**MERGED** John Cena Heel Turn Speculation

DDDDDDDD GENERATION neXus? Is what would be awesome. I can totally see it happening too. Im not really sure Nexus is the way to turn Cena heel, and besides the little kids wouldn't be buying his orange Tshirts.... aye aye aye. It would be a good way to get HBK and HHH back together and the old DX heel. Just give it a thought! Plus the more I think about it, the more I see it happening well I hope!
Isn't Cena already a heel? I mean from the reaction he got at MITB when he faced Sheamus, I'd swear he was the heel and Sheamus was the face. Nobody spotted those "cena sucks" and "Let's go Sheamus" chants the crowd was doing?

As far as joining Nexus, I don't think a top name like Cena should just join Nexus. It makes no sense to put your top guy in as a bitch to Wade Barrett. Now if he were to mastermind in, that'd make more sense. But the fact that they have been kicking his ass on a weekly basis and screwing him out of the WWE title kind of makes that not really believable.

As for merchandise sales, they could probably sell more Cena gear after he turns heel. Speaking of which, I kind of want to get that Nexus t-shirt they all sport around in.
I really hope he turns heel but I doubt he would (or could) turn on bret as some have suggested considering the condition bret is in he cant take the beatdown it would take to turn Cena heel. Anyway if he turns heel do you think that the WWE will change his moveset and actually let him be the decent wrestler that he can be they would have to as his moveset is that of a face it would be interesting to see cena with a proper moveset containing more than 5 moves.
BUT. with how much those kids/women love the guy, i think Cena could give the AA to a baby, and still get the same reaction the next week from the crowd. turning him heel will be harder then they think. and i would not compare it to hogan. now THAT was what made hogan matter again. i compared it to Austin's heel turn when he joined the alliance. Big shock for a face of the company to do. but i still think it'll be hard to do. was hoping that tonight he was going to take off his CeNation shirt and have a Nexus shirt on under it (NWO style baby!) but alas.. didnt happen. oh well, maybe some other time.

As previously stated. It will be almost impossible to turn Cena heel, although the WWE has had opportunities to begin the transition. Last night would have been one of the main turns that could have been made. Cena could have joined Nexus. He could have gone against his morals, and his fans. But he didn't. So I would either assume that 1) WWE dropped the ball, 2) They'll switch Cena over later, or 3) They have NO PLANS TO TURN CENA HEEL. Yes, it could happen. But who knows, maybe Vince doesn't want his ooberface John Cena to be a heel once again. Just think of the reaction of all of the chidlins. Actually, It would look like the time when Cena was RKO'd on to the chair by Orton at Saturday Night's Main Event. Those kids were CRYING. The heel reaction might eventually build to that. Yes. Those are my thoughts.

I'd love to see Cena as a heel. But you mention Bret Hart. Maybe it could be him (as the mastermind after all). How they could explain it is that this is Bret's revenge on WWE for Montreal. Maybe Bret could explain that he felt let down by the whole company at the time, and very few superstars sought him out and took his side, because they wanted to remain loyal to Vince McMahon. This would explain why Nexus beat down Vince. So, Nexus are trying to take over, as Bret's revenge for SS '97, and the company abandoing him.

This would also make Triple H's part interesting. As someone who knew about the screwjob, Bret would want to get revenge on Triple H. This could be a great way to eventually bring Shawn Michaels out of retirement as well.

I was thinking along the same lines with Bret/HHH involvements. I'm surprised that no one mentioned that this could also possibly be the time for John Morrison to turn heel. Had he not been drafted to Raw, it's quite possible that HE would have been feuding with Swagger and Rey for the WHC. His push got stalled AND reversed when he got sent to Raw's midcard hell. He would be the perfect example of the Nexus mission.
Hey Yo! Come up with something thats original. If you smell what im cooking >.>

I'm not going to lie; I have a "strong dislike" for you already.

Now then. Im glad its happening its about time and this RAW gave me that special feeling that only the rivalgamer can get when eating pie! See i did it again lame right? Scott Hall agrees you should stop =]

Oh yes. What are you doing here? You found the one thing worse than fucking smilies, and that's stupid little letter faces. Oh...my...gawd! Are you, like, 14 or something?

Anyways. It was really good,

What was? The show? Cena?

i was hopping to see Cena join them, because a 7v7 doesnt do it for me really, I feel like its not going to benefit either side.

Not like this is an imaginary sports league where men settle grudges and disputes inside the ring or anything. You know, like no other groups and stables have ever felt that having it out in a big brawl would fix everything before. That would just be silly.

Doesnt bring us any info on the Nexus, and none of the ChainGang will benefit from it, other then possibly Nexus going bye bye which is not going to happen.

So what you're saying is that there's no possible way that an angle can play out over months and months with no real progress other than back and forth violence and gimmick matches? The benefit is a big fucking gang fight, you idiot. A big fucking gang fight that can end with a variety of different situations which all serve just to continue the feud the next night on Raw just as it entered SummerSlam. You seem to think that it's impossible that there will be a PPV main event which doesn't end the feud but continues it.

So something big will have to happen at SummerSlam to fill in the loose ends. Im happy the GM only had one message and didnt steal anyones lines.

If you need constant surprises and swerves, go to TNA. Not that there's anything wrong with TNA...

I found it odd all the commercials of Cena during RAW, couldnt imagine them turning him heel while they are promoting his face.

What? What's this?! Something true? Something right and correct? How?! BUT! How is this possible?! My scouter said he wasn't capable of this power level!

HHH heel i mean it seems cool AGAIN, but better Cena we get to see how good he really is.

Oh, whew, you had me going there for a second. WHEW.

If he can make people hate him then yay maybe the kids will cry, girls will continue to not find him attractive.

So your basis for wanting a Cena heel turn is to watch kids cry (a pastime of mine, I assure you) and so that girls stop thinking he's hot (which many don't, and really is a non-issue anyway, except for you)?

If Cena goes heel, the question is HOW, WHEN, WHY. Post ideas on that i would love to see your ideas.

Pssh, I'd love to see your ideas. Actually, you know what? I don't. I bet they are shit. If I seem to have come across as upset, it is because you rip into other shitty posters (which is fine) but you suck as badly or worse than they do (which is not...fine). You want to jump around from thread to thread picking on awkward posters? At least set a fucking good example.

My guess is Cena will go bad sometime during the Royal Rumble by either betraying someone or going crazy and attacking people. Why? thats the fun part. I would assume he gets screwed over and is not happy or some reason hes been evil all along.

Besides your one clairvoyant moment earlier, this is about the closest you've come to making an actual post this entire time. And it's shit!

You said:
"Cena will goes heel at teh Rumbel? y? tee hee hee ;D I dunno, maybe he gets screwed and maybe he lost his smile or maybe hes evil for realz"

This is you....not cutting the mustard.


Where this guy is correct is that Cena is the face of the company, and is featured in much of it's advertising, promotions, and products. He's got another movie coming up. And there's no clear successor to him as the top face (yes, there's Randy, but he's not nearly as over or as marketable at this point as Cena is). A Triple H heel turn seems just as unnecessary, perhaps foolish, but much less harmful. On top of that, beyond taking an N band and his promo last night, there's been no build up or tease of Cena turning heel at all.

If there was a plan to do this, I'd expect more of the cryptic "conspiracy" talk that was going on back last winter. A Cena heel turn at this point would not only be potentially ruining a "sure thing", but would be done with no proper build up or clear reasoning. Even Hogan had a reason to join the nWo beside the shock value (he was ex-WWE as well). The wrestling sites are just hot for anything that gets them traffic and attention during the slow days of summer.
I like the heel HHH idea . However, I don't like him being a part of Nexus because Nexus sucks and that crap needs to be done with right now. Also, I'd like to see Cena be "heel" (if that's what you can call it) by teaming up with Nexus. Since Nexus sucks, adding Cena will only end it quicker. Vince's attempt to make Nexus serious has turned into a desperate mess of confusion. Just scrap it and move on. We have Bret back so now involve him as GM and just focus on Randy's push.
1st off dont understand the HHH thing u think if HHH would come back he fued with Sheamus for the title

i dont see how Cena can turn at Summerslam because the wwe side doesnt have a true 2nd leader that could ultmately take over the group unless Orton takes over . U might see someone else switch over not off Cena status.

Ultimately the traitor maybe and at this point makes more sense is Bret Hart

I could see it going this way Khali getting replaced eventully by Bourne, R truth being replaced by Henry
It makes zone sense having Cena or HHH joining Nexus which basically is full of some shitty wrestlers. If they where to have had some experinced wrestlers then i would say yes but Nexus isnt DX the corparation the ministry of darkness and evolution. I dont see Nexus going all the far unless they replace some off Nexus guys. with some vets
well did we really see Kurt taking over as the top Face of the company when Austin became the top Heel in the company? not really. so to say that there is NO one to take over is not fully true. no one can say for sure if they will or not make one of them Heel, why? because no one here works for the WWE. so to say someone is 100% wrong and an idiot, is pretty stupid, and i hope for your sake that they DONT make Cena a heel, because then you're left sitting there looking pretty dumb. i love how little things like.. talking about Cena can turn the IWC against it's self.. sad really..

but anyway, it would be a good chance not only to bring someone up to the main even spot, or a surprise face turn also for a top heel. i dont think someone is going to just STOP buying Cena shirts and foam hands because he beats up a ref, or another face. Undertaker ended HBK career, did anyone say "im never buying anything undertaker again" no. i think i bought more Austin Swag when he was heel, then when he was a face.

and for the person that said Cena was never a Heel, take a look back to 2004.. then see if you can say that again.
I've said this in the Nexus thread, but I'll say it again...it's not going to be Cena. If it's between Cena and Triple H to get the big heel turn, it'll be Triple H. Cena's character (heel or face) would not fit well in a stable and he'd have nothing to gain by joining Nexus, even if he said "FU" to the fans. On the other hand, Triple H has everything to gain (power, dominance, control, influence). Triple H has been behind 2 of the great stables of the last 2 decades (DX and Evolution). No one does "stable" better than Triple H in my opinion and he can even leave the "leading" Nexus s**t to Wade Barrett, while Triple H helps rally the troops.
I like the heel HHH idea . However, I don't like him being a part of Nexus because Nexus sucks and that crap needs to be done with right now. Also, I'd like to see Cena be "heel" (if that's what you can call it) by teaming up with Nexus. Since Nexus sucks, adding Cena will only end it quicker. Vince's attempt to make Nexus serious has turned into a desperate mess of confusion. Just scrap it and move on. We have Bret back so now involve him as GM and just focus on Randy's push.

The WWE needs another push on Randy Orton like a women's rights council needs advice from President Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Orton is by far one of the worst personalities that I can think of in recent memory. This may just be my humble opinion, but I've had a hard time buying into anything Orton has done since joining the WWE. It usually looks like whomever he's feuding with has to carry to feud. About the only upside to Orton angling with Sheamus is that it's a new feud.

Additionally, with regard to the thread subject, the only storyline, to me, that makes sense, is Bret Hart. Bret, since rejoining the WWE, has gone on record as saying that they had something big planned, but that he didn't want to spoil it. I cannot imagine that his bullshit street brawl with Vince was something "he didn't want to ruin." There's no other possible storyline that could developed OTHER than him beating Vince's ass.

Bret is not in a physical state such that he would be able to compete regularly. He was barely able to sell the Street Fight at WM as it was. He couldn't even run to the ring with the rest of Cena's Brigade. I'm thinking that, while he might have wanted to compete, he's not going to be able to compete. Having someone like Bret Hart in charge of Nexus in no way, shape, or form detracts from what they've been doing on their own. It adds to the storyline because of Bret's longstanding feud with Vince. Also, people have a really short term memory. Many of the WWE's younger fans will know WHO Bret is/was, but they're too young to remember any of his story-lines.

Lastly, I would also like to bring up that by having Bret in charge of Nexus, you can accomplish several things;

-You can control the creative writing with regard to Nexus. Bret is enough of a big name and has been screwed over enough by the company that people would overlook his attacks on Cena if they wanted to make the Nexus Tweeners or Faces. Bret has a backstory that would allow people to "sympathize" with his reasons for attacking everyone in the WWE. No other superstar can pull this off.

-Let's be real, if you remove Bret from the 7, a third of Cena's Brigade is heel, Cena is the super-face, and the other three are mid-carders that nobody would give a shit about if Bret turned on them at SS and revealed himself to be Nexus' leader. It would be massively easy to control the direction of this story line from any angle.

-You don't have to end the "anonymous" GM storyline. This allows ample opportunity to bring someone else in to play any sort of GM role, be heel, face, tweener. It's all right there for creative.

-As people have already mentioned, it's going to be impossible to keep up Nexus for a sustained period of time and having Bret in charge of them makes sense for this because I don't think he plans to remain with the WWE on a permanent basis for a sustained period of time. This is the perfect man to lead a fly-by-night storyline for several months.

-Bret is the right amount of superstar and, at the same time, irrelevant enough to be a manager of Nexus. His name won't overshadow the Nexus name, but it's big enough to turn some heads. Bret wouldn't need to do much mic work because he's just the silent leader, and he has Wade who can do that just fine.

-Bret's story fits what Nexus is pushing.

All in all, Bret makes the most amount of sense from any way you look at it IF they're going to create a Nexus leader at all.
It will not be John Cena, he has just made up his team to face them at Summerslam so him being apart of Nexus is out the window.Then you have Hunter, this could work.You have him replace Bret after he says something like "While I can't wrestle at Summerslam here is my replacement".Triple H walks out and the crowd would go nuts, they haven't seen him since Extreme Rules and being a huge fan favourite they would miss him.The it comes down to Hunter and Cena vs 3 members of the Nexus.Hunter nails Cena and hits him with the sledgehammer and Nexus win turning Hunter heel.The WWE has wanted to turn Hunter heel for sometime and replacing an old man in a tag match and getting revenge on a company that stood by while Sheamus attacked him backstage at Extreme Rules.
I can't wait see what turns out from this situation if Hunter or Cena is the real leader of Nexus. Here is my opinion on the situation however it turns out:

Triple H is the leader of the Nexus
: If that is the situation it would suck. As in not a good way to see Hunter come back. But it would probably make Cena the hero again which I would hate to see happen. Cena needs to get out of the spot light because its getting pretty old. Cena should step down a possibly just stay out of the spotlight for a bit and ACTUALLY HELP OTHER PEOPLE!

Cena as the leader of the Nexus: This is WWE's smartest way to plot it out. It would bring the return Triple H as a boost to RAW and it would help out alot. I believe it was the orignal plan to have Triple H take down Nexus so it wouldnt be a shocker if this is the way to go.
The last thing I would want to see is a Triple H as a heel again. I think he exhausted that role from 1999 to 2006 (with a very brief face run in 2002), and really don't expect him to be it since he does have unfinish business with Sheamus.

As far as Cena goes, whether he turns heel or not I will still enjoy him either way but him being Nexus leader isn't that great of an idea imo. He has been the one to biggest opposer to the Nexus and seeing how they cost him the WWE title and his rematch, It wouldn't make much sense for him to be their leader.

As for the subject of the Nexus leader, I really don't think they should have one at least one that is a currently active wrestler. If they were to have a leader it should be a retired wrestler like Bret Hart (but I doubt it's him either) or a manager like Abraham Washington but I really think they should have Barrett as the leader.
Now if your a Spoiler reader like myself you know there are plans to reveal Cena as the Leader of Nexus.These plans could change but If they dont Im curious to see how they explain it. Cena has been Nexus enemy since day 1. How will they reveal him as leader? I would say he felt sorry that only 1 of these men would become Wwe superstars so he hatched this plan so all of them would get contracts.They were so greatful they now work for him.That was my idea so lets hear yours.
Now if your a Spoiler reader like myself you know there are plans to reveal Cena as the Leader of Nexus.These plans could change but If they dont Im curious to see how they explain it. Cena has been Nexus enemy since day 1. How will they reveal him as leader? I would say he felt sorry that only 1 of these men would become Wwe superstars so he hatched this plan so all of them would get contracts.They were so greatful they now work for him.That was my idea so lets hear yours.

With all due respect, this is total bullshit. There are no spoilers revealing John Cena to be the leader of Nexus, just a lot of speculation from overly analytical members of the IWC. I don't believe for one second that Cena will be the leader of Nexus. If anything I expect a returning Bryan Danielson to re-join Nexus and their leader to be none other than Michael Cole. Now this is not a spoiler alert because it's total speculation on my part and I'm likely wrong. Either way, there'll be no explanation necessary for Cena being the head of Nexus, because it's simply not happening. No leader of Nexus, no heel turn.
If Cena ends up becoming leader of the Nexus, that would have to be Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff storyline writing. There is NO way to make Cena the leader of Nexus and the storyline to make sense. Cena has gotten his ass handed to him on a weekly basis by Nexus just to become the leader? I personally dont buy it, but then again... stranger things have happened in the WWE.
VKM cant afford to turn the cash cow that is John Cena into a heel right now! the revenue from all his stupid shirts, hats and wrist bands are probably the biggest income vince has right now.

I wish they would turn Cena heel though, the dude is as big a tool as the miz!
i don't think cena will be a leader that was behind nexus all along i think he will just join it. And i really want a cena heel turn soon!!
If Cena ends up becoming leader of the Nexus, that would have to be Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff storyline writing. There is NO way to make Cena the leader of Nexus and the storyline to make sense. Cena has gotten his ass handed to him on a weekly basis by Nexus just to become the leader? I personally dont buy it, but then again... stranger things have happened in the WWE.

Thought bischoff was at TNA lol. Anyway they are hinting at cena being the big dog of nexus, a hint aint a spoiler lol. I cant see cena being the leader but not because he sell's tops, it just dont fit. My guess WWE is hinting at cena so everyone is blown away when the real leader is revealed.
i don't believe cena will be revealed as the leader of nexus but im still hoping for him to turn on his team and explain it on raw the night after, as a thing he had to do to - to get rid of nexus and that his team was the reason nexus still exist and then complete the heel turn by attacking not only the nexus but soon after thinking about himself and getting the championship one more time .... bla ... bla ... bla there are endless possibilities on how the creative team can capitalize on his heel turn if you all think about it and it could be THE most INTERESTING thing cena has done in quite some time now!

well thats what i think and not whats actually gonna happen , so basically to answer your question Cena will NOT be revealed as the leader of nexus because there's no way they can explain it . :suspic:
John Cena as leader of Nexus?


Spoiler my b-hole. If it was a spoiler it would not be out months before. And if the WWE decides to go with it, I would eat my socks.

Mike Cole (Yes, Mike) is my pick for leader of Nexus (if there is a leader) as well as the new GM. If I am correct in my absurd guess, then I see him using Nexus and his position as GM to usher in a new "era", if you will, for the WWE.
First off. Saying that Cena has been getting bested by the Nexus is a reason why he won't turn and be the leader is just straight up bogus. As WWE has done this before. To me, the most notable one was when Vince was behind the Corporate Ministry. Undertaker was harrassing Vince and kidnapping Stephanie. Doing all kinds of things before showing himself as the ultimate leader of the Corporate Ministry. SO it is very well possible Cena will be the leader.

To me it is very doubtful because of all the kiddies and such. To me, it would bring them more money in the future. Having Mr. WWE Universe, turn on the WWE Universe. Then have the Viper fued with Cena and the Nexus. It puts Orton over even more and would put a jolt in Cenas otherwise boring character. If it doesn't work. They can turn Cena face easily.

This would be the exact same scenerio as when Rocks popularity was gaining ground and Austin's character was staling. Austin the hero turns and then WWE Universe jumped on the back of the Rock even more than they were. Austins heel turned failed in my opinion which is why they turned him face rather quickly. Makes sense to me to roll the dice on it and see what Orton's ceiling is as top babyface. What better way than to go against a heel Cena/Nexus. If Orton fails, toss Cena back into GI Joe mode and you dont miss anything. This way you know what you got in Orton for sure.
Cena wont be, they couldnt explain that one. I'm expecting a swerve. Thought maybe Hitman, but no, he just got married. JR has denied its him. Cole is too obvious. HHH is injured. Seamus has a truce....but no that would be lame. Jericho was a good idea but doesnt seem so now. Edge....no way. Khali??? Yeah right.

How about.....The Miz. Maybe its part of a bigger picture to get him the title. Then they can bring back Danielson to feud with Miz. Danielson left cause he didnt want to be involved with Miz's plan, but he couldnt stand back and watch the wwe die at Miz's hands.....a bit far fetched.....or

Teddy Long.....notice how Nexus have invaded Raw and NXT2, but not Smackdown. Dont we have Bragging Rights and Survivor Series coming up? Maybe its the perfect time for a brand extension mix up. Teddy Long wages war on RAW. Then the Raw GM reveals himself to be.....Teddy Long....and bingo it all fits.....or a bit far fetched....or

CM Punk......he's had enough of the useless SES members he hatched this whole plan from NXT1, which included attacking Taker (via Nexus) and taking out Cena.....way too far fetched....at least Skip Sheffield wont have to shave his head, right?

Any other outlandish ideas??

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