**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I just don't buy The Rock losing to Cena in his own backyard in the main event of WrestleMania...and after seeing them shake hands I think it took a lot of intensity away from this feud...I don't see it sustaining the current level of heat needed to an entire year...the material they were shooting back and forth at each other got old in just a month and a half...the beginnings of a physical in ring feud is what brought the life back into it and now they are gonna deflate it all over again?

Vince and creative have gotten lazy in their booking of angles and matches and its really starting to show...WM was a dud and now the feud that everyone waited for will go on the backburner for another year? Who's even gonna care at that point?
RJJ you're right, wrestling isn't about moveset. It's why Cena, Rock, Austin, Harley Race, Flair, Hart, etc all got massively over when really only using a few actual moves. If you can't tell the stories that Cena tells then you're dellusional. Look up what Bryan Alvarez says about Cena. He's the head smark, he works for the Observer, he says that after 2005, you can't say Cena sucks in the ring without having your credibility questioned.

I don't think the hand shake meant anything. Wrestling is like a roller coaster, they'll start to respect each other, then hate each other. As for as not losing in his home town....lol wtf? The only way they book the Rock to win and not put over the future generation is if Rock politics into it. Even though I think the Rock thinks he's a bigger star than he really is, I don't see Rock politicing his way into burying the last 8 years of building Cena into a generational talent. rock wouldn't have enjoyed Hogan doing that even though he probably could have.
The handshake just means this: "I respect you and what you have done in your career. That said, I will RESPECTFULLY kick your ass."

Ya know what? I don't think its Cena that everyone hates...I think people hate the PG era itself and because Cena is the face of the new era he is the one that gets the heat for it...

Cena is boring to watch and I don't like his gimmick personally but who else is there for the WWE to push? Between the serious downgrade in talent and charisma in the current WWE who can't help but love the idea of the past Attitude Era to come back...

I'm sorry but you can't honestly tell me that the current main event scene consisting of:

John Cena
The Miz
Randy Orton
CM Punk
John Morrison etc..

can even vaguely compare next to the previous era of:

The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
HHH (in his prime)
Undertaker (in his prime)
Kurt Angle
Chris Jericho etc...

I mean its like the Pros vs the High School Varsity...its apples and oranges...

Bottom line is this more like Attitude vs PG and the fans older then 10 all remember that era and thats what has made it so easy for people to back the Rock and boo Cena...

I don't think anyone is saying that PG > Attitude, because that is very false. That said, I think I can speak for a few people on this board when I say that I'm sick of these attitude era marks that take that period as an example of absolutely perfect wrestling. IT WASN'T. There were quite a few flaws in the attitude era, and there are quite a few good things in the PG era.

It absolutely boggles me when I see YT videos of Wrestlemania 15 and 16 and read comments of people celebrating those manias as a sign of the good old days just because they were Attitude Era manias, completely disregarding the fact that those two events were among the WORST in Mania history. They are so pissed off with Cena and the current direction of the product that they create a nostalgia filter that completely blocks out the flaws of the past. A lot of AE fans were kids back then, and associate Austin and the Rock with their childhoods.

Mark my words, when the jumpy, overcaffeinated, Cena-merchandise-wearing kids of today become the 20-something, cynical, smarky douchebags of the future, they'll be bitching about how the top star in the business is getting a push over their favorite wrestler, and they will talk about how they can't wait for John Cena to come back, AA the overrated loser, and show the younger fans what REAL wrestling was all about back in the golden days of the PG era.

And guess what, they'll be just as wrong then as the Attitude marks are now.
I don't think anyone is saying that PG > Attitude, because that is very false. That said, I think I can speak for a few people on this board when I say that I'm sick of these attitude era marks that take that period as an example of absolutely perfect wrestling. IT WASN'T. There were quite a few flaws in the attitude era, and there are quite a few good things in the PG era.

It absolutely boggles me when I see YT videos of Wrestlemania 15 and 16 and read comments of people celebrating those manias as a sign of the good old days just because they were Attitude Era manias, completely disregarding the fact that those two events were among the WORST in Mania history. They are so pissed off with Cena and the current direction of the product that they create a nostalgia filter that completely blocks out the flaws of the past. A lot of AE fans were kids back then, and associate Austin and the Rock with their childhoods.

Mark my words, when the jumpy, overcaffeinated, Cena-merchandise-wearing kids of today become the 20-something, cynical, smarky douchebags of the future, they'll be bitching about how the top star in the business is getting a push over their favorite wrestler, and they will talk about how they can't wait for John Cena to come back, AA the overrated loser, and show the younger fans what REAL wrestling was all about back in the golden days of the PG era.

And guess what, they'll be just as wrong then as the Attitude marks are now.

I agree w/u the Attitude Era did have some flaws (hell nothing is perfect) & some ppl do make it seem like it was perfect when it wasn't but when you compare the Attitude Era & even the Ruthless Aggression Era (if you wont to call that period an era) to the PG era AE/RE wins. Everything is so waterdown now it's never been this waterdown not even during Hogan's day. Don't get me wrong there has been some great matches in the PG but overall the product is terrible now. You tell me what are they doing in the PG Era that is so much better then the old Eras where ppl shouldn't be upset or voice there discomfort?
the attitude era ended in 2001, Undertaker didn't hit his prime until later. His "typical wrestler prime" yes, but Taker peaked later than most.

I personally didn't like the Tude era at all. The in ring was pretty lackluster after michaels got hurt. Lots of jerry springer shit and punch/kick matches. It was fun, but if you're a purist, you'd take the post tude era between the PG any day. 2002-2003 Smackdown is the best pure wrestling mainsteam america will ever see. That's not the discussion though.

The PG Era is HARDER for the performers to get over in because they're more limited. It's EASY to get over when you can bleed and cuss and show tits. It's hard when you can't. It's comparing an american league lineup to a national league lineup.
RJJ you're right, wrestling isn't about moveset. It's why Cena, Rock, Austin, Harley Race, Flair, Hart, etc all got massively over when really only using a few actual moves. If you can't tell the stories that Cena tells then you're dellusional. Look up what Bryan Alvarez says about Cena. He's the head smark, he works for the Observer, he says that after 2005, you can't say Cena sucks in the ring without having your credibility questioned.

I don't think the hand shake meant anything. Wrestling is like a roller coaster, they'll start to respect each other, then hate each other. As for as not losing in his home town....lol wtf? The only way they book the Rock to win and not put over the future generation is if Rock politics into it. Even though I think the Rock thinks he's a bigger star than he really is, I don't see Rock politicing his way into burying the last 8 years of building Cena into a generational talent. rock wouldn't have enjoyed Hogan doing that even though he probably could have.

Rock got over because of his "in-ring psychology", his great Showmanship, and his great athleticism. Austin got over because of his "Ring Generalship", his "In-Ring psychology", and his wrestling skills(austin was a good wrestler). Flair got over because of his great showmanship, his ring psychology, and just like austin he was a good wrestler.

And hey, which "hart" are you talking about? If you're talking about bret, then this conversation is over!! Hell none of the guys you mentioned above is even close to owen in terms of wrestling abilities.
the attitude era ended in 2001, Undertaker didn't hit his prime until later. His "typical wrestler prime" yes, but Taker peaked later than most.

I personally didn't like the Tude era at all. The in ring was pretty lackluster after michaels got hurt. Lots of jerry springer shit and punch/kick matches. It was fun, but if you're a purist, you'd take the post tude era between the PG any day. 2002-2003 Smackdown is the best pure wrestling mainsteam america will ever see. That's not the discussion though.

The PG Era is HARDER for the performers to get over in because they're more limited. It's EASY to get over when you can bleed and cuss and show tits. It's hard when you can't. It's comparing an american league lineup to a national league lineup.

It's not the discussion but I have to agree with you. Angle,Brock,Benoit,Guerrero all brought good ol' fashioned wrestling matches on Smackdown in 02-03.

The Attitude Era however was and still is highly regarded not for it's wresting matches (somewhat), but for it's entertainment. No era in wrestling was more entertaining than an upcoming DX, The Nation, Austin 3:16, The Ministry of Darkness, The Coorperation.
the attitude era ended in 2001, Undertaker didn't hit his prime until later. His "typical wrestler prime" yes, but Taker peaked later than most.

I personally didn't like the Tude era at all. The in ring was pretty lackluster after michaels got hurt. Lots of jerry springer shit and punch/kick matches. It was fun, but if you're a purist, you'd take the post tude era between the PG any day. 2002-2003 Smackdown is the best pure wrestling mainsteam america will ever see. That's not the discussion though.

The PG Era is HARDER for the performers to get over in because they're more limited. It's EASY to get over when you can bleed and cuss and show tits. It's hard when you can't. It's comparing an american league lineup to a national league lineup.

I agree also this period in time did have some great wrestling matches & I miss that period but like Attitude>>>PG posted No era in wrestling was more entertaining than The Attitude Era.
I agree w/u the Attitude Era did have some flaws (hell nothing is perfect) & some ppl do make it seem like it was perfect when it wasn't but when you compare the Attitude Era & even the Ruthless Aggression Era (if you wont to call that period an era) to the PG era AE/RE wins. Everything is so waterdown now it's never been this waterdown not even during Hogan's day. Don't get me wrong there has been some great matches in the PG but overall the product is terrible now. You tell me what are they doing in the PG Era that is so much better then the old Eras where ppl shouldn't be upset or voice there discomfort?

Of course people have the right to complain, but it needs to be within reason. In other words, just going back to the way things were in the Attitude Era isn't going to completely solve everything.

Yes, I would like the younger talent to put some more intensity into their feuds like in years gone by, but I would much rather take stupid kiddie humor like Hornswoggle over stupid offensive adult humor like Katie Vick and Sexual Chocolate. I'm also glad that we haven't seen sight of the McMahons for a while now, unlike ten years ago when they overshadowed the wrestlers of every single storyline they were in.

Also, AE smarks need to realize that outside of Hell In A Cell, IT'S A DAMN GOOD THING WWE WRESTLERS AREN'T BLADING ANYMORE. Blading is simply an extra part of a match designed to show just how brutal the match is. Blood is not necessary to making a match "extreme." When supposed fans of the old ECW talk about how it was so good just because there was blood, I seriously question whether they truly knew what ECW was all about. IMO, TLC 2010 proved once and for all that you don't need blood to put on an excellent match involving weapons.

Yes, the scripted promos of the PG era need to end NOW. The complete disregard of the Divas and Tag Team divisions needs to end NOW. The mid-card title hunt needs to be more competitive (this is improving). Most importantly, the developmental system needs to allow wrestlers to grow on their own rather than a cookie cutter fashion. All of this will lead to an excellent WWE. It will NOT lead back to Attitude Era, but it doesn't need to nor should WWE ever feel it has to. Simply peeling back the PG restrictions will not solve all the problems going on right now.
Rock got over because of his "in-ring psychology", his great Showmanship, and his great athleticism. Austin got over because of his "Ring Generalship", his "In-Ring psychology", and his wrestling skills(austin was a good wrestler). Flair got over because of his great showmanship, his ring psychology, and just like austin he was a good wrestler.

And hey, which "hart" are you talking about? If you're talking about bret, then this conversation is over!! Hell none of the guys you mentioned above is even close to owen in terms of wrestling abilities.
Not to sound like I don't respect Owen or the dead but Owen is kinda like Biggie. Yea he was pretty good, but he's extremely overrated by his die hards. Had he not died he wouldn't be as "over" as he is now. If he had ever won the title he wouldn't be as over as he is now. Just like Bret was WAAAAY over as a babyface even in like 2001 when he wasn't even doing anything, all because of the screwjob sympathy.

As for PG vs Attitude. Do you think Rock, Austin, and DX would be as entertaining in PG? No, it wouldn't. So don't rip on Cena, Miz, Orton, and Punk because you don't know what they'd do with no restrictions.

Also, DON'T say WWE needs to drop PG. They won't do it just to please you, you don't bring in enough money to them. For one they need to re-establish a young fanbase. Second they need to look good in the public eye for a while. I mean yea, Austin and Rock did as much as anyone for Make-a-Wish, etc, but the media is dumb. If you don't give them any ammunition, then public opinion should turn around for you.

WWE is doing about as good as any company can. Everyone here has ideas, but until you know the forces going into it (being publicly traded, having a budget to meet, egos, etc) then you can't really say you'd do better or that you know better.

UFC is killing WWE. It's worse than WCW because, at least with WCW they were both wrestling companies. WWE needs to distance itself from UFC and become more of it's own niche, which a lot of people (me included) already think. I enjoy WWE for the most part, it entertains me more than most of the attitude era did but not as much as the nWo did. This is just me though.

Excellent post BTW AnvilForever. It seems like a bunch of attitude era marks have come back and basically jacked off to the Rock coming back and wanting everthing to rewind to 1999. Glad some people still have their head in the right place.
Originally Posted by AnvilForever

Of course people have the right to complain, but it needs to be within reason. In other words, just going back to the way things were in the Attitude Era isn't going to completely solve everything.

I completely agree just going backwards wont fix everything.

Yes, I would like the younger talent to put some more intensity into their feuds like in years gone by, but I would much rather take stupid kiddie humor like Hornswoggle over stupid offensive adult humor like Katie Vick and Sexual Chocolate. I'm also glad that we haven't seen sight of the McMahons for a while now, unlike ten years ago when they overshadowed the wrestlers of every single storyline they were in.

Yeah I can take the Hornswoggle junk over the Katie Vick stuff man that was some bad writing but some of Sexual Chocolate stuff was funny, dumb, really dumb but funny. I'm also pleased that McMahons have stay away cause they took a good thing & just ran it into the ground by always being apart of storylines but compared to the G.M. on the labtop I would take them.

Also, AE smarks need to realize that outside of Hell In A Cell, IT'S A DAMN GOOD THING WWE WRESTLERS AREN'T BLADING ANYMORE. Blading is simply an extra part of a match designed to show just how brutal the match is. Blood is not necessary to making a match "extreme." When supposed fans of the old ECW talk about how it was so good just because there was blood, I seriously question whether they truly knew what ECW was all about. IMO, TLC 2010 proved once and for all that you don't need blood to put on an excellent match involving weapons.

Now I haven't seen TLC 2010 so I can't comment I will check it out. Here's the thing w/me I don't need to see blood every week to feel like the product is extreme but I do feel like it adds to the brutality of certain matches. Hell In The Cell which you mention Last Man Standing, Street Fights & No DQ matches just to name a few should be bloody IMO. These matches just don't seem all that ruthless or harsh anymore now that blood is taboo in the WWE. Like I said only in these matches is it needed & these matches should only be special occasions we shouldn't see guys get the hell beat out of them til they bleed every week cause that's not necessary.

The problem I have is WWE having these gimmick PPV's like Extreme Rules & HIAC giving us waterdown version of thoses matches. If you don't wont your wrestlers to bleed then don't put them in matches that you have been advertising for years that causes them to bleed. Noone wants to see a safe & harmless HIAC match or any other match that requires the wrestlers to beat the holy hell out of each other.

Yes, the scripted promos of the PG era need to end NOW. The complete disregard of the Divas and Tag Team divisions needs to end NOW. The mid-card title hunt needs to be more competitive (this is improving). Most importantly, the developmental system needs to allow wrestlers to grow on their own rather than a cookie cutter fashion. All of this will lead to an excellent WWE. It will NOT lead back to Attitude Era, but it doesn't need to nor should WWE ever feel it has to. Simply peeling back the PG restrictions will not solve all the problems going on right now.

You just posted everything that's wrong w/this company right now & what my problem w/them is. See when I talk about The Attitude Era I'm not tryn to say that's exactly what WWE needs to do to now. I'm just saying I would prefer to deal w/the negatives of the old era then to deal w/the negatives of this era & I'm not just talking about the WWE either I'm talking about TNA also cause they suck also for there own reasons. Things was way more entertaining then compared to now but once the E fixes the things you mention I'm gonna be a satisfied wrestling fan.
Not to sound like I don't respect Owen or the dead but Owen is kinda like Biggie. Yea he was pretty good, but he's extremely overrated by his die hards. Had he not died he wouldn't be as "over" as he is now. If he had ever won the title he wouldn't be as over as he is now. Just like Bret was WAAAAY over as a babyface even in like 2001 when he wasn't even doing anything, all because of the screwjob sympathy.

As for PG vs Attitude. Do you think Rock, Austin, and DX would be as entertaining in PG? No, it wouldn't. So don't rip on Cena, Miz, Orton, and Punk because you don't know what they'd do with no restrictions.

Also, DON'T say WWE needs to drop PG. They won't do it just to please you, you don't bring in enough money to them. For one they need to re-establish a young fanbase. Second they need to look good in the public eye for a while. I mean yea, Austin and Rock did as much as anyone for Make-a-Wish, etc, but the media is dumb. If you don't give them any ammunition, then public opinion should turn around for you.

WWE is doing about as good as any company can. Everyone here has ideas, but until you know the forces going into it (being publicly traded, having a budget to meet, egos, etc) then you can't really say you'd do better or that you know better.

UFC is killing WWE. It's worse than WCW because, at least with WCW they were both wrestling companies. WWE needs to distance itself from UFC and become more of it's own niche, which a lot of people (me included) already think. I enjoy WWE for the most part, it entertains me more than most of the attitude era did but not as much as the nWo did. This is just me though.

Excellent post BTW AnvilForever. It seems like a bunch of attitude era marks have come back and basically jacked off to the Rock coming back and wanting everthing to rewind to 1999. Glad some people still have their head in the right place.

Whoa Whoa Whoa... Did I say anything about droping PG, or Attitude vs PG, or "wanting everything to rewind to 1999"? NO, I DID NOT!

I just explained why the rock is better than cena in the ring. Some one said that rock and cena are the same IN THE RING, and I just responded to that. I never mentioned anything about the PG rating and all that stuff, matter of fact I'm AGAINST rock's decsion to comeback. And yeah, I'll say it again, cena SUCKS in the ring.

2nd thing is, I'm not a big fan of owen, but there is no denying that the guy was extremly talented IN THE RING. He could've been one of the greatest, but that didn't happened, because of laziness and lack of seriousness :shrug:. And once again you mentioned bret, You need to understand, bret is up there with hbk and angle when it comes to In-Ring abilities, and cena is nowhere near that level, alright?
For the past 3 days I've been hearing smartass posters around here questioning rock's ability on the mic based on his recent promos. They claim that cena exposed him, and in fact that cena is just as good if not better on the mic. They also claim that the rock can not make a good promo without relying on his "100 Catchphrases". So..My Q to you is this who is better on the mic cena or rock?
I dont see how people can compare Rock and Cena's mic skills:disappointed:
The reaction that rock gets is much better than that of cena..
also its not just kids and girls shouting...
IMO surely The Rock:worship:
When I hear Cena cut a promo, it feels a bit corny, but it also feels as though it's John Cena speaking. When the Rock cuts a promo, I feel as though I'm watching a tv character read from a teleprompter. Cena wins, by a mile and a half.
Neither is better. They both have distinct styles that aren't similar in any way. Both have command over the mic like no other superstar in the WWE and possibly TNA as well. Honestly though, I would like for there to be considerably less mic work and more wrestling!!
I have to go with the guy that has "100 catch phrases" ... that kind of speaks for itself... oh and the fact that I'm still referring to just about everyone as a "fruity pebble bitch".. The Rock is to the mic.. as Hogan was to popularizing pro-wrestling.... EVERYTHING
I have to go with the guy that has "100 catch phrases" ... that kind of speaks for itself... oh and the fact that I'm still referring to just about everyone as a "fruity pebble bitch".. The Rock is to the mic.. as Hogan was to popularizing pro-wrestling.... EVERYTHING

If im not mistaken, it's "yabba dabba bitch". LOL.

Either way, you have to go with The Rock. The great thing about The Rock is that he IS a character. He has incredible timing and is a maestro on the mic when it comes to the crowd. His promo work is LEGEN...wait for it...DARY! The fact that he talks in 3rd person and is always willing to make fun of or poke fun at his opponent all while keeping a stragiht face is hilarious. I tell anyone who doesn't believe that Rock is the best of all time on the mic is to look him up on YouTube or watch his DVDs. Whenever he was going into a match, heel or face, he made you think he was going to do damage to his opponents. No one brought it on the mic like the Rock did.
The Rock is the better of the two on the mic! John Cena is good on the mic but he isn't on Rock's level. Now can he hold his own against Rocky on the mic? Sure he can but that doesn't mean he is The Rock equal or better then him on the mic. HHH, Austin, Y2J & a few others could hold there own w/The Rock on the mic but non of them was better. The Rock promos & catchphrase has revolutionized the wrestling business WWE's named one of there show's & there yearly game after his catchphrase. Not to mention his catchphrase has been put in the dictionary & has been used in numerous tv shows & songs. Vince isn't naming anything after John's promos & most of the time there's nothing original about what John says on the mic. John can't hold the crowd in the palm of his hands like Rock & John can't take silly stuff & make it sound kool like Rock either. This is a subject that doesn't & shouldn't have to be discussed you have to be misguided or extremely bias to think John is the better of the two.
John Cena is way better than the rock on the mic. John cena can cut a great promo, and sometimes what he says gets me pumped up. He is never boring on the mic, and he is very energetic. The Rock however, he can be energetic, but hearing him speak is getting kinda boring. its always "candyass this" and "the peoples that". i purchased WM 27, and i almost quit watching it because the rock took like 20 minutes just talking at the beginning.
I think Cena’s an all-time great on the mic. When it comes to conducting an serious promo conveying passion, no one does it better than John. I’ve seen crowds that were trashing him do a complete 180 and get behind him because of this.

That said, I still can’t put him over Rock. Like many have have said already, catchphrases born from Rock promos have become apart of pop culture. And despite the fact it’s popular these days to trash him for being a character, that’s one of the things I always loved about Rock. It really gives him that larger than life aura imo. Seeing him and Austin return really makes me miss the days when every wrestler had their own distinct persona. Another thing I think that pushes him over the edge is his superb line delivery and timing, which I think could be attributed to his time in Hollywood. Don’t get me wrong, Rock was always good at this, but he’s been near flawless in this department since his return.

Also, while not as good as Cena, The Rock can cut damn good passionate promos as well. The Hogan, get the F out, and even his promo last week can attest to this.
To me it's a TIE. Both Cena and Rock both have the Insult Ability. The ability to insult they're opponent whether heel or face both have proven their skills. I give a slight edge to Rocky on the basis of Big Fight Promo.
Big Fight Promos. The final week before a PPV does Cena make you feel like you wanna buy the PPV( discounting the road to WM ). Sorry He doesn't, but that's not a knock on him its the product. The AE allowed guys like Rocky to cut those I'm gonna kick your ass when I see you promos. The PG Era 2.0 handcuffs guys like Cena,Edge,Orton. But it's the hand cuffing of Cena which brings it back to a TIE because we've seen what he can do before PG Era 2.0
I believe I'm one of the smart-ass posters who you're referring to. When it comes down to it the Rock is slightly better than Cena. However, if anyone is wanting to argue that The Rock is on a different level than Cena is completely wrong IMO. Cena has been able to captivate audiences for a long time now. Not simply recently. He's been able to get the most reaction of any single star on a constant basis for the past 7 years. (Not even Rocky could do that.) Going back to his days as with the rapper gimmick. He was constantly able to get major heat if he was a heel, or get a major pop as a face. Yes, that has changed with pg, however, the fact still remains that Cena was able to handle The Rock's promo on him, and have a strong come back that completely turn the crowd around. Don't believe me? Go search the history of this forum, find the LD for the 2-21-11 raw and watch how many people on here quickly changed there minds. Not only that, but the live crowd turn around. Even the men were laughing at how good it was.

The thing that has impressed me about Cena is he doesn't need the catchphrases to cut an entertaining promo. He always has the attention of the fans. If you don't believe that he doesn't have the crowd in the palm of his hand. Go watch his promo after he was "fired" he hand the crowd hanging on every word.

Yes, The Rock is great, and I would give him the slight advantage, I believe many have forgotten just how good Cena is on the mic. We're all able to go back and watch all the funny Rock promo's on youtube, and his 100 catchphrases. It was entertaining and we all loved it, hell we still love it. The Rock was able to go out of his way every week and rip someone a new one. Though, Cena was the same way. If you go back and look at his promo's from 03 to 06, Cena was able to rip everyone around him, and a little bit into 07. He's has the ability, we just don't get to see it. 1. There's no one on the roster right now that can really hang with Cena on the mic. 2. The PG guideline holds Cena in a place where he can't go and rip someone a new one.

Just don't say that Cena is no were near the Rock's league when that simply isn't the case. Cena is one of the best on the mic.
Trust me boys i HATE to say it, but I have to go with Cena. From his pre-PG days when he was engulfed in his rapper gimmick, he was absolutely awesome on the Mic. Then he morphed into what he is today, keeping current with the PG era. Love him or hate him, his mike skills are still second to none. The Rock on the other always was one of the best Mike skilled superstars. However his Mike skills never really changed from when he developed his character in his Nation of Domination days. Think about it, from 1997 to today he has always been the same (Heel in the corporation, Heel feuding with Goldberg, Face rock and sock connection, face peoples champion. John Cena can cut a mean Attitude style promo, and he can cut a mean PG style promo. I don't think the Rock's character could survive long-term in today's wrestling, excuse me, sports entertainment world.
The question should be the Rock vs "people whose name isn't Rock"...

When Rock comes out, you don't worry about what he will do, if he gives a Rock bottom, if he drops the People's Elbow, if he brawl with the bad guys. You don't think any of these... You only think of him getting the mic and electrify the crowd. Who else do you think coming out with an anticipation of electrifying the crowd with his words... Seriously just think about it... Rock is one step ahead of anybody else. You need to give respect when respect is due. I am not saying he is the best wrestler, best brawler, best etc etc actually Cena can be better in some areas compared to the Rock, but the Rock is the best in the business with the mic... Ever!

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