Getting Noticed By Management
Honestly, i cant beleive this topic is up for discussion. You guys are forgetting that The Rock is and was a HOUSEHOLD NAME. He was adored by fans around the world in and out of wrestling. His promos by themselves are legendary and his matches great too. People who didnt even eatch wrestling knew who the rock was and knew his catch phrases. Cena doesnt even have any....Unlike cena, the rock could actually put on great story telling matches consistantly and with anywun. besides that, the rock came up during a time when wrestling was extremely popular so more ppl remember him. i'll give cena his credit where its due, but theres no way ur telling me that anything cena has done holds a candle to the Rocks greatest moments. hell ppl who dont watch wrestling anymore will still reminse on the Rock and his glory days, and they look at john cena like wtf.... Also unlike Cena, the no longer needs wrestling to buld his career. He walked away and never looked back, but look at him now. wun of the biggest names in hollywood. If cena were to walk away now, where wud he be?....Rock has a legendary legacy and its lunacy to even think that john cena wud have a bigger/better wun....