iv been a firm beliver of the cena heal turn coming in the form of the nexus story, but now am less conviced its good, i think cena should go heal but not with nexus, nexus will lose all there momentem if this the plan imo, personaly il be like, sigh cena ruins another good storie, it just seems to hulk hogan to me, NwO story worked because of hall and nash comming from WWE, hogan had been built from WWF to be Mr America, the kids loved him, but Hall and Nash had already proven they can hold there own, these kids in nexus are just that, kids. theyve shown *in wwe atleast* nothing to say "Superstar" i dont realy watch any indy, and dont get anything like that in nortern ireland exept the odd ROH stream if nothing betters on, so i cant judge there in ring skills on that, but personaly, and from a hole, i hate cena point of veiw, id much rather see it work this way
Miz joins team WWE/Raw
Miz Cena/ Slater Barret are last two left,
Cena hits the AA on Slater and pins for a 3 count,
5 Eliminated Nexus members come out and suround the ring
Miz grabs a chair and guards cena while cena sets up for the 5 Nukkle Shuffle
Miz Blasts Cena with a chair, and his finisher, * forgot wot its called

Miz gets DQ'd thus eliminated, pulls barret over cena for the 3 count,
then id book it like this for the month after,
Barret tells Raw on monday hes getting his shot at the champion at NOC, and tells everyone to stay tuned because he can asure every one that nexus will hold the gold, Barret and Orton recives medium build up, and on the midcard, have Slater Vrs Miz for the US Title, have Miz lay down in the middle of the ring, let Slater take the strap, to put him in some matchs, during the main event, have Miz sit at ringside, with everytime randy gose to hit a big time move have miz come in and tease a cash in, the announcers can sell it as a distraction for orton and allow Barret to win the title, this puts nexus in an all mighty possition holding MITB, WWE Title and US Title. could make them a monster faction, then we can add BDson to the mix, making him cost barret the title at a later date, and have miz cash it in stright after, making Nexus as a faction lose nothing but a breifcase and shifting the power to Miz,
while all this is going on you could have cena flip out at bret because they were involved in inviting miz to join team WWE, anyone turning on bret will recive about as much heat as turning on team WWE anyway so it takes nothing away from Cenas turn and gets him out of the title frame for a PPV atleast.
just wot i would like to see anyway, i know my bookings about as good as russos so meh! oppions on IWC Ftw