Would A Cena Heel Turn Have Made Sense?

Not it would have NOT made sense:

1) Cena is the ultimate good guy. The entire Free or Fired was built around Cena's morals. Cena is all about standing his ground and defeating the big bad wolf. He doesn't get mad at anyone who tells him he sucks, he just presses on and continues to work as hard as anyone in the ring. When John Cena says he is going to do something, then dammit he is going to do it the best he could. His shirt says "NEVER GIVE UP" for crying out loud. And at the PPV Cena did the right thing which is why the crowd didn't mind the ending with him getting fired. That is why kids look up to him: He is a super hero.

People bring up how Austin turned heel.. Well, Austin was already telling everyone he hated to blow him. Not much a character change for him, but more like he told different people to blow him. A heel John Cena would be too much a character jump.

2) They have spent the last five months making Wade Barrett the top heel of the company. On Raw, the guy was hated like he went around and shot some dogs before the show. It wasn't the only time since his push that he wasn't able to talk because the crowd was so damn.. "Responsive" to Wade. If Cena was to turn heel and succeed, that would totally halt Wade's role.

3) Did we really have to talk about the business impact Cena has? They are taking a BIG risk on the Cena firing as is.
If Cena was with them since the beginning or even the middle of all the feud it could have made sense. We agree that wrestler aren't really beating each other so they could have "faked" the beat down.

Plus Cena could have just give in and be tired of fighting them and seeing he had more advantages being with them.

People always say but he is the biggest face and he sell merchandise or there's not enough face to turn him but the thing they always seem to forget is that if you turn Cena heel and crush the hearth of the kid (seeing the face of the kid yesterday when the Miz one was worth a million buck) they will instantly cheer the next guy who will stand up for them to face Cena.
I have to admit that I smelled a rat last night after Cena's farewell speech and him walking out of the arena but not getting into a car and leaving. I had a feeling that he would be back. I had a thought in my mind that Nexus would attack Orton but not as early as they did. Here's what I was thinking: I thought that during the match, the ref would get knocked out and then Nexus would come down and start beating on Orton. Cena would then run in with a steel chair and get in between Nexus and Orton. He would then turn around and hit Orton with the chair leading to Barrett winning the title. It would have been utterly shocking after that emotional speech for him to turn heel last night but of course if didn't happen. I am wondering if a Cena heel turn will ever happen now.
Not it would have NOT made sense:

1) Cena is the ultimate good guy. The entire Free or Fired was built around Cena's morals. Cena is all about standing his ground and defeating the big bad wolf. He doesn't get mad at anyone who tells him he sucks, he just presses on and continues to work as hard as anyone in the ring. When John Cena says he is going to do something, then dammit he is going to do it the best he could. His shirt says "NEVER GIVE UP" for crying out loud. And at the PPV Cena did the right thing which is why the crowd didn't mind the ending with him getting fired. That is why kids look up to him: He is a super hero.

3) Did we really have to talk about the business impact Cena has? They are taking a BIG risk on the Cena firing as is.

Ever heard of Hollywood Hogan? Cena's not half as beloved as the Hulkster was (among all age groups). When Hogan put on the black & white it meant that NOBODY would ever be above a heel turn again.

And I'm sorry, but what's this "BIG risk" you mentioned? The guy gave a teary farewell speech and then ran-in on the Main Event to once again save the day. A risk would have been actually turning him heel. The way they've executed this was the SAFEST possible route.
Ever heard of Hollywood Hogan? Cena's not half as beloved as the Hulkster was (among all age groups). When Hogan put on the black & white it meant that NOBODY would ever be above a heel turn again.

Hogan was stale like moldy bread. His run was over and the nWo was really the only thing that kept his career kicking in WCW. Cena has barely scratched the surface of his WWE run.

And I'm sorry, but what's this "BIG risk" you mentioned? The guy gave a teary farewell speech and then ran-in on the Main Event to once again save the day. A risk would have been actually turning him heel. The way they've executed this was the SAFEST possible route.

So.. Booking your ONLY DRAW on the show out of the show isn't a big risk? There's a difference between "getting pops" and making money. Cena makes almost half the merchandise sales as well as half the public appearances for the company by himself. There are several reports from the shows since the Cena joined Nexus that many families left the show after the Cena/Wade interactions. There were also reports that Cena's sales numbers went down. It is a BIG risk to say Cena isn't going to be on the show.
Hogan was stale like moldy bread. His run was over and the nWo was really the only thing that kept his career kicking in WCW. Cena has barely scratched the surface of his WWE run.

Barely scratched? He's an eleven-time World Champion! He's been in the Main Event non-stop since 2005. How long do you think a "run" actually lasts? He's to have started young and to still be just 33-year-old, which means he can go longer than some others, but you're grossly exaggerating his shelf-life.

As for the Hogan comparison, Cena doesn't have the advantage of being a worldwide icon who could draw people in even after he turns "stale" one day. Turning him heel now would make waves and cause people who maybe have turned away from the WWE in the last few years to give it a look to see what it's all about. Wait a few years longer and the turn could easily not have the same impact.

So.. Booking your ONLY DRAW on the show out of the show isn't a big risk? There's a difference between "getting pops" and making money. Cena makes almost half the merchandise sales as well as half the public appearances for the company by himself. There are several reports from the shows since the Cena joined Nexus that many families left the show after the Cena/Wade interactions. There were also reports that Cena's sales numbers went down. It is a BIG risk to say Cena isn't going to be on the show.

It's a risk for what... a few weeks? How long do you think Cena's actually going to stay "fired?" Hell, it didn't stop him from showing up for a lengthy promo or a Main Event run-in last night. Anyone with a brain (which I guess does limit some WWE fans) knows Cena's still going to be around and they're not going to decide to not attend RAW or change the channel because of this.

Besides, no matter what you think of the risk involved in this angle, you can't tell me the heel turn wouldn't have been a much BIGGER risk.
I love all this talk about a heel turn "not making sense." Really? The guy said it best himself last night; half the crowd already hates him. Wrestling used to do a much better job of gauging its audience and tapping into it. Groups like the nWo and DX, or the rise of the anti-faces like Austin and Rock, were as much about the changing personality of the fans as they were the gimmicks of the wrestlers. They created trash-talking, rebellious heroes because that was the nature of their core audience.

How does this relate to Cena? Well, let's say he turns heel the way many of you have suggested; revealing himself to be this sinister mastermind behind the Nexus and even the RAW GM. You can do it, but it's not that believable. It also doesn't tap into the fans. The people who boo Cena don't want to have to give him credit for being an evil genius. They think he's lame and they want him to be even more pathetic.

So, you have him do something that's very simple, easy, and hateable... he sells out. He does what Barrett told him and saves his job. He betrays all the kids by not standing up for himself and he makes the 18+ crowd hate him even more for looking like a pussy. He should have done that at Survivor Series and then come out last night and tried to defend himself. The boos would have been louder than anything we've heard in a long time. He could have stood there in the ring and talked about how much he loves wrestling and didn't want to lose it, but the boos wouldn't have stopped. And then, after he looks defeated... his face turns to a sneer. He pulls his head up in that cocky way and says, "if you really feel that way, then *#?! you!"

It would have made sense, it would have been better, and it would have set him up for the biggest heel run in years. He could have become a bitter, fan-hating s.o.b. who made it his mission to ruin anyone the crowd favored. He could have started brutalizing people and eventually even turned the Nexus members to his side when they realized he more ruthless and lethal than Barrett. And of course, the eventual blow-off with Orton would have been huge.

It's a missed opportunity.

Even if this would have occurred, if John Cena were to turn heel, I don't think that at this moment, it would have been the best set-up for a heel turn.

John Cena is the face of the WWE. For him to just allow Barrett to win the WWE Title, so he doesn't get fired, and then to tell the fans to fuck off would have been very dull. If the WWE wants to turn someone as huge as John Cena into a heel, they're going to have to do it big, which is why I don't think this storyline would have been such a successful heel turn for John Cena.
Honestly, no. It would not have worked out correctly. Cena should not turn heel unless WWE have someone good in mind to replace him as the top face. Am I against a heel turn? No. I just don't think it would have been good to do it last night or anytime soon. Perhaps when he comes back if a suitable replacement has been built up. Anyone who keeps whining about how Cena should turn heel needs to read IC's article on the front page or the thread devoted to it. It sums up perfectly why Cena should not be heel by now or anytime soon. Wrestling needs a hero and that heroic figure is John Cena because he is someone we can all relate to and look up to.
No. Absoloutely Not. face Turns are hard enough to accomplish without it being unbelievable, But after what we know about Cena, He wouldn't do it. It wouldn't fit the character illustrated by the WWE Staff. Simply enough, for example, Randy's Turning into a face. Hard to pull, as we know he has the twisted side to him. The easiest way, Which WWE did, was to introuduce A more "Evil" Rival for Orton, if you will. Cena, However, would have to be out matched by a "More Nicer" Face, and there just isn't one. Women and children everywhere, including myself, Adore John Cena. Comparing him to Randy Ortons Turn is a prime way to justify that its hard to do for most, impossible for Cena.
Barely scratched? He's an eleven-time World Champion! He's been in the Main Event non-stop since 2005. How long do you think a "run" actually lasts? He's to have started young and to still be just 33-year-old, which means he can go longer than some others, but you're grossly exaggerating his shelf-life.

No. I am not. Taker, HBK, Jericho, HHH, and Batista (guys who are left/took a leave last year) were all near their 40's or mid 40's. Cena has at least 7 more years at this moment.

As for the Hogan comparison, Cena doesn't have the advantage of being a worldwide icon who could draw people in even after he turns "stale" one day.

Just because Cena doesn't have the impact culturally that Hogan did, doesn't mean you can discredit Cena's popularity. The WWE is more global than ever before and Cena is the wrestler that represents the company.

Turning him heel now would make waves and cause people who maybe have turned away from the WWE in the last few years to give it a look to see what it's all about. Wait a few years longer and the turn could easily not have the same impact.

Uhh... I would debate that. If they haven't been watching in the past few years (assuming few means 5 or so) they aren't going to know who Cena is.

It's a risk for what... a few weeks? How long do you think Cena's actually going to stay "fired?" Hell, it didn't stop him from showing up for a lengthy promo or a Main Event run-in last night.

Did you forget that Wade Barrett cut a promo saying he allowed Cena to be there? Did you forget that Cena proved at Survivor Series that he is a man of his word?

Anyone with a brain (which I guess does limit some WWE fans) knows Cena's still going to be around and they're not going to decide to not attend RAW or change the channel because of this.

You don't interact with kids much, do you?

Besides, no matter what you think of the risk involved in this angle, you can't tell me the heel turn wouldn't have been a much BIGGER risk.

Yeah. Like I would think Cena turning heel wouldn't be a risk.

Cena is not going to turn heel so a bunch of guys on the internet can stroke off for one hour before bitching about it. Get with the program people.
No. I am not. Taker, HBK, Jericho, HHH, and Batista (guys who are left/took a leave last year) were all near their 40's or mid 40's. Cena has at least 7 more years at this moment.

There's a difference between a guy's run as the face of the company and his WWE career. When I'm referring to Cena's run, I'm talking about when he's clearly the marquee man in the company. Sure he'll hang around until he's 40 or so like all those guys did, but all of them (even Undertaker) have lost juice and have become support players.

Just because Cena doesn't have the impact culturally that Hogan did, doesn't mean you can discredit Cena's popularity. The WWE is more global than ever before and Cena is the wrestler that represents the company.

True, but they get about half the TV ratings and have fallen even further than that from mainstream media. Nobody's going to go on Larry King LIVE or other mainstream programs to discuss Cena's heel turn like they did when Hogan turned. For all of Vince's power, he's never had the resources like WCW did thanks to Ted Turner's connections to take their product and make everyone notice.

Uhh... I would debate that. If they haven't been watching in the past few years (assuming few means 5 or so) they aren't going to know who Cena is.

Any fans the WWE has "lost" have probably been due in large part to Cena. I'm referring to all those people, TNA fans or just folks who gave up on wrestling period, who couldn't figure out how to enjoy the product after the Attitude Era finally faded. Most of them will tell you that Cena was a key factor in why they stopped watching the WWE. A shift like this could make them take a look.

Did you forget that Wade Barrett cut a promo saying he allowed Cena to be there? Did you forget that Cena proved at Survivor Series that he is a man of his word?

You're using "kayfabe" moments in a reality debate? I'm not talking about what WWE advertises or what section of the website Cena's name appears in. The bottom line is that until Cena actually no-shows an episode of RAW nobody is going to assume he won't be there.

You don't interact with kids much, do you?

I try not to. I'm not a pervert.

Yeah. Like I would think Cena turning heel wouldn't be a risk.

Glad we agree on something.
No, Cena is the face of the company. He's been the one fighting Nexus from day one, and he's been the one taking the beatings from Nexus. He's been the one true face over the past five years whose held to the same creed of "Hustle Loyalty and Respect", as well as "Never Give Up." He's the main attraction and key player within WWE, and has built his entire on-screen persona around doing the right thing.

I don't see how you undo all those years of building him up under that mantra to turn him heel, thus insulting the audience who have seen him as the one polar constant. He's been the one whose always seen things in black and white, right and wrong, and he's always done what's right and stood up against the wrong. It would take too much work and be too contradictory to undo that. Turning Cena heel would have been the worst decision they could have made, honestly.
a cena heel turn would be stupid under the way he has to retire. Turn heel then leave? i dont think so... maybe he can turn heel when he returns possibly at the RR and then fued with taker for WM but a cena heel turn at that point would only hurt his career
Vince doesnt have the balls to turn cena heel.
IMO I would to see cena turn heel again but Cena is the 'top dog' in the wwe buisness, he is the reason why the wwe is still existing. All the kids love cena and buy hes merchandise and the kids would be heartbroken he urned on them

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