*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

Well I think the main reason is in your first couple of lines. Time has passed. The initial excitement that the match will finally take place has died down, and the millions are getting bored of waiting. Now people are frustrated, and picking holes in the match/feud that arent really there. For example, people are saying The Rock will be rusty in the ring. Not a chance in hell!! By Wrestlemania, he will have had over a year to prepare for the match, if you don't think he will spend at least 3-4 months in the ring beforehand (as Jericho did before his return), then your crazy.
Basically, WWE made a mistake announcing the match so far in advance and allowing the initial excitement to die down.

Okay interesting... My question to you is, and this is purely a question not poking holes in what you said is, when would have been the right time to book it? Lets say after wm at the Raw that followed the rock showed up did his thing and left and then wasnt heard or seen from again until survivor series, which we all know he's currently booked for. Would then he come out and screw Cena somehow and book the match? I agree with the booking only because if you allowed time to pass after wm and then book the match you get the same effect as booking it right away. The rock would have came out that raw after wm trash talked with Cena and left not to be heard of again until a later date (which at the time, we didn't know he would be booked for survivor series) so us as fans would have been let down. I guarantee all these forums would have been filled with " wwe screws up again. They build up for rock vs cena and don't follow through blah blah blah." So we would have been let down regardless. So i personally don't believe the booking has anything to do with it. Anyways your thoughts?
The answer is simple. It's the IWC's culture. There are a few rules.

1) No matter what, anything that's happening sucks. It's okay to like it for a month or two, but then you have to hate it.

2) Anything popular, you hate.

3) Always bitch. This is a must.

4) Don't use logic or objectivity. Just kind of spew your opinion froth mouthed and complain about stuff you don't try to understand. Back up your opinion with your other opinions.

It doesn't surprise me. You could take a poster, have him post exactly what he wants a show to be like. The WWE does it. The poster would STILL bitch about it.
The answer is simple. It's the IWC's culture. There are a few rules.

1) No matter what, anything that's happening sucks. It's okay to like it for a month or two, but then you have to hate it.

2) Anything popular, you hate.

3) Always bitch. This is a must.

4) Don't use logic or objectivity. Just kind of spew your opinion froth mouthed and complain about stuff you don't try to understand. Back up your opinion with your other opinions.

It doesn't surprise me. You could take a poster, have him post exactly what he wants a show to be like. The WWE does it. The poster would STILL bitch about it.

Wow, that made me super facepalm.

1) Nothing sucks just because it's old. It sucks when WWE ruins the angle. The Nexus was originally awesome. And then it became crystal clear that their entire existence was only to be buried by Cena.

2) C. M. Punk

3) You're bitching about us bitching

4) And that is, ahem, your opinion. However, there's a word for when your opinion clashes with facts. It's called being wrong.

Now on topic: I was never interested in the first place. The feud, if you can call it that, was just a bunch of childish "I don't like your in-ring character!" "You don't love the fans!" back and forth. Hell, it completely overshadowed the actual Main Event with the Miz because literally everybody and their grandmother expected 100% for the Rock to show up.

Not to mention that neither of them were ever really good in the ring. Especially Rock, who is too busy making movies. We could probably have a better Main Event from Trent Barreta and Evan Bourne than these two guys. The quality of the promos is really irrelevant to me because no matter how many times Rock calls Cena a yabba-dabba-bitch he still can't do anything impressive, and as many times as Cena cries about the Rock picking on him he still won't be able to sell.

There's no way in hell Cena will lose. Cuz then all the 8 year olds will cry and stop buying WWE's shit. Whether that's accurate or not, that's the mentality in Stanford.

They haven't had any interaction since the announcement of the main event (From what I've seen on TV). The average fan isn't following their sporadic shots at eachother on Twitter. I can only imagine how many hours of video packages the WWE will have to make just to get people to remember why the Rock and Cena even want to fight.
Wow, that made me super facepalm.

1) Nothing sucks just because it's old. It sucks when WWE ruins the angle. The Nexus was originally awesome. And then it became crystal clear that their entire existence was only to be buried by Cena.

2) C. M. Punk

3) You're bitching about us bitching

4) And that is, ahem, your opinion. However, there's a word for when your opinion clashes with facts. It's called being wrong.

When has this ever happened? Oh right, it probably hasn't. Way to speak out of your ass.

1) What did you want them to do with the Nexus? Push a bunch of unknown guys and give them TV time? It was a short term angle that worked brilliantly to introduce characters.

2) there is a "anyone else sick of CM Punk" thread a "whats so great about CM Punk" thread, a "anyone else miss the old Punk" thread, and a "CM Punk's character is too arrogant" thread. So....swing and a miss.

3) Yes, I am bitching at you guys bitching. I'm posting on a wrestling forum, usually it's about how much I appreciate what the wrestlers are doing. You guys are bitching all the time on a wrestling forum. If I were posting on a forum about forum posters and bitching, that'd be a different story.

4) No that actually isn't just my opinion. A majority of posters on here just post their opinions and bitch and back up their opinions with their opinions. You RARELY see anyone use numbers or logic. It's usually "I hate this wrestler, WWE needs to change it" even if the wrestler is over. That's the epitome of not using logic.

Not it hasn't happened exactly like that. It's a hypothetical. However, considering this very thread was made because a lot of people wanted to see Rock vs Cena, now they're bitching about it, I'd say my hypothetical situation was a good representation of the general mindset of smarks.
But WHY? And please don't give me that "Because Cena's the top draw" or "It's a passing of the torch." Argument. Why do people think the top draw can't lose to a loyal legend and future hall of famer?

The Rock is still young and in shape, he's still got his millions and millions, and think about what really happens if John Cena loses. Does that just automatically mean Cena loses credibility to his fans? What if Cena is able to make it about the world title? What if Cena loses his title to The Rock at Wrestlemania, and The Rock is left in the position of "Ok now what do I do with this thing?" There's no reason he can't fight and lose another day to Cena at Vengeance or even somebody else, like CM Punk, who has been taking shots at The Rock. Or is it backlash? I never pay attention to that kind of crap, whatever the next PPV after WM is.

I agree it would be twist/unexpected surprise for Cena to lose to The Rock at Wrestlemania. I think the whole rivarly has been based on The Rock not respecting Cena and the attitude that the crowd shows towards Cena shows that not all fans respect him. By beating The Rock at Mania it will add to him defeating HBK and Triple H at Wrestlemania. Of course he'll still get booed by some people but I think a Cena victory/handshake after the match would be a classic Wrestlemania moment.

How about a tag team match with Cena/Rock at the next Pay Per View after Wrestlemania ?
1) What did you want them to do with the Nexus? Push a bunch of unknown guys and give them TV time? It was a short term angle that worked brilliantly to introduce characters.

2) there is a "anyone else sick of CM Punk" thread a "whats so great about CM Punk" thread, a "anyone else miss the old Punk" thread, and a "CM Punk's character is too arrogant" thread. So....swing and a miss.

3) Yes, I am bitching at you guys bitching. I'm posting on a wrestling forum, usually it's about how much I appreciate what the wrestlers are doing. You guys are bitching all the time on a wrestling forum. If I were posting on a forum about forum posters and bitching, that'd be a different story.

4) No that actually isn't just my opinion. A majority of posters on here just post their opinions and bitch and back up their opinions with their opinions. You RARELY see anyone use numbers or logic. It's usually "I hate this wrestler, WWE needs to change it" even if the wrestler is over. That's the epitome of not using logic.

Not it hasn't happened exactly like that. It's a hypothetical. However, considering this very thread was made because a lot of people wanted to see Rock vs Cena, now they're bitching about it, I'd say my hypothetical situation was a good representation of the general mindset of smarks.

1) They were pushed, and they did have TV time. They main evented PPV's and had several episodes of Raw devoted entirely to them. They were a big deal. The entire point of the group was that they were unknown. The WWE dropped the ball big time by making them Cena's personal jobbing crew just because they wanted the kids to be happy. And how did it work brilliantly? Not a single Nexus member (DBD and Punk don't count) has managed to become anything in the WWE.

2) You missed the part where the people in said threads are flaming and laughing at the OP. Stupid people exist in every part of life. I bet there are people upset that we breath air to live instead of swimming in the ocean with gills.

3) All you post about is how much you appreciate what the wrestlers are doing? Maybe you should go write a blog so the zero people who care can read it.

4) A majority? I can't say. I have seen hundreds of posts that don't follow that little "Rule" you said, though, so it is indeed an opinion.

I knew very few people who actually gave a shit about Cena vs Rock, for reasons already stated in this thread that, despite what you think, are facts, not opinions.
Okay interesting... My question to you is, and this is purely a question not poking holes in what you said is, when would have been the right time to book it? Lets say after wm at the Raw that followed the rock showed up did his thing and left and then wasnt heard or seen from again until survivor series, which we all know he's currently booked for. Would then he come out and screw Cena somehow and book the match? I agree with the booking only because if you allowed time to pass after wm and then book the match you get the same effect as booking it right away. The rock would have came out that raw after wm trash talked with Cena and left not to be heard of again until a later date (which at the time, we didn't know he would be booked for survivor series) so us as fans would have been let down. I guarantee all these forums would have been filled with " wwe screws up again. They build up for rock vs cena and don't follow through blah blah blah." So we would have been let down regardless. So i personally don't believe the booking has anything to do with it. Anyways your thoughts?

Well personally I would have had them take there shots at each other right through the summer, much as they have been anyway. Have The Rock show up at various events as they have done, maybe costing Cena a match here and there. Just a slow build up through the summer, keeping it simmering away but not in the main spotlight until late this year or very early next year, and then announce the match. Then use the 3 months or so up until Wrestlemania to really push the match. I just think the year long build up is too long.
I agree it would be twist/unexpected surprise for Cena to lose to The Rock at Wrestlemania. I think the whole rivarly has been based on The Rock not respecting Cena and the attitude that the crowd shows towards Cena shows that not all fans respect him. By beating The Rock at Mania it will add to him defeating HBK and Triple H at Wrestlemania. Of course he'll still get booed by some people but I think a Cena victory/handshake after the match would be a classic Wrestlemania moment.

How about a tag team match with Cena/Rock at the next Pay Per View after Wrestlemania ?

And you don't think the crowd will see Cena lose and (after they mark their little minds out) realize that Cena CAN lose in a big match? Cena's no mark for himself, he's fine with losing, it's management that thinks he can't loose. Cena instead shows respect to the business as a whole by losing. He shows everyone that it's not all about him, he shows everyone that he can be beat and he shows everyone that sometimes the legends are legends for a reason. I think that earns him respect.

And I think the classic wrestlemania moment with the handshake at the end of the match is just made that much better with The Rock defending his legacy, and Cena accepting defeat graciously.
So with Hogan announcing that he is done with TNA. Honestly i forgot he was still there... ok i knew he was. Hogan would be the perfect guest referee for the match. It would be 10 year anniversary of the Rock/Hogan match at WM 18 which was epic. We would also have 3 of the most entertaining wrestlers in WWE history all in the same ring at the grand daddy of them all. Hogan would add the nostalgia of the match. I think it would be perfect.

FYI this isn't a Hogan WWE return thread. My question for you is; Would Hogan add to this match and would be the prefect referee for this match? or is Hogan a terrible idea for the special referee?
Nope, terrible idea. It would detract from Cena and Rock considerably, who are the acts this match is about. It doesn't need any other gimmicks or participation at all.
No. terrible idea. The emphasis of the match is the match is two of the biggest stars of all time facing off against each other, both are still young, relevant, popular and in good working order. Hogan is none of those things and would not add anything of value to the match.
Most likely if you put a special guest referee on matches like this, they will get involved, interfere and spoil the match. Why the hell do you want to put hogan there? One wrestlemania is already wasted for this match, you want to waste another one? :lmao:
I'm doubting that Hogan could bend over to count to three, for this match. Between his back and his knees, he's one bad bump away from a wheelchair. Do I want to see him between the ropes, ever again? No, I'm sorry but I don't.

I don't think your logic is all that bad because I can understand that marketing behind it, but I just don't think Hogan needs to get involved. It's hard for him to without being the center of attention, and this match has nothing to do with him.
How about an even better idea. Why not have Matt Hardy as the special ref. Just kidding. This is as bad idea as having hogan. Both are publicity poisons as they only serve their interests. They don't care about greater good. Just keep it Cena vs. Rock and that match will draw just as big.

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