Could John Cena ever go heel again?

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chuckhardslab, Miz is not the biggest heel in Wrestling,that honor goes to CM Punk period! and if Hogan,Bret and Austin turned heel then Cena could to.
The question leads to a really interesting debate.

IMO, You need to have a dichotomy in the main event picture. If you have a bunch of faces facing off or a bunch of heels facing off, your losing the good vs. evil understory that drives the entertainment side of the business.

Of course, the way that storylines are written and the creative direction of a company can change and adjust to keep from being stale lends itself to the possibility, and perhaps probability, of Cena turning heel. To me, the more important question should be "If Cena were to turn heel, who could carry the babyface side of the main event picture?"

Randy Orton is definitely more face now than heel, but his persona does not lend itself to being a true face, but more of a tweener. Randy needs that ruthless, viper mentality to drive his character and I can't see him being the true babyface face of WWE. John Morrisson is more of a true face, but I'm just not sold on the guy being a big enough player in the main event scene.

The point that I am driving at is that although Cena could be turned face, the climate in the WWE is not right for it at the moment. If he were to "turn his back on his fanbase" (aka do whatever the writers tell me to do), there is no one right now to pick up that fanbase. Maybe the storylines will write a different picture, but right now I'm not buying it.
Anyone could turn Heel under the right circumstances. Is it going to happen anytime soon with Cena? Nope. I think he eventually will turn. But it will still be awhile before they decide that is where they wanna go with him.

I think his gimmick is still milkable and they should let it get beat straight into the ground. They are only going to get one chance at this 1st Cena Heel Turn After The Super Cena Days. So they should make it count. It needs to be a surprise and Cena will have to do something we wouldn't expect him to do.

Being most older fans consider his gimmick to be stale, we have wanted him to turn for quite a while to switch things up. WWE has done well to fight off the pressure of freshening up Cena. Take advantage while you can and pound that angle. When money stops coming in return for the pounding, than it's time to make a change or maybe take a chance.

I think the key to the thing working, is for someone to able to take Cena's spot while he turned and also Cena's turn being a surprise.

I do believe The Miz will eventually turn Face. Even though he is hated to a certain extent, he still has everything in place to be a Face. He has the catch phrases and the look of a Face. His path thus far, has been very comparable to The Rock's first couple years...

Comes in as a Face and is so "Face" that people begin to boo him. Gets a small push with that gimmick and just does not get over. Turns Heel and dabbles in mid card angles and tag team angles. Gains more and more HEAT as times passes and eventually captures The WWF/E Title sort of out of nowhere.

Neither really won clean as a Champion. Even though Rock traded the Title with Mick Foley a couple times, went into Wrestlemania as The WWF Champion. Just as The Miz will probably do. Both will go into the year's biggest wrestling event as The Champion and square off against the company's BIGGEST Star. In The Rock's case, Steve Austin and obviously John Cena for The Miz.

The Rock lost at Mania, as rumors are based on John Cena winning The WWE Championship at Wrestlemania as well. Afterwards The Rock was still Heel and had one more PPV rematch with Austin for the Title, then they had him focus on the reason he felt he lost, Shane McMahon. So, The Rock still acted the same, but cut out the cowardly way he was booked to do things. Then he completely got over and challenged Steve Austin as being the company's most over Face.

That sounds like the perfect path for Miz to follow. Maybe Alex Riley messes up and costs The Miz the match and he focuses on Riley. Thus thrusting Riley into his own angle and turning The Miz in the process.

What happened a couple years after that Rock/Austin Mania match? The Rock continued to gain steam as a Top Face and Austin kind of grew stale (Much like Cena).

So, they did the unthinkable and had Austin join with Vince McMahon. He turned Heel and The Rock was officially the main Face of the company. Sure Austin would pick up steam of his own and eventually would turn Face again, less than a year later, the impact was there and to this day, Austin joining with McMahon and screwing The Rock, is pretty epic!

As I said, let WWE build The Miz, and then have him stand in Cena's spot when the time comes to "shock the world" and turn him. Maybe by Wrestlemania 28, the ground work could be laid.
No Cena will not or perhaps NEVER turn heel, not in the near future anyway let's take a look at the top faces of the WWE
Randy Orton
- The top face of the company, second to only Cena. He is way too injury prone to be the face of the company
- Rumours are circulating around that he will retire within the next couple of years. Anyway, he can't go on for long and is one injury away from having his career ended for good.
The Undertaker
- Performs one Mania and takes time off. That has been The Undertaker in recent years. He could retire anytime now.
Triple H
- See The Undertaker
Rey Mysterio
- This little man can't be the face of the company it ain't going to happen
John Morrison
- He's the best contender for the funture IMO. However, he needs to be pushed a hell lot if he's going to get anywhere near to the status of even Randy Orton.
So, the thing is that the WWE do not have that secondary plan besides Orton (who may get a lengthy lay-off anytime). When Austin turned, they had Rock who's reliable as hell. When Hogan turned and joined The NWO, they had enough big face stars such as Sting. WWE just do not have the same luxury. The youth movement have been nothing short of fantastic but they're all basically heel. Barrett, Sheamus, Del Rio and Miz. While only Morrison comes close the matching the same push that they enjoy and that only happened in recent weeks. So, unless WWE creates a new star over enough to be the face of the company, Cena will NOT turn heel
John Cena IS a heel right now. He has been since December 19th when he went overboard and brutalized Wade Barrett after their match was over. A babyface follows the rules, doesn't let his emotions get the best of him, and in John Cena's case, lives by Hustle/Loyalty/Respect. He has been a full-on Heel for the last month and a half but the goddamned fans just keep on cheering him. I don't know why, because it's been pretty blatant if you ask me that Cena turned Heel at TLC. The over the top post-match beat down of Barrett, the fat jokes for Vickie, the staredown with Orton at the Rumble, everything points to him being heel. But he still gets cheered. Tweener is the word, I suppose.
John Cena IS a heel right now. He has been since December 19th when he went overboard and brutalized Wade Barrett after their match was over. A babyface follows the rules, doesn't let his emotions get the best of him, and in John Cena's case, lives by Hustle/Loyalty/Respect. He has been a full-on Heel for the last month and a half but the goddamned fans just keep on cheering him. I don't know why, because it's been pretty blatant if you ask me that Cena turned Heel at TLC. The over the top post-match beat down of Barrett, the fat jokes for Vickie, the staredown with Orton at the Rumble, everything points to him being heel. But he still gets cheered. Tweener is the word, I suppose.

I think you're off the mark on this one Kayoh. Cena is full on face. The climate of the babyface has changed significantly in the last 20 years and all those things that Cena does that you claim make him "full on heel" are just garnering fan support. Cena = Face. Plain and simple.
No, definately not in the near future, as in the next few years.

First of all, he's way to over with the crowd, the kid's love him, he's ther top merchandise seller, people go to house show's just for Cena, his Make A Wish Foundation stuff. He's a beloved character in WWE and to turn him heel now would be a mistake.

I don't think he may ever turn heel, unless they can find his Rock, his Mach Man, the guy who can even stuff out. For some people, it's Orton, but he's to risky of a person in general to trust. IMO, his Rock was Dave Batista, because, like Austin and Rock, they both got big in the same generation. Now Batista is gone, their trying to build up Orton as his Rock but, IMO, it's not working as they hoped (see the Orton-Cena staredown at Royal Rumble 2011). Fan's just general aren't really stoked for them to face eachother for the 15th time.

The only time to turn him heel was Survivor Series 2010, but they did'nt do it. Why, he's to much of a draw and loved by the fan's so much to turn him against those kids that buy his shirts and generally think of him as their hero.

Cena may turn heel in a few years, when they find his successor, the next top babyface. But until then, Cena's gonna be top face for a long while.
First off, Cena isn't turning heel before WrestleMania. At least, not this WrestleMania. To answer the thread title question. Could John Cena ever go heel again? Of course, he could. Cena could come out and start bashing the kids, his biggest fanbase. They turn against him, and he's a heel. Same with Hogan in 1996.

yea i was thinking the exact same thing.... they did have a great oppertunity to do it this year tho... imo i think they schould have made cena the new leader of the nexus instead of punk even tho punk is doing a great job with the group to me that would have been bettter...

if hulk hogan can turn heel anyone can
It would have to take two things to turn Cena heel:

#1 Vince would have to find another face. Another person who could carry the company. He felt the Rock could be the top babyface, so he turned Austin heel. Cena needs a Rock to complement his Austin.

#2 He would have to be super hush hush about this plan so that there are no dirt sheets and that NO ONE sees this coming. Not at all.
First of all, he's way to over with the crowd,

Not really, no doubt the negative reactions have died down somewhat recently, but he has never really been universally loved since mid 05'.

the kid's love him, he's their top merchandise seller, people go to house show's just for Cena, his Make A Wish Foundation stuff. He's a beloved character in WWE and to turn him heel now would be a mistake.

None of those excellent points mean that WWE won't turn him, but that they (creative) will need to make damn sure they get it right unless they want VKM haunting them for all eternity :lmao:

I don't think he may ever turn heel,

Don't believe that for a second.

VKM likes proving people wrong. So don't let him see that you wrote that. :lmao:
I was watching some old videos of Cena on youtube, when he was the dr of thuganomics. He was edgy, unique, and interesting, but now hes just another boring smiley, vanilla baby face. WWE is really fantastic and ruining characters, and he is a prime example. This guy was born to play a heel, and no one had ever combined rap and wrestling like he had.

Totally agreeing with you mate till this point..
However i dont think that it would be a good idea for him to make afaction.. There are already one on each brand and they are here to stay [from what it seems like].. However he could brinng edginess into his character.. Have a couple of meltdowns [Like with Tarver and those ECW goons he bashed after loosing to RVD], and lo, you have the Adult Males rooting for Cena as well.. Total Domination.. :worship::worship::worship:
Yeah, of course Cena could play a heel. Most people don't appreciate the fact that he is probably one of the most versatile guys in the WWE today. He's played all sorts of different roles, participated in a lot of different situations, and has even had a few character changes. Cena could easily make the transition back to a heel easily.

Will he is an entirely different question. At this point is seems doubtful that Cena will ever be heel again, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. It would require the rapid advancement of another guy that could fill Cena's role as face of the company. Orton doesn't have what it takes to be a top face, and I don't see anyone else within the WWE right now that does. Until someone new comes along or someone within the WWE steps up, I don't see Cena turning heel.
In the past most champions with multiple runs as heavyweight champion have had turns as both heel and face. Jericho, Austin, Rock, Orton, HBK, and Edge have all had runs as both. Cena has been the same character for the last seven years and during all his title runs has been the face. We saw, a long time ago, his skills as a heel champ with the US Title. Can Cena as a heel heavyweight champ work? If he does have a match with Rock somewhere down the line he would almost have to be the heel to the returning Great One. This would give a new spin to some old feuds that would pump some new life into things. But the main problem i see with a Cena heel turn right now is the lack of a mega face on Raw. What are everyone else's thoughts?
As much as I'd love to see Cena turn heel, i doubt we will see it happen anytime soon. Maybe come SummerSlam this year, since it is official that he and The Miz are facing off at Wrestlemania, not Cena & Rock. If it were me, I'd have The Rock remain on WWE Television, much like Bret Hart did last year after his McMahon feud.

Now about the 'mega face' on Raw.. Randy Orton would be the likely canidate.. or Triple H, assuming he doesn't retire after Wrestlemania 27. (I hope not) It would be great to see Triple H turn heel, have a few more World Heavyweight Championship reigns, and feud with Orton one last time, climaxing at Summerslam as well. (Forgot to mention, Cena would be drafted to Smackdown, and The Rock would also appear there also, as Bret did on Raw last year like i said earlier)

Thats what i would love to see :)
Cena would be a brilliant heel champ. Not only would it tap into the existing hatred from many fans, but he'd get some serious heat from the kiddies and others who root for him now. His heel turn would also be a big moment for the WWE that could help to bring in some current non-viewers who'd be intrigued by the change.

However, as you said, the problem with losing Cena as the megaface is that there doesn't seem to be a great replacement. You'd almost have to turn to an older guy like Taker, HHH, or maybe Orton or Edge to be Cena's rival. That's not necessarily bad; Hogan's main rival after the Hollywood turn was Sting and he wasn't exactly a fresh face. You'd like to use the turn to launch a new megaface, but the worst thing would be to waste it on someone like Morrison who can't deliver.
In the past most champions with multiple runs as heavyweight champion have had turns as both heel and face. Jericho, Austin, Rock, Orton, HBK, and Edge have all had runs as both. Cena has been the same character for the last seven years and during all his title runs has been the face. We saw, a long time ago, his skills as a heel champ with the US Title. Can Cena as a heel heavyweight champ work? If he does have a match with Rock somewhere down the line he would almost have to be the heel to the returning Great One. This would give a new spin to some old feuds that would pump some new life into things. But the main problem i see with a Cena heel turn right now is the lack of a mega face on Raw. What are everyone else's thoughts?

I personally feel like this really isn't the right time for Cena to turn heel only because of how WWE is selling the product right now. Cena is a Super Babyface right now that is marketed to mostly kids so if he turned heel there would be a void that couldn't be filled at the moment. Now Randy is the number 2 guy so most could say he would be the top face of the company if Cena went heel, but the only problem w/this is that Randy has more of a mean streak than Cena at the moment so he really can't fill the shoes of the Super Baby face.

If Cena faces Rock he doesn't have to become a heel shit they both can be faces they just need to keep Cena w/an edge instead of having him act like Hogan 2.0 To answer your question I do feel like Cena could make a good heel champ, but I personally don't wont to see him turn heel, I won't him to entertain on the level that he use to perform at, cause besides for the responds to The Rock he just seems like he is on cruise control.
Not only would it work, I think Cena as a heel would be great, belt or no belt. I may be alone but I feel a Cena heel turn is getting close, maybe even around Summerslam. The question is, who takes his spot as the top face? Orton is a logical choice right now given he is the #2 face behind Cena. But a lot can happen between now and then.
I think Cena would be a great heel worker since he is a great overall worker. He might not be the greatest in ring performer but he can really shine on the mic and thats all you really need to be a great heel
he'd be awesome b/c the crowd reaction would be incredible with all the booing. The problem is that their are a lack of faces right now so hes stuck with this miserable gimmick which has grown stale for like 3 years now.
It can't be done until you've got a legitimate face that people will support over Cena. Not only does that face not currently exist in the WWE but there's no sign of anyone getting to that point either. The only person in the last 5 years who could have been that mega-face was Anderson and the stupid bastards fired him.
Could Cena work as a heel champion? Of course. I highly doubt Cena would be the top guy if he was one dimensional. The question is WILL he work as a heel, period. And that answer? VERY unlikely. If it does happen, it won't be anytime soon. Who would take his spot as the #1 face? Nobody can. :)
I think keeping Cena a face is best for the company. Randy is doing well with his face run but in all honesty, he will always be a better heel. Orton has spoke out and said he doesnt like his face duties. I think a great idea would be to have the Nexus turn against Punk and have Punk as a face after WM27. Punk is better on the mic and can really do it all. I think that would help Raw with its major face issue and make the Nexus guys relevent again. I cant say it enough, TURN R TRUTH HEEL BECAUSE HE SUCKS AS A FACE AND MAY BE A MORE OF A MAIN EVENT SPOT TYPE. Feuds with Orton , Cena, and Bryan would be excellent. So can Cena make it as a heel champion? Yes but he is so good at being a baby face why ruin a good thing.
I think he'd still do a good job. He was a solid heel years ago, and he's improved a lot all around.

But what makes you assume he'd be heel and Rock would be face? Why can't Rock be heel? Hell, that'd probably be just as entertaining.
Really guys? Of course Cena could word as a credible heel champion as much as I don't like his character just because it's as stale as 7 year old bagels. But saying no one could step into the void and be that new babyface? Daniel Bryan could step into that babyface roll with one makeover and no restrictions on how he applies his trade. Randy Orton could step into that roll with the dropping of his punt gimmick and a little less insane staring. And most importantly I think alot of people are failing to notice that The Miz is getting more and more cheers each and every week despite his constant evil deeds. You want to compare someone to the Rock it should be the Miz. This is a guy that with the right double turn move could be the next babyface of the WWE...and that would be AWEEEEESSSSOOOOMMMMEEEEEEEE.
I think if Cena DOES go heel it will be at WrestleMania. Vince loves unveiling a big swerve there. If Cena did go heel it would be a HUGE swerve. Very similar to HHH's 1st heel turn @ WM 15 or Stone Cold's heel turn against The Rock @ WM 17. All things considered The Rock may have been brought in to use his fan base to turn Cena heel with the full turn culminating @ WM.

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