John C+L vs Rock


Dark Match Winner
with big Johnny back and the interest he had in the Rock vs Cena i feel he will be the key to the victory Cena has

I feel Big Johnny will do something that will give Cena that edge he needs to win, which will ultimately put Cena as a heel for screwing the Rock (Wether he had knowledge of it or not) i feel big Johnny will do something to impact this match and it'll swing in Cena's favor.

My only problem is...who is the major face IF Cena is converted to heel?

got a funny gut feeling John C and L will somehow have lined up to defeat Rock. THAT or John L will hold himself has the man that beat rock and claim without him Cena wouldn't have won.
Couldn't agree more.

I feel that WWE are counting on the fact that by the end of the Taker vs Punk match, Punk will be cheered and because of this Punk will make a slow transition back to a Face. Due to the type of match it is, regardless of whether Punk wins or loses, his efforts during the match will likely swing the crowd back to cheering him.

Possibly Heyman will do something to mess with the match and piss Punk off, possibly even lose the match and set up a Punk vs Lesnar fued for later in the year.
It could happen. If Big Johnny somehow interferes, even a bit, and winds up costing The Rock the match, then it sets everything in motion for a return match between the two at Extreme Rules in May.

The Rock is confirmed for the show and dropping the title to Cena via help, albeit unwanted help, from Big Johnny won't give Cena the "closure" that he's looking for. The Rock will also have a legit gripe due to the interference. Thus, they make a match for Extreme Rules with some sort of stipulation, possibly something like Hell in a Cell for instance, in which there'll be no excuses. That way, WWE keeps Rock looking strong if he loses at WM and creating a logical necessity for a rematch.

After all, if Cena wins, not only will he have beaten The Rock, but he'll have beaten The Rock for the WWE Championship.
After how The Rock won and retained the WWE Championship, it would only serve him right to lose it under questionable circumstances. I don't think that that's going to happen, however. I'm confident that Cena will win clean and end his epic slump of main eventing pay-per-views, banging porn stars, and winning the Royal Rumble.

I think the John Laurinaitis factor is a red herring. I see no good reason to attempt to turn Cena heel. As far as I'm concerned, Cena would benefit much more from an extended break than a heel turn. A "heel" turn for John Cena would most likely amount to a flip-flopping of who cheers "Let's go Cena," and who responds "Cena sucks." I do think that Johnny Ace would mitigate this, but the risks of doing so far outweigh the rewards.

The Rock's rematch clause is just as valid after a clean loss as it would be after a schmoz. The mutual respect routine has made the animosity of this match virtually nil, save for Cena getting to the verge of tears and eating a Rock Bottom because of it. WWE had to spice the build up, so they've decided to utilize John Laurinaitis as a means of casting doubt on this whole affair. If this match ends in any other fashion than Cena getting a clean 3 count over The Rock, I'll be legitimately surprised. If that ends up being the case, I just hope it's a good surprise.
with big Johnny back and the interest he had in the Rock vs Cena i feel he will be the key to the victory Cena has

I feel Big Johnny will do something that will give Cena that edge he needs to win, which will ultimately put Cena as a heel for screwing the Rock (Wether he had knowledge of it or not) i feel big Johnny will do something to impact this match and it'll swing in Cena's favor.

My only problem is...who is the major face IF Cena is converted to heel?

got a funny gut feeling John C and L will somehow have lined up to defeat Rock. THAT or John L will hold himself has the man that beat rock and claim without him Cena wouldn't have won.

If JL does actually get involved my guess is he'll simply run down to the ring, Rock will knock him down on to the mat, then Cena takes advantage of Rock's distraction for the win. Cena can look all guilty and conficted over winning like that, he can say that whilst he had nothing to do with JL coming down, he saw an oppurtunity and took it. A nice slow burn turn, where VKM can drag it out to ER, or maybe even further.
Not going to happen, but a man can dream.

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