**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

Love him or Hate him?

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  • Hate him

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I voted hate. I never liked him as "the rookie" in the beginning of his career, I never liked Vanilla Ice Cena that got him to the top spot in wwe that he has held since 2005 and I don't like the hustle/loyalty/respect Cena. I just don't like him period.

I just think he is and always has been cheesy his whole career. I don't dislike him because its cool like some Cena fans claim.
I can't stand the CURRENT John Cena. Give me back the John Cena from 2004-2007

The John Cena who threw Edge into the Long Island Sound and jumped him in his hotel room.

The John Cena that wore the "Ruck Fules" Shirt and dropped Teddy Long with an FU.

The John Cena that embarrassed JBL on a weekly basis.

The John Cena that wrapped a steel chain around Big Show's face at WrestleMania 20.

The John Cena that got "stabbed" by Carlito's bodyguard, came back, and completely whupped both their asses.

The John Cena who would own people just by rapping.

The John Cena who's theme was "Word Life" and not "My Time Is Now."

The John Cena who didn't need to make stupid Call of Duty, Yoda impression jokes to make himself think he was being funny. His comedy was at least somewhat better back then.

This PG John Cena just doesn't do it for me. Can't stand his corny jokes, his lack of seriousness, and the way he cuts promos nowadays.

John Cena was simply 2004-2007. When heels beat him down, the next week he would come out and whup their ass. Instead, he just talks about whupping their ass and tries to insult them, but fails at it. I could actually cheer for that John Cena.
Personally, I'm completely on the fence.

I watch Wrestling, primarily, for the wrestling. So obviously, Cena's not exactly the 'go to guy' for wrestling skill. Some of that though, is WWE's fault. They seem to have an obsession with giving everyone 3-5 moves "of doom".

BUT, he's maintained popularity with the casual fans, and even the smarkiest members of the IWC are here, or on other messageboards, talking about Cena.

Also, he's doing an incredibly important job... I'm 33 this year, and I watch TNA and WWE because I always have done... Since I was 10 and thought the Ultimate Warrior was cool. The kids watching Cena now are the IWC of the future. They're gonna be on the net in 25 years time, talking about Alex Shelley's retirement tour, how cool Chris Daniels is Managing AJ Styles son and complaining Triple H is too old and needs to let someone else run WWE...
I can't stand the CURRENT John Cena. Give me back the John Cena from 2004-2007

The John Cena who threw Edge into the Long Island Sound and jumped him in his hotel room.

The John Cena that wore the "Ruck Fules" Shirt and dropped Teddy Long with an FU.

The John Cena that embarrassed JBL on a weekly basis.

The John Cena that wrapped a steel chain around Big Show's face at WrestleMania 20.

The John Cena that got "stabbed" by Carlito's bodyguard, came back, and completely whupped both their asses.

The John Cena who would own people just by rapping.

The John Cena who's theme was "Word Life" and not "My Time Is Now."

The John Cena who didn't need to make stupid Call of Duty, Yoda impression jokes to make himself think he was being funny. His comedy was at least somewhat better back then.

This PG John Cena just doesn't do it for me. Can't stand his corny jokes, his lack of seriousness, and the way he cuts promos nowadays.

John Cena was simply 2004-2007. When heels beat him down, the next week he would come out and whup their ass. Instead, he just talks about whupping their ass and tries to insult them, but fails at it. I could actually cheer for that John Cena.


John Cena is one of the greatest on the microphone and a good in ring worker (Seriously Angle, Jericho, Flair, Bret have all said Cena understands storytelling & in ring psychology). Cena from 04-07 was great. 08-09 decent, 010-present, horrible but shades of brilliance (Feuds with Punk, Batista, The Rock, Laurinaitis & Lesnar).

Still no matter what, Cena is my favorite wrestler. I'm not a citizen of the Cenation but an OG of the Chain Gang.

John Cena is one of the greatest on the microphone and a good in ring worker (Seriously Angle, Jericho, Flair, Bret have all said Cena understands storytelling & in ring psychology). Cena from 04-07 was great. 08-09 decent, 010-present, horrible but shades of brilliance (Feuds with Punk, Batista, The Rock, Laurinaitis & Lesnar).

Still no matter what, Cena is my favorite wrestler. I'm not a citizen of the Cenation but an OG of the Chain Gang.

One of the greatest on the mic and a good in ring worker? Go watch when Cena got Boo'd out of the ECW arena basically. "you can't wrestle" and "same ol' shit" was chanted throughout the whole match. It is true. He does the same thing every match and he looks awkward doing all his moves as well as selling. On top of that he is the corniest talker on the mic I have ever seen WWE give such a push to.

Of course he understands storytelling he is not an idiot. In ring psychology is all nice and dandy but if you don't look good wrestling, then you don't look good wrestling.

And as I said earlier. People on this site are the biggest fans of wrestling. Most of us know a lot more about wrestling than the casual fan and to see that only 9 people have voted Love Him is disturbing. Come on. Cena haters are supposed to be the minority. The fact is, when it comes to fans with knowledge about wrestling, Cena lovers are in the minority. You can like him fine. But Cena "understanding storytelling" doesn't mean jack. Especially when his mic work is dreadfully corny.
One of the greatest on the mic and a good in ring worker? Go watch when Cena got Boo'd out of the ECW arena basically. "you can't wrestle" and "same ol' shit" was chanted throughout the whole match. It is true.

Of course, if FANS say he can't wrestle than it MUST be true, right?

He does the same thing every match

So did Hogan, Warrior, Rock, Austin, Taker, Foley... should I keep going?

and he looks awkward doing all his moves

How does one look "awkward" when executing a wrestling move? I can't remember the last time Cena made any kind of botch that was remotely near being his fault.

as well as selling.

Again... how do you sell in an "awkard" way? When he's punched in the face, he grimaces and holds his face. When he's slammed, he sells the pain in his back. He's actually a realistic seller because he doesn't overdo it like wrestlers such as Dolph Ziggler tend to do at times.

On top of that he is the corniest talker on the mic I have ever seen WWE give such a push to.

Ignorant wrestling fans... I swear it never ends...

As much as I agree with you on this, at least I understand why he cuts promos this way. How many times does it have to be said that Cena caters to YOUNG fans. That means all of his promos must appeal to children. If Cena was still rapping about "chewing on deez nuts", I don't think it would fit his current character and push his merchandise sales.

Of course he understands storytelling he is not an idiot. In ring psychology is all nice and dandy but if you don't look good wrestling, then you don't look good wrestling.

But he looks fantastic. In most cases, when he main events a PPV, he works the match of the night.
John Cena. Take note. Mark your calendar. Take notice:

Heres my message to John...

Once you've been retired for 20 years, there will be no little kids or girlfriends who love to irritate their boyfriends defending your "legacy". Your greatness will be judged by time and time alone. Wins and losses are predetermined, so your "Never give up" attitude is a scripted sham. Your "desire to win" is an act and a farce. By pinning a man in a fake fight, you prove nothing. Time doesn't care how many posters you were on, how much money you made, or how long you refused to change your stupid 8th grade hair cut and jean shorts in an attempt to "be true to yourself". They were all scripted. They were all given to you. Real greatness is winning the respect of those who do not give it easily or freely. Of those who are hard to impress. Of those who admire real tenacity and real fire in the face of hardship. We haven't seen you face REAL hardship, John, and so we don't believe you when you talk about "never giving up". We've seen you handed win after win, or, even in loss, main event after main event in a pre-determined sport where the guy who owns everything demands you be kept front and center. Greatness is forged through hardship. You've endured little to none. Your "legacy" when you retire will be judged rightfully. Time will be your judge, John... and all the kids will eventually grow up and see you through there wiser eyes to see exactly who you really are.
I am just a casual fan and i like john cena. What he does outside the sqaured circle, he busts his ass of every day, makes WWE shit loads of money. I don't pay attention to message boards or forums and most casual fans don't either. WWE aim towards the casual fans not some guys sitting behind a computer or a laptop. Love him or hate him he is WWE's number one guy and it wont change anytime soon.

PS some of his promos are corny as hell but the kids love it. Its PG.
John Cena. Take note. Mark your calendar. Take notice:

Heres my message to John...

Once you've been retired for 20 years, there will be no little kids or girlfriends who love to irritate their boyfriends defending your "legacy". Your greatness will be judged by time and time alone. Wins and losses are predetermined, so your "Never give up" attitude is a scripted sham. Your "desire to win" is an act and a farce. By pinning a man in a fake fight, you prove nothing. Time doesn't care how many posters you were on, how much money you made, or how long you refused to change your stupid 8th grade hair cut and jean shorts in an attempt to "be true to yourself". They were all scripted. They were all given to you. Real greatness is winning the respect of those who do not give it easily or freely. Of those who are hard to impress. Of those who admire real tenacity and real fire in the face of hardship. We haven't seen you face REAL hardship, John, and so we don't believe you when you talk about "never giving up". We've seen you handed win after win, or, even in loss, main event after main event in a pre-determined sport where the guy who owns everything demands you be kept front and center. Greatness is forged through hardship. You've endured little to none. Your "legacy" when you retire will be judged rightfully. Time will be your judge, John... and all the kids will eventually grow up and see you through there wiser eyes to see exactly who you really are.

1 - I'm fairly certain Cena isn't on these forums, so that whole spiel was a bit of a waste of time.

2 - Every single wrestler has their results predetermined so no need for you to beat that drum when you send this on to John for real.

3 - The best people in the business whose opinions about wrestling talent matter most, certainly more than yours or mine, have frequently praised Cena over the last few years.

4 - How much hardship has he endured? No idea. What I do know is that the guys is a machine when it comes to his Make A Wish work. You know, that charity that focuses on creating great experiences for kids and families that are enduring hardships physically and emotionally.

In short, you're being an idiot.
Towards John Cena, I hold a temperamental perspective. Customarily, I revere his aptitude as a wrestler. While he may not be the supreme ring technician or performer, Cena certainly compensates for that little fallacy with his excellent mic skills. As I said before, while Cena is a mediocre wrestler when taking into account pure wrestling, he's capable of inducing emotion and drama to the match, and able to tell a story employing wrestling as the expedient. It's ironic that the face of the company is also one of the most atrociously underrated superstars in the company.

However, there have been several instances which have instigated in me a temporary aversion to him. Banal character, excessive championship reigns, etc. Basically the customary incentives that originally compelled the crowd to turn on John Cena.
I dont know what to think of Cena. I dont hate him but i would rather watch Brad Maddox wrestle. Cena is stale, has been since the fued with Orton ended with the Iron Man match i havent thought much of either man since. If Cena just stopped being such a kiss asa both behind the scenes and on screen then maybe guys like me wouldnt wanna punch him in the mouth
As many of you would have read/heard already, Cena seems to be in abit of trouble with rumours surfacing that he had an affair with pornstar @KendraLust.

It will be interesting to see how things pan out from these rumours, and if any truth comes from this. This could be terrible for Cena's reputation as the PG guy (for obvious reasons).

Can you imagine a crowd on RAW chanting "Kendra Lust" whilst Cena is cutting a promo or whilst he's mid-match? All it takes is a couple of kids/parents to google this women or look her up on twitter (Who doesn't hide her pornography on her page btw) and BAM - long term real life heel turn for Cena.

So my question for you all is fairly simple - what happens to Cena if these rumours are true? Will he continue to be the 'PG guy'? Your thoughts?
I don't in anyway see him staying the 'PG guy' let's be realistic this maybe something that Might be too big to brush under a rug.
I know Vince has the ability to pull strings especially for someone like Cena, but how are you going to market to a younger audience with the figure head of the campaign is teaching Kendra Lust how to wrestle.
If this is a long running angle then wow this might be VERY VERY interesting but i doubt it.
It will be interesting to see how things pan out from these rumours, and if any truth comes from this. This could be terrible for Cena's reputation as the PG guy (for obvious reasons).
I don't think anything will become of this. It's not like the parents actually insert themselves into the wrestler’s lives so they'll know what kind of person their children idolizes. Seriously, what are they gonna do, tell their children they cannot cheer for their favorite superstar because Cena's been a bad boy? If true, John should've never cheated on his wife. Porn star or not, it doesn't matter who it's with. As for turning Cena heel because of this, no, it won't work. Mainly because the WWE isn't stupid enough to use the likes of a pornstar on WWE programming. Not that there's anything wrong with being a pornstar, but it's Cena's personal life and everyone has their demons. I would much rather the storylines stay out of it.

How much can you honestly hold what the former Mrs. Cena said as being legit true? Linda Hogan once said Hulk Hogan had a homosexual relationship with Brutus Beefcake and countless of other men. It seems to me a trend occurs when a bitter wife doesn't get to keep her wealthy men around they start trash talking and trying desperately to ruin their image. I don’t know how much of a cunt this Ms. Cena is (definitely compared to the huge bitch/****e/****/cunt that Linda Hogan is) but I think it's all bullshit.
I could see Daniel Bryan as the PG guy. He's relatively young, over and if they book him as a little more serious, he could well be the PG guy.

Let Cena have his turn and we all cream our laptops...

Even if his turn is only for six months or so, it would be great. Cena is only slightly smaller than Brock and he'd be such a devastating force.
Why now after all this time? I hear people all the time saying that Cena will never go heel or WWE doesn't have the nads to have him go heel, but I have a theory that may play out this weekend. WWE cannot afford to have another repeat of face/face (Rock/Cena) at Wrestlemania or yet another match between him and CMP.

Here's my theory on this...and it revolves around "The Shield". The Shield wears swat/military type outfits and uses military phonetics in their intro. They talk about having a reason in WWE and it's about "justice". What better way to get "justice" than to create a new stable with Cena leading "The Shield" as his arm of justice in "destroying" the Faces, ie. Sheamus and Ry because "it's not right for those guys to get the support from the WWE Universe after all the time and effort Cena puts in to the WWE"? Remember, "The Shield" hasn't shown all their cards and after this weeks MN Raw, I believe their all out verbal attack against Cena being the "worst" is a ploy to make everyone think differently. There is NO other reason for this six man tag other than for it to melt into a four on one beat down of Sheamus and Ryback.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't think this, but with Wrestlemania coming up quickly and a subpar card so far...I tend to think that this Sunday is the time for Cena to go heel and take out Sheamus, Ryback, and/or eventually the Rock, with "The Shield" as his three man stable, ie. horsemen. Now you'll have your main event Face/Heel match and Cena will win at Wrestlemania and the Rock can go back to Hollywood for a bit. Cena can then say that he was able to win without the WWE universe and he doesn't need them...blah, blah, blah.

Ugh...who knows...I'll be disappointed if something like that doesn't happen. What do you guys think is the purpose of this seemingly needless match and possible ramifications towards this years Wrestlemania?
If you look at the photos of Kendra with the belt it's fair obvious that its a fake belt ;)

Besides there was never any factual proof about any of this.

It's like the time that Dolph was after Asa Akira on twitter :P don't think that turned into anything though.
Great idea for Cena heel turn...... bear with me.

So at the Elimination Chamber with Cena's team on the verge of beating the shield Cena does the unthinkable and turns on Sheamus and Ryback to help Shield win. After the match Cena in the ring with Shield, fans throwing trash in the ring and Stryker comes in for a interview. Cena says how these guys (Shield) are the future of wrestling and tells the fans they can "stick it" which draws a foul look on Stryker's face.

So what do you think? Completely original right?
I mean it is a possibility but some how now rethinking everything, I don't think that it would be possible for Cena to turn heel so abruptly I mean why would he join a stable which caused him to lose championship matches? but who knows with the fed
Yes, Cena is never going to be the best technical wrestler in WWE, but face it; he's continually working at it. The guy is better than he used to be. Last night, he went 32 minutes and I don't recall the match flagging at any time. Sure, a lot of the continuity and flow was due to Punk's ability to work a match, but let's not underestimate Cena's contribution to the whole thing. He accommodated his opponent just as well as Punk did. He matched Punk hip-toss for hip-toss.

Compare Cena's ring repertoire to Hulk Hogan's: Hogan was doing the same few limited moves at the end of his career as he did in the beginning. Cena, despite his overwhelming fame and success, is still making the effort at becoming a better wrestler. He works as hard in the ring as anyone I've ever seen.

Did Cena do Superman last night? Sure he did, he always does......but when you see Punk kick out of the FU, you realize that Superman can work both ways.

Okay, so Cena is apparently ready to reclaim the top spot in WWE. He hasn't held the title in 1 1/2 years, which is an amazing amount of time to keep the #1 performer off the mountaintop. He's ceded the spotlight to Punk and Rock, calling his own down period a slump. Still, a lot of you are going to be complaining if/when he beats Rock, saying the same old stuff about how he's favored over everyone else in the company, which is a claim that sounds ridiculous after the events of the past 18 months. I imagine many who claim to detest him do so because they honestly feel that way, while others criticize because they think it fashionable to do so.

But, like it or not, he's rising to the top again. I think Creative was wise to have invested the past 1 1/2 years casting Cena in a downward spiral; it makes him seem more fallible and vulnerable.....less like Superman. I can only imagine the bitching had he been winning everything in sight.

Whether he stays face or turns heel, he'll be where he should be......at the apex of his profession.
Yes, Cena is never going to be the best technical wrestler in WWE
But he's clearly the best wrestler overall, and has been for years. Technical wrestling is simply an offensive style and one which makes no sense for Cena to engage in as his main style of offense.

but face it; he's continually working at it. The guy is better than he used to be. Last night, he went 32 minutes and I don't recall the match flagging at any time. Sure, a lot of the continuity and flow was due to Punk's ability to work a match, but let's not underestimate Cena's contribution to the whole thing. He accommodated his opponent just as well as Punk did. He matched Punk hip-toss for hip-toss.
It's funny, we saw the match and interpreted it differently. I watched a match in which most of the quality was Cena's ability to work a match, and to work an audience, to make them care about him and his success. I heard an audience which chanted, "Let's Go Cena, Cena sucks" but not "Let's Go Cena, CM Punk".

But don't worry, I don't underestimate Punk's contribution to the match either, obviously Punk is a decent worker. But there's a reason Cena has had absolutely terrific matches with a long line of wrestlers since 2005 and Punk's best matches in the WWE have all come within the last year and a half and always with Cena.

Compare Cena's ring repertoire to Hulk Hogan's: Hogan was doing the same few limited moves at the end of his career as he did in the beginning. Cena, despite his overwhelming fame and success, is still making the effort at becoming a better wrestler. He works as hard in the ring as anyone I've ever seen.
Cena has always worked to improve as a wrestler, which is amazing because he's been the best worker in the WWE since 2007.
It's funny, we saw the match and interpreted it differently. I watched a match in which most of the quality was Cena's ability to work a match, and to work an audience, to make them care about him and his success. I heard an audience which chanted, "Let's Go Cena, Cena sucks" but not "Let's Go Cena, CM Punk".

But don't worry, I don't underestimate Punk's contribution to the match either, obviously Punk is a decent worker. But there's a reason Cena has had absolutely terrific matches with a long line of wrestlers since 2005 and Punk's best matches in the WWE have all come within the last year and a half and always with Cena.

I don't think you're giving Punk enough credit for the match. I did hear Let's go Cena CMPunk chants. I honestly think they have the best chemistry in the business today. With all that being said I do agree that Cena has had great to amazing matches since he has been on top.TLC match with Edge, Last man standing match with Umanga, his almost hour match with HBK, and the list goes on. I wish people would open their eyes and see that Cena really is one of the best today.
Cena is not the best overall wrestler in the WWE. Its clearly CM Punk and he hasn't just had great matches with Cena but the matches with Bryan and Jericho were better than his Cena matches. I do agree over the last few years Cena has improved on making the other talent in the ring look great. It will be interesting at Mania if Cena vs Rock doesn't draw as much as last year which is a real possibility. I think alot of wrestling fans believe Rock vs Punk will sell more because I think Cena's style better fits a match with the UT than Punk's. Punk is not as physical as Lesnar or HHH but the amount of moves Punk does will result in the same of wearing UT body down
The "You can't wrestle" chants have been one of the silliest things in wrestling for years when directed at Cena, whenever he's in with a great worker like Punk, HBK or Edge he can lift his level and doesn't need carrying, if the guy isn't very good Cena doesn't carry them as he's not that great, but if the opponent is then Cena holds up his end, which is all he needs to do.

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