Face and heel turns that should happen in 2013.

The best way to do a Cena turn is the same way HBK did it with Hogan at Summerslam, immediately afterwards he buried Hogan the next night and went back to being face. He needs to fully heel on the Rock, and then if people aren't over on it after he wins the belt he could easily go face again with a big heel beatdown. It won't happen, but if it would this would be the only real moment to do it.
If I were to pick someone to turn heel in 2013 it would most definitely be Randy Orton. Everything about Orton just clicks as a heel, and he has grown beyond stale as a face. Plus, as a heel he could start new feuds and put on great matches with guys like Richie Steamboat, especially if he went back to his legend killer gimmick. Now for a face turn, I would say Seth Rollins. I'm hoping for the Shield to last through 2013, but given WWE's track record with stables recently, it's only inevitable that Rollins will turn on the Shield or vice versa. Rollins just screams face, and people are already starting to compare him to Jeff Hardy. I feel like he could fill the role of a upper midcard face who's extremely over with the fans well, and I could see a MitB win in the future.
:banghead::worship::lmao::lol::wtf::disappointed:I believe Jack Swagger should win the U.S. Title then go to the american hero storyline. I also think that Heath Slater should turn. Heres how: Heath gets a girlfriend and she becomes manager of the group. Then either Mahal or Macyntire should be caught making out with her and she doesnt choose Heath which makes him a face! As heels go id say Kofi, Sincara, and Ryback. Totaly off topic but bring back John Laurinitis as a face!! PEOPLE POWER!!
i like ryback as a dark superhero. randy orton shuld go heel. john cena cant go heel it wuld never work. i like khali as a heel. and lesnar shuld b a face
Face Turn:

Antonio Cesaro- It's better economically to have your international stars as faces because they sell more merchandise overseas than if they were heels, and even do better overseas than some of the faces who typically contribute the most to sales domestically. This will get the most out of Cesaro in the European and the Swiss markets. Further, his mic skills and in-ring wrestling moves are a plus for any potential superstar. I think, with his personality, he could make it as a face or heel, but he'll make significantly more money for the WWE as a face.

Dolph Ziggler - When he came up originally, I thought about the Mr. Perfect comparisons, but now I think he's going to be better overall. He can carry the company as a face in the post-Cena era (It's too early for me to tell whether Ryback could do the same), he thrives in any storyline, has excellent mic skills, the "look" that most wrestling talent evaluators look for, and above average wrestling moves.

Dean Ambrose- While he doesn't look like C.M. Punk (I'm not one to compare wrestlers based on a certain look anyway), he definitely has great potential. He has the mic skills, the leadership (he IS the leader of The Shield even if it was never stated or part of the storyline; compare this to Wade Barrett's failure leading Nexus and that should tell you something about a wrestler who is already leading in his first few months with WWE), he's believable, and he's doing this all at the age of 27. With few exceptions, I'm a big believer in the quicker a wrestler ascends to stardom (or at least shows star potential), the more likely it is that they'll have a great wrestling career.

Heel Turn:

Randy Orton- With so many people in the wrestling industry not liking him and with half of the things he says in real life interviews, it should be easy to create a storyline that involves a heel turn for Orton. He's a run of the mill face.
- Face Turns -

The Big Show - He just does not work that well as a monster heel compared to others (Mark Henry), all that 'disrespect' against normal workers seems forced as hell. Also look at him acting out almost crying when he gets, in some way, foiled by Alberto Del Rio. A guy that big does not work as a cowardly, even emotional heel in general. Have him bury the hatchet with ADR at EC and everything's okay.

Brock Lesnar - He's so, so over with the crowd no matter what he does (okay, he was attacking the chairman and the most annoying guy in the WWE so far, so that might be the reason). Since CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar would be interesting, and CM Punk just works so much better as a delusional heel right now (he actually draws heel heat after his heel turn, a-ma-zing), Brock will have to turn face. Address the crowd cheering him wildly.

maybe Paul Heyman - Kinda pains me... actually really really pains me, but I feel that in a Brock - Punk feud, Heyman would work better as the manager of Brock instead of managing Punk. In the angle that Brock is in right now (sociopathic machine, only barely controllable by Paul Heyman) they cannot afford to turn Brock just like that, and so I fear Heyman will have to go with him for at least a short while. ...oh god, heel Heyman is just too good, disregard all of that.

Cody Rhodes - Have him shave that godawful moustache off and turn him face already - he's better than jobbing to Cena and other higher tiered faces, i'd even go as far as saying he is a possible main eventer now that he has a singles career in front of him. If I remember correctly, Goldust was a heel last time he was active in WWE, so it just comes naturally to have him feud with his brother as a face.

Antonio Cesaro - The crowd already has respect for him, if you remember him neutralizing The Great Khali and getting quite a few cheers for that. With his charisma and speaking ability, all that's really left is eliminating that "I hate Americans" side of his character and he makes a natural face. That respect would turn into affection pretty damn quickly.

Tensai - Well, I think for the moment he should turn face to team up with Brodus Clay. After a few month of this dancing tag team (you could just have them as a comedy tag team) mostly losing all their matches they could snap and both turn heel, to pair up as a team of monster heels. To be honest i'd rather see that than Brodus Clay turning all of a sudden.

Jack Swagger - Sure, why not? I don't get why he didn't return as a face in the first place, but it is not yet too late. He loves America, isn't that enough of a reason to be a face? He's a kind of generic heel and could truly shine as a face, time would tell. Personally I think it'd be pretty cool to see him team up with a face Antonio Cesaro. The All-American American and the 'converted' guy who embraces America now.

- Heel Turns -

The Miz - Does ANYBODY think it was a good idea to turn him face? Do whatever you need to turn him back, have him assault Ric Flair for all I care (remembering Ric Flair passed on the Figure-Four) blaming him for his losses against Cesaro. When you turn Cesaro face, turning Miz heel again just comes naturally. His character didn't even CHANGE upon his turn, and yet now everybody is supposed to cheer him even though he is still as annoying and heel-esque than before.

Kane - Well, one of Team Hell No should turn, and I think in what is likely going to be one of his latest runs Kane should be a heel once again before being inducted into the Hall of Fame, showing what he's truly made of. Daniel Bryan is way too over with the crowd to be a good heel and he does not have the charisma to change that around completely (yet), and so that leaves Kane as a new monster heel, a role that fits him much better anyway. He can beat up Zack Ryder some more.

Randy Orton - Not really too much to explain. The Viper feels much more comfortable as a heel. To really turn all those fans of his effectively though, he will seriously have to step on some toes. At, shortly before, or right after EC is a perfect opportunity for assaulting some seriously over faces... he could prevent someone from participating by giving him a beatdown before EC, he could let his frustration out at someone like Rey Mysterio in case he does not win... lots of different potential angles.

Sin Cara - "HBKistheHOF" kinda brought the idea up for me. I don't think they will turn Rey Mysterio, who has been a face and a role model for the kids for so damn long, into a heel shortly before his retirement (look at him, it can't take long), so that leaves Sin Cara with a heel turn. Besides, there aren't really any heels that can pull this high flying moveset off, and Sin Cara could complain about always standing in Rey's shadow and that he does not need Rey and blah.

Zack Ryder - Eh, I do not _really_ like the guy, but if he wants to actually wrestle again, he needs to become heel one way or the other. Have him go snap at the fans over the internet for not supporting him properly and not enforcing that they want to see him on TV. He got big on the internet, now he can turn heel over the internet as well. It's heel or bye.

Triple H - As a company guy, heel types work much much better than face types. You could somehow incorporate that "booking himself to win matches" angle that he has been given so much heat for by the IWC, and I believe HHH has the mic skills to not just seem like the second reincarnation of Vince when he does turn heel.

Honorary Mentions

Dolph Ziggler - Lots and lots of people want that on the internet, but I think it wouldn't work out that way, it'd flop like the face turn from The Miz - let him cash in first and have a semi-successful run as a heel before he turns, so he actually gets a reaction when he does and doesn't have everyone not on the internet go "Meh".

The Shield - I think they should stay as a heel stable and really establish themselves as that some more before they split and let Seth Rollins turn face. They have barely been incorporated in storylines, all they have been doing is randomly assaulting people. Have them be like Nexus for a while, only better and not buried by John Cena alone.

John Cena - Won't happen, and can't happen. The way the company is built right now does not allow for their face to become heel.

Chris Jericho - Think he should stay face for at least a while - have him feud with Ziggler, why not, and then when their feud is over, it could end in a double turn for the two of them, with Jericho then being able to feud with Ryback or Sheamus as an actual legitimate threat (if he's still working in the WWE then).
For some reason I really like Cm Punk as a face, he did a great job of putting over "big johnny" in 2012.
Face turns:

1.Jack Swagger
2.Wade Barrett (I could easily see him turning rather then Rhodes or Ziggler)
3.Big Show (It's only a matter of time before he goes back to boring big show)
Heel Turns:
1. Ryback (Can't wait for him to turn into the monster heel)
2. Brodus Clay (Will be awesome.)
3. Randy Orton (Better heel then face)
4. Sheamus (Amazing heel!)
5. The Miz (Let me put it like this, I've always liked Miz until they turned him face, he's a garbage face turn him back the way he thrives!... as a heel)
Why now after all this time? I hear people all the time saying that Cena will never go heel or WWE doesn't have the nads to have him go heel, but I have a theory that may play out this weekend. WWE cannot afford to have another repeat of face/face (Rock/Cena) at Wrestlemania or yet another match between him and CMP.

Here's my theory on this...and it revolves around "The Shield". The Shield wears swat/military type outfits and uses military phonetics in their intro. They talk about having a reason in WWE and it's about "justice". What better way to get "justice" than to create a new stable with Cena leading "The Shield" as his arm of justice in "destroying" the Faces, ie. Sheamus and Ry because "it's not right for those guys to get the support from the WWE Universe after all the time and effort Cena puts in to the WWE"? Remember, "The Shield" hasn't shown all their cards and after this weeks MN Raw, I believe their all out verbal attack against Cena being the "worst" is a ploy to make everyone think differently. There is NO other reason for this six man tag other than for it to melt into a four on one beat down of Sheamus and Ryback.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't think this, but with Wrestlemania coming up quickly and a subpar card so far...I tend to think that this Sunday is the time for Cena to go heel and take out Sheamus, Ryback, and/or eventually the Rock, with "The Shield" as his three man stable, ie. horsemen. Now you'll have your main event Face/Heel match and Cena will win at Wrestlemania and the Rock can go back to Hollywood for a bit. Cena can then say that he was able to win without the WWE universe and he doesn't need them...blah, blah, blah.

Ugh...who knows...I'll be disappointed if something like that doesn't happen. What do you guys think is the purpose of this seemingly needless match and possible ramifications towards this years Wrestlemania?
When Randy Orton turned face it was a nice change of pace for him, and he was one of the top and most popular superstars in the company. Orton had been a top heel for the majority of his career, so it was interesting to see him on the other side of the fence.

However, it is not working anymore. Orton as a face has almost become boring and predictable.

Orton needs to snap and punt one of the most popular superstars in the head. His gimmick was so much more interesting when he was a heel and Orton seems more comfortable as a heel.
Why now after all this time? I hear people all the time saying that Cena will never go heel or WWE doesn't have the nads to have him go heel, but I have a theory that may play out this weekend. WWE cannot afford to have another repeat of face/face (Rock/Cena) at Wrestlemania or yet another match between him and CMP.

Here's my theory on this...and it revolves around "The Shield". The Shield wears swat/military type outfits and uses military phonetics in their intro. They talk about having a reason in WWE and it's about "justice". What better way to get "justice" than to create a new stable with Cena leading "The Shield" as his arm of justice in "destroying" the Faces, ie. Sheamus and Ry because "it's not right for those guys to get the support from the WWE Universe after all the time and effort Cena puts in to the WWE"? Remember, "The Shield" hasn't shown all their cards and after this weeks MN Raw, I believe their all out verbal attack against Cena being the "worst" is a ploy to make everyone think differently. There is NO other reason for this six man tag other than for it to melt into a four on one beat down of Sheamus and Ryback.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't think this, but with Wrestlemania coming up quickly and a subpar card so far...I tend to think that this Sunday is the time for Cena to go heel and take out Sheamus, Ryback, and/or eventually the Rock, with "The Shield" as his three man stable, ie. horsemen. Now you'll have your main event Face/Heel match and Cena will win at Wrestlemania and the Rock can go back to Hollywood for a bit. Cena can then say that he was able to win without the WWE universe and he doesn't need them...blah, blah, blah.

Ugh...who knows...I'll be disappointed if something like that doesn't happen. What do you guys think is the purpose of this seemingly needless match and possible ramifications towards this years Wrestlemania?

I really like your thinking on this, will it happen? Probably not but it would be a MAJOR swerve that would have people glued to their TV's to see what happens on Raw the following night. Half the crowd already boo Cena anyway so it wouldn't be hard to turn him heel, especially when facing the Rock.
I will be happy when they just give Daniel Bryan either a clear face or heel direction.

I know that Bryan still technically leans heel as a character, but Team Hell No have been booked like faces and Bryan is incredibly over. I think that Team Hell No will run its course, if not by Mania, shortly after. At that point I just want to see them have Bryan go fully in one direction. Face? Heel? I could give a fuck. Just pick one.

As a heel I think he would fit nicely somehow linking up with Paul Heyman. They just need to try and find a way to insure that he draws heat early.

As a face, if done correctly, I could see him as the number two babyface in the company behind Cena by year's end. We already know how good he is as a worker, we know he can get the crowd behind him, and we know he can move merch. If Orton gets the heel turn he wants, there is an open spot for number two babyface. I would bet on Bryan being able to claim that spot over the likes of Ryback, Sheamus, and Del Rio.
I think there a couple of turns that need to happen but not many i honestly think wwe should set themselves and work on what they are goin with because the overall product is getting better at least in my opinion and no i do NOT mean because the rock is back on tv. as for the turns i would like to see happen

CM Punk - I havent enjoyed his thing with paul heyman since it started. all in all i think he works better alone and as a face, but again thats my opinion.

John Cena - The time is just now, seriously what has he done that he hasnt done already in the past 5 years. Turn heel against the rock at mania if the match has to happen twice.

Randy Orton - The Viper is a far more interesting character than the Apex Predator deal. hes not as vicous and honestly i wanna see people start getting kicked in the face again first one in line being The Miz

Kane - I just think hes nearing retirement and i would like to see him have one more world title run for about 6-8 months as a dominant monster like he used to be.

And Finnnnaaallllyyyy
The Rock - I know alot of people are gonna say this is dumb because its not good for wwe busnuiss but thats bullshit and you know it. If the rock turned heel it would be the biggest thing to happen in wrestling other than maybe having cena turn but personally i dont think cena is on the same level as the rock at least not anymore. if the rock turned it would be the perfect way to put over the next big face, my personal pick being ryback... Feed Him Rock.

Those are my five picks anyways let me know what you guys think
Heel Turns
Randy Orton, alot better as a heel. I would of loved for him to of won the Rumble become the legend killer again and go after Rock. But is by far pulls off the heel persona more then a face.

Zack Ryder- He needs something. why not heel? He can turn of his internet fans first and see what reaction and proceed if it goes over well or if no one cares.

Brodus and Tensi- If they stay a team they should. If not leave Tensi heel and still make Brodus heel. That could be the new big man tag team I think they need.

John Cena- I do agree maybe one day but I think they are going to wait for a great opportunity for this. So I can wait no rush.

Face Turns-
Antonio Cesaro- Great wrestler and talker. I just dont care about what he says. It always the same with heel gimmicks from other countries. By the time he is done talking I have already flipped the channel and missed his match.

Jack Swagger- It didnt work out before he took his break so why keep doing it. Another great wrestler that could get over just by wrestling skills alone.

Mark Henry- I was hoping he would come back face and challenge the Sheild it the sense of Im the only one the kicks people ass's and dominate superstar here type of story. But Im not to disappointed.

Randy Orton- I know I also said heel, but wouldnt mind if he was a tweener and everyone was fair game to the RKO. No matter if the others were heel or face. Kind of like Austin.

Kane- Same thing I think he shouldnt have a side either, he should just be dominating the WWE.

Cm Punk- His character sets him up for I dont care who you are type so he could GTS faces and heels without being indifferent. Also woulndt mind a Face turn later in down the road.

Leave these People Alone
Brock- he is doing great as heel so far and we dont see if that often to make a legit change.

Kofi- Why? He is already struggling to be relevant every week or so. Why make the fans hate him aswell. Remember Shelton. WWE has at tendency of not knowing what to do with heels after awhile. R-truth was a heel for like a week.

Miz- We dont like him enough as a face, so why make him a heel. They even tried using Flair on him. Still dont care. Really?

Ziggler- honestly he just needs to lose the two groupies.
Face Turns

Curt Hawkins - I think he could easily be put back in a tag team with Zack Ryder. Since NEITHER of them are going to get a serious singles push, just let them be a tag team adn carry the tag division for a little bit.

Heel Turns

  • Daniel Bryan - He's pretty much already a heel. The only thing that makes him face is that he's wrestling against other heels every week. Sure the crowds cheer for him, but Bryan is so good at playing the delusional goofball. He should acknowledge the cheers by bragging about making the fans dance like puppets
  • Kane - Monster heel Kane is better
  • * It might be nice to see Team Hell No turn heel as a unit. Like they get tired of the silly antics and making fools of themselves for the fans' amusement and become a serious alliance.
  • Justin Gabriel - I miss the silent assassin vibe he gave off during his time in Nexus.
  • Kofi Kingston - He's getting stale as a face. I have nothing against him as a talent, but honestly, I feel that Kofi being a face keeps the face side stagnant. The problem with Kofi is that WWE won't push him any higher, but they put him on a pedestal compared to every other midcard face, except maybe The Miz and R-Truth, and that's only because they have residual heat from their previous runs in the main event. No other midcard face is allowed to be booked as credibly as Kofi is. His very presence doesn't allow other faces to move up. Maybe if Kofi turns, someone like Santino or Alex Riley can get more TV time as the new over midcard face.
  • Randy Orton - He prefers working as a heel. Much like Kofi I feel that Randy Orton's current spot is holding other faces back from moving up. While WWE has seemingly depushed Orton due to his issues, they keep him in this weird limbo where he's not going after the belt, but still beats everyone decisively. No one is benefitting from Orton's depush. The only people who are allowed to beat Orton are people WWE were going to push anyway. He's in this middle spot between midcard and main event where he keeps beating the midcard champions over and over, but shows that he's above the midcard by not showing interest in their titles. WWE won't simply depush him to midcard level so that those titles can be made to look more important with his presence. It's best to turn him heel so that a space in the face side can be freed for someone to move up.
  • Tensai - I don't know why they decided to pair him up with Brodus Clay in this new dancing fat guys team.
Face Turn :

- CM Punk : I think he is great right now but his character is stale right now, without the title, there isn't much he can do. I feel that he should be a underdog against Brock Lesnar, he could be the arrogant anti-hero of the WWE.

Heel Turn :

- The Rock : He will go against Cena and we need one of them heel. The Rock is perfect for it, he is the only Superstar of the WWE, he should be playing on that like with the Hollywood gimmick in 2003.

- Natalya : Kaitlyn need a experiment competitor to improve and have a good reign
Really, I would say Cesaro...

Now maybe this would not work very well, but lets say you got Swagger being a racist.. You already have Cesaro giving PROPS to America. You have Swagger try to run him out of America or say he is not welcome. Then Cesaro does the whole "America is my home away from home" thing then you start a feud.. You can have Cesaro LOSE . Keep knocking him down the card then bam, he gets the IC title, now he is a IC champion. Now you SLOWLY build him to face Swagger again where he wins and unifies those belts. Then he vacates both of them after he wins the Royal Rumble then bam you have a redemption story from all hell. Now maybe even Cesaro does NOT win the belt at mania then he is even more over because the fans saw him go all that way back up the card only to fail where then he will ultimately get the strap in the summer
I didn't think it would be possible, but they made Alberto Del Rio likeable. I never thought a face turn for him would be feasible.

Keep Punk heel.......he's been so much better.
I am not one of thse fans obsessed with Cena turning heel, I am not Cena hater by a long shot and fully understand why he is face but I think Rock vs Cena II at Mania 29 could see the eventual heel turn of Cena. There are alot of complaints from certain fans about Rock vs Cena II so the end needs some pay off and this would be the biggest change since Hogan back in WCW. Rock vs Cena II will predictably see Cena pick up the win but doing it as Austin did back at WM17 would certainly a welcome ending!

Meanwhile I see Punk and Brock forming an alliance and then Brock turning on Punk. Punk will probably start leaning towards being a face but hopefully not a full on baby face. Orton needs to turn heel and he probably will sometime soon.

Ryback and Del Rio will be pushed to the moon in 2013. Maybe Ziggler will turn face as well.
Love Cena or hate him, a heel turn would be an awful decision from a business standpoint. As part of the male over 18 crowd, I really don't care either way. I don't particulalry hate him, but like Stone Cold, The Rock, and many others before him, he's crammed down the fans throats to agressively, making the gag reflex kick in.

Everyone knows about Cena's males under 18 and females love him, males over 18 hate him. This being said, he's still one of the top draws, if not the top draw as far as merchandising goes. In a time without a ton of marketable guys on the roster, that's huge.

If turned heel, it would take a while for him to won over his haters. Might not happen at all. However, he could immidiately lose his supporters, and thus take a huge, instantaneous dip in merchandise sales.

The best thing is for him to just do what he does already and wear it on his sleeve.
Keep Del Rio as a face ! man they should of done this sooner.

I'd turn Heel;

Zack Ryder
Daniel Bryan
Brodus Clay and Tensai (They are Huge! Monsters should be heel!)
Kofi Kingston

And Face;

Roman Reigns
Drew McIntyre - When 3MB are done because they are entertaining.
Cody Rhodes
Antonio Cesaro
You're basically shuffling the mid card. They just need to return Randy Orton to a monster heel. Granted, they're punsihing him for violating the wellness policy and who knows what else, but the bottom line is that they're cutting off their nose to spite their face. They need him more than he needs them. CM Punk's simply too small and goofy to be taken seriously as the company's top heel, and there's no question that Lesner's on borrowed time.
Face Turns-

Dolph Ziggler- Ziggler can maintain a tweener like attitude and still pull off being likable. He's got a charm. He doesn't need anyone managing him, and he can be downright funny. Get rid of the girl and muscle, and you'll end up with a guy that women want, and men want to be.

Daniel Bryan- While being booked as a face, Bryan's character is a comedy heel, and if tweaked will do just fine as a full fledged face. Keep some of the comedy, keep the "Yes!"/"No!", and he'll do fine. He's still one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. If it works, he sells T-shirts and has some interesting feuds. If it doesn't, he can always go back to being goat boy.

CM Punk- CM Punk is a natural heel. It flows from him like blood. He makes a good face though. Both entertaining and charismatic. I would keep him heel personally, unless we get that long desired heel turn from John Cena.

Heel Turns-

John Cena- This is unlikely. I just want to see what would happen. Cena has been face for coming up close to 10 years now. It doesn't have to happen by any means. While the ICW may not like it, John Cena could probably last as a face until the day his career finally ends. But if he were to turn heel, it would be one of the biggest angles in years, and it would make for some fine television.

Randy Orton- The Viper. Snakes aren't heroes. They slither on the ground, the poison you, and then they run away so they're not stepped on. Randy Orton is the best heel potential the company has next to CM Punk himself. Randy has lost so much star power and interest, and it's pathetic. He's a damn fine wrestler, and an interesting T.V. personality when he's kissing the unconscious bodies of women, kicking innocent victims in the head, and using young lackeys to do his work.


Some people want Sheamus to turn heel. I disagree. He's a believable brawler, a cartoonish looking man, and he's got what it takes to be face.
I also see mentions of the Miz not being a good face, but I see the interest there, last night against Antonio Cesaro, and last week against Brock Lesnar.

Speaking of Lesnar, the best characters come when life imitates art. Brock Lesnar is as he should be. A brutal, vicious monster heel, the likes of which the WWE hasn't seen in years. Brock Lesnar can believably destroy ANY face on the roster without resorting to cheap tactics, and is still a completely believable asshole. And he doesn't even need to talk. He plays perfectly off a Paul Heyman, who as much as I love him, is perfect as a weasel and a coward. Paul is the midget who got booted out of the kingdom and Brock is a vicious man eating dragon who just so happens to like him. It'd be cute if Brock wasn't eating grown men. Brock needs to kidnap a princess or something. (BEAT UP STEPHANIE MCMAHON SO TRIPLE H HAS A REASON TO FIGHT HIM, COUGH COUGH) <--
I agree on Ziggler. While I maintain my stance that he's Bad Ass Billy Gunn reborn (he even used the Rockerdropper last nught,) I could see him gradually changed over from full blown heel to an edgy but likeable heel to a full blown face, depednign on how fans react. They did it with HBK, Edge, HHH, and Y2J in the past, as opposed to The Rock, Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Kane who went from monster heel to super-hero face overnight and out of nowhere.

As for Sheamus, as a heel, he was an unstoppable force. As a face, he's just cartoonish and over the top, almost a throwback to an 80s face, when a face was a face and a heel was a heel. I hate to date myself, but I remember back when Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorf, a face at the time turned on Hulk Hogan, and it was considered a shocker. Nowadays, when a face turns heel, it's just called a Monday night.

However, Sheamus really does have what it takes to appeal to the younger crowd, and from a business perspective, that's important. Ratings have been steadily dipping over the past few years, so what they need is a way to start gearing toward the new generation, and the best way to do that is with over the top faces like Sheamus and Cena, and over the top bad guy heels like The Shield. Another thing to remember is that while the fan base may be equally divided among younger and older, the younger ones are those more likely to be buying the merchandise, and that's aniother important thing to consider from a business perspective.
What about a Mark Henry face-turn? He's pretty over with the crowd, and I think they might react to him going on a Ryback-esque rampage on the way to a title. I just think the heel scene is a little crowded, and Henry stands out from the crowd in the ring.
Problem is it would be difficult to book legitimate threats against him, although you could have him feud with a heel Orton in a role reversal if their old rivalry, or (even less probably) a programme with Lesnar based around Henry being a 20yr vet and Lesnar being a young part timer with no real investment in the business.

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