Best Heel or Face turns of all time.

The best turn of all time is easily Hulk Hogans turn back in 96. There was absolutely nothing left for him to do as a face, because he had done it all. Then he turned heel and had a whole new plethora of options in front of him.

As for my favorite turn. It would have to be HHH turning on HBK back in 2002 when they came out on raw as DX, and Triple H said 'LLLLETTTSS GET READDYY TOOO SUUUUCKKK IIIITTTTT" *BAM* Pedigree. I was there, and the reaction in the crowd was priceless. In my opinion it was the last great unexpected turn in recent memory. This also lead to Evolution and one of the greatest rivalries of all time with HHH/HBK.
The best turn has to be Austin's turn at the end of WM17, it was executed great, absolutely no one expected it, and the picture of Austin and Mcmahon having a beer is probably one of the greatest moments in modern wrestling.

It's a shame that his actual heel run wasn't that great, though.
The hogan heel turn was awesome, just from a historic perspective. I love when wrestlers make fans so angry they litter the ring with garbage. But a classic, well-done heel turn took place a month later. I'm speaking of Paul Bearer turning on the Undertaker during his match with Mankind. Foley was an annoying heel with a stupid, shouldve been illegal finishing move and angered most of the Taker marks at that time. The match seemed kind of weird (the winner had to take the urn from Bearer), but Bearer's turn was out of nowhere! and it set up a feud which would go on for the better part of two years
Easy, these are all heel turns. Face turns to me are never shocking.
1- Hogan, bash at the beach. best all time. in one word: historic.
2-Bret Hart, WM 13. Can't recall such a HUGE match on the grandest stage where a HUGE star went from face to heel.
3-HBK, barbershop. this was so shocking to me as a young kid watching superstars or challenge. can't recall which is was. Rockers were my fav team. Shawn's turn was so violent for its time. I wasnt the only one shocked im sure. HBK became an immediate player & never looked back.
Ric Flair's face turn in 89. Best. Face. Turn. Ever. The guy was the biggest heel in the fed for years(although he had his fans. Woo!) and just got off the greatest series of matches ever(with Ricky Steamboat). After regaining the title in what most people call the greatest match ever Terry Funk, who was serving as a guest judge if the match went to a draw, comes out and asks for a title match. Flair tells him that he has been out of wrestling too long and to get in line and then the Funker attacks him and pile drives him on the judges table. This was back before ECW, CZW and all that stuff so it was a huge to pile drive someone on a table. The kayfabe story was that Flair had his neck broken and he was out for months but came back at the GAB 89 to a HUGE face pop. The Flair/Funk feud was fantastic with crazy heat and awesome matches. Just super well done.
Theres been some great turns in the history of wrestling...SOme have made careers and some have left us still wondering what the ell.

but in my mind two turns stand out as the greatest. Simply because they not only impacted wrestling, but because they actually impacted society in some ways.

The 1st being Andre the Giants heel turn on Hogan. A complete left fielder. Here is Hogans friend and his mentor. When Jessy had them on the Body Shop and Andre told Hogan he was there for one reason the heavyweight belt. The look on Hogan's face was priceless.

His best friend just stabbed him the heart let alone the back. And I can tell you that as a kid in the arena watching it i was crying my eyes out. The greatest wrestler in the world had just become the most hated. CLASSIC

2nd is the turn of Hogan in 96. Now this was truly classic and truly done right. With the Outsiders terrorizing WCW for so long it came down to the third man. And it was done beautiful at the Bash. Sting and the boys get beat up bad. It looks like theres no hope. And here comes the great Hogan. Only to turn on the wrestling world. The leg drop was the shot heard round the world. You would've sworn Kennedy was getting assassinated all over again.

This turn worked for several key reason, but one statement made it really work..the statement that Bobby Heenan made right when Hogan came out, "who's side is he on." thats single statement set up Hogan's turn. Because people had forgot that Hogan began his career as a heel.

These two turns changed wrestling. :worship:
For me one of the best was the Windham turn on Luger in 1988 to become a Horseman ! What a great move !

The seed's had been planted a few months earlier as both Flair and J.J. mentioned that they thought Barry was Horseman material. This was after Luger left/ was thrown out of the group. During a tag match for the world titles, and Luger wasn't in the corner for Barry's tag and J.J. told him " I told you he wouldn't be there for you !" Barry turned on Luger and Arn and Tully became World Tag Team champs and Barry became the 4th Horseman ! Just great stuff !

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