Face and heel turns that should happen in 2013.

Face Turns:

Kane- Kane is perfect for being a monster heel, should turn heel after turning on Bryan

Seth Rollins- Seth is the only one from the shield who I think will make a successful face, while Ambrose will be a great heel. I think Reins becomes a tweener.

Big Show- I just like him better as a face. With Henry already playing the monster heel, WWE doesn't need another one.

Tyson Kidd- I'm not sure if he's a heel or a face...but he should be a face.

Heel Turns:

Alberto Del Rio- He's even worse as a face than he was as a heel.

Brodus Clay- have him disappear after awhile and come back as Ted Dibase's Bodyguard

Ted Dibase JR.- rich A$$hole character is gold.

Chris Jericho- A very, Very good heel, and just flat out entertaining.

Randy Orton- the fans want it, even randy himself wants it, just TURN HIM HEEL!
Here are a few names I think should change it up.

Orton- the obvious one for me, and a lot of others. He is just made to be a Heel, with the whole Apex Predator, his in-ring work, even his them song dammit! He would be a great heel, in fact he is a great heel! But WWE clearly haven't taken note of it.

Kofi Kingston- He needs some sort of change if he is to ever get to that top level of WWE. I don't know if this is truly it, but we won't really know unless it's tried

Swagger- I think he should tone down the right-wing politics, and sort of become more like Angle was, REALLY patriotic

Rhodes- I think he could be a great face, and a really big name. He has the talent on the mic, he has the heritage of Dusty and Goldust, WWE could easily play him off as a face. Maybe he could feud with a heel Orton in the later parts of the year?
Orton- has obviously worn out his welcome as a face, he just seems bored at times

Bryan - the heel turn on Kane is coming soon I believe

Roman Reigns- I actually think he will turn face, not Rollins, I think he could really get the crowd behind him given time

Ziggler- already gets cheers, could be a great face, even with a cocky personality, a la HBK
It would be huge when he turns good again. The re-transformation would turn the pro wrestling world on it's ear.

This is true, remember this? Now to put it into perspective, this was only 4 months after he'd turned heel, but It felt like an eternity by this point. I was 13 at the time, I remember watching this raw vividly, and I think to this day, it's possibly the most exciting well buit up segment I've ever seen. I know exactly the mentality of Cena fans, because it's how I felt about Austin all those years ago, & I know how they'll feel if Cena turns to the dark side, because It's how I felt for a few weeks after Wrestlemania X-7. Now, what Cena's (unlikely/impossible) turn needs now is what Austin's turn lacked then, and that is a credible face to take the reigns. Now, HHH could've been that guy back in 01', but they chose the two man power trip, and whilst it was fun to watch, it made no storyline sense and was ratings poison.
#1 @John_Cena: Change, do something. Anything different. Your schtick is starting to become as monotonously boring as Hogan prior to 1995. Your move set is pathetic, lame and has no true set up. Power wrestlers should not do an STF unless they are in a stipulation submission match. John, I know you're being yourself but please, for the love of god do something new. You are great for kids, your charity work is commendable, you're a great person I'm sure. But god, CHANGE in-ring.

#2: Drew McIntyre: Get rid of Heath Slater, you can do better. Infact, Hit him over the head with a real guitar and future shock him on the remains after doing so. The guy cannot do anything but drag you down. The "One man band", while amusing is the future that is Santino Marrella. If he's lucky. Go back to how you were when you started.
#3 Wade Barrett: The only real gripe I have is with the the finisher. The elbow doesn't sell as a finisher, and once again you're being buried. Use something like the close line from hell, or another planting move. A "TKO" type maneuver would be viable. Unfortunately the knock out punch is Big Show's move.
Orton- has obviously worn out his welcome as a face, he just seems bored at times

Bryan - the heel turn on Kane is coming soon I believe

Roman Reigns- I actually think he will turn face, not Rollins, I think he could really get the crowd behind him given time

Ziggler- already gets cheers, could be a great face, even with a cocky personality, a la HBK

I think that it'll be Kane that turns on Daniel Bryan. I just want both to stop both being comedic characters.

I 100% agree with you on Ziggler. He's getting a more and more positive reaction from the crowd during matches. I think his face turn will be like Sheamus' a year or so ago. The fans will continue to cheer him more and more until they have no choice but to solidify his face turn.

It can't be long until Big Show turns face again, he seems to flip-flop between being a face and a heel on a yearly basis.
I think that it'll be Kane that turns on Daniel Bryan. I just want both to stop both being comedic characters.

Although the breakup is going to happen, I believe it's a mistake. Daniel Bryan will have to work from scratch to get as over as he is now as part of Hell No.

I think their love/hate angle REALLY has legs and should be allowed to keep developing. They've been at each other's throats in the tag team division, but not in the main event. What if Bryan and Kane helped each other gain title shots while also competing for said title shots? It would be fun. I can see them going into the fall competing in Triple Threats with Dolph Ziggler, Ryback or whoever else is World Champion.

That being said, I think the turn needs to happen EVENTUALLY, but why now? Why not have Kane beat Ryback for the World title and THEN turn heel on Bryan. Bryan wins the Rumble and they finally have their match at WrestleMania 30. I think that would be a much better climax for their amazing angle instead of a throwaway match at WM29's undercard.

But yeah, it's obviously not going to happen my way. I agree that Kane is probably turning on Bryan any day now.
But yeah, it's obviously not going to happen my way. I agree that Kane is probably turning on Bryan any day now.

If you remember the Rumble, wayyyy back when, it was Bryan who first turned on Kane, then a p-o'ed Kane dropped Bryan. I can see something like this happening again.

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