if cena turns heel, a heel should turn face

if there is a heel turn i hope it is cena if not him or bret it might be the seventh member of team wwe if they dont announce it before the match. it could happen like this. At the begining of the night Miz tells cena no so cena says he might know someone he just has to make a phone call. cut to the end of the match all of team wwe as been eliminated except cena and two of the Nexus remain then suddenly the game's music hits and out comes triple h huge reaction he gets to the ring cena tags him in he pedigrees one of the nexus making it two on one in favor of team wwe cena gets tagged in and triple h pedigrees cena and the last member of nexus covers him for the win. I know hhh had surgury on his bicep but it could probably take two pedigrees. any way just a thought.
if there is a heel turn i hope it is cena if not him or bret it might be the seventh member of team wwe if they dont announce it before the match. it could happen like this. At the begining of the night Miz tells cena no so cena says he might know someone he just has to make a phone call. cut to the end of the match all of team wwe as been eliminated except cena and two of the Nexus remain then suddenly the game's music hits and out comes triple h huge reaction he gets to the ring cena tags him in he pedigrees one of the nexus making it two on one in favor of team wwe cena gets tagged in and triple h pedigrees cena and the last member of nexus covers him for the win. I know hhh had surgury on his bicep but it could probably take two pedigrees. any way just a thought.

Feasible, but what would HHH's motive be? To get back at McMahon somehow, or to gain a sense of control of the company perhaps? Interesting idea though....and I would not be too surprised if HHH steps up to the plate to be the 7th member of team WWE, only to turn on them (HHH has long wanted a heel turn). HHH and Nexus.....it might just work. HHH has been behind the 2 most successful stables of WWE of the last couple of decades (DX and Evolution). If HHH is behind Nexus as some sort of Coup d'état, then I'm certainly "Game" for it and I think it'd work. HHH and Barrett together will be a powerful duo anyway!
Yes you are right if Cena were to turn heel then the balance of Main Event stars would be un even on the face side you have Orton and HHH (injured) and on the heel side there is Cena, Nexus, Sheamus, Jericho and Edge that would mean that if Cena does turn heel and HHH stays out for a bit longer there could only be one main event fued going on at one time unless WWE wants to do some heel vs heel fueds.

As for who to turn face definitely Jericho while he is great as the cocky heel I loved him as Y2J, and he was funny as hell on the mic. It wouldnt be that hard either he basically gets a face reaction at the moment, you hear Y2J chants nearly every time he is in the ring.
lets say this happens. Miz is the 7th member of team wwe. and its down to cena, miz, and barret. cena turns on miz. the opening of raw cena comes out to explain himself to try and stay a face but before that happens miz comes out and ruins that. and miz says that you only trying to take my spotlight away. now you got miz-face, cena-heel fued going prly for the title since i see that miz dont have a match its only fitting for him to cash it in and win the title but miz completes this maybe 3 month fued. and now cena has passed the torch to miz,as the face of the big E with the title going back and fourth but i see miz being the champ at the end.

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