Wrestlers Who (Don't) Need Face/Heel Turns


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Everyday there's a thread made completely dedicated to the cockamamie idea that someone needs to turn face. In fact, yesterday, I was looking at the "Latest Discussions" box on Wrestlezone.com, and three of the five threads listed were heel/face turn threads. Furthermore, one of them was for Gail Kim. Who the fuck cares about Gail Kim?

Anyway, since I have a high opinion of my opinion, I figured I'd share it all with you regarding who does, or does not need a turn.


Edge- Edge had a lot of momentum following his Rumble win and feud with Jericho, but it was all killed when he speared Randy Orton. Since then, he's been a decent heel, but it seems clear to me that people really want to cheer Edge, they just can't, because he's a dick heel.

MVP- He's just better as a heel, and really has nothing to contribute as a face. I don't know what WWE was thinking turning him face in the first place. You can't be a cocky, gloating, arrogant face. If he doesn't turn heel within a few months, I suspect Mr. Porter's days in the WWE are numbered.

That's it. Seriously, those are the only two people in the WWE who could really do with a face/heel turn.


John Cena- I'll never understand why the Cena haters want him to turn heel, but I suspect it's so that they can justify booing him without looking smarky, essentially turning all the Cena lovers into the smarks. Za-ing. Seriously though, you will never find a face, or even a face for the company, the quality of John Cena. Cena is clean cut, strong as an ox, and your girlfriend will tell you he ain't hard on the eyes neither. Why anybody thinks a Cena heel turn is a good idea is beyond me.

The Miz- Nobody is going to judge you for rooting for the guy while he's a heel, which is the role this guy was BORN to play. Seriously, I think he can be a career heel. Worked for that Ric Flair guy pretty well.

Christian- This is one of the guys who had a thread yesterday. I honestly can't see what a heel turn would do for him except effectively end his WWE Career. Who is he going to feud with on Smackdown as a heel? MVP? Yeah, that would be really interesting... Kofi? While this would be an interesting match up, Kofi is one of the more main-event-status-worthy of Smackdown's midcard abundance, and should be feuding with other upper midcard wrestlers, like CM Punk and Kane. Big Show? Hitting the Killswitch on Big Show would be even more ridiculous than hitting a 619 on Big Show. No joke.

As a face he has Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and maybe Kane, all of which are better feuds than any of the face options, with the exception of maybe Kofi.

Any Diva- No diva NEEDS a face or heel turn. They will turn, just to keep the match ups fresh, but none of them NEED to turn. Actually, right now I think they got everybody right, as everybody seems pretty comfortable playing their character.

R-Truth Another one of the people I saw a heel turn thread for. Why the fuck would you turn R-Truth heel? He's performing wonderfully as a face. He wrestles good, face paced matches, and gets the live crowd very involved in the show. This guy is performing wonderfully as a face, and turning him heel is a ridiculous pipe dream.

Everyone else- Seriously, I'd say everyone in the WWE except for MVP and Edge are playing their characters perfectly. The only people the crowd doesn't react to are the ones who are dull on the mic, like Ted Dibiase. Other than that, I can't think of a single wrestler who actually needs to turn right now.
Miz...lately i've been reading that people think Miz should turn face (not at the moment but in the near future). i just don't get that. i think he'd be a horrible face that has ton of awkward moments. it just won't work.

Edge...i wouldn't mind them turning him face again. i didn't understand why they turned him back heel so quickly. but Edge to me is like Jericho idc if hes face or heel cause if hes heel then hes getting championship reigns and cutting great promos. if hes face then he still cuts great promos and adds the comedy element WWE is so obsessed with (but failing to do so properly). the only problem with either of them being face is they don't get WWE/WHC reigns. but as long as Edge is on Raw thats not gonna happen anyways so i say go for it. make him face again.
The one person the current roster who does not need any turn and for whom the fans will always cheer is the Undertaker. At that legendary level, it doesn't matter what you are. The same was true for Hogan, Austin, Rock, Flair and Michaels. in
The reason cena needs a heel turn IMO is to facilitate his career. He was a heel early on, but now that he is the main person basically he needs one. People compare him to hogan being all super and crap. Hogans heel turn took a long time, but for most of his career he wasnt on tv every week either. So yeah Cena needs a turn, i boo him anyways so that doesnt matter. I boo him because he has about 3.5 moves in his moveset.
Wasn't the reason they turned Edge back to a heel was because he wasn't getting that great a reaction as a face on Smackdown? I don't think it's his character that's the problem, I think it's because he moved to Raw where the ME roster is too big just now for him to properly flourish.

Sheamus is another who I think doesn't need a turn anytime soon, they just need to make him more of the 'warrior' he was before he took out HHH, since then he's become a lot more cowardly and not as intimidating as he was. The good thing is that he's still just getting started and has time on his side to do away with this character tweak
I'm going a little off-topic here for a second, but Edges face turn was as much of a failure as AJ Styles heel turn. Edge has gotten bland as a heel, but I would not like to see him as a face again. Aj Styles used to be bad as a heel, but now hes getting used to it, and the same could go for Edge. But yes, besides MVP and Edge (And possibly John Morrison) everybody is good the way they are
You know what dude, I agree with you for basically everyone here. Especially John Cena because if you watched John's match against The Miz yesterday I thought it was a pretty good match. Cena really put on a good match where he did multiple moves and actually did not get beat up the whole time. His promos as of late have not been like The Rock's, but he sometimes does make me laugh and I really enjoyed his feud with Sheamus because you must admit it was damn funny. Cena will turn in the future when he needs to. What I mean by that is he will turn when he has to put over the young talent, but right now he is the face of the WWE and makes them loads of cash and nothing is changing that. What I don't understand is why he can't show that he can wrestle all the time and not just get beat up every match? Anyway, yeah you basically summed up what does need to happen and what doesn't. Also I think Edge should go back to SD! to become a face again and feud with Punk or Del Rio or even Swagger.
Chris Jericho: I think he should retire as a face, also I would like to see him try to end the streak and I want him to be face so that he doesn't have to do things that heels do e.g running away. Also I like Jericho as a face because he has more of a free move set which makes him look better because he can preform them moves.

MVP: He's much better as a heel and if he wants any chance of becoming a main eventer he needs to turn heel. Also he's getting very stale with his current face gimmick.


John Cena: He doen't need to turn heel, he just needs to tweek his current face gimmick abit so he doesn't seem stale. I not a huge fan of Cena but I really don't think he needs to turn heel.
I really don't think there is too much of a need at the moment to shuffle the deck too extensively with regards to face versus heel. Right now there seems to be a reasonably good balance between the two.

I would definitely like to see both MVP and John Morrison return to being heels, which suits both of their characters far better than the current face personas they are struggling with. I really used to like both of these guys when they were heels and I thought they both had bright futures, whereas now, they are in suspended animation and doing nothing and going nowhere. If this doesn't change, either or both of them will be the newest additions to the TNA family.

In terms of face turns, I would like to see a full face turn for Edge. I always preferred him as a face rather than a heel, although he has had success for quite some time now in the heel role. I was liking the infancy of his face turn a little while ago, but they changed him back. I would like to see them follow through this time, I think he will have great success as a face.

And for God's sake, enough with the discussions of a Cena heel turn or a Miz face turn, both would be terrible ideas and would result in failures. The turns I mentioned above, combined with the heel turn for Michael Cole as he is revealed to be the secret leader of the Nexus, that will suffice for face/heel transitions for the next little while.
Chris Jericho: I think he should retire as a face

I want him to be face so that he doesn't have to do things that heels do e.g running away. Also I like Jericho as a face because he has more of a free move set which makes him look better because he can preform them moves.

I disagree. Chris Jericho is doing a wonderful job as a heel, and I prefer to have my last thoughts of him like this rather than to see him as a face. As a heel, he has the oppurtunity to put guys like Evan Bourne (baby faces) over and make it look believable. Not many people can do that the way he does. This is the role that Jericho should play in his final days in the business. Jericho does not need anymore credibility added to his reputation. He has already accomplished enough and as a heel, he can help push new talent to upper mid-card level or even main event stream. Sure, he could probably do the same as a face, but it looks more believable if he does it as a heel.

As for the move sets. What possible move sets could he have that he couldn't use as a heel? None that I can think of. If its that he used to do a lot more flashy moves before, well thats kind of obvious isn't it? He used to be more fit than he is now. Or are you telling me you haven't noticed the fat that he's gained ever since he came back to WWE? But nevertheless, Chris Jericho doesn't need anymore accomplishments (as a heel nor as a face). He has done enought to mark him as one of the best to walk into the squared circle.

I would like to see him try to end the streak

This is a bit off topic but I disagree again. The Undertaker should go undefeated at Wrestlemania. It is one of the most popular and look forward to concepts at Wrestlemania. Sure, the Undertaker has also had enough credibility and he could afford to loose his streak without looking bad. But if someone were to actually break his streak, I would rather it be someone "fresh". Someone that can be put over with that push and not someone that is already that is already considered a veteran.
Anyway, since I have a high opinion of my opinion

Lol, what? ;)

Edge- Edge had a lot of momentum following his Rumble win and feud with Jericho, but it was all killed when he speared Randy Orton. Since then, he's been a decent heel, but it seems clear to me that people really want to cheer Edge, they just can't, because he's a dick heel.

You're right, but it's too late now. I think he should be kept heel. Or tweener or whatever. Or he should just move his ass back to SD! and put over younger talent.

John Cena- I'll never understand why the Cena haters want him to turn heel, but I suspect it's so that they can justify booing him without looking smarky, essentially turning all the Cena lovers into the smarks. Za-ing. Seriously though, you will never find a face, or even a face for the company, the quality of John Cena. Cena is clean cut, strong as an ox, and your girlfriend will tell you he ain't hard on the eyes neither. Why anybody thinks a Cena heel turn is a good idea is beyond me.

I would love to see it, but it's not a good idea at the time.

The Miz- Nobody is going to judge you for rooting for the guy while he's a heel, which is the role this guy was BORN to play. Seriously, I think he can be a career heel. Worked for that Ric Flair guy pretty well.

Yeah, but I 'heard' Vince is very fond of him, maybe even wanted him to be the 'next Cena', but then again, Vince is fond of HHH and HHH was never the face of WWE.

Christian- This is one of the guys who had a thread yesterday. I honestly can't see what a heel turn would do for him except effectively end his WWE Career. Who is he going to feud with on Smackdown as a heel? MVP? Yeah, that would be really interesting... Kofi? While this would be an interesting match up, Kofi is one of the more main-event-status-worthy of Smackdown's midcard abundance, and should be feuding with other upper midcard wrestlers, like CM Punk and Kane. Big Show? Hitting the Killswitch on Big Show would be even more ridiculous than hitting a 619 on Big Show. No joke.

LOL. I love the guy but, Christian needs a new finisher...IMO. I don't think he should be turned heel either. He's doing fine with putting over younger talent.

R-Truth Another one of the people I saw a heel turn thread for. Why the fuck would you turn R-Truth heel? He's performing wonderfully as a face. He wrestles good, face paced matches, and gets the live crowd very involved in the show. This guy is performing wonderfully as a face, and turning him heel is a ridiculous pipe dream.

R-Truth as a heel...:wtf:

Everyone else- Seriously, I'd say everyone in the WWE except for MVP and Edge are playing their characters perfectly. The only people the crowd doesn't react to are the ones who are dull on the mic, like Ted Dibiase. Other than that, I can't think of a single wrestler who actually needs to turn right now.

Every wrestler is doing fine in their gimmicks, other than MVP, IMO. So I agree with you. :)
Vinny Mac is all about marketability and right now as it stands, I believe he feels he benefits with MVP more of a face and as a role model then as a heel. I don't remember exactly with PPV it was, but they had a vignette about how MVP works with inner city kids on how to make sure they do well in school and choose the right path. Then he want on this tangent on how he owns up to his mistakes and wants to make sure the kids learn from his mistakes and how he wants to be a role model. So, a heel MVP couldn't do that. I feel at the moment no one really needs to change roles, they are all comfortable there and doing well at it. No one is really tanking in their current role that wouldn't tank in the opposite role. The ONLY person I feel would MAYBE benefit from a turn is Justin Gabriel just because he would flop as a heel on his own.
The people that I want to see change are probably Edge and Punk. Punk's matches just aren't the best as they used to be since the whole S.E.S. heel angle and Edge's fun face back from his Edge and Christian days was the best.
CM PUNK - Turn him face. He's just not that good as a heel or at least how they are portraying him now. If he's a cocky-individual, fine, but he's a loner. He's not a groupy, Raven type.

R-Truth - Turn him heel. He's annoying as a face. Once you turn him heel, let him run with it.

Sheamus - Have him drop the belt and turn face. He's a likeable character that I could see having fun.

Mayrse - Turn her face. Have Ted DiBiase stay heel and have them still work together.

Christian - Have him turn heel, he's a better heel. It would be awesome to see a Christian/Edge feud as both heels.

MVP - Easily a heel.

Jack Swagger - I could easily see him as both, but I would switch him around every year or two.
CM Punk- Keep him as a heel he entertains me everytime he talks and i just love his character.

R-Truth- Stay as a face crowd loves this guy couldn't be taken seriously as a heel.

Edge- Stay as a heel better character gets more opportunities as a heel.

MVP- Go back to a heel did much more and was a better competitor when not a face.

Sheamus- Keep as a heel knows how to fire up a crowd and the Celtic Warrior is what makes Sheamus him.

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