Let John Cena end the Undertakers streak.

John cena beating the undertaker has potential and could happen because his character is getting stale and the undertaker won't face any middle classer anymore. It is pretty certain cena is next on his list , so cena winning ending the streak would really hate him turning his character a complete 180
I like the idea of Cena being turned heel via stopping Undertaker's streak, but there's only one problem with it, as was previously mentioned. It's a big problem, big enough to stop this from happening. As was said, Cena has beaten all of the top guys in the WWE. The Streak is the one thing he hasn't touched. By giving him that one thing, after beating all of the top talent, you're more or less giving him the distinction of the best WWE wrestler of all time.

Think about that - John Cena - best EVER in the WWE. Does that not sit well at ALL with anyone else? For the amount of time he has been in the WWE, you can't give him the streak. You either give it to someone who has paid their dues and is at the end of their career (a la HBK, HHH, etc.) or give it to someone who has not been in the WWE terribly long. You also have to give it to someone who's going to be a heel, which again narrows down the field. If you're going with someone newer, you also have to be certain that they're staying with the company and not bolting part way through their career (see: Lesnar).

There are two (young) people currently on the WWE roster that I would give the streak to. Not DiBiase. Not McIntyre or Sheamus (they haven't proven themselves enough, though I'd give the edge to Sheamus). You give it to either The Miz (loyal to the WWE, great heel, would boost him to the stars) or CM Punk (also great heel, a bit longer in the company, would solidify him as being one of the top heels in WWE).

In order to give it to the Miz, he'd have to improve his inring skills. In order to give it to Punk, you'd have to make sure that his Straight Edge gimmick can last, as that would be the main storyline against the streak.

But I digress, I've strayed to far from the topic. Don't give it to Cena!
Cena beating Taker would be a huge wrestlemania moment, but not as big as if it was anybody else. Cena is about the only fathomable guy who could end the streak. And I don't think he could recover from that kind of heat. I would love to see them go at it at Mania, that's the epitome of big time. But I'd like a Taker win.
if that ever happened I swear Id be done with WWE. I would never watch a WWE program to save my life....Cena is already superman....he doesnt need to beat undertaker...no one needs to beat undertaker....if cena beats undertaker he is basically taking the career of taker away, his livelihood...what will taker be remembered for decades from then on? losing to John cena to become 18-1 or 19-1...thats ridiculous and will never happen
I agree, this would turn me off for sure. John Cena??? Come on if the streak was going to end, it should have ended this year with HBK.

Just because there is a streak, it doesn't mean someone has to end it. The WORSE thing WCW did was end Goldberg's streak, it did NOTHING for Nash and ruined the one good character they created.
no even if it does turn him heel it would fukin be terrible coz dats just adding another unthinkable accomplishment to his career and all other ledgends like hhh hbk and flair couldnt end it why should supercena f**king end it.
If anybody should end it it should be hhh coz he's one of the last current legends in the wwe
okay i read this heading and i was instantly pissed. Cuz
1. I dont really like John Cena.

BUT that being said, I do like the heel turn by cena, Yes I think It will hurt the company for a little while, but guess what, someone can replace him as the top seller in the WWE. Randy Orton is well on his way to doing so. He's got a better look, his shirts are actually really cool, I love his intrance music.

Any ways... I like the idea of cena cheating to win at mainia against taker... so this is how i think it should happen...
Cena trys everything to win and just cant do it stf's attitude adjustments... the whole works, and taker will just not tap or get pinned! so cena gets frustrated grabs the ref... ends up pushing him down, he's out for a little while... cena goes outside the ring and picks up a chair, goes in the ring hits taker in the gut w/ the chair... and the ref is getting up just in time to see Cena hit nail taker in the back w/ the chair. ref dq's cena! Undertakers streak continues.... Cena gets more mad and FU's taker one more time. and as Cena is walking up the long ass ramp that would be at wrestlemainia... taker gets on the mic and says... "Cena... the streak will not continue that way... get back here... and this time we'll make the match a no dq match." Undertaker would then end up winning.

this way the streak continues in a good and positive way and cena turns heel!

also Hogans heel turn was awesome... but he came back and eventually became a face again and to this day still sells merchandice... no reason why cena couldnt be the same.
I also agree that Cena turning heel, kids would hate, but the older audience would love... i know i would love to see a heel cena. Good thread.
I'm one of the biggest Cena's mark on the planet and i'm damn sure he shouldn't end the streak , only for one reason : Streak shouldn't end.

I think streak is now bigger than anything in WWE.I know that some people may say that by giving the streak to someone you can guarantee a nice heel run , but A) There are way better ways to create heels than ending a historic legacy B) I don't see anyone in WWE who deserve the streak.Some people say Cena , which will be one of the biggest mistakes in history of WWE if they let him end the streak , CM Punk which I can't see him that much credible.The other options are out of question too.

There are a lot of great ways to make mega-heels , which by the way i think WWE doesn't care about heel-turns as much as the care about face-turns.If you take a look at the Biggest stars of WWE , They are always heel mid-carders who turn into mega-babyfaces.Like Austin , Rock , HBK , Cena , Orton , even Batista and ... .
Taking the Taker's streak really would do absolutely nothing for Cena. It won't get him over anymore than he already is. It's not going to get fans to hate him anymore than they already do. All it would do is hurt the legend of the Undertaker.

And that legend is something the WWE should consider when they sell future DVD's highlighting the taker's WWE run. Those future sales are worth more than a meaningless win for Cena.

There are many ways to turn Cena heel. In fact, I'd have him turn heel at the Royal Rumble, have him cost somebody the title (like a face Orton).

I have a feeling next Wrestlemania will be the Taker's last, and I'm actually hoping he faces Kane in it. They have the better part of a year to rebuild Kane. Have Kane lose at wrestlemania, but manage to Kill the undertaker. Because that character can't retire.
First of all, they will almost surely never end the streak. As much respect as Taker has backstage and being in the company for 20 years straight, I just don't see it happening, unless he wants it to, which I also doubt. Second, they're probably never going to turn Cena heel again. He's their biggest draw by far, sells tickets and merchandise and kids just love him, even though his character has been stale for years, and is just a weird combination of former gangster and rapper, turned Marine, turned whatever he is now. Personally I would get a big laugh out of people's enraged reactions if Cena or anyone else does beat Taker's streak, because even though Taker's my 2nd favorite wrestler, it's all scripted and it just doesn't matter that much. He'll still have had the same great career, losing one match doesn't erase it all.
NO. Cena is already a made star, he doesn't need the streak. Sure it would be a huge moment, but I believe the Undertaker's legacy is much more important. Regardless of whether it turns Cena heel, the adult fans would still boo because they like the Undertaker and Cena is the last person they want to see the streak
i think the streak won't be broken, not even by cena...

if the streaks broken, what was the point in even having...since 2001, it has meant something...

yes taker is a legend regardless of the streak, but it's like an addition of why he is that legend...

i got a dodgy feeling it'll be drew mcintyre...i hope no one ends it..
I dont think they need to do this to turn him heel, its not hard to make someone a heel especially when hes already booed alot, come on kids cheer for him, how hard would they really have to try to make kids turn on him?

Also Undertakers streak should not be used for any other reason besides his damn streak! It would be insulting for Cena to beat him just so they could use it as a way to get him over as a heel, thats stupid. People would still cheer him anyway.

I used to think that Undertaker would evantually lose but after retiring HBK, he wont.
I do not want to see Cena end The Undertaker's streak. If anyone is to end the streak, it should be Randy Orton, as long as he remains what I call the "Grownups Champion". Orton should be the one that takes that particular torch, not Cena. The match itself wouldn't need to have Orton turn heel either. It'd be the same kind of match as Taker vs. HBK, only this time, Orton would win.

Of course, I would also be happy with Undertaker NEVER losing his streak, right until the end of his career. If it needs to be kept sacred, keep it sacred. It's not like Undertaker has too many years left.
When I first saw the title of this thread I was totally against it because I feel that Cena doesn't deserve the streak, needless to say i've changed my perspective on the matter. I really do like the idea that thebuisness had though and feel like it could work. I am totally for a Cena heel turn and have been saying that for awhile now. I find the Cena-face phase stale already and really think that this could top Hogans nWo turn. It would seriously give Cena total heat at the event itself as it unfolds and would give the WWE a fresh new heel. I know Cena was a heel before but this would be different, very different if handled correctly. Love the idea, it should happen at WrestleMania XXVII.
Since day one, I have always thought that the person who ends the Undertaker's streak should be the man who is going to take the torch from him. Now, whether that is John Cena or not, I still think it is a good idea to have him end it, if they are going to end it at all that is. I am not the biggest Undertaker fan and I not the biggest Cena fan either but it just makes sense to have him end it if they are going to end it at some point.

The streak is there to serve two purposes, in my opinion. The first purpose is to give an extra kick to a Wrestlemania match of their choosing. Make no mistake, over the last two years, Taker's matches have been utterly brilliant and probably some of the most exciting and nerve-racking matches I have ever witnessed as a wrestling fan. Not only because they had two wonderful superstars competing but also because the streak was on the line and you legitimately thought that Shawn Michaels could end it and the streak would be gone. That being said, it didn't make sense for Shawn to end the streak because of purpose number two, to put people over in a huge way.

Bare with me for a second. So, everyone seems to hate John Cena at the minute. The guy is very passionate but people just associate him with the PG-era and until that is over, he will never be as big of a fan-favourite as the WWE want him to be and what he could be. People have suggested in the past that turning him heel could be one of the best things they have witnessed as a wrestling fan and whilst I completely understand why that is, I don't see it happening any time soon. However, imagine the heat that would come down on Cena if he ended the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania! Jesus! It gives me chills just thinking about it. At that point, it would make tremendous sense to turn Cena heel and ride the wave.
Well, Taker's streak should be broken. I'll say my piece but I'm going to completely ignore anyone who says otherwise. They're just wrong.

Everything in wrestling is designed at the end to serve a purpose going forward. If Taker's able to retire with an unbroken streak, a chance to build heat on an active member of the roster to help him make more money going forward is lost. "Everything" includes Taker's streak. Judging by the way people are so adoring of this winning record shows that kayfabe isn't quite as dead as we think and that ending it will really work out well for the person who does it. I can think of no reason not to end it. Taker will have his legacy regardless.

Cena shouldn't end it to go heel though. Well, he could and I'd still love it. But I've seen the idea tossed around the net so often that it wouldn't have the shock factor it would have had two or three years ago. Thus, I think Cena should turn prior to Mania in a true shocker before going on to end the streak. If Orton is up to the task as top babyface by the end of this year, it would be a great way to freshen up the product going into the new decade. However, turning Cena heel by having him end the streak is almost a cliché at this point. We need something that people aren't expecting for the actual turn.
Why should Cena break 'Taker's streak? As Dave said earlier, the man who ends The Undertaker's streak should have the metaphorical torch passed to him at the same time. Cena has been a main-event wrestler for five years now, and I think he peaked in popularity about two or so years ago. Cena has had more than enough time to establish himself as one of the all-time greats of WWE. If Cena's not considered an all-time great by now, then he doesn't deserve to go over The Undertaker. On the other hand, if he is considered an all-time great, then there's no need for him to go over The Undertaker.
Why should Cena break 'Taker's streak? As Dave said earlier, the man who ends The Undertaker's streak should have the metaphorical torch passed to him at the same time. Cena has been a main-event wrestler for five years now, and I think he peaked in popularity about two or so years ago. Cena has had more than enough time to establish himself as one of the all-time greats of WWE. If Cena's not considered an all-time great by now, then he doesn't deserve to go over The Undertaker. On the other hand, if he is considered an all-time great, then there's no need for him to go over The Undertaker.

I agree with you to a certain degree but I have to disagree as well. It's certainly true that John Cena has already established himself as a "main eventer" and a future Hall of Famer and as such doesn't need the torch to be passed to him. I don't agree that his popularity has peaked, though, I just believe that some impatient members of the IWC feel that way, I still feel that Cena is at his prime and he still has many days ahead of him as the top dog in the WWE, whether everyone likes it or not. Sure he's become a little stale, but who hasn't? They can tweak his character a little from time to time, otherwise he's just fine.

If Cena doesn't end up being the one to end the Streak (assuming it is ever ended, I personally feel it won't be ended by anyone, nor should it be, he should retire with his streak intact), who should do it in terms of the current roster? Taker's retirement can't be too far off, so it's not like someone not currently in the WWE can come along and take the WWE by storm (like Lesnar for example) and do it. It would likely have to be someone that the WWE is extremely certain is worthy of such an honor, someone who they are positive is going to stick around and truly benefit them (both the wrestler and the WWE). And I don't see anyone who fits the bill. Sheamus, Morrison, Miz, Swagger, Punk, all great guys with bright futures, but no one who jumps out at me as ending the greatest streak in pro wrestling history.

At least Cena has earned it. He's still young, he's not going anywhere, and this will continue to build his legacy in the WWE. Plus it could earn him some real heat if the WWE ever decided to turn him heel as is constantly speculated about in these forums (which I don't see happening personally).
Why should Cena break 'Taker's streak? As Dave said earlier, the man who ends The Undertaker's streak should have the metaphorical torch passed to him at the same time. Cena has been a main-event wrestler for five years now, and I think he peaked in popularity about two or so years ago. Cena has had more than enough time to establish himself as one of the all-time greats of WWE. If Cena's not considered an all-time great by now, then he doesn't deserve to go over The Undertaker. On the other hand, if he is considered an all-time great, then there's no need for him to go over The Undertaker.
Cena's proven he's in it for the long haul and won't get big-headed an leave the company after his first taste of major success. I refuse to believe giving an up-and-comer such a win is as safe a bet, lest they become another Lesnar or Lashley. Torch passing is fine and all, but to sacrifice the streak to a semi-new headliner who hasn't proven all that Cena has is a major risk. To blow off all that build on someone who hasn't proven their loyalty could be a misstep. At the very least, the better have that prospect locked into a LONG TERM contract.

Not to mention that Cena's young and has plenty of career in front of him. In the long haul, there's still more road to go down with Cena becoming bigger than he already is.
This has been brought up a few times before and it would be a greast heel turn for john cena. Even if he loses, i think john cena would come out in a great heel run for this and then people would start cheering for him. This would be as almost as when hogan turned heel. But we could have Undertaker when by dq. John cena could try and hit him with a chair and undertaker would still win. what do you guys think?
Only if they build him back up into monster Cena from a few years ago. This match would have been beyond fucking huge at WM 23, but now, Cena is just another guy on the roster, who can be beaten at any time. Not nearly as interesting.

If they build him up through a long doimnant title reign again, there will be true intrigue as to what will happen, and make things that much bigger.

I would be comfortable with this, but only if they fully utilize the resources
I don't think the streak should end, what purpose would it serve for anyone, legend or not, taker probably has a few wrestlemania's left in him, so why not leave it unbroken, I see no reason for it to be broken by anybody, the streak has been a huge piece of wrestlemania for almost two decades, why end something so legendary, something that has never been done before, and most likely never happen again, so why not just leave it be, sure it would do tremendous things for someone to end it, but the list of people who taker beat is unheard of, hall of famers, legends, and some of the biggest names in pro wrestling history, I see this as a slap in the face for all of those who put taker over at the Big One, as well as taker, so my point is, why disrespect some of the biggest names in the history of the sport by ending it, I say just leave it unbroken
this idea is perfect!!....thaats y it will never happen wwe isnt smart enough to do this
plus i dont think they will ever change cenas character due to merchandise sales which to be honest i dont think will get hurt that much all you wil get is more people tuning in to see what happens with cena just think the ratings the raw after mania will get but no vince doesnt want supercena to change
Cena doesnt have to turn heel.Back in 2006, at the height of the anti-Cena movement,John character became more edgier especially after ECW One Night Stand 2006.They decided to flush it down the toilet and reboot him into the muppet he currently is after he won back the WWE title from Edge @ Unforgiven.
I believe that version of Cena, combined with a dominant/monster run would make Cena vs. Taker work.The streak probably will never end, but it would put Cena over in a big time way if he "injures" the Deadman, and forces him to retire|(even though Taker would have won the actual match)

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