Heel/Face turns for 2010

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Turns heel:

Triple H- the best heel of the last 20 years, he wants it, he needs it
MVP- was great as a heel, his face turn hasn't done what i thought it would do (give a a world title)

Turns face:

Cody Rhodes- would benefit, when Randy RKO'd his dad that crowd really got behind him, I think he will be a break out star
Ted Dibiase- obviously going to turn and feud with Randy
Beth Phoenix- will turn and take the title from Michelle, you can already see the turn
Edge- much better as a heel but will start off as a great face but don't see it lasting long
All very valid points made thus far. In most I agree with everyone in the majority of heel/face turns. I'll start with heel turns and my overall top pick for a heel turn is John Cena. He is growing stale and is running out of heel challengers, so it is a perfect time to turn him heel post-Rumble. When he turns heel he will need a major overhaul in character and what better way to do that than to have him align with McMahon and turn "corporate." It makes since with Miz and Venture mentioning him being WWEs golden boy that he would help McMahon against Taker or Hart. Imagine him aligning with Vince and coming out in business style attire and attacking top faces.... Cena would gain that edge back and could be interesting.

MVP- While Raw is void of midcard babyfaces with this turn it is needed with MVP playing the arrogant heel superstar athlete better than his lame face turn currently. He needs to be over the top and cocky/arrogant as a heel, and it would help push him into the mainevent.

Christian - As stated previously Christian is destined for a heel turn this year. A trade to either brand would do wonders for him and after a brief realigning with Edge a turn would be great to see. Matches with guys like Morrison, Rey, Miz, Kofi, etc would be great to see. A Christian/HBK feud with be off the charts in my book and really give him the push that would skyrocket him to Mainevent status.

Finley- A heel turn for him is also much needed. He needs to lose the Hornswaggle music and shillegiah and repackage himself. If Vince had a new Corporation him as an enforcer type ala Bossman might work. Regardless he needs to turn heel.

R-Truth- If he were to turn heel it would do wonders for his status as well. Stop playin to the fans and berate them, become real thug, call out cryme Tyme and attack them for being wannabes, tell the "Truth" about WWE and its racial issues, holding him down, etc...Attack guys like Morrison, Rey, etc about them being the cookie cutter WWE standard. A heel turn would give some meaning to R-Truth.

I would also include Triple H and HBK as heel turns for 2010. HBK needs it more but as a face he can still do wonders if given a program with some young guys. Imagine, HBK/Miz, HBK/Christian, HBK/Punk feuds and he doesnt need to turn heel. Triple H will be heel in early year almost guaranteed so im leaving him off here.

As for Face turns, the only one that sticks out is The Miz: I dont want him to turn face until the end of the year though. Give him most of the year to perfect his heel status, maybe align with Maryse as a midcard power duo, and by year end he will be over even more and can setup a turn by having Maryse turn on him and align with someone else to setup a fued. Or a feud with a top heel Jericho/Orton could be setup with Miz stepping up to some challenge, similiar to how Cena originally turned face by naturally remaining the same character but stepping up to another top heel and simply becoming face.
Heel Turns:

MVP - This guy was an awesome midcard heel, similar to The Miz's role currentley, but his current face gimmick doesn't suit him in my opinion. A move to Smackdown and fued with John Morrison would do MVP the world of good.

Mark Henry
- The man is built like a monster, but a few weeks ago he was rapping with MVP dancing around in order to intimidate the Miz. I mean come on, remember him as the ECW champion?

John Cena - We all want to see Cena as a heel, although the current Cena is loved by the kids, he has become too stale in my opinion, and a hell turn and fued with the Undertaker would suit perfectly.

Triple H - He is the obvious candidate to turn heel when DX break up, and I presume this will co-incide with the Hart-McMahon storyline. I feel that Triple H is a stronger heel than Chris Jericho, and not many other people can brag this.

Primo - Purely to get the Colons back together. The WWE needs Tag teams, and both of these guys are doing nothing at the moment.

Face Turns:

Ted Dibiase
- This needs to happen purely so he can fued with Orton in the lead up to Wrestlemania. This turn will upset me, as I like both members of the Legacy tag team, and I feel Cody may get left behind by this. There's always MITB I suppose.

- With a fued with the current top heel awaiting him when he returns, a face turn would make perfect sense- and this seems more than likely to happen when he hopefull returns for Wrestlemania.

Hart Dynasty - With Monday Night's Raw making it obvious that McMahon is the heel in the Hart/McMahon fued, and presuming the Hart Dynasty links up with Bret Hart, Tyson and Hart Smith will need to turn face in order to confront McMahon with Bret.
Heel Turns/Face Turns

MVP/Jack Swagger

Simple. They need to be in each other's positions. MVP sucks as a face, but as a heel, he was a mid-carder that had decent matches with Benoit, Kane, Hardy, etc.

Jack Swagger is over with the fans already, and he should turn face so he could acquire an even larger fan base than he already has.

Mark Henry/ Ted DiBiase

WWE has already spoiled the fact that Ted is going to split from Legacy into a singles star, so why not have him turn face, and have Mark Henry turn into a much needed heel? Henry is terrible as a face, and it seems as if he's done with MVP. They can team up together on and off if both are heels.

The Colons (Primo), Cryme Tyme/ The Hart Dynasty

The Colons, Primo and Carlito, are both doing absolutely nothing on RAW right now. Primo is the Haas of RAW, and Carlito is starting to remind me of Santino. They can go ahead and turn Primo heel, so they can actually do something.

Cryme Tyme is just embarassing (I live in Brooklyn, let me tell you almost no one is like that.) I don't really know what they could do as heels, but if they were heels, they would be doing their jobs well cause I'd hate them either way.

In The Hart Dynasty, the 3 members are over with the fans, not only because of their names, but because of their in- ring ability, too. If they turn face, they could be the #1 face team the E has.

Haas (Face turn)

In 2008, Haas wasn't that bad, with his impersonation gimmick. There was no reason for them to turn him heel.
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