Let John Cena end the Undertakers streak.

I'm a huge Untertaker mark and WILL stop watching WWE if he's ever beaten at Wrestlemania (by anybody), but, strategically, I think John Cena beating Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be a huge benefit for the WWE. As far a fans go, the WWE is in a rough transition from the Attitude era to the PG era. Considering they want to market more to the PG era fans than the Attitude era fans, it makes perfect sense for them to have Cena win at WM against Taker because this will no doubt alienate the fans who grew up (or entered adulthood) during the Attitude era. Thus, WWE will eliminate that nagging fanbase, allowing them to cater to their target demographic without backlash (no pun intended). It would be a fresh start of sorts for WWE because now, the kids won't have to worry about seeing their hero booed out of every arena he's in. (PLUS: The alienated fans would jump ship to TNA, thus allowing for there to, once again, be healthy competition on Monday Nights.)
I don't see Undertaker's streak being broke by Cena..BUT I can see a Cena heel turn happening at Mania against Taker...

Let's face it....who else is left for taker to face at mania??
Other than taker giving a young guy a HUGE push(Miz,Drew,Sheamus).

They could really build it up..Cena can play up the whole respect angle,
To see which of them is the best...

Taker wins the match,but in a show of respect like he gave Shawn...
Cena responds as if he agrees...then goes off on him and beats the shit out of him....the crowd would be calling for blood!!
Cena ending the streak is way to far fetched. Takers streak has become a thing of beauty and just ending it period would be a very bad decision especially giving it to someone who didnt earn being the wwe's main but being told he was going to be. Having taker retire hbk then making him lose to cena seems pretty ridiculous. Coming from a long time cena hater this would suck ursa major! coming from a wrestling fan it seem like the wrong path to go. it dosnt make sense! Cena being a heel worked fine when he was an upancomer Cena being a heel now would be to hard to believe. Hes fine where hes at winning championships at mania and being a big douche!

rko for life :worship:
If Cena breaks the Undetaker's streak...i would love to see a good old fashion riot. The fans should bulid an effigy of Cena; kick it in the balls and burn the F@$K out of it. Imagine seeing one of the greatest wwe legends beat by a firemans carry or tap out to an STF :banghead:!!! I'm just hoping the streak retires with the Undertaker.
No one should break the streak - it should stay intact. Just because it is there does not mean somebody has to break it. The WWE should leave it alone and let the legend grow.
Cena needs To beat the undertaker at WM? Did I just read that right? Cena could turn heel rather easily, He wouldn't need this at all, This would be a complete waste and disrespectful to the Undertaker. There is nobody on the WWE roster that needs or even deserves to defeat the Undertakers streak. It should not be broken at all, Let alone by the person that least needs it.
Cena needs To beat the undertaker at WM? Did I just read that right? Cena could turn heel rather easily, He wouldn't need this at all, This would be a complete waste and disrespectful to the Undertaker. There is nobody on the WWE roster that needs or even deserves to defeat the Undertakers streak. It should not be broken at all, Let alone by the person that least needs it.

Thats 4 so far Sparky, I think I overshot by alot.

Although I don't think Cena should be the one to break his streak if it is ever broken I think it could happen. The only reason I can see Taker letting Cena go over is if Vince wants to have Orton as the face of the company and wants Cena to be a heel from here on out.
I really don't think this is a good idea. if 2 classic matches with HBK didn't end d streak, it should never be ended at all. and it may backfire big time on d WWE also. der r signs in d crowd saying "if taker looses we riot." loosing to john cena may not hurt taker's legacy but will surely make john cena d most hated man in d industry. u cant have d face of d company be hated by almost every fan. even people who want cena to turn heel will not like it if he is d one who ends d streak. this may turn out to be "d fingerpoke of doom" 4 d WWE.
The streak signifies everything that the Undertaker is all about. He is an unstoppable force, can not be held down, can not be beaten. WWE does everything they can to protect the character of Taker. He does no publicity, no interviews, doesn't even attend the Hall of Fame night. If someone ends the streak, no matter who it is, then Taker's legacy is ruined.
Its a teriffic idea. While ending the streak on a screwy win isn't so great, a No DQ match or something with Cena laying into him with chairshots would be fantastic. and the perfect way to turn Cena heel. If I remember in 2004 during Taker's shortlived heel run he had a great match with Cena.

Will it happen? Naw. I see the streak never being beaten. However I certainly see a Cena VS Taker feud happening. Probably face VS face with Cena being booed like crazy!
That is an awesome picture you painted, a great idea that I would actually love to see, and I never want the deadman to lose at wm. But, it will never happen, Taker will go 20-0 and then retire, he'll be one of the only wrestlers ever to win there last match
I will never understand why The Undertaker is given special treatment. Austin, Hogan, Rock, Savage, HBK, Bret, Triple H... they've all lost at Mania. You guys say that having Taker's streak end would disrespect all the people he's beaten. Doesn't preserving the streak disrespect all of the guys who've been willing to take a loss for the sake of a great storyline or putting someone else over?

Those of you who say "I'll stop watching WWE if the streak ends" really need to come and join us in the land of the logical. A winning streak in a scripted sport doesn't mean that much. Even the Harlem Globetrotters have lost before. What Vince has wisely done is create something in the streak that adds flavor every year to whatever match Taker is a part of. But even better, he's created the single-best tool for eventually super-charging someone's career by having them be the one to beat Taker. Do you really think Vince is going to let that opportunity pass? The streak will end one day, so just get used to that idea now so your heads don't explode when it finally goes down.
John Cena doesn't need to beat Undertaker at WM. John Cena has already been put over by guys like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, and JBL. John Cena is already the FACE of the company. Really no reason for him to end the streak. Whoever defeats Undertaker at WM should be a younger superstar that's in the WWE for the long haul and needs to be established as a Main Eventer. Guys like Christian, Shelton Benjamin, and Carlito who have been around a while and are established could use the victory to establish themselves as ME. Then you have guys like CM Punk, John Morrison, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, and MVP or are young superstars who seem to be sticking around for a while that are the future of the business. My list of guys are guys who are upper mid card guys or ME but could use that one big win to prove they are the real deal.
Listen, when i first read the title of this thread i was thinking to myself 'this guy can't be serious?!' but when i actually clicked on it and read about how Cena's heel turn was going to pan out i loved it. However, i think Undertaker's streak has been built up to be something extremely special, golden and untouchable especially after that series of two unbelievable Wrestlemania matches he had with Shawn Michaels. Back to Cena, i think that many people will now agree that his character has now become extremely stale and is in dire need of a change. I think in order to build up Cena to be more more than a 'Corporate Superman' the adult fans really need to see what this guy is really all about, because personally right now, i don't see it! So i think there can be a whole 'win - win' situation with this whole Taker - Cena thing. I think that obviously as you said the whole place will be booing Cena and cheering for the Undertaker, and Cena will be getting extremely frustrated throughout the match because he just can't seem to beat him, and then once Undertaker has done his routine Tombstone Piledriver and finally beaten him, then like HBK Cena could go for the handshake like a 'you were the better man' thing and then finally Cena could give Taker the low blow, just like Chris Jericho against HBK at WM 19. Then let the CENA HEEL TURN COMMENCE with the biggest heat and the fans of Atlanta will boo him out of the building and things will be thrown at him!! :lmao:
If Mr. Wrestlemania didn't break the Wrestlemania streak, nobody should. Scripted or not, it'd be pretty much a slap in the face to two great workers if a not-so-great worker did the undoable just for some heel heat. Truth be told, tho... they really are gonna have a hell of a hard time finding somebody to fight Taker next year. I think it might be Cena but I don't think he'll win.
if the streak is to go it needs to be believable, the fans wouldnt buy hhh doing it (well if hbk couldnt they would blame it on hhh and steph).

it would be the opposite of giving a young star a rub if dibiase or the miz were to do it

so really cena is the only one in the next few years who could do it and make it believable.

it will only happen if taker allows it to happen but there is no ego with him, if he thinks it is good for business to drop it to cena he will.

as for turning cena heel, long over due but the only way he would end the streak is if taker turned heel from the rumble onwards for this match

taker last man eliminated in the rumble, the winner challenges the whc, undertaker pissed off goes on a similar vein to hbk this year goes after cena. and again similar to when hbk played the heel when fighting hogan
Undertakers streak is something no other superstar has ever come close to doing, 18-0 just think about it back to the first wrestlemania he won to now who could predict this to happen, Undertaker winning at wrestlemania for him is easily equal to winning the wwe or world heavyweight championship. For someone to break this the person needs to be almost equally amazing or better and John Cena is not there yet he's no where near better than HBK who couldn't end the streak. I agree it would be a great heel turn for him but who would truthfully forgive him for doing this, in other words John Cena will be a never ending heel and will be booed more than ever if thats what WWE are trying to do, and this can't happen Monday 12th of April on the Wrestlemania Revenge Tour John Cena took a very young fan of his off air to the top of the ramp and let him pretend to hold the belt and do his 'You can't see me' taunt together, i believe this shows how much John loves the WWE and is thankful to the crowd but turning him heel he will not be doing these things and as i said before it will be impossible to turn him back face so if the WWE are willing to sacrifice all of that and lose many fans of WWE then I'd be very disappointed. :disappointed:
i am actually into this thread good set up but i dont think cena could end the streak on his own so here is my idea.

Have cena be a part of stable upto wrestlemania maybe with Ted,mvp and drew macintyre then the match could a casket match or hell in a cell(hell in a cell because undertaker did an awesome ending to his v the big bossman and think tthis could used in a way to give all of them a rub and make them all great heels but also protet them from riot.) Leading to a wrestlemania moment like no other

Also this way it could set up the undertaker for a double or nothing match the year after with cena putting his career on the line for the the result of last years match and tis then would also make the streak 20-0 when he wins the match pleasing both the fans and VKM when it possible give him a wrestlemania moment i know there are flaws to this but it just an idea
I think the streak should end, but definitely not to Cena.

If that were to happen, I would lose all faith in WWE forever.

My thought has been to have someone come in playing either Taker's (or Kane's) son, have him trained by Kane, and face Taker at Wrestlemania.

Or, someone like Jack Swagger. It could be that Swagger makes a name for himself beating people at their own game (Taker at WM, maybe Edge in a TLC match and so on). I think that would REALLY get him over as a top heel.

Or, alternatively, have it build up to the WM match, where Taker vows to slap the cockiness out of him.

I dunno, that's just my thought.
Well, first of all the thing could work (I am a Taker fan, but opinion of the streak should never end aside) only if the WWE is willing to deal with the whole thing, meaning you have someone else in the face position Cena has and be willing to lose Cena being face until he retires or gets injuired really bad and make a comeback like a year later.

But that is a big IF, becasue the other side is that people knowing who he is, knew this crap would happen and really does not react that much at all. I mean I know a lot of people would love that someone ends the Streak, and for his status to be John Cena to turn him heel (and secretely you would love him to be a heel so you can root for him now that he would be a bad guy), but Hell, if the streak ends, what else would you now complain about? Cena ending the streak and being Superman again even if he cheated, the damn record does not care if he cheats or not, just the fact that he won is there.

Now someone said Taker is not the biggest Icon in wrestling and does not deserves any special treatment, well that is crap, plain and simple, I mean he might not be the greatest Icon but is a Icon for the company and has been very succesfull with it and valuable for them, The guy does not deserve special treatment after all he has done for the WWE none does, none, which is ridiculous. He has done a lot of things, good things for the company, front and backstage, and in reality you don't even know is he is actually being treated like royalty there or what that actually means there.

Also, just for the people who thing that Taker won a the last Mania because he wanted to do so, that is completely wrong, he won because Michaels wanted his last match to be at Mania and with the Undertaker, the man he knew he could steal the show with (and they did), period.
lmao the streak is NEVER going to end, if shawn micheals couldn't do it, then what fucking makes you think anyone will. Whats going to happen if Cena beats Taker???nothing because cena doesn't need it, he's already the face of the company and has won multiple world titles at Mania, you think he needs this also just for the hell of it

and you guys wonder why Vince hates the IWC, you guys just want it all your way and everything else is not acceptable

Taker will go on until he's 20-0 and thats a fact. Anyone saying the streak will eventually end needs a wake up call because it's not going to happen, no matter how much you say it will. Cena will most likely eventually face Taker at Mania but he definitely won't win because it's not required. The streak belongs to Taker because thats his legacy and taking that away would just be like killing the undertaker himself

The great thing about the streak is that it was a total accident, the streak was NOT planned from day one and anyone who thinks that it was is just ******ed and needs to do something else besides watching wrestling 24/7. The streak only became noticed when Taker was fueding with Randy orton and that so happened to be the storyline for Taker going into Mania every year after, who will try to break the streak? before orton, the streak was more like a fun fact but now it's built around everything Taker is. If Takers streak was going to be ended by a young guy who needed it, he would've lost to Orton because the Streak then wasn't even that alive. The fact that Taker wins every year shows the WWE is not going to end it because if they wanted too, they would've already

as for Cena turning heel, thats never going to happen unless Cena's popularity DROPS drastically and drastically means that when he comes out, all you hear is boos. This idea that Cena turning heel at Mania and beating Taker being epic is just a dream that will never come true. Even if Cena turns heel, he still won't beat Taker

Cena ending Undertaker's streak? Bad idea.

As far as Cena goes, We got 'serious' wrestling fans who doesn't like him because of his lack of wrestling ability. They will still hate him, probably, if he turns heel. Cena would often be cheered by children because of his role model-like character. If Cena becomes a heel, then loads of kids would start hating the guy. Thereby, sales will drop because no one will want Cena merchandise after that. I mean, as much as WWE is as theatrical as your everday drama shows, people take their acting seriously? Can you still believe that children today still think that Santa exists? If you really want him to turn heel, have him team up with another, like Randy Orton or Vince McMahon.

And about Taker's streak, I advise strongly against ending it. He is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and if someone were to end it... I don't want to think about it. Besides, WWE has no plans for doint something like that.

Final thought: Let Cena and Taker do what they do best. Cena being a role model-like character for the children and Taker's legendary streak stays legendary.
If I were booking I would let Taker retire undefeated.

This leaves a big benchmark for others to work toward (kayfabe) and also would cement the Undertaker's place in history. Every Wrestlemania from then on would bring up mention of the Undertaker and his illustrious streak, even if he's been retired for years!

But Cena beating it by cheating, that would be HEAT!
If the WWE books Cena to end the streak, I guarantee within five years they would pretend it never happened.

You can get more mileage in the future off of someone approaching the streak and even breaking it and having the retired Taker come out of the audience and raise his hand.

Having Cena end it, heel turn or not, would just be a hotshot angle that goes no place.
Yeah this a good idea........ if you want to change Cena to heel permanently, because he'd probably never be accepted as a face again for the next 5 years afterward.

I really do get sick of people who come on ths forum and predict the future.

"Cena will be the face of the company for the next 10 years." As likely as that may be, it's equally likely that he could get involved in a car accident and be paralyzed, or suffer a career ending injury as soon as next Monday, or be stabbed in a bar by some drunken psychopath.

WWE should never end the streak for the purpose of changing someone else's character or for a rub, because there will never be a 100% guarantee that whoever ends the streak will still be interested in/capable of wrestling for any pre-determined amount of time.

As for the specific idea of how you'd book it, it was fine up until you got to the part where Cena started flipping the crowd off. It's 2010 and we're suffering through the PG era, it's not 1996 and Austin didn't just win KOTR. Even Austin himself is made to tone down when he appears on WWE TV now, so why is Cena going to be allowed to do it?

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