Greatest FACE Turn of all time

Either when DX reunited and HHH became a face in 06 - it was a really good turn, HHH was a heel and getting pushed around by VInce and teamed with Shawn. Great turn.

Or The 3 month long batista turn in 05 - This was a long but interesting face turn, Batista and HHH were in Evolution and Batista was slowly becoming a face with the crowd while HHH was still a heel, then Batista won the 05 rumble and beat HHH at WrestleMania. Great turn
In recent memory Batista's turn on Evolution was great. Austin at WM 13 is alway memorable but to me the most impressive face turn was The Macho Man (or King as he was at that time) Randy Savage at WM 7 when he lost to the Ultimate Warrior and Sherri attacked him. Then Elizabeth saves Savage and he re-uintes with her. Not a dry eye in the house. Great moment.
One great face turn that still sticks in my head some thirty odd years after it happened was when Jimmy Snuka turned face after being pearl harbored by Lou Albano and Ray Stevens. I remember that the beating he took looked so REAL!!! That turn made Snuka one of the single most popular performers in the wwf at that time.(even more over than the then champ Bob Backlund). I would venture to say that this particular turn made Snuka's career. I know I started watching wrestling ALOT more after that.
There has been some really good turns that people are bringing up, I had forgoten many of the ones mentioned. For me the first one to pop into my brain was the Austin/Hart switch. It launched one of the biggest stars into orbit as the ass kicking ultimate mud hole stomping, beer drinking badass and set one of the iconic faces at odds with America while being a hero with the rest of the world in the quest for the ultimate tweener role. Both paths spun off major story lines and sent ripples threwout the wrestling world as Steve Austin accended to ledgend status.
This may not be the best, but it's one that sprung to mind when I started thinking about face turns. Virgil finally standing up to The Million Dollar Man. Virgil never went on to anything of importance after this, but it's certainly a classic face turn.
Stone Cold-Because WWE was getting their asses kicked by WCW in the ratings before his turn against Bret. The Stone Cold character became a Juggernaut and it got to a point that he could do no wrong! Hell, he used to hit the stunner on other fan favorites and still get cheered for it! I went back and parts of Wrestling with Shadows the other night and Bret was talking about how Austin was being cheered even-though he was doing stuff that should have gotten him booed. The villain became the hero without even trying. As a heel, he was upper mid-card level at best, when he became a face, he became the biggest star in the business! He was brash, in your face, & unapologetic!

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