**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

No he didn't. He guaranteed victory the Rumble before(2000) and he delivered. He guarenteed winning the title at backlash 2000 and he delivered. He guaranteed beating austin at WM 19 and he delivered. Like I said, I've never seen Rock lose after guaranteeing victory.
Once "and the Rock gauran-damn-tees" became one of his catchphrases, I'm pretty sure he guaranteed it.

Rock won't win because it doesn't make any sense from any perspective unless you are a blatant Rock mark.
Nothing the WWE does has to make sense. At least not in the sense that it makes sense to you or I.

Without knowing the long term plans of Cena, The Rock, or The WWE it's hard to pin down what the negatives and positives are and how they finish or advance the story. If there are no plans for The Rock to wrestle again anytime soon I think Cena shouldn't lose but if The Rock loses a lot of fans at Miami go home disappointed. This isn't unheard of though, heels win in main events, they win royal rumbles, they cash in money in the banks.

I'm afraid the match will be lackluster, but I'm really interested in what happens next.
Nothing the WWE does has to make sense. At least not in the sense that it makes sense to you or I.

Without knowing the long term plans of Cena, The Rock, or The WWE it's hard to pin down what the negatives and positives are and how they finish or advance the story. If there are no plans for The Rock to wrestle again anytime soon I think Cena shouldn't lose but if The Rock loses a lot of fans at Miami go home disappointed. This isn't unheard of though, heels win in main events, they win royal rumbles, they cash in money in the banks.

I'm afraid the match will be lackluster, but I'm really interested in what happens next.
If anyone goes home unhappy because Rock lost then they are insane. The match will be amazing. No, not a "technical masterpiece" but it shouldn't be. Rock/Hogan IS an amazing match. The crowd, how they react to it. Don't look at the moves, just think for a second. First time (really) one of those matches has ever happened. Hogan is a heel, Rock is a face, they come in, crowd is going APESHIT. How do you respond to that? You can't just go into the moves because you have to let the crowd digest everything and "get it out" of their system.

Rock and Cena are masters at working an audience. I'm interested to see exactly what they do an how they respond.

Cena isn't a heel, he's just Cena and Rock is just Rock. Also, there are 1 million other people watching and 3 million more watching tomorrow night, why would you book just for 75% othe 80,000 people there tonight? Doesn't make any sense.
Now that The Rock has won :worship: I was screaming in joy when he won btw, where does WWE go from now ? Im guessing the most likely choice if this Lesnar thing is true is that Tomorrow night we see The Rock and Brock make their match official for next year. As for Cena really now would be a good time to at least test a heel turn you can always turn him back to a face by just making him cut a promo saying he lost his mind once he lost to the rock but is back to normal and is sorry.

What do you think will happen though ?
I could see a heel turn from Cena, especially with the gloating at the end trying to end the match with a people's elbow. I really thought Cena had this one tonight, with the great build and the seemingly aggravated Rock. Would it be possible for Cena to team up with a few other people to form a heel stable or some sort? Who knows?

I'm up for a drastic shakedown of the story lines and feuds... personally feeling a bit let down by 'mania. Not nearly as much of letdown as survivor series though. I think the creative guys should break a few molds and really try to put their mark on the product. We need some freshness!!!

Lesnar and the Rock seems to be the feud of the future amongst the IWC...where does that leave cena, punk, jericho, etc? Not sure about Cody Rhodes either. I don't understand the Big Show victory. Damn, he's so BORING.

Only time will tell where WWE goes from here...
I expect at least one rematch, at SS or Mania next year, where Cena will go over.

I do not understand the appeal for Rock vs Brock at all though. The guy who went to Hollywood vs The guy who went to UFC? That's like the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
If anyone goes home unhappy because Rock lost then they are insane. The match will be amazing. No, not a "technical masterpiece" but it shouldn't be. Rock/Hogan IS an amazing match. The crowd, how they react to it. Don't look at the moves, just think for a second. First time (really) one of those matches has ever happened. Hogan is a heel, Rock is a face, they come in, crowd is going APESHIT. How do you respond to that? You can't just go into the moves because you have to let the crowd digest everything and "get it out" of their system.

Rock and Cena are masters at working an audience. I'm interested to see exactly what they do an how they respond.

Cena isn't a heel, he's just Cena and Rock is just Rock. Also, there are 1 million other people watching and 3 million more watching tomorrow night, why would you book just for 75% othe 80,000 people there tonight? Doesn't make any sense.

I guess it made enough sense for the WWE to book The Rock winning.
rock and cena will have a build for a match at summerslam where cena will go over and a rubber match at wrestlemania 29 where cena will also go over.

brock lesnar is coming for cena in the meantime.
just wanted to reply before this got 8 million responses and turned into some merged thread with 19 pages--Rock winning was AWESOME!!!!! For the record, I'm also a Cena fan, but having Rock win in his hometown just seemed like the best way to go.

As far as Lesnar, is he really going to actually come back to WWE?? I thought he absolutely hated it and got that strange tattoo as some metaphor for that era of his life? Oh well, I'm still going to freak if his music actually hits tomorrow night--which begs the question, will he get updated music?? And no more Tazz to say 'here comes the pain' which I really liked-eh, can't win em all!

Is there anyone out there still thinking we're going to get a best of three set with Cena and Rock?? Lesnar beat Rock almost 10 years ago
If their bringing back Batista and Brock, and have the Rock, why don't they start building WrestleMania for last year as WrestleMania 29 The Home Coming. It's going to be in NY and everybody is basically coming back, yo bring back Austin and their you have it, another great emotional wrestlemania. I'm looking forward to tomorrow on Raw. I was entertained tonight, and I look forward to the same tomorrow.
Brock Lesnar, if he returns, should NOT face The Rock. that's already happened, if you'll remember his first world title. I don't care where they go or what they do as long as that doesn't happen. Also, I don't think they should announce the main event again a year in advance. There is no way it will have bigger names than Rock/Cena. WHY do it again?
I am thinking Brock/Rock/Cena/Bautista will all end up in the ring together tomorrow night. Not sure who will feud with who. As for the guy who suggested 2 more Cena/Rock matches, I certainly hope you are wrong. I would understand, and agree with, a match in August. Next year's Wrestlemania event is going to be SCSA v. CM Punk. Nice to now know, though, that all of this Lesnar speculation was exactly that - a red herring to make some of us think either guy would return and interfere in the main event.
Rock/Cena should be a standalone match, it was built as once in a lifetime and the unique atmosphere, storytelling and finish can't be replicated. I don't think Cena will turn heel either my guess is that they'l play off of him being down on confidence following the defeat and have him fued with and eventually overcome Lesnar probably at Summerslam.
He hasn't held a title in quite awhile, he agreed to let Rock win, He put over several guys the past year and Cena Haters are STILL not satisfied He is not turning heel so either accept it or you turn...off the TV. The TURN CENA HEEL crap is getting OLD. LET IT ALONE
With rumors that they're going to announce WM 29 main event soon I certainly hope we don't get Cena/Rock 2 at 29.

I have no idea where it goes from here, or if it's good for business, but I think it was good for The Rock to win in front of the crowd in Miami. The WWE gave the fans what they wanted above anything else.

That said I think the match was disappointing. I think both guys are capable of putting on a better match. It wasn't as good as Rock/Hogan or Cena/Punk from last summer.
....I'm not buying this Brock thing yet. (note, i didn't buy into Jericho either. clearly i don't know shit) Maybe its the cynical side of me but I just don't see a point from a storyline perspective. Brock coming back to challange the Taker for next year might have been cool, but after tonight I think he should just call it quits and end with maybe his best match ever.

If Brock is coming back for the Rock, that wouldn't make sense at all. Two guys that quit on wrestling appeals to nobody. Plus we've all heard that Brock hates the travel and would only do part time, seems like a shitty buildup to me.

Punk vs the Rock might be fun, I'd love to think that a great match like tonight's rekindles his spirit for wrestling.... but Hollywood is less work and more money.

Everything I thought was building to next years mania is kind of shot.... Now, I'm Praying for Austin v Punk. Hoping Cena's career isn't ruined. Hoping that this really was the end for the Taker/HHH/HBK.
I will believe Brock is back when I see it, but assuming he does come back I think it would go down like this. The Rock comes out to say his goodbyes, tell us how he has faced and beaten everyone there is to beat. Out comes Brock to tell Rock he has never beaten him, and he talks about their Summerslam match where Brock won clean. The match for mania 29 is set. To be honest I think Lesner/Cena makes more sense given the fact that Cena basically took Brock's spot when he left. Should be fun to watch in any event. I love the first Raw after Mania.
WM 29 will be The Rock vs Undertaker

Rock said it himself, he has beat Austin, Hogan, and Cena at WM, who is left?

Tomorrow night, the match will be set up. Rock will challenge Taker and the match will be set.

It is perfect, because neither of them need to be on camera much for the build until next February.
Rock vs Cena will NOt be a stand alone match. Name ONE time in wrestling history when the biggest star in the company did the honors for a guy on his way out? That doesn't happen, and this will be no exception.

This feud has Best of Three written all over it. I don't care that they referred to it as "Once in a Lifetime" - they also referred to the Warrior/Savage match at WrestleMania VII as a Retirement Match ... and last I checked, Savage managed to headline the next year's WrestleMania as the friggin champion. Weird how they pulled that off, right?

My guess is that this match eats away at Cena, and he becomes almost obsessed with the loss. He does everything he can to get The Rock to fight him one more time. The two have a match at SummerSlam, and Cena cheats to win ... turning heel in the process ... and giving The Rock a reason to go after Cena in the Best of Three finale, which could legitimately take place at 'Mania next year. Despite tonight's outcome, I just don't see The Rock going over in this feud with Cena - unless Rock plans on becoming a full-time wrestler again.

In terms of Lesnar, I would be very upset if they brought him back just to feud with The Rock. Though the match would sell, I just don't see a long-term benefit from having that match. I'd much rather see Lesnar come out tomorrow and challenge The Undertaker to a match at next year's 'Mania. Though I understand that 'Taker actually appeared less on WWE TV this year than The Rock did, and that 'Taker has as much long-term value to the company as The Rock does, my reasoning behind seeing more of a long-term value to a 'Taker/Lesnar match is because it would further build The Streak as a brand. I've heard for years that they've been trying to hold off Cena/Taker for WrestleMania 30, and if that's the case, then there really isn't a viable contender for next year's victim of the streak. That's where Brock fits in perfectly.
Is it just me or is booking Brock and Rock a year in advance, as you suggested, a HUGE mistake. First of all, this match didn't need the year of hype to make it big, in fact I could have settled with it being started at survivor series or even around the Rumble. Hell, during the summer of Punk I didn't think twice about this match. But anyways, the reason booking anything with Brock so far in advance is a mistake is because look at what happened in the UFC, brock had to miss two major fights because of his illness. Who is to say it won't strike up again around Mania and cause them to have to cancel a major match. The WWE was very lucky that this match was able to happen and Cena never got hurt despite working a full schedule still. Anything can happen between now and next year and so booking a match a year in advance is not something I think they should risk. I'm not sure where they can go from here now though because I don't see much value in a rematch after Cena lost the big one and has to go back to work full time, really sucks for him imo as I think he should have gone over. They do need to debut some new stars tomorrow, hopefully Albert and Batista come back to keep that night after mania excitement going.
Cena should step away for awhile. The guy has worked his ass off and deserves a break. He probably won't because of the company weight on his shoulders, but he could use some time off.

Cena will admit the Rock got the best of him and stay classy in a promo. Than it will be off to the next feud. I can see the Miz feud again, Miz saying he won at WM but Cena didn't. I don't know who else he can feud with at this point. Regardless, with Punk still champion and a face, he won't be in the title picture for awhile.
I do not understand the appeal for Rock vs Brock at all though. The guy who went to Hollywood vs The guy who went to UFC? That's like the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

I'll answer this first. Yes, I understand your point, but it's not about people who are in WWE vs people who aren't. It's about draws and money. Both The Rock and Brock Lesnar are mainstream names that bring in attention outside of the wrestling world. Both of them are from a time when wrestling was bigger (though obviously much less with Brock). And both of them are better than just about everyone on the roster today (though Brock does have major flaws). This match would be huge. That's why.

On to what next. Ever since we found out that the Rock will be in WWE longer, I expected him to win this match. I expected it to be a "2 out of 3 match" with a match at Summerslam (Cena wins) and then a tie breaker match at Mania in NYC (or rather NJ), with Cena winning.

The only problem with that is, like others said, this was billed as a "once in a lifetime match" so now it gets stretched. However, right now, if I had to bet, it'd be on a 2/3 series.
John Cena said he NEEDS to win. And he did NEED to win. Cena is right, if the Rock wins, it means nothing, the Rock will move one with his life holding the conquest of defeating the icon of every generation. But John Cena? He lives, breathes, and bleeds for the WWE.

If he had won tonight, he would just become Superman with no doubt in anyone's mind. He would be unbeatable and the man who always rises above and the Rock's return to de-throne all that would have been meaningless.

It had to have ended this way. Now I'm hoping we can finally see John with any sort of character change, even if it is the slightest. He has been shaken to his core.
how about rock wins at summerslam vs cena, then loses at 29 to cena... he did lose 2 to austin before finally getting that win..

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