Heel/Face turns for 2010

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Pre-Show Stalwart
This ws kind of brought up in another thread but this thread is completely devoted to the heel/face turns for superstars of the 2010 year. Ones that will actually make an impact.

The object of this thread is to make a list of your top turns and then explain why you choose them to turn and what their major role would be for that time.

Here is my list, lets start with the Heel turns!


Ok, some people may give me crap about this but in all honesty he can not be a top face on either Raw or Smackdown, I just cant see him surpassing the likes of DX, Cena, Taker or anyone like that to take that role. So my choice for him to be heel is to help his career actually go forward. My idea for him would be to have him turn when Edge comes back. Him and edge can have the feud we have all been waiting for and YES WWE IT IS TIME!!!!

Yep, he has been face for just about 5 years now and his character is way to stale to still be face. This i just pathetic that WWE keeps trying to "improve" the Cena face character but seriously give him his real nature back as a heel. He could finally have his feud with Taker that everyone is expecting and Mania would sell a bunch if both of these two headlined especially with Cena as a heel.

I dont care what you guys think but Rey Mysterio Jr. has never been heel in WWE he was always the good guy. I mean seriously give this guy a shot with the heel turn for once and then he could finally go to ECW and improve the ratings for that show a LOT!!!

Best heel in the business so give him his roots back. He can feud with whoever he wants, preferably HBK, but just give him th mic in the ring and there you go you have something people will watch.

Face Turns

Yep i absolutely loved Edge when he was face in mid 00s so that would be fun to see, he could then have his feud with Christian and all would be good in the land of the....WWE

Way overdue and to be honest i am waiting to see him actually wrestle and go one on one with Orton (KEEP ORTON HEEL FOREVER). This would be fun for me to watch since it is way overdue and i actually like Dibiase.

I love this guy. He has the wrestling ability, he is big, and he can move around the ring. I love his lisp btw so he can keep that. He does need to be able to do a promo though and he can work on it and get better and better. He could be big as a face

Well there you have it! Now it is your turn to tell me who you want to turn??
I agree with most of your heel and face changes there are a couple would have to disagree on one would have to be Rey Mysterio. He is ust to little to be a heel. No one would take hin serious as one better off keeping him a face.

Heel Turns

John Cena- I mean come on how much longer can we stand the champ is here and i will never give up crap. His character is way to stale. He needs to become a heel this year. People are booing him already. Vince always says he will give the fans what they want well we want Cena as heel before we riot.

Triple H- I was fine with him becoming a face again because he can do both very well. But it has been to long since we have seen the Triple H that is all about him and being number 1 and not caring what he has to do to get there.

Christian I agree if he is ever going make it to the main event on Raw or Smackdown he needs to become heel. His character was a lot better when he was one.

I wouldn't mind seeing MVP go back to a heel. He is was a pretty good one even though he couldn't draw any heat from the crowd when he was. But I think he has been in the company long enough to become a major heel in the mid card division.

Face Turns

Ted Dibiase- Way overdue as yo mentioned he has been butting heads with Orton long enough its time he makes the transition. Hopefully at the Rumble he will Maybe throw Orton over the top rope.

Edge- Is a better heel then face. But has to comeback as a face if he is going to face Jericho. There is no way Jericho is becoming a face in the next three months so Edge will be a deff.
Heel Turns

Shawn Michaels -- I personally believe that he is far more interesting when he is a heel. He does the heelish things so incredibly well. His act has grown stale as a face and I can't see how he can possibly make it fresh while staying face.

Triple H -- I don't want this to be at the same time as the Michaels heel turn but perhaps towards Survivor Series a heel turn could/should be in the cards. I believe H has one more big run in him before he has to start slowing down entirely. I'd like for that to be as a heel as there isn't a heel better in the WWE than H at his best.

Undertaker -- Again, he probably has one run left in him. He's been a face for the past few years and really needs to freshen up for his last run.

If you think there's a rhythm to my heel turns, then you're absolutely right. All three are huge names in the business and all three are nearing the ends of their careers (Shawn and Taker probably have the same amount of time left as each other with H having a few years more. However, if they all turned heel one following the other, it would open up opportunities for guys such as Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiase (following his face turn), John Morrison, etc, etc. the young guys who will be counted on to be the main eventers come the time when all of the three are over. I would let the three have their final run but at the same time being used to put over these youngsters.

As far as face turns come;

Edge -- I want to see him team up with Christian again. Give us that E&C Vs JeriShow (and Edge Vs Jericho singles) feud a lot of us have been wanting for some time. Following that I'd like to see them spend the period of time through to the Royal Rumble promoting the tag-team division. There's a ton of young talent in the division (Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, etc, etc.) where fresh E&C feuds could potentially make the division hot again. This would give them time to either work a E Vs C wrestlemania 27 feud (this is where Christian's heel turn would come into place) or it would allow Jericho and Edge to work their program.

Honestly, right now if Christian turned heel right now I wouldn't buy it. I don't think right now people would buy Christian turning heel on Edge, either. I think they need to have Edge come back strong as a face before someone could turn heel on him. I think right now if they brought Edge back and tried to make someone turn heel on him then it would likely work in the opposite and they'd screw Edge's face run. You need to build Edge as a face because the natural reaction with Edge is to hate him.

The Miz -- The crowd are getting too behind him for him not to become a face at some point in this run. He's fresh. I wouldn't change too much about the guy when he does become face as the cocky and brash style reminds me a lot of Jericho's first face run with the WWE and that proved that style could be massively over.
I think the person who has the most to gain from a heel turn next year is surprising someone who was mentioned twice already, and that is Christian. He has been a great ECW champion all year long, but there is a glass ceiling if he were to ever leave, one that has kepy Morrison, Swagger, Henry, and Kane down for so long. The thing he needs to do is turn heel AS champion, not after losing it, not after switching brands. And he needs to do it in a main event pairing with another wrestler in the main event.
Just quickly the thing said about Rey being too small for a heel role because he wouldnt be taken seriously. Maybe thats his motive for turning because he wasnt taken seriously. Its a possibility.

Anyway these are my picks for face.

I'll name the obvious ones first Edge and Ted DiBiase and we all know its gonna happen.

Chris Jericho - Yes he is great as a heel but I would love to see him turn face again. I've noticed signs that even he wants to be a face. Sometimes he puts Y2J back on his TitanTron, I saw him do that taunt when he does that little dance. And whenever hes outside of WWE he is always smiling and being a good guy, so why not. Obviously not now because he still has to fued with Edge.

Cody Rhodes - I guess if your turning Ted face you might as well turn Cody too. I think Randy might ask Cody who he will side with Randy or Ted. Cody will choose Ted and they are both faces.

Heel turns I would say:

MVP- Because he was much more interesting as a heel and he played the heel character much better.

Mark Henry - He's boring both ways but as a heel he was ECW Champion and almost World Heavyweight Champion.

Triple H - He was so cool as a heel. Thats it. He was just THAT DAMN GOOD.

Undertaker- I might even like the Undertaker if he was a heel. Its probably toolate in his career but come on, a zombie? This guy was meant to be a heel the whole time. Plus the Undertaker's very aggressive so that will help.

John Cena - Id like to see it but its not happening. I discussed in another thread a few hours ago so I'm going to repeat myself.
I like the idea of turning Cody face as well. Though there is a better way to do it than by having him say that he's behind Ted.

When they turn Ted face they show Orton backstage with Cody and he's the paranoid Orton that we all love by asking Cody if he has his back at whatever he does. Cody, not knowing what Randy means but following him anyway says that he does.

Orton turns on DiBiase at the end of one of Ted's matches. For several minutes we see Orton laying into DiBiase but Ted keeps fighting back. Eventually Randy hits the RKO on DiBiase. We get Orton giving the viper look as he weighs and measures DiBiase for the punt.

Rhodes comes out and he appears as though he is going to help Orton finish the job on DiBiase. Only rather than that happening Rhodes stops Orton midpunt and assaults him. Rhodes and Orton brawl until DiBiase gets up and hits his finishing move on Orton.

Rhodes and DiBiase leave the ring as faces.

Or they go through with the DiBiase Vs Orton feud first with Rhodes siding with Orton all the way through to the match without ever having to do anything to DiBiase. Then the above happens in the finish of the match. This way they don't have both at the same time.
i like what i hear but there are obvious that need to turn and some just to come back to the old ways...


Miz- he has the crowd going his cocky... n people love that... in order for this to work he will have to fight a top heel maybe time to fight with orton...or a big push for him in smackdown n feud with batista

Edge- its time for him to get back once he had back...gold but as a face y their are many heels right now and time to get a different show...


Taker- like the time he had the ministry... but now with new associates that will get them over the top...this will help young superstars...

Shawn- his the biggest superstar that is able to handle both roles...y not switch him...n break dx apart...

mark henry- and having finally win some gold....
Here's my picks..........

Face Turn

Dolph Ziggler- What happended with this guy? He had a slight push this year and now he seems to have disappeared. I think a face turn can help breathe air into his character if done correctly.

Ted Dibiase- Way overdue, then again they are probably building for a Orton vs Dibiase match at WM26. As a new face he should be in the M ain Event picture by next year's end.

Edge- Granted he's better as a heel but when he returns how can't you turn him face? Plus with the feud with Jericho which should hopefully happen at WM 26, it makes sense.

Zack Ryder- I don't know why but I'm high on this guy. His has a nice little gimmick and catch phrase. I think he should be moved to Raw or Smackdown and content for the IC or US title.

Hart Dynasty- With Bret returing it makes sense. We had a slight glimpse of a possible turn on Smackdown when they attacked Jericho.

Cody Rhodes- Hey, if Ted Dibiase can turn face why not Cody? I'm sure he'd do pretty good as a face.

The Miz- He already draws crowd reactions, his ring work has improved and his mic skills are great. Hopefully by summertime he will turn, I'm sure fans will embrace him.

Beth Phoneix- I think this is already begining to happen.

Heel Turns......

MVP- As a face his career hasn't gone anywhere. It's time for him to return to being a heel which is what he's better at anyway.

John Cena- Pleaseeeeee turn him heel! I know a lot of fans would love to see this happen. His character has become old and one dimentional. I know he's Vince's cash cow but it's time for a change, heck it Hogan turned why can't Cena?

Mark Henry- For the same reason as MVP.

Finlay- Since turning face he hasn't done anything they need to re-turn him heel as I think he works best as a heel.

Santino- Although the comedy act is funny at times, he need to tuen heel to revive his career thus I see him turning heel mid next year.

Gail Kim- Ever since she came back she hasn't been used properly perphaps a heel turn is what she needs.
John Cena is on the top of the list for a heel turn, but he needs a stable or a partner like Orton. Those two would be evil and make some great heat.

Edge is already set up for a face turn when he comes looking for Jericho.

The Big Show and Mark Henry are too rough no matter what they do. Those two will just do whatever they want.

Batista is already a Heel, so the world would be lost if HHH and Cena went heel.

MVP is too rough, because he can't get the crowd going as either, he was well needs a stable.

Legacy would be great to have Cody vs. Ted. Cody the heel and Ted as a face. Great feud right there.

Christain needs a huge heel turn on one of the shows. He would have a great battle with Cena for the belt.

Sheamus is a drinking Irish man. You have to love a drunk fighter, it worked for Stone Cold.

Undertaker is too much of an Icon to be a heel. He has to go out loved by the fans.

Mysterio is too much for a heel. It's great to seeing the little engine that could. I don't want to see him man handle Kane or a Big Show. I hated his heel turn in WCW, he would dominate these guys who were 100 to 200 pounds heavier. Made bad television.


Don't care, Hulk Hogan will run it into the ground. But hey, at least he is going to do something with the company.

Desmond Wolfe. It would be great seeing him put x-pac on a stretcher. The bad ass silent type, I like it.

AJ styles- Great heel turn, because I can stand this guy as a face. Very boring face.

Then, well jeez, not much with them to do their most of those guys have talent but it wouldn't matter what they would do.

Back to the WWE.

Steph as a heel, and Shane as a Face. Those two could make some great battles over the company.

Vicky Guerro a face? Yes why not, Helping Edge get back on top... Sounds weird but neat.

Divas and women's league? Don't care, Their fun T and A to watch, and that's it.

Chavo needs a face turn, and needs to get in the US title mix.

Hornswoggle- Heel? Yes, then we can all cheer when he gets slammed into the mat.

Now, last but not least, a face change that would blow the world. No not Cena. Randy Orton. If done right, it would be huge.
For some reason i just cant see Edge as a face. Yes when/if he comes back he will feud with Jericho and Edge will be the Face in that feud but Edge just doesn't come off as a face to me.

With Christian I believe he would benefit from a heel turn but I don't think he can draw heel heat anymore simply due to the fact that he's been the ECW champion for so long.

Ted Dibiase. When Legacy breaks up i'd rather see Ted as the face rather than Randy Or Cody. In My Opinion Randy cant be a face anymore simply because of the whole Pshycotic gimmick. With Cody he just has this look about him which just screams heel.
Ok, some people may give me crap about this but in all honesty he can not be a top face on either Raw or Smackdown, I just cant see him surpassing the likes of DX, Cena, Taker or anyone like that to take that role. So my choice for him to be heel is to help his career actually go forward. My idea for him would be to have him turn when Edge comes back. Him and edge can have the feud we have all been waiting for and YES WWE IT IS TIME!!!

Actually, if you remember, Christian was a top heel facing Cena and Y2J for the WWE title on RAW before he left for TNA, and that failed. So I don't know if he can cut it as a top heel. Atleast give the man a chance at top face glory. He proved he is worthy. He was an excellent top heel in TNA. And I don't think it would be too much of a problem if built up right.
Punk(obviously not doing good as a heel)
Jericho(Yes. He may be better heel, he is comedy. No Santino. Plus more $$ for Vince!)
John Cena
Kofi Kingston(would be a wierd mix)
Evan Bourne-I think go to ECW and then win ECW Championship with Christian gone. It would be wierd and hard, he would still be cheered but, with Undertaker champion, and John Cena champion, no heels.

This IS A QUOTE NOT BY ME IM DUMB AND DONT KNOW HOW TO POST QUOTE-Undertaker -- Again, he probably has one run left in him. He's been a face for the past few years and really needs to freshen up for his last run.

If you think there's a rhythm to my heel turns, then you're absolutely right. All three are huge names in the business and all three are nearing the ends of their careers (Shawn and Taker probably have the same amount of time left as each other with H having a few years more. However, if they all turned heel one following the other, it would open up opportunities for guys such as Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiase (following his face turn), John Morrison, etc, etc. the young guys who will be counted on to be the main eventers come the time when all of the three are over. I would let the three have their final run but at the same time being used to put over these youngsters.

This IS not right. Undertaker has his own category he is not Heel or Face.
Actually, if you remember, Christian was a top heel facing Cena and Y2J for the WWE title on RAW before he left for TNA, and that failed. So I don't know if he can cut it as a top heel. Atleast give the man a chance at top face glory. He proved he is worthy. He was an excellent top heel in TNA. And I don't think it would be too much of a problem if built up right.

Ok i do remember this quite vividly actually and i think the only reason that Christian got this little bump up was because it was during the draft lottery that lasted like 2 months and WWE didnt want to move anything around so they through christian in there with Jericho ti give Cena a "challenge", there was no way christian was going to win that match and everyone knew that. What i am saying is that Christian needs a legit run, not someone who gets thrown in somewhere. Seriously i think with him being ECW champ for a long time would help with that because then he can come in and say how he was such a good champ and then cena can bash him or something for being ECW champ somehow it isnt like a real title and then Christian can snap. AND HE DOESNT NEED A FRICKEN PROBLEM SOLVER
A turn I would like to see is Jerry 'The King' Lawler again turning heel. This I think would add an extra dynamic to the overall presentation of the show. The back and forth that could go on between The King and Michael Cole I think would add to the wrestling that is on show every monday night. This turn would improve the show overall and would be extremely entertaining for all who watch.

Just on a personal note I really don't think they should turn Edge. He has been building his character into the best heel in the business today (that is purely my opinion) and he needs to keep that going. He could come back with a vengeance and go after the Undertakers World Heavyweight Championship. Culminating in a Wrestlemania rematch.
I kinda wanna see Morrison turn heel and maybe have a feud with Mysterio, that would be pretty interesting. I also kinda wanna see Christian maybe turn heel after a short reunion with Edge with Edge remaining face. I also hope that HHH or HBK turn heel as I am really getting sick of DX cause they seem to hog up the whole show. Of course I want Dibiase and/or Rhodes to turn face at some point. I WANT to see Cena turn heel, but there is no way in hell Vince is turning his posterchild into a bad guy. Mark Henry should also turn heel, because I'm tired of seeing him walking around grinning like a fucking Chestire cat. Hopefully some of these will happen soon because I think it would really open up some exciting feuds.
Now, last but not least, a face change that would blow the world. No not Cena. Randy Orton. If done right, it would be huge.

There's only one thing i wanna throw out here, in this topic, and CuddleBuns hit this perfectly... IF, for some reason, that the WWE turned Randy Orton into a face, it would shake not just the company, but the entire wrestling world. That would be the "Shot Heard 'Round the World". :lol:
Face Turns:

Edge: I think when Edge returns he should turn face. He teased it when he got injured and I think turning edge face would bring back his comedic side. He could start a great fued with Jericho and reunite with Christian, both as faces and potienally start a fued with Jerishow

Ted Dibiase: I think this one is certian. Whether the face turn is successful remains to be seen. They teased the face turn a couple of months ago but their has been nothing since. Legacy has been pushed aside by the WWE and I don't know why, they are now established and well known heels for heavens sake. I believe this face turn will occur at the rumble, setting up and fued with ortan and a potential match at wrestlemmania

Koslov: This one is simple, turn koslov face or he will become a released superstar

Heel Turns:

Triple H: Triple H is a great heel and could set up some fueds with the undertaker, HBK, john morrison and mysterio. Triple H could even be the one to retire HBK if this is the showstoppers last wrestlemania.

MVP: MVP is a much better heel than a face and could actually become big on Smackdown or ECW. He has the in ring skill, he just needs to work on his promos and turning him heel and spliting him up from Mark Henry would improve his promos
Im actually thinking someone like Christian being a tweener. I see him losing the ECW belt, getting drafted to Raw or Smackdown and having a mini fued with the Champion on that brand who is face, this makes him out to be heelish, the champ then loses to a heel and Christian has a fued with this guy making him like a face
I think Christian even as a heel is over with the fans. When he's at his heelish best it's when he's cocky and funny. The E&C Christian was hilarious. I love that heel and it's different than most (all?) heels in the WWE today.

I think that heel would probably be considered a tweener in that he could feud with absolutely anybody, but you'd have fans (as you did with E&C) that simply want to cheer for him regardless of who it is he's up against.

My belief is that the people who want to see a Christian turn and those who want to see him be a tweener are in the end looking for the same thing to come of him. Am I right?
I wanna c Cena turn heel and feud with R-Truth...these 2 should have a rap battle for sure. Both of them r pretty cool on the mic so this could b good. I wanna c Miz turn face..u wanna hate em but he is just 2 awsome has lots of potential. Mvp should definitely turn back heel and get back to being better than u..
I wanna c Cena turn heel and feud with R-Truth...these 2 should have a rap battle for sure. Both of them r pretty cool on the mic so this could b good. I wanna c Miz turn face..u wanna hate em but he is just 2 awsome has lots of potential. Mvp should definitely turn back heel and get back to being better than u..

I completely agree with you on MVP as he simply plays the Heel better then he plays the Face. I also agree with The Miz, as I think he has the potential to play a Big Time babyface. But he plays the Heel so well at this point, that I think he needs to stay in the role for a while longer.

I like the idea of Cena and R Truth doing a Rap battle, but feel that the roles should be reversed and that R Truth should be the Heel and Cena should be the Face. Cena played a very successful Face Rapper before, and I think he would be immensely popular in the role once again. He and R Truth would get quite a program going together on opposite ends of the spectrum and I think would only be a good thing for both of their careers.
I completely agree with you on MVP as he simply plays the Heel better then he plays the Face. I also agree with The Miz, as I think he has the potential to play a Big Time babyface. But he plays the Heel so well at this point, that I think he needs to stay in the role for a while longer.

I like the idea of Cena and R Truth doing a Rap battle, but feel that the roles should be reversed and that R Truth should be the Heel and Cena should be the Face. Cena played a very successful Face Rapper before, and I think he would be immensely popular in the role once again. He and R Truth would get quite a program going together on opposite ends of the spectrum and I think would only be a good thing for both of their careers.

Having R-Truth and John Cena have a rap battle would really give a big push for R-Truth, having him battle the biggest face in the WWE today. So I agree with lord sidious when he says that Cena needs to be a face. R-Truth being a heel would be good for the rap as he could make fun of John Cena being white
Could be a lot of interesting turns this year, especially if WWE is serious about pushing younger talent. Nothing can spark interest in a guy like a well timed turn, so let's take a look at some gentlemen who ought to be seen on the other side of the fence this coming year...


Let's go obvious. MVP. His time as a face worked for all of one week on RAW. Since he got in Orton's face upon being drafted, he's become a nobody. He dropped the US title to Kofi, and has since been an afterthought. He is moderately entertaining as a face, but the man just works as a heel. I think he needs a turn, then the midcard title of whichever show he happens to be on at the time (preferably RAW since he's done his time as a midcard heel on SmackDown). Turn him heel once again, and good things will happen for the Ballin' Superstar.

A favorite here seems to be John Cena. Supercena is old, and older fans are really starting to crap on him. When Cena/Orton matches have dueling "Let's go Cena!" and "Let's go Orton" chants as their backdrop, it makes one wonder how long the 'E' will push face Cena down our throats. Sadly, I think we're stuck with face Cena for a while, but I can have hope that by the end of 2010 Vince will grow a pair and turn John. A heel Cena spouting HLR while displaying none of those traits would be a welcome change from the "5 Moves of Doom" and "The Champ is Here!"

Mark Henry. I see him getting demoted back to ECW this year to help with the new guys. I don't see much face reaction for Mark. Don't get me wrong, I like Mark and respect his staying power in the business, but he's a heel. If your size is your selling point, you are a heel. Period. Andre. Yokozuna. The Giant/Big Show. When you're a big guy, the heel character is more natural. Go with it.

John Morrison. I think that Batista is going to be WHC soon, but I just have a gut feeling that a face will take that belt from him in early summer. Many want to see JoMo as a world champion this year, and it isn't out of the realm of possibility. I don't see him coming to RAW in the Draft this year, so in order for him to work a program with a face champion, he would need to be a heel. Perhaps not a full fledged heel, but more of a CM Punk tweener (ala this past summer for Punk), so he could possibly resume face status either when winning the belt or shortly thereafter.


You know who would be interesting as a face, just to see if he could pull it off? Orton. Isn't gonna happen, and I wouldn't even pull for it, but it would be rather interesting, don't ya think? Anywho, let's start with a guy I cheer for now, The Miz. I'm not saying that he's ran his heel character into the ground, but his character is a typical cocky heel. There aren't many ways to expand that character. I think some of Miz's best work may be as a heel down the road several years, but he'll need a new heel persona for it, something less generic and more focused on Miz. To get there, he needs to spend some time as a face. This is a guy who reminds me of a young, Nation of Domination Rock. His in-ring work is constantly improving, going from someone who I couldn't stand to see in a singles match at the 2009 Draft to someone who I thoroughly enjoy watching perform in the ring. I think as he moves up the card and works with guys who know how to put on a show in the ring, his in-ring work will only get better. He's got great skill on the microphone, and actually gets time to improve on it weekly. He has a catchphrase that fans love (even if you can't really tell if they're shouting Awesome or Awful). I think sometime in 2010 we see a heel Miz turn on heel Maryse and become an upper midcard face. Probably no title reign this year, but it could be a good year to setup a 2011 MiTB win...

Chavo Guerrero. I'm sorry, but the man is being criminally misused on RAW. He is an excellent in-ring performer, and not too shabby on the mic either. He could never be a face on RAW (at least with any meaning), so back to ECW with him! Let him go work with the young guys and do what he does best for this business. Training time with Chavo would greatly benefit the entire ECW roster (save guys like Regal and Goldust who are already there to train up and comers). Basically, Chavo and Mark Henry need to be this year's Regal and Goldust. Time to quit wasting time on RAW and go do something positive in ECW. (Note: this is not a knock on Henry/Chavo, but one on how Vince is currently using them.)

Chris Jericho. Later in the year, like October or November. I think he's got some quality feuds upcoming with the likes of Edge and Christian, and he needs to be a heel for those encounters. However, Chris is the best in the world a what he does. Is it so wrong for us to want him as a face again so we can cheer for him? Chris outside of the ring appears to be a very pleasant gentleman and one whom I hardly ever see anything negative being printed about. Let him turn so he can rightfully back in the adulation of the adoring public. I mean, come on. They pushed Benedict Hardy...er, I'm sorry, Jeff, as a face. The man is a known drug abuser with no business loyalty to speak of. I'm not necessarily against Jeff Hardy, but if you'll push him, you could do a lot worse than pushing Chris Jericho as a face.

Now, there are some names not on here because it's just too damn obvious. Ted DiBiase, for instance. We know he's gonna be a face in the next couple months, so I don't think a case needs to be made for a turn we know is coming.

Similarly, there are some names I've read that I just don't care one way or the other. HBK, HHH, Undertaker. No matter what role they're in, they will sell tickets and put plenty of asses in seats in arenas around the country and world. I think all three will do what is best for WWE, whether it be as a face or a heel. Depending on what direction WWE takes its younger guys, the older gentlemen will do what is needed. I don't think they need to be either face or heel specifically; they just need to be there to help the younger guys move up.
No offense people, but HHH being heel would be terrible right now. You have to take things into consideration that haven't been mentioned. Who are the other ME heels? Sheamus, Show, Orton. What does WWE like to do? Tag and 6 man tags, and heels working with other heels. Do you really think that HHH could work with Orton, or even show after their histories recently? You would have to do the rare double turns or something, because it would make no sense whats so ever. Vince is a heel, and even he wouldn't work with Orton, but he doesn't wrestle. Could HHH be a heel but not work with Orton? I suppose, but then he'd be a tweener, unless Orton goes face. But then that wouldn't make sense if Dibiase gets turned face, it takes away the point.

If HHH goes heel, Orton has to turn face, or vice versa. Same with Orton and Dibiase.

Rey Mysterio could work as a heel if he had the whole gang thing like he did in WCW. By himself, his size would really hinder him.
Face Turns....

Chavo - Turn him face, Send him to SmackDown! and team him with Rey. They could be an awesome tag team, and help save the divisions.

Miz - As stated before, he would make an "AWESOME" face. Full of talent.

Ted Jr. - He needs this. Hes being held back by Legacy. Have him lead a small group like his dad did. The "Fortune 5" maybe. lol.

Cody Rhodes - Have him and Ted seperate... BUT, have him remain in the tag team division. Have Gold Dust turn to Dustin Rhodes and have them tag. Quick Chemistry.

Heel Turns

John Cena - Enter Attitude Era 2 anyone? Enough Said.(We need this)

HHH - As much of a DX fan i am, I'm tired of it.... He can keep Hornswoggle though, or they can fire him.

Evan Bourne - Maybe this is what he needs... Give him a darker side. Maybe he can pull it off. I like him as a face, but maybe this is what he needs.

Kane - He needs to go back to the Big Red Machine... No More Tweener.

Hurricane - Hes been a face for a long time. Maybe he should be the villian for a while instead of the hero.

Just a thought.
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