**MERGED** John Cena Heel Turn Speculation

I cannot wait to see what happens thanks to this tweet from John Cena. He better not be pulling our leg because I want something big to happen tonight. This year's Summerslam looks kinda crappy and the only way to make it worth watching is for something Big and exciting to happen like a Cena heel turn or something.
was just about to post a poll thread and I seen this.

The Cena tweet definitly has me thinking that if not a "heel" turn or swerve, something EPIC might happen as Cena himself described. But now is the age where ppl don't even tweet their own stuff. Hell, its the age of twitter in general, but I bet some if not most ppl have writers or other ppl telling them what to say.

I jus don't know what to make of it myself. I haven't. Really been pushed by the E to rent this one. It really dosent even have that SS feel to it. I guess its just me being from the era of good, solidly buitl PPV's. This has been hyped with 3 matches basically, as JR stated. And I wonder if something big will happen because of the "lack" of building an all the way through, solid PPV.

I don't think its going to be Cena turning, not right now atleast. But it just gets me as to what it is. I hope to GOD its not Rock coming and making an apperance. Id hate for the ppl who lovee him so much to have that glory and say, "see, we said he would come back."

And know what? Even if it is him making an apperance tonight, it would just be that. No more no less. But I'm doubting its going to be Rock.

Then I also think ... "hmm .. I'm not satisfied enough to buy the PPV..." then low and behold , here is Cena's tweet claiming an "epic night in the history of the WWE" . Makes me wonder .... and no, I will not be renting the PPV, wrestleZone does a hell of a job reviewing and giving great play by play. Ill just stick to my driod for the night. But I can't say I won't be pissed if something big does happen. Ill probly feel like a jack ass a little bit but ill get over it.
I think this is pretty cool. I'm actually REALLY psyched for SummerSlam now, about 2 hours left... :S

Hmmm, I wonder whats gonna happen. I knew that there was gonna be some sort of twist, but I didn't think anything with Cena. I'm just gonna stop typing and be excited. :D
If this tweet is even somewhat legit I'm all for it. He's been superman way too damn long and it's time something finally happens to shake his gimmick up big time! If this is it for him being a face, then fine say good bye to the fans before you join the darkside. I'm ready to see it tonight and ready to witness this!
Okay, I changed my mind. Cena is probably the one turning heel. I thought it was gonna be Bret Hart, but after I was on twitter looking at Cena's tweets, I know there will be a twist in this SummerSlam match. 2 and a half hours left. :D
Im guessing it will nothing much to it , and it means watch the ppv to watch the wwe team kick the nexus's teams ass

this is just to fool us all , im pretty sure
It means absolutely nothing. Its for all his marks and his "epic" battle with Nexus coming to a head. I for one will be watching Family Guy. I was bored with Nexus 3 weeks after they came out. They are career jobbers except for Barrett.
I reckon Cena and Hart will be the last two on WWE team vs the final nexus member Bret will get tagged in then Cena will AA him from behind allowing Nexus to win and thus turns heel and gets tons of heat for screwing over bret.
iv been a firm beliver of the cena heal turn coming in the form of the nexus story, but now am less conviced its good, i think cena should go heal but not with nexus, nexus will lose all there momentem if this the plan imo, personaly il be like, sigh cena ruins another good storie, it just seems to hulk hogan to me, NwO story worked because of hall and nash comming from WWE, hogan had been built from WWF to be Mr America, the kids loved him, but Hall and Nash had already proven they can hold there own, these kids in nexus are just that, kids. theyve shown *in wwe atleast* nothing to say "Superstar" i dont realy watch any indy, and dont get anything like that in nortern ireland exept the odd ROH stream if nothing betters on, so i cant judge there in ring skills on that, but personaly, and from a hole, i hate cena point of veiw, id much rather see it work this way

Miz joins team WWE/Raw
Miz Cena/ Slater Barret are last two left,
Cena hits the AA on Slater and pins for a 3 count,
5 Eliminated Nexus members come out and suround the ring
Miz grabs a chair and guards cena while cena sets up for the 5 Nukkle Shuffle
Miz Blasts Cena with a chair, and his finisher, * forgot wot its called :(*
Miz gets DQ'd thus eliminated, pulls barret over cena for the 3 count,

then id book it like this for the month after,

Barret tells Raw on monday hes getting his shot at the champion at NOC, and tells everyone to stay tuned because he can asure every one that nexus will hold the gold, Barret and Orton recives medium build up, and on the midcard, have Slater Vrs Miz for the US Title, have Miz lay down in the middle of the ring, let Slater take the strap, to put him in some matchs, during the main event, have Miz sit at ringside, with everytime randy gose to hit a big time move have miz come in and tease a cash in, the announcers can sell it as a distraction for orton and allow Barret to win the title, this puts nexus in an all mighty possition holding MITB, WWE Title and US Title. could make them a monster faction, then we can add BDson to the mix, making him cost barret the title at a later date, and have miz cash it in stright after, making Nexus as a faction lose nothing but a breifcase and shifting the power to Miz,

while all this is going on you could have cena flip out at bret because they were involved in inviting miz to join team WWE, anyone turning on bret will recive about as much heat as turning on team WWE anyway so it takes nothing away from Cenas turn and gets him out of the title frame for a PPV atleast.

just wot i would like to see anyway, i know my bookings about as good as russos so meh! oppions on IWC Ftw
Have any of you ever heard the expression "take it with a grain of salt"?

Well I am taking this with all the salt in India.

For those of you who remember, I am pretty sure that Cena said after the Bryan Danielson release how he backed Daniel Bryan and thought he shouldnt have been fired and all this other stuff, only for it to be reported a week or so later that one of the reasons he was fired was for spitting on Cena, and Cena was furious with that.

In all likelyhood, his twitter is controlled by some extent by the WWE. This tweet could very well just be a way for the WWE to pander to us IWC members. They knew we would see this, get all excited about a possible Cena turn, then order the PPV to watch it.

Of course this is just a theory, we will see if this is still the case at 11pm ET
I love when things like this happen, gets everyone excited wether they want to admit it or not. I will be intrested to see what happens i think whatever happens tonight will set up alot of things for Wrestlemania...i know its ages away, but im telling you, the fall out from tonight, if all goes well will set up an epic mania...either way, im very excited right now
I think 3 things are either gonna happen tonight.

The first being cena turning heel which I doubt because after all the beating he took from the nexus, their is no way to just say it was all an act; however, it is time for cena to turn heel.

The second is that bret hart turns out to be the leader of the nexus. Bret Hart being on the match really isn't drawing that much people, specially after his wrestlemania match. So why else have him in the match since his ring ability is not so great as it was when he was younger.

My third and my favorite choice is what they were talking about on Chair Shor Reality. The miz becomes the 7th member of team raw and turns out to be the leader of the nexus. Then later that night, if the 7 vs 7 match is not the last match of the night, the miz with the help of nexus cashes his money in the bank contract and wins the title. Its already talk that miz has improved and is gonna be the future of the wwe. So what way to push him to main event status then this.
that said, im not being funny but if this is the much awaited heel turn? what kinda an ego must someone have to say it's an 'epic moment in wwe history' to see them turn heel...i'm expecting something more than just a heel turn to be honest
Cena being the leader of the Nexus kills the heat for the group and they become sidekicks to him, plus it makes no sense logically. It kills the storyline.
He does make it seem like a farewell or something LOL... Since we know he isn't going anywhere, it does leave me wondering. So, much could happen today! Will any of it? I hope so.

I will be so disapointed if nothing does go down! I don't need a Cena Heel turn to be satisfied with SS. But, I do need something to go down though. The "REAL" Nexus leader or The RAW GM needs to reveal themselves or something...

Another thing would be The Miz cashing in MITB. I don't even think that alone could make this event GREAT. The matches are so few and kind of lame, that they must do something big to save this event! Which they might have had something(s) BIG in store this whole time, and that's why the matches are lacking!

I'll tell you this though, if NOTHING goes on, no surprises, title switches, or anything, it could probably go down as the WORST SS EVER!
As Robert Roode pointed out, this is about a bunch of angry rookies trying to take out the WWE veterans. After the first 2 weeks, this angle got boring BIG TIME! We are supposed to be excited about THIS? UGH! John Cena is going to try to swerve the IWC like the snake that he is! He sucks and so does this year's SummerSlam! Yawn!
I belive the epic thing will be the Raw GM will be revieled and it will be a big time legend that we all loved and adored
I still think that Cena might be the leader. Yes it would kill a lot of the heat that the Nexus group has going but to be honest it would take a BIG star like Cena being their leader for the surprise to be epic. Even with the new GM appearing without a HUGE leader the Nexus group is done. Cena turning heel would be outstanding because he could ditch his ridiculous "salute" that he does and turn back to the heat drawing heel that he once was. Are we all forgetting this is a guy that literally drew intense heat everywhere he went.

IMO it'll go down in one of the following ways

HHH is the new GM and he is revealed as the leader of Nexus. Why? HHH has said to be in favor of a heel turn as he enjoys that much more then a face turn.

Roddy Piper returns as the GM of raw. And Just when they think they've got the answers he changes the question. Piper runs a muck on Raw making the show enjoyable.

The Rock...yeah I'll bite... The Rock returns as the GM in a non wrestling role for the time being (as he has stated he doesn't want to wrestle but he doesn't mind coming back to the WWE to do "something BIG"). All of this eventually leads to a HUGELY popular and desired Rock vs. Cena match.

Cena turns on Jericho (as they are the last 2 men standing against Nexus) and they "take Jericho out" allowing him to take time off to "heal up" then come back as a huge face to battle Nexus. Because with Jericho he can help the Nexus guys develop and carry them to a HUGE match. Jericho has that uncanny ability to make every match he is in a great one. So Jericho coming back as a face and battling Nexus would help the younger guys establish that they are legitimate players in the WWE.

I've heard some people saying The Miz stabs team WWE in the back. I like that idea but that's too obvious of a turn. The Miz has a decent push going right now and taking on the role of the Nexus leader kind of kills off all that momentum. If Miz is the leader there is no reason in hell why he wouldn't successfully win the WWE or WHC sometime soon.
im sure cena is hinting he will be heel tonight. said he wants to thank all the people who supported him over the years not supports him. and it will be epic tonight.
HAHAHAHA! It never happened. :)

Look, I know I said there would be a twist at the end of SS, and I'm sorta upset that there was no twist, but not enough to cry over it. I was too happy about Daniel Bryan returning. :D

Anyone who is gonna "Never watch WWE again cause Cena didn't turn heel" should not even post.
HAHAHAHA! It never happened. :)

Look, I know I said there would be a twist at the end of SS, and I'm sorta upset that there was no twist, but not enough to cry over it. I was too happy about Daniel Bryan returning. :D

Anyone who is gonna "Never watch WWE again cause Cena didn't turn heel" should not even post.

The only "twist" we got was Danielson returning and reigniting the feud w/ Miz. You'll see Miz v. Danielson for the Us championship at NoC. We'll never see Cena turn healing anytime soon since off all the money he brings in as the face of the wwe.
I was no surprised at all to not see Cena turn heel, it may and HOPEFULLY will happen (god it needs to) but they obviously didn't turn as they knew the return of Danielson would have everyone going mental (which it has lol!).
I dont see him turning very shortly thought, unless Nexus now disband after their loss, and Cena fill the hole of monster heel, but again I don't see it happening, think we are stuck with super Cena for a while. Maybe we could be waiting until wrestlemania 27...
So where are all the haters? If Dixie Carter made this tweet this thread would be 5+ pages of hatemongering. Cena does it to sell the PPV and not one person has called him out on it yet? There is nothing epic about the same finish happening that happens in just about every main event Cena has ever been in.
Because, shittered, Dixie does it every five minutes for surprises that aren't special, or for some that don't happen at all. Cena was hyping up the PPV that gave us the shocking return of Daniel Bryan. He promised a surprise THAT DELIVERED.

That's the difference between this tweet and the ones your precious Dixie does.
We'll never see Cena turn healing anytime soon since off all the money he brings in as the face of the wwe.

First of all, "turn healing?" :wtf:

Second, I know that really well, you don't need to tell me stuff that I already know.

John Cena is not turning heel soon. He brings waay to much money to the WWE.

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