**MERGED** John Cena Heel Turn Speculation

There is a zero chance that Cena is the leader of the Nexus as many stated he is a champion for the kiddies and what happens if all of a sudden the kiddies hero is a bad guy, it doesn't fly. Why would Cena have Nexus cause him to lose the title, this doesn't add up either. The real leader of Nexus is Sheamus, that is right Sheamus and it will be about a youth movement in WWE.
People are stupid. While showing Cena as the leader isnt totally unthinkable due to past WWE storylines such as Vince being the leader of Ministry of Darkness it wont happen. This is exactly like the Kane and the mask thing a few yrs ago. Everyone "knew" hed remask than they reveal it was Reys mask. Cena as much as I would like to see it wont be turning anytime soon.
I'd put money on the fact that the wwe has dropped these hints about Cena for one reason, so that no one questions what Bret Hart is doing in this match. Bret can't wrestle anymore, but he could play the mentor role real well.
If WWE is looking for shock value, Sheamus would be their last choice to do this. Would it work? I think so. If they were serious about pushing Sheamus hard in the future it would do wonders for him. However, how do you bring HHH back if its Sheamus? Have him fued with Nexus? Which would completely throw Cena and Orton out of the picture and leave them doing what? Nothing.

There is a bunch of speculation which makes me happy because it means it is truly a good storyline. You could make a case for a handful of guys to be the leader. For once, we all just really don't know.
The problem with turning Cena heel is that it could be counter productive. The kiddies and girls love him now and most of the older wrestling fans can't stand him. But the second he turns heel, the people like me that want him heel will cheer for him and then the kiddies and ladies boo him. Which is why I don't think he will turn. He gets a good reaction as is. Do I want him to turn? Definitely. Would it be good for WWE? I think it would. Does my opinion matter? No. Which is why it will be Bret Hart that turns and turns out he was the GM all along and the leader of Nexus. Very possible.
I think there are a lot of ways to go with this that haven't even been talked about;

1. Joining so he can orchestrate a demise from within..

2. He realizes he can't win(like if it's down to Bret Hart and John Cena with all 7 of the Nexus left, he could join them), and leads them alongside Wade.

Just because he's been attacked and such doesn't mean it excludes him. I mean, part of his plan could have been just the logic in making the RAW locker room scared of the Nexus, and even slightly scared of Cena.

Why would Cena ask them to cost him the title?
Maybe to shed light that Cena isn't the only person to have a target on his back. I mean if he's World Champ and Nexus leader than he has a target the size of Texas on his back, and sharing that target with the separate decreases the roster that would go after him and NNNNNNN.

What about the attacks?
Again, just to let the RAW locker room let their guards down, knowing the face of WWE is leading the way in cleansing the Nexus from the WWE. I mean, he's already taken shots at Cenation (few)fans/haters in one of his promos a few weeks ago picking at a few topics discussed specifically by the IWC. So, seeing as he's already taken obvious shots at IWC, I think both Vince and Cena would love to finally have the chance to deter the hypocritical banter.

So, to end this I'd like to close with the possible (sub)Main Event of WM 27. Heel Cena vs. Face Triple H, assuming that NNNNNNN is busy on the under/mid-card.
I agree with others who have said that Bret Hart is going to be the big "heel turn". He is going to be the secret GM. Bret has all the motive to destroy WWE from within. I also feel that it'll be revealed that Bret Hart wasn't even in the car that Nexus crashed. He could well turn out to be the mastermind behind this. As much as I'd love to see a Cena heel turn, Bret is far more likely.
If they do then the Nexus angle's days are numbered. The angle has thrived already and has done so with Barrett as the leader. Bryan will be back relatively soon and things will pick up all over again. These guys are working so well because they're not some big superstar. They're not some big masterminded scheme that has something hidden. They're 7 guys that are pissed off at WWE and are trying to invade it and make themselves get noticed. They don't need some big elaborate reveal to get over. Monday night the fans were all over them and they went out and beat John Cena clean. Why do they need HHH to help them? The ratings are up, the fans are into them, and they're not completely dominant like the NWO. Other than Barrett none of them are anything special. However, united they're hard to stop, which is the most important thing: since they haven't been booked as unhurtable, it makes them far more interesting. If you put a superstar with them, they're another heel group. Now they're interesting and the fans are reacting. Why fix what isn't broken?

Perfection. The fans hate them as it is, why make them hate their superman too? Why fix what isnt broken? This is exactly right. The Nexus is the WWE's creative way of putting Wade Barrett over as a Main Event Heel. It's working to perfection. They can dump some of the useless Nexus members when they're done with the angle, and you got at least a mid-card heel in Sheffield (big guy, Vince's favorite kind), and a Main-Eventer. They do NOT need a leader at all to do this. So scrap Cena or HHH as a leader...please?
I love how everyone here always agrees with the Mods on this place like they are judge and jury. Putting an established star with with Nexus will prolong the storyline. Pushing Wade Barrett is one thing but once WWE's man power gets stronger the other Nexus members arent strong enough to withstand the fight. Adding a strong established heel will add more creditability to the length of the storyline. So I disagree disrespectfully to whom feels otherwise.
im not convinced Cena makes a good heel. i wouldnt buy it
to me he much better as the leader of Raw to fight them because eventually Cena will get some victories against Nexus. And im assuming near future Nexus will get their fair share of beatdowns.

I agree keep them at 7 and eventually work in a head guy controlling them like Hart or whomever would be better then a wrestler making 8

cause i do believe we will see some Smackdown cast join the battle Kingston and Punk could in the near future make an impact which def be an upgrade

with a team of Cena Punk KOfi Jericho Morrison Truth Bourne is a whole lot better then what it is now
Cena won't turn heel. It'll be Jericho or Edge b/c Cena needs to be the guy to come out ever week and say "I'm still here!" He's too gooody goody and they have too much sponsorship in him to take the chance..
While I don't expect John Cena to turn heel anytime soon, whether it be associated with Nexus, or via an unrelated heel turn, I don't get the notion that he won't because it will hurt merchandise sales, it will hurt Linda McMahon's Senate race, it won't jive with the PG era, etc.,

Historically there's been lots of WWF/WWE superstars who have been extremely popular, and almost all of them, if not every single one of them, has undergone a heel turn at some point in their careers, and usually a swerve one. Hulk Hogan turned heel, albeit with WCW rather than WWE. Stone Cold turned heel. The Rock, the Undertaker, HBK, Jericho, Bret Hart, the list goes on and on. I imagine these guys have moved a lot of merchandise in their careers, yet their heel turns did not cripple the financial empire known as the WWE and bring it to its knees because they didn't sell as many T-shirts.

So why is it that a John Cena heel turn is so impossible in most people's eyes? While I don't see it happening at Summerslam this year or in the immediate future, in all likelihood it will happen at some point, it always does. Even if it just for a very short while before he turns back, it will happen some day. Count on it.
john cena has to turn heel before hes 35. what he 32 right now? soon after his career will almost be made of putting young talent over after 35. and if they want him to be a heel they obviously still want him in the title picture. like on another thread i read there was hey now that randy orton and john cena are both heels one has to turn because they work very well together. so why not it be john cena maybe after this whole nexus thing blows over and randy orton wins the title at summerslam and is still champ by the time nexus ends that they wont want to right away involve cena in the title picture? randy could secretly get attacted and no one will think of cena as the guy who did it. he gets attacked week after week leading up to the ppv as the guy will reveal himself if he gets a title shot. maybe while cena is doing this. he got suspended in the story line for unleashing hell on wade barret at the end of the nexus thing and now hes attacking orton in the same fashion?
If this plans out, some of you guys think he will take off the Cenation Armband and revealed that he has the Nexus armband the whole time.

As for the T-shirts issue, I hope many WWE fans can buy many Nexus T-shirts as they want for what its worth at live events. And I doubt people may think Randy Orton is the new face of the WWE Universe at anytime soon. Face the music, there is a 99.9% chance that John Cena going heel and a Jericho, Edge, Punk, and Swagger may have their face turns not anytime soon.
Would it really hurt WWE's merchandise sales if they were to take the gamble and turn Cena heel? So he might not be popular with the 10 year olds anymore, but there may be other financial benefits from such a drastic change and reinvention of John Cena's character, i.e. a prolonged boost in ratings and more opportunities for rising stars in the company to get more exposure, airtime and ring time.

Besides, heel merchandise still sells. If (by chance) Cena were to join Nexus, it would really add experienced star power to that group (Barrett should still remain leader) and I'd be willing to bet that sales of Nexus merchandise (shirts, arm bands, etc) would go through the roof.

WWE really does have other options. Orton is already up there. Jericho can be turned face at any time and become and instant fan favorite. John Morrison is extremely popular and then HHH will be back sometime this year.

If WWE are going to turn Cena heel, this year would be the perfect time. Also, if WWE want a new opponent for Undertaker @ Wrestlemania, Undertaker vs. (heel) Cena would be a top drawing match, especially as Undertaker hasn't got too many years left.

EDIT: if WWE did turn Cena heel and have him join Nexus, but realized a few months down the line that it wasn't working out, it'd be very easy to turn him face again by having him turn on the Nexus, revealing that he only joined to destroy them from within. In other words, it's really not much of a risk.
Umm, so being that this is discussion of how would Cena go about as being heel, I'm gonna add some weird opinions....cause it is a weird topic.

1) Orton is in a match with Nexus. The match ends in a DQ win for Orton because Nexus crowds the ring and begins a beatdown. Cena's music pops up. He comes out to the deafening screams of children and does his normal routine of posing in the ring as Nexus clears. Then he begins to beatdown Orton as the crowd looks on in confusion. Nexus comes back in the ring and begins to help him. Cena then high fives them as they begin mocking his former gimmick with "You can't see me" gestures. Cena then grabs a mic and says "There's a new world order of wrestling bro."

2) Cena comes out to the ring as children scream and girls jump up and down. He takes off his shirt and throws it to the audience and causes a riot. Cole is in the ring ready to give an interview when Cena grabs a mic, looks into the camera and says "Orton your a coward. You talk about your injuries, you make excuses for your tantrums, Cena 2:14 says I just 5 knuckled shuffled your dick!!!!!"

3) Cena is in an I Quit match with Nexus, the stipulation being that whoever loses must leave the WWE. Just as Wade Barret puts Cena in an STF, Cole gets up and yells "Ring the fricken bell!" Cena gets up and spits in Cole's face as Cole wipes it off, thus creating the Mr.Cole character. Cena then spells out TNA with his hand.

This is what I came up with. I'll add some more later when I can think of them.
Cena cant go heel, he is just too important for merchandise and the pg rating. I really dont see kids buying nexus shirts if cena joins them. Cena might never be heel again.. Unfortunately! But we could all be wrong and cena will turn heel. It mightn't be long term because if merchandise sales fall cena will become top face once again. It is really dissapointing that for that fact we might never see cena turn...Please vince, stick an armband an Randy orton and sell it.. please?
There is nothing for Nexus to gain by having a new leader. That would be tne end of the group. What I would like to see is a powerplay from within Nexus itself. Remember when they were competing on NXT they were not at all enamored with each other. I would like for Otunga (for lack of a better leader) to openly challenge Barrett after SS.
i hope Cena stays face he's too good as face and i love the excitement i feel from him

no one else in the company can do what he does so well and i hope he will stay face, please don't switch to heel.. please
i hope Cena stays face he's too good as face and i love the excitement i feel from him

no one else in the company can do what he does so well and i hope he will stay face, please don't switch to heel.. please

Either your one of those girl fans that scream all over him, or your a kid.

I just realized I didn't give my thoughts on this...

As much as I want John to turn heel, I don't think he will at the moment. John Cena is a super man. Every kid, (and screaming girl) loves him. If John were to turn heel, it would be in a couple of years, until some young guy comes, like The Miz. Turning John Cena heel right now, would mean he would hurt Linda's senate, and burn lot's of merchandise. Orton is not capable for the job, IMO. He's to evil, a viper. He's like a Stone Cold, (Yeah I know Stone Cold was a face of the company, but that was in the Attitude Era and this is the PG era.)
Cena won't become a heel for a few years. His merchandise sales are through the roof. Kids love him, and he is pretty much the company's biggest draw. If anything, Bret will be the one to turn heel on Sunday turning on his team. Triple H is also more likely than Cena. Are you guys really buying into this garbage? If Cena turns heel, it will be like Austin's heel turn after he was face for all those years. People (little kids and supportive parents) would lose it. The guy is the poster boy of the WWE, you see him on commercials, he's the guy representing the company on talkshows etc. Trust me, I being 23 years old would love it if it happened, because I've seen all the twists and turns for the last 15 years, and it would definitly be one of the biggest shocks in wrestling history. & by doing it, it could potentially cost an uproar and cost Vince millions of more dollars. Do I buy that it will happen? No. Absolutely not. BUT if it does, I will be shocked and very, very intrigued to see where it goes from there. Maybe all those Cena haters would actually like him.
may be a little off topic, may not, not sure. but i know Cena's big thing is "never give up, never surrender" and have herd him say "I never quit before and i aint about to start" just before his I Quit match with Batista... but i found a video on Youtube of him tapping out 3 times. granted once he has the ropes, but he Taps out to Angle at No Mercy, and then again to Jericho (again) and there was another time to Benoit as well. how can you tell all the kids you have NEVER gave up when you have? hey, im just sayin..
Cena = Heel. I would love to see this. Maybe it will also gain him respect in the long run. I wouldn't like to see Triple H turn heel, even though he is fantastic at playing it. Due to the fact that he needs to be one of the people who 'Brings up' newer talent aswell as Chris Jericho.
as bad as a Cena heel turn is needed i do not think it will happen at SS as leader of Nexus because lets face it they have been beating the crap out of him each and every week for quite sometime and not only that but it would completely ruin the whole were a group of angry rookies who happen to be angry at the company story. why would you be a bunch of angry rookies whos leader is the face of the company makes no sense whatsoever but to sum it up i do believe that a Cena heel turn is coming shortly but it wont be as leader of nexus

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