When John Cena Turns Heel

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok Ok, Before you all go ape shit on my about another turn john cena heel take it easy. This is not what im really talking about because im sure it will happen eventually.

What im saying is that when it happens, it needs to happen with a young star with a face that needs a big push. John Cena in a way is almost like the Undertakers undefeated streak at wrestlemania. If someone beats undertaker at wm, we all agree that it needs to be someone that needs a push. Could we say the same thing for Cena heel turn. Would it work?
It's almost like the hogan heel turn but wcw really didn't use the feud to help a younger star except goldberg. But what do you guys think? Is this the best way to turn john cena heel only if it benefits a new superstar?
There is no good way or reason to turn cena heel. Him an mysterio are where the money is at the moment. If wwe does decide to turn him heel, at least make sure that some other superstar is selling more merch than him, or wait till he' ready to retire.
If WWE does in fact turn Cena heel, he needs to turn against someone they are building up using John Cena.

For example, lets pretend Daniel Bryan isn't challenging for the US title. Cena has been outspoken about Evan Bourne.

Lets use Evan Bourne and Cena teaming again. Cena becomes impressed with him and congratulates him. We then start seeing Cena and Bourne backstage on various Raws. Build up Bourne to the point he gets cheered like Cena. get Cena to help him get an mid-card title like the US and have Cena use it in way that it built him. Once Bourne wins the title, have him celebrate it with Cena. Cena gives him an AA out of nowhere, throws his shirt and wrist pads in the crowd and walks away. Instant boos from the crowd. The next week he starts the show off with new music, a new look, and cuts the biggest heel promo. It could all go down over a period of 2 months of Raw (6-7 shows), then this could set up a great feud between the two.

You could even have the title on him and have him come out with two titles...the spinner belt and one thats wrapped up. He trashes the spinner belt and reveals the new WWE title.
Cena is the companies top draw, people pay and tune in to see him as the good guy beating the bad guys, he sells probably the most merchandise. He shouldnt turn heel at this stage, at least until someone proves to be as big of a draw as him, and before anyone says Orton there is no proof that even in this new "popular" stage of his career hes a draw.
If WWE does in fact turn Cena heel, he needs to turn against someone they are building up using John Cena.

For example, lets pretend Daniel Bryan isn't challenging for the US title. Cena has been outspoken about Evan Bourne.

Lets use Evan Bourne and Cena teaming again. Cena becomes impressed with him and congratulates him. We then start seeing Cena and Bourne backstage on various Raws. Build up Bourne to the point he gets cheered like Cena. get Cena to help him get an mid-card title like the US and have Cena use it in way that it built him. Once Bourne wins the title, have him celebrate it with Cena. Cena gives him an AA out of nowhere, throws his shirt and wrist pads in the crowd and walks away. Instant boos from the crowd. The next week he starts the show off with new music, a new look, and cuts the biggest heel promo. It could all go down over a period of 2 months of Raw (6-7 shows), then this could set up a great feud between the two.

You could even have the title on him and have him come out with two titles...the spinner belt and one thats wrapped up. He trashes the spinner belt and reveals the new WWE title.

I totally agree. Doesn't have to be Bourne, although it makes the most sense at this point in time. Another good one would be John Morrison, though. Or even Matt Hardy or Christian after the draft next year.
Actually, while I think using a young up and comer to have Cena turn on isn't a bad idea, I've always thought the best route to go would be to have Cena come out and say that he's the face of the company and he's been in it for the money the whole time. Play up how much money he's made for the company, so now it's his turn to reap the rewards of that, and turn on the fans. Heck, half of them boo him already, it's be too easy to get the other half to do so. The whole turning on a young guy thing could be easily integrated into this storyline. He could say this "young punk is cutting into my bottom line" and try to take him out because he's getting too popular. Just my two cents.
But the problem is when he goes heel he'l probably use more moves (so no more 5 moves of death). And some people will likely start cheering for him because he is a heel
You'll only see a heel turn from Cena when no one expects it. Cena's such an over-the-top babyface that the only way he'd make as good a heel is if it was so shocking the viewer was offended by it, a la Hogan in 1996. He wasn't going to turn at SummerSlam, because everyone thought he was. Yay, Cena's heel now, now what do we do with him?

Cena won't go heel unless it'd make him as big a heel as he was a face, and it won't be done without some idea of what to do with him as a heel in the long run.
You may want to change the thread's name to "If John Cena turns heel. Because honestly, I'm under the impression that John Cena will never turn heel.

Look, as long as Cena keeps selling merchandise, starring in sub-par movies, and getting reactions from the 5-12 age demographic, he won't turn heel. He is far to valuable as an asset to WWE. As people mention often on the forum, WWE is a business. Business' put out a product that appeals to their target consumer, which in WWE's case is children. Heels don't appeal to kids. They won't enjoy the day their superman turns on them.

Millions of $$$ in merch and happy children > Happy smarks and a somewhat fresh character.
It is possible to turn anyone Heel at any moment...

They even pulled it with Steve Austin in 01. No one would ever think anything he could do would get him booed. They just added Vince to put it way over and it worked.

They could easily figure something out to put Cena over as a Heel for sure. But I think eventually he would get cheered by the people that are booing him now. LOL... It's funny but that is what will happen.

I think it is inevitable that Cena has that Heel turn. But I think it won't be anytime soon. It will be after this hottest point in his career begins to fade. It would be stupid for them to do it when that is all anyone talks about in the first place.

For it to be epic, it needs to be more of a surprise. Right when everyone finally gives up the idea of him turning, bam, he screws someone and turns.
Cena doesn't need to be heel at this point i time.

Cena and Ortan are battling the Nexus who are the biggest heels on Raw at this very moment, while it would be epic to have Cena turn, it needs to be something that has never been done before.

When i look at memoriable heel turns I always think of guys like Hogan, Jericho, Austin and even Lesner.

Chris Jericho's turn for me was something amazing, his heated feud with HBK and Batista left a bitter taste in his mouth, his character became bitter but no one saw it coming, quiet like Hogan, Austin and Lesner's turn(s) it was all in the spur of the moment, it made each turn seem unique.

Cena's turn needs to be something in this effect, Cena would have to turn on an already established babyface, a fued with Danielson could work and help elevate the up and comer to the main event easily.

Danielson is the perfect choice being the anti superstar, and anti establishment icon, he is everything that Cena is not and generates alot of babyface heat.

but their would be an issue, Cena is the companies face at this point in time, without Cena in the driving seat what will happen to the merchandise sales, the films and the company promotion who would be able to fill the driving seat whilst Cena moves in a different direction.
Cena is a top draw but WWE needs a new face in the company. I will love to see cena turn heel by Wrestlemania. But if it's against Taker I'm damn sure that he wont beat Taker. This streak is so valueable to WWE so there's no way that Cena will beat Taker even if he does a heel turn.
And in comes the miz. That guy would be cemented as a face and they have history. But people still don't like miz and he doesn't have as much merch.
Cena will turn heel at some point. The company isnt dumb; they know he will only be a true legend when he proves that he can be an influential heel as well as babyface. So it will happen.

But NOT anytime soon. Like everyone has said, Cena is way too valuable as a face; he's the company's cash cow. Turning him heel anytime soon would wreck the company, because his merch sells would go down and he'd lose popularity with the younger audience. Also, no one equals his popularity other than the active legends(Hart, HHH, Taker). Orton is close-very close-but he isnt there yet.

I can see Cena making a heel run in a year or two, most likely scenario having him challenge Taker at Wrestlemania. But the only true impact Cena can make as a heel is through betrayal-he HAS to shock the world when it happens. But right now, the WWE cant afford to make that move yet. So be patient.
Cena needs to stay face for awhile. Now is not the time to turn him heel. Let him be the company face...while building better heels to oppose him. Cena is today's Hulk Hogan...No need to turn him heel yet.
I agree with what most of you have said about him needing to turn at some point in his career, but now is not the time to do it. I think if WWE ever returns to a more adult theme, that would be the perfect time for him to be a heel. Look at some of his free-styles in the pre-PG era, they were priceless. Now I'm not saying he should return to his rapper gimmick in any way, shape or form, but if he were allowed to cut heel promos without the restraints of a PG rating, they would be amazing IMO. He garnishes so much hate for his "corny" mic work, but really, what the fuck's he supposed to say?? Just imagine the heat he could get from the crowd if he were able to just say what he wanted as a heel.
I do think John Cena will turn heel one day and I think he needs to one day but not in the next 3 or 4 years. If you look at some of the all time greats like SCSA, The Rock and Hulk Hogan they've all shown that they can be great as both a heel and a face so if Cena can be a great heel he will be a true great. But like I said he shouldn't turn heel anytime soon, there isn't anybody at the moment that can contend with the amount of money that Cena makes the company.
I don't think it will be 3-4 years until he turns heel. I understand that he's a big time baby face and he's stuck in this bad position of not really being a wrestler and doesn't get much respect from people who have been fans of wrestling for a while, while at the same time he is the kids Hulk Hogan/Superman. He will gain his respect when he does turn heel and he can prove himself with better wrestling ability and get rid of his Galaxy Quest never give up never surrender theme.
However 3-4 years is a really long time. I mean its not really, but it is. People keep saying that it needs to be huge, epic, unexpected. In 3-4 years, when the 10 year old kids he is a hero of become 13-14 year old rebellious teenagers, his "i can never lose legit" persona will be old and stale even to them, and a heel turn will be hugely expected, but not huge, and definately not epic. It needs to happen sooner than later for it to be as momentous as you people say it needs to be and will be. Not necessarily this year, but soon. Otherwise it will just be predictable. It will go from "will he?" and will become "omg hurry up already".
You could even have the title on him and have him come out with two titles...the spinner belt and one thats wrapped up. He trashes the spinner belt and reveals the new WWE title.[/QUOTE]

thats the ol two bird stone trick and i think it would work and new belt to get rid of the spinner but cena's heel turn should probley push some one it would be a benifet to there career
Honestly I can see Cena turning heel within the next year and in doing so he will likely be putting someone over instead of turnin on Undertaker or so big profile feud with a guy like Triple H. Instead I could see it as Cna trning heel around same time Miz make a fac turn. It's already said Miz is WWE next top commodity and to be that they really need him to turn face. Rumors have the two setting up for Mania so why not a double turn similiar to rock/hogan or Hart/Austin? In next 6 months build up Miz for potential face turn and establish him challenge for world title at Mania as the feel good boyhood dream scenario. Cena gets title at Rumble and starts interacting with Miz. Fans likely boo Cena upon his WWE title win anyways. During match have Miz get comeback moments and Cena do his normal moves but frustrated can't put Miz away. Fans will rally for Miz, Cena grab chair or somethng out desperation and take out ref and pin but no 3 count. Cena turns back to get ref up, Miz hits SCF and wins title! Next night Cena full heel turn attacks Miz celebration berated fans etc... Classic fued/rvalry born and memorable moment occurs at Mania
You may want to change the thread's name to "If John Cena turns heel. Because honestly, I'm under the impression that John Cena will never turn heel

Here's where you're wrong. WWE officials want Cena to be heel, and Cena is open to it BUT Vince knows its bad for business right now. BUT, when a new face is crowned(I'm guessing Orton or The Miz). Then they will turn Cena heel and have the kids buy the other guy's stuff, assuming the brats actually stop buying the stuff.

And i don't need anyone to call me out for saying The Miz will be the new face because its inevitable. Ya know how I know? Because hes at all the WWE's top events. SvR demos and contest Comic Cons you name it. He gets along with the fans up close and personal, its insane how many kids love him at this point in his career.

Sorry for the digression.

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