**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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The "You can't wrestle" chants have been one of the silliest things in wrestling for years when directed at Cena, whenever he's in with a great worker like Punk, HBK or Edge he can lift his level and doesn't need carrying, if the guy isn't very good Cena doesn't carry them as he's not that great, but if the opponent is then Cena holds up his end, which is all he needs to do.
Cena has "carried" many workers over the years, Khali and Bobby Lashley in 2007 immediately come to mind. He's even gotten decent matches out of Dolph Ziggler, which is nearly impossible given how terrible Ziggler is right now. He made Barrett and Nexus look like a legitimate threat, despite being nothing but a bunch of green rookies. Heck, he even made HBK look like he cared about wrestling again, which hadn't happened for years before.

I agree with your premise, that Cena is criminally underrated. I just disagree with your statement that Cena cannot make mediocre workers look good, or that Cena is not great himself.

By the way, Edge was an entirely average worker who was terrific in gimmick matches.
Cena has "carried" many workers over the years, Khali and Bobby Lashley in 2007 immediately come to mind. He's even gotten decent matches out of Dolph Ziggler, which is nearly impossible given how terrible Ziggler is right now. He made Barrett and Nexus look like a legitimate threat, despite being nothing but a bunch of green rookies. Heck, he even made HBK look like he cared about wrestling again, which hadn't happened for years before.

I agree with your premise, that Cena is criminally underrated. I just disagree with your statement that Cena cannot make mediocre workers look good, or that Cena is not great himself.

By the way, Edge was an entirely average worker who was terrific in gimmick matches.

If you think so chief, Cena made a Khali match bearable I concur, the rest of your post is nonsense in my opinion even if you do try to state it as fact, but that's wrestling, we all got views. HBK didn't care about wrestling again because of Cena, he cared again because he finally had something worth caring about after months of fucking about with Triple H so Hunter could get over as a face via DX.
But he's clearly the best wrestler overall, and has been for years. Technical wrestling is simply an offensive style and one which makes no sense for Cena to engage in as his main style of offense.

It's funny, we saw the match and interpreted it differently. I watched a match in which most of the quality was Cena's ability to work a match, and to work an audience, to make them care about him and his success. I heard an audience which chanted, "Let's Go Cena, Cena sucks" but not "Let's Go Cena, CM Punk".

But don't worry, I don't underestimate Punk's contribution to the match either, obviously Punk is a decent worker. But there's a reason Cena has had absolutely terrific matches with a long line of wrestlers since 2005 and Punk's best matches in the WWE have all come within the last year and a half and always with Cena.

Cena has always worked to improve as a wrestler, which is amazing because he's been the best worker in the WWE since 2007.

This, since about 06/07 (And that's when he became truly great, I'm sure people can list some good matches he had from 04 & 05(, Cena's always been a great worker. People just think because someone pulls off 30 variations of a suplex, that means hes a great worker.

This match had crowd investment. One of the few matches in WWE where I was unsure who would win, especially when I already was 95% sure, that Cena was coming out the winner.
I have no problem with Cena as a wrestler. I have a problem with his character, which can be traced back to the creative team. It just seems like he has been the same "guy" for too long. If he turned heel it would be a breath of fresh air. But WWE will not risk turning him heel.
That really was one of the best TV matches in a long time. Very exciting. Both guys kicked out of their finishers and delivered surprises. PPV quality, or perhaps even better since you don't see surprise moves being performed even on PPVs all that much anymore. It was a breath of fresh air. Every move connected precisely and there were no botches whatsoever. I missed seeing John Cena's top rope leg drop. CM Punk's pile driver was such a good heel move to pull out too. With this match alone, I'm actually interested in John Cena beating The Rock for the WWE Championship. Any other day it might have been an inevitable annoyance, but Cena needs that win over The Rock to establish himself as having done it all for real this time. Let's go.
5 reasons why I hate John Cena!

1. Honestly, he is holding a lot of talent back from blossoming - all be it its not entirely his fault bc its not his decision, but he does have some pull backstage.

5. Because I am an Edge, Punk, Rock, Y2J, Barrett fan ... prob 4-5 of his biggest enemies
And haven't he put all those guys over? Barrett was basically a nobody in WWE before his feud with Cena. CM Punk really established his place as a top main event due to his fantastic matches (and wins against) Cena, also.
The 90's gave birth to the Anti-Hero. A babyface that acted very much like a traditional heel, but fought for the good side. It made for awesome TV. And you still see some of that today.

The only effective way to turn Cena without simply swapping the 'let's go/sucks' reaction around demographics, would be to make him the first big time Anti-villain in Wrestling. You get a lot of these in TV and Film, Magneto, Ozymandias from Watchmen, Eric Finch, Benjamin Linus ect, ect.

Definition on Anti Villain from Villains wiki.

''Basically the opposite of an anti-hero. While the anti-hero often fights on the protagonist's team, but with selfish motives, the anti-villain plays a villain's game, but for what's at least in their eyes a noble cause''

This really could be john cena down to a tee.

He is still Super-Cena, but now it's turned up to 11, he still wins every match, and still never lays down, and is still self righteous, but now it's coming across as sanctimonious. In the same way that the anti-hero would act like a bad guy, but do what they did to the other bad guys, the anti-villian would act like a face, but beat up on the other good guys.
If you think so chief, Cena made a Khali match bearable I concur, the rest of your post is nonsense in my opinion even if you do try to state it as fact, but that's wrestling, we all got views. HBK didn't care about wrestling again because of Cena, he cared again because he finally had something worth caring about after months of fucking about with Triple H so Hunter could get over as a face via DX.

Actually everything he said was spot on. Cena has carried his share of opponents. I'll even lump Jack Swagger and the Miz in there. Cena made those guys look like they belonged in the main event as opposed to working the bathroom break match against Santino. Something that is often overlooked is that Cena works great against almost everyone. He works well with big men like Umaga and Kane and can switch gears and have a great match with Rey Mysterio. Could you imagine the Rock against Mysterio? That would be a mess. Cena's in-ring ability is legit. It's time for people to take their blinders off.
Actually everything he said was spot on. Cena has carried his share of opponents. I'll even lump Jack Swagger and the Miz in there. Cena made those guys look like they belonged in the main event as opposed to working the bathroom break match against Santino. Something that is often overlooked is that Cena works great against almost everyone. He works well with big men like Umaga and Kane and can switch gears and have a great match with Rey Mysterio. Could you imagine the Rock against Mysterio? That would be a mess. Cena's in-ring ability is legit. It's time for people to take their blinders off.

You may think it was spot on, that doesn't make it fact. His matches with Swagger, Miz and Barrett were pretty poor and I didn't think his matches with Kane were very good either. I've already said he works great with great workers, I didn't define the size of said workers, Mysterio and Umaga are, or sadly were in Umaga's case, great workers. Cena can have good matches with guys of different sizes yes, I'm not saying he can't, I never said he wasn't a good worker, but he's not a great worker who makes the average mid card schlub look great in the way guys like HBK, Flair and Hart could, not being as good as those guys is no shame, I'm giving him plenty of credit.
You may think it was spot on, that doesn't make it fact.
No, the fact it's true makes it fact.

His matches with Swagger, Miz and Barrett were pretty poor

No, they weren't. They weren't great, but they were far from "pretty poor". And they are still arguably the best matches those guys have had with anyone.

and I didn't think his matches with Kane were very good either.
They weren't, but when was the last great Kane match? Never? Kane is a mediocre in-ring worker, with a great gimmick and very good charisma.

I've already said he works great with great workers
He works great with everyone. Just because all matches don't turn out great doesn't mean he doesn't work great with them. When you start to run down the list of guys who have had their best matches with Cena, the argument that Cena isn't any good simply falls on its face.

I didn't define the size of said workers, Mysterio and Umaga are, or sadly were in Umaga's case, great workers.
Wait...what makes Umaga a great worker, but not Cena?

Cena can have good matches with guys of different sizes yes, I'm not saying he can't, I never said he wasn't a good worker, but he's not a great worker who makes the average mid card schlub look great in the way guys like HBK, Flair and Hart could, not being as good as those guys is no shame, I'm giving him plenty of credit.

He's far better than HBK or Flair at making the "average mid car schlub" look great. HBK and Flair were to busy making themselves look great to worry about the other guy. I'd put Cena on the highest level of making the other guy look good, alongside Hogan, Hart, Mysterio and Perfect (and I'm sure many others I don't care to try and think about).
I read the forums daily, and keep up with wrestling throughout the year; and around wrestlemania season I start watching weekly. About 2 years ago, I had little opinion of Cena - he seemed like a nice enough guy, but wasn't my "hero" so I didn't really care.

The more I watch wrestling, and read the forums, the more I feel sorry for Cena (and similarly hhh, but that is not for here I guess.) the hate (not heat) that is aimed toward Cena on a daily/nightly basis is unbelievable.

For me, it began with Super Cena who never loses... But wait, didn't he lose to the Miz on "The grandest stage", and Punk at MITB, and Rock at wrestlemania... In fact, it certainly see like the dude loses occasionally - not more than 40/50% - but Duuuuuuuh, he is booked as one of the top stars... If he did always lose that would paint both him and the WWE in a pretty crappy light.

Okay, so he loses... Now the people need another reason to hate him - that's it, he can't wrestle. Now, I admit, I have limited (but growing) knowledge of true wrestling technical matches - although, I have been watching for close to 15 years, so - but, well, in the past few months people have been talking about great matches, and what do you know, the following get mentioned (a lot)
Cena vs HBK - raw
Cena vs Punk - MITB
Cena vs Punk - raw
Cena vs Rock - wrestlemania (perhaps not a classic, but an involved, and exciting story)

Then we get to the next argument - the five moves of doom (speaking of which, the more I watch classic matches and documentaries, most of the icons have their own 5 moves of doom). That's perhaps frustrating, or annoying, or.... I dunno.... But then, Cena tries to do something different (especially for a man of his size) the hurricarana - and people shit on him?!?!??

My very long winded, and ranty, point is this - for the last 10 or so years the dude has worked his ass off, injured and not, to make the product you all supposedly love. Sure, that the character... But, and perhaps I am wrong, but I think the wwe universe would be a lot sadder and emptier a place with John Cena and workers like him who love their company.

/end rant
This Sunday we get to see Cena/Rock II. Odds are Cena wins and The Rock slowly disappears back to Hollywood. Maybe there is a rubber match in their future, maybe not. After watching Cena over the last couple weeks, I feel WWE may be testing the waters for the long awaited Cena Heel Turn. Something about his promos and the look in his eyes tells me something is up.

Many fans (both in the IWC and Mainstream) have wanted to see this happen for years now. I understand why WWE has been hesitant to to pull the trigger. If you turn Cena heel you lose lots of $$$$ from merch, but more importantly you lose your Key Superstar. The one guy who you hang your hat on so to speak. That one wrestler who people associate with your company when they hear his name. In the 80's it was Hogan, the 90's had Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Rock and Austin. Since 2005 Cena has been "THE GUY".

IMO turning your top face heel would be stupid unless you have someone ready to take his place. Unfortunately since 2009 there hasn't been anyone near the popularity of Cena. That man was Jeff Hardy. In a perfect world, had Jeff been able to keep his nose clean and resigned with WWE, I would have booked Cena/Hardy at WM 26 with a Hogan/Warrior type build up. Hardy goes over Cena and Cena snaps and brutally attacks Hardy. Hardy is your new top money making face and Cena gets that 1996 Hogan-Level heat. But I digress...

Like I said earlier Cena is most likely going to regain the title. But who is there for him to face as a face? Cena has been with WWE for 10 years now, and has wrestled everyone worth wrestling. Who on the roster could be a believable challenger? Barrett? He cant even get on the main PPV. Ziggler? For a guy who is going to be World Champ her sure has trouble beating any top level talent (Not his fault. Thats all creative). Orton? Been there, done that. Show? NO!!!! Punk? See Orton. Brock? With his deal he would appear on less events than The Rock. This is the other reason I see the Cena Heel Turn coming.

But, to do that they run into the problem i brought up earlier. Who takes his place on top? No one is on Cena's level. Not Miz, Not Kane, Not Punk, Not Sheamus, Orton, Del Rio, or Ryback. NO ONE!!! I blame that on Creative and Talent Relations. Now I suppose WWE could try the JCP method of having a heel champ who always finds a way to to get over on the faces. Flair always seemed to find a way to beat Dusty, Luger, Hawk, Animal, Barry, and Nikita.

If Cena is champion, and whether he is face or heel come monday morning, who would you like to see as his next couple of challengers? For me I'd love to see Daniel Bryan step up and get back in the title hunt. Cena/Bryan has a back story and hasn't been done to death. I'd also like to see Jericho and Rey get one last shot at glory against Cena.

I still don't understand how Cena turning heel will cost the WWE Merchandise money. I mean taking it from a personal point of view, it's hard to picture that just because my favorite superstar turns heel I would stop buying his/her merchandise.

Also when Hogan turned heel in 1996 it's not like fans stopped buying Hogan merchandise. Heck one could argue it started selling more especially with the nWo merchandise. Looking at Nitro back then most of the fans were wearing nWo shirts.
I must say this is a good post.

I can't see a full fledged heel turn happening for Cena, there is too much money coming in, and with Punk taking time off after WM there isn't really anyone else who can sell as much as Cena does week in week out.

Daniel Bryan would be a good choice to be a top face, but they seriously need to push him for the ability to do this. A future champion for me is Barrett, he has the look, is ok on the mic and his ring work is good too.

Until the machine have someone in line to takeover Cena as the top face I believe we will be seeing Cena as a Face Champ.
A lot of people have suggested that WWE should have Ryback challenge for the WWE Championship after WM is said & done. It looks that MIGHT happen. According to the WON, officials are discussing having Cena take on Ryback for the title, with the seeds having been planted with Cena eliminating Ryback at the Royal Rumble.

This is a feud that has a lot of promise I think, especially if they generally keep Ryback just as he is instead of trying to turn him into a cowardly heel. If done right, such a feud would do huge things for Ryback.

I don't see it happening right after WM, but possibly sometime during the summer and culminating at SummerSlam. I might be wrong, but I just have a feeling that WWE will do a rubber match at Extreme Rules between Cena & Rock. After that, then I think WWE will put Ryback into play.
As just about everyone expected, John Cena defeated The Rock last night at WrestleMania 29. As a result, John Cena is now WWE Champion for the 11th time. Some like it, some hate it some are indifferent but everyone knew that it was coming at some point.

Cena hasn't been WWE Champion since October 2, 2011 and I don't think many people believed he'd go that long without the title. As I said, while pretty much everyone saw it coming, I can't say that I'm overly excited about it. While I do think that Cena often gets a lot of unjustified hate, just see the crowd's reaction to his Make A Wish video at the WWE Hall of Fame presentation this past Saturday night, I'm just bored with Cena's character. We've seen John Cena with his current persona for sooooo long and in this position sooooo many times that it's just not fresh.

A lot of fans have been wanting to see an edgier Cena for years, or to see him just flat out go heel. It's understandable because it's something different. Cena can be insufferable at times when he's trying to be ultra family friendly with his corny jokes. He's also shown he can be an extremely compelling character when he's in serious mode, such as how we saw him during the build toward his rematch against Rock.

I don't think we're going to be seeing an edgier John Cena. He's obviously making more than enough money as is to keep Vince perfectly happy. As I alluded to, I'm not feeling all that thrilled about Cena as champion but I guess we'll see what happens. I also expect that Cena will be champion for the rest of 2013, or at least most of the rest of 2013. At least WWE isn't, so far, playing hot potato with the title again, so that's something.
Was Cena ever going to lose? No

Was Cena ever going to turn? No

People need to realise, particularly the IWC, Cena is the companies biggest man. Week after week he is working hard, getting over with the kids, selling more merch then any other. VKM will never let him turn Heel. Whilst the adults seem to hate him, kids love him, and that works.

That and he is an outstanding player for the E, whether you all like it or not.

As for the reign, it should last at least a few months. Probably will have a few feuds before he drops.
I understand the whole idea of Cena turning heel but what I can't seem to wrap my mind around is the idea that if Cena does turn heel doesn't that mean all the people that are booing him now because of his staleness would start cheering him?

I feel like the one thing many wrestling fans don't seem to understand is that the fed has probably lined up scenarios where they would try and turn Cena heel and see what would happen, I mean VKM isn't that naive( lol though i maybe)

If Cena does turn heel will the IWC like him better considering his character is somewhat different or would they continue to boo him because he still is the same wrestler, he would still have the same skill level so would it matter?
While I respect Cena, I don't like his character. I understand that as long as he's making money for WWE, doing his charity work and putting bums on seats, nothing will change. I gave up hoping that he'd turn heel a long time ago, so I wasn't disappointed when it didn't happen last night. I honesty don't see Cena ever turning heel or being made to change his character much.

I hate to say this, but the only consolation is that Cena is almost 36 and may only be able to compete regularly for maybe the next 3 years or so. So in 5 years, I am hoping that WWE have a new top face of the conpany (maybe 2 or 3 even) to freshen things up. I usually just change the channel during Cena's segments.

What's next for the WWE title? I don't see Cena losing it for a long, long time.

I still wish that it would have been Punk facing the Rock. Punk would have been a better to pass the torch to as he is more universally popular. If anything, they're going to have to start drawing up a short list of 2-3 names who Cena can pass the torch to in the next few years as he's not a young guy anymore.
So, will Cena turn or won't he?

First, I can barely believe the fans were chanting "boring!" at Cena's speech last night. It proves only that trying to draw conclusions based on what the audience does is as worthless an exercise as you'll ever see.

Cena was at his absolute best on the mic, especially given who was standing in front of him. If they crowd found that boring, it shows only they don't know what the hell is going on, which isn't surprising, given that most of them aren't wrestling fans. But they can chant....oh, yes. Follow the leader, sheep.

To this point, the whole Cena-Ryback program has been extremely well done. Last week, it seemed certain Cena was turning heel, no? If they wanted a face like Ryback to turn bad, it seemed the least likely person to confront him would be Cena; I figured the fans would like seeing Cena clotheslined like that.....and they did. I saw the episode as a renewed push for Ryback as a face.

Instead, this week, they changed it up and made it all but certain Ryback was turning bad. I think the concept is brilliant: using a face who's turning heel to further the turn of another face who's turning heel. Think about it.

Okay, but what of Cena? Where is he going? Is he going to be a bad guy? For quite awhile, it's seemed the only way for him to go, no? He's been doing the same crowd-pleasing things he's always done.....and they've been booing the hell out of him for it. (Again, the crowd mentality).

Therefore, having him become a full heel would be huge, since we already know the crowd would support it: They want to boo him? Let's give 'em a reason to boo.

Instead, we get handed the events of last night. For those of you good folks who are bored to death with WWE programming, I point to the events of the past week involving John Cena and Ryback......if you can find storylines that keep people guessing better than this one, I'd love to read your ideas.

Where is Cena going with this? Where is Ryback going?

Damned if I know....which is great.
Cena's slowly being exposed as a bad guy. Ryback's promo was really well done. I kind of felt like Bob Dylan should have been sitting on a top turnbuckle with a guitar / harmonica singing "Tell me how does it FEEEEEL?" to John Cena during the beatdown last night.

I'm a huge Cena fan, and I'm excited to see where this feud is going.
I really think this Cena/Ryback feud can be great. I just wish WWE could drift away from heels and faces and just have everybody be wrestlers.

Now, I think Cena needs to lose it maybe after a sneak attack or Ryback allowing another Shield attack. Cena needs to bring up Ryback as formally being part of The Nexus. It will show the hate and I can see Ryback saying he represents everyone in the back who cant stand Cena.

Have Ryback turn the locker room against Cena, starting by saying Team Hell No wouldn't save him even after they saved HHH and Taker.

I just know WWE needs to make this bigger than Cena not saving Ryback from The Shield's attacks. Don't get me wrong, Ryback's pre-recorded promo was fantastic aside from "Ryback Rules" but I feel they need to elevate the feud for it to be a great feud.
Ever since John Cena lost to Dolph Ziggler at TLC for the Smackdown MITB briefcase, he has been on a "Road to Redemption". During this time, John's redeemed himself by destroying Dolph in a variety of matches leading into The Royal Rumble. From there, he obviously won The Royal Rumble, and there was no surprise when he stated the next night on Monday Night Raw that he would be challenging the WWE Champion (predictably The Rock).

Needing something to do at The Elimination Chamber, he got entangled in The Shield storyline. Although his team lost, he did not take the pin. The next night on Raw, he was done with The Shield and ended up accepting an "All or Nothing" match with C.M. Punk for the right to face The Rock at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. After a great and hard-fought match, John defeated Punk cleanly and finally got his redemption with Punk.

As the "Road to Wrestlemania" continued, the common theme was about redemption. We all heard it until we were blue in the faces. Then, at Wrestlemania, John Cena defeated The Rock clean and gained The Rock's respect in a "Hallmark moment".

Now, that we are a couple of weeks removed from Wrestlemania, the WWE and John Cena have a clean slate. But the question still remains...who can legitimately challenge John Cena for the WWE Championship? Right now, the part-timers are finishing up their loose ends. Brock Lesnar and Triple H have a cage match at Extreme Rules, Chris Jericho is putting over newcomer, Fandango, for another month, and The Undertaker has a special tag team match appearance at next Monday's Raw in The UK. I think the part-timers will be gone after Extreme Rules, though. From there, the WWE will have no choice but to elevate mid-upper carders back into both world title pictures.

As of now, a Ryback/John Cena feud has begun, and I am actually intrigued; however, I think they are starting this rivalry much too soon. Ryback still hasn't won a pay-per-view match against a legitimate opponent (excluding the squash matches, of course), and John Cena is fresh off of his "Road to Redemption". He finally overcame C.M. Punk and The Rock so I cannot see him losing the WWE Championship in his first few title defenses. Being that Ryback vs. John Cena will undoubtedly be one of the main events at Extreme Rules, and with an extreme rules theme, I have a feeling that their match will have a stipulation. That means Ryback will be pinned yet again considering countouts or disqualifications will probably be removed from the match. And even if their match ends up being a standard championship match, the best Ryback can hope for is an inconclusive finish. So either way, then what? Will Ryback get another title shot? Will he lose again? Where does that leave him? And Cena?

Honestly, I don't see any other full-time stars in John Cena's league right now except for C.M. Punk. Considering Punk is healing up and that they have done that feud to death anyway, will they have another championship feud? Who else is there? The Rock is injured, and their Wrestlemania moment wrapped up their feud, The Undertaker only performs at Wrestlemania, Triple H isn't around much more than that and thus won't be competing for a title, Brock Lesnar has limited dates, and I doubt he'll be doing anything other than one-time matches after he wraps up with Triple H, and Chris Jericho only seems interested in putting over new talent. Sheamus, Mark Henry, The Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and Alberto Del Rio are all nice names, but something doesn't feel right about them legitimately beating Cena. And unfortunately, Randy Orton is on his back more than A.J. Lee (I kid) losing much of the credibility he used to have.

Ryback seemed like the perfect answer, but he keeps losing at pay-per-views. I think a better scenario would have been if he continued his feud with Mark Henry through Extreme Rules. He could have beaten Henry in some sort of gimmick match, have won the next few pay-per-views against a new opponent gaining momentum, have won the MITB briefcase, and then, the next night on Raw, told John Cena that he was giving him one month to prepare and would be facing him at Summerslam for the WWE Championship. That would have been a much more believable match, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, I do not see John Cena losing the WWE Title for awhile. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he carries it into Wrestlemania next year. The only scenario in which I can actually see him losing it is if the MITB winner (if they decide to keep 2 briefcases) cashes in on him unsuspectingly. And even then, I think he will regain the championship by the end of their feud. So unfortunately, I think we are in store for an extremely long and excruciating title reign by John Cena which lasts all the way until Wrestlemania.

So here are my questions...

(1) Are there any WWE superstars who you feel are a legitimate threat to John Cena's title reign?
(2) Who do you think will end up beating him for the WWE Championship and under what circumstances?
(3) How long do you think John Cena will hold the title?
(4) Are you looking forward to his reign, and if so, how long is your ideal title reign for John Cena?
It doesn't matter to me. I change the channel every time Cena is on television anyways. So he can be the Champion for 5 year's for all i care.

A legitimate threat to John Cena's title reign... CM Punk, Ryback, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, all members of The Shield, Damien Sandow, Hornswoggle, any fan sitting front row.. just to name a few
Other than Ryback, I have a hard time finding a legitimate challenger for the WWE title. Looking at the roster as it stands, excluding part-timers, I think Cena will feud with Ryback, then Henry, possibly a triple threat in a couple months. After that Punk should be back, possibly as a face given the way his last promo ended. We could see a face/face title match at Summerslam which could go the way of Punk. If Cena doesn't lose the title by Summerslam, he'll probably be facing an up-and-comer such as Antonio Cesaro or maybe a heel Kofi Kingston. Cesaro would be an excellent feud for Cena and Cesaro could make a very believable WWE champion.

Bold prediction: Cena loses the title to Cesaro via MITB cash-in, at or around Survivor Series

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