit that I loved to see, which makes me think CM Punk vs Kane will be feuding in the future.

Jack Swagger should have retained this I'd say, and I would prefer to have seen it that way, instead of Rey Mysterio.

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