**MERGED** John Cena Heel Turn Speculation

The Cena thing could work as a " Cant beat em, so join em" type of deal. I could see Triple H too.

If it does turn out to be Triple H it would be somthing like Nexus beating on Cena and/or a few other people and HHH showing up like he's gonna be the good guy and save the day but just turns out to be the leader.

That I could see.
It's been said many times on here, Turning Cena Heel and having him align with the NeXuS would not make sense. He has been attacked and fighting against them for awhile now and is doing a good job helping these guys with their push. Plus they need the John "nothing is impossible" Cena character to be a role model and face for the kids, i get it.
With Sheamus with a chair running out to Cena's aid, I can see them lining this up for Trips to be the leader. It makes perfect sense, Trips is an awesome sledgehammer-wielding heel and i love him in that role, and he has an ultimate beef with Sheamus for putting him out of action. They can say his motive is that Vince is getting old and that he is ruining the company by signing people like Sheamus that take out the superstars or something and someone needs to step up and take control of the company since Shane doesn't seem to want the responsibility, and since Trips and Steph hold alot of stock it makes alot of sense.
As of now, Triple H seems to make the most sense, but on a side note, I would love to see Jericho join up with NeXuS too.
This is disheartening news. Not because it's Cena or Triple H or Jericho or anybody else. It's disheartening because it's not Wade Barrett. Everybody in the IWC is always talking of superstars needing to be put over. Needing pushes. And it's always at the expense of another superstar.

For example, they want to make Evan Bourne a main eventer, the Rey Mysterio of RAW, but wait a minute, we can't have him beat on Jericho too much, Jericho looks weak. We can have him fight with tweener Randy Orton, but only if Orton gets the upper hand at the end. We don't want to ruin his momentum. This leaves Bourne in a place of in between mid card and main event. Joining the likes of R-Truth, John Morrison, and Matt Hardy. Can we please have Jesse Ventura host one more time to get some new blood in the Title picture.

The point with that is, WWE has done something here that they seem to have a hard time doing. Making Wade Barrett a legitimate main eventer while keeping Cena as high as he ever was. The other great thing they have done is made it seem that Nexus is doing this on their own. Anytime a supestar tries to "be cool" with them, like Sheamus, Jericho, or Miz, they circle them, and either chase them off or beat them down. Putting a superstar with them would do nothing more than pull the rug out from under Barrett, lead to the downfall of Nexus quicker, and leave us all speechless at the half brained idea that WWE will explain for why any individual has been behind it the whole time, but just now revealed themselves.
The time for John Cena to turn heel isn't here yet, and it certainly wouldn't make any sense to do it as the leader of the group that has severely attacked him for weeks. The only thing I can coming out of this is a big slab of Vince Russo shock value coming our way, which would not be a good thing in this case. It's the PG era and no-one can overtake Cena as the face. Orton may have the following, but he's not someone you'd consider kid-friendly with the way he acts.

Triple H would be the most logical choice in this situation and I wouldn't mind it. With Batista gone and Chris Jericho looking to go soon, Triple H turning heel would be a good idea. He has expressed an interest (apparently) in going that way and is a much better worker when he is getting the fans to hate on him. However, Triple H is injured legit now and that would mean bringing him in now is decreased to a CM Punk roll... so this is a huge benefit to the Nexus faction. Wade Barrett can still be the leader of the Nexus and they can still be dominate, they just have a huge investment in Triple H by their side. With NXT breaking the 4th wall of kayfabe, they can have Triple H exert his authority and status in the company by pulling a lot of strings. Last time I saw, he's on good terms with Mr. McMahon and Stephanie, two people who are in charge and are family. He could get the Nexus anything he wanted. Hell, with the GM spot open to someone new, the WWE could have Shawn Michaels return to take that spot. This can create for some interesting drama to see if the Heartbreak Kid will grant all the requests HHH could put through to him for the Nexus. It can become a matter of will HBK remain loyal to his friend or to the fans?

As long as they don't make this new person at the forefront of the group, I'm happy. Wade Barrett has the tools to be the man, so why take it away from him?
I don't think it should be either of them...Cena would make no sense at all, since he has been the center of attacks and they cost him his WWE Champ...and HHH while I agree he would be great as a heel...managing Nexus wouldn't be the smartest thing...Although I do want a heel HHH, jus not managing Nexus...

I would rather have it Jericho!!
For all the people who say that the Nexus doesn't need a leader, I agree up to a point, but I believe that the "bigger picture" is based on having a leader behind it.

I've been pushing for a Cena heel turn for a long time (as have many others), and I would be a fan of it now, but they're going to have a very difficult time explaining it given that they've beating the living crap out of him week on week.

Triple H makes a bit more sense. But there's a big problem with this too. Given that Triple H's return will likely see him take on Sheamus - wouldn't HHH have instructed them to attack Sheamus, rather than Cena...?
Hey Yo!

Like i have stated many times, if the WWE brings a mastermind to be revealed as the brains behind the group, then Nexus will lose all the momentum and credibility they have. This is what bringing a mastermind looks like to me; personally i view as Nexus were too cowardly and stupid to do this invasion on their own without someone to lead them.

So as for your question any one behind and leading Nexus, is completely stupid unecessary and will just end and interesting and fresh new concept no matter who is behind this group whether it be Triple H or John Cena. So to sum up HELL NO!
I would love to see Triple H being the leader of The Nexus. However, I have a feeling that if Triple H was to be confirmed as the leader, or the brains of the Nexus, then the Nexus would then fail. I have a feeling that it would just fall underneath the shadow of Triple H and wouldn't see the light of day again. Right now, the Nexus are doing fine. They don't need a leader to be honest and if they do have a reveal with a leader, I will be frankly quite disappointed.

I don't know if it comes down to my own wanting of Triple H back on TV and in a power heel role but having Triple H be the leader, if we are going to have one, just makes the most sense. I don't know if John Cena would consider having this role but if he did become the leader of the Nexus, it would probably be one of the biggest swerves from the WWE. I could definitely see the WWE doing something like this and I wouldn't be shocked if it happened.

A heel turn for either of these superstars could be very fun but I don't know if having them be involved with the Nexus is such a good idea because it will take away some of the spotlight from those guys but having them turn heel separate from that would definitely be a welcomed change in play.
Am I the only one that could be excited by Trips coming back as the leader of Nexus? Over the next few weeks, whittle down Nexus to 4-5 guys. Then at Summer Slam have Triple H come out with Nexus and blow the place up, Barrett can give a promo about how they got behind him because they knew he'd know the way to the top.

Then the next night on Raw Cena could come out with NXT 2 behind him. Talk about how there's more than one way to the top.

I just don't understand the complete writing off of the angle. The two groups stables could be a big time contrast and allow the cream to rise to the top. There's no way all of the Nexus are going to be even on the roster in a year, anyway.
I'd like to see Trips come back and do the "Vince is out of touch, it's time for me to take over angle" That could in turn be the big picture angle that Barrett has been talking about. Put Triple H in a "Godfather" type role. Then it leaves open the possiblity to split the Nexus up. Have a "capo" on Smackdown and one on Raw. They could make sure things are run the way Triple H wants it ran. Have Daniel Bryan come back and beg to be let back into the "family" or have him be the face and fight them...the plot opportunities are pretty deep...it could turn into a very good story line
I hate to break the news to you guys but this has been the plan since they came up with the idea. This isn't a new thing, they have been talking the whole time about their being a bigger picture. Also Since the begining of this angle all the wrestling websites have been reporting that someone is behind the attacks. Most people know that is Triple H and if so, He will hold the same role that Eric Bischoff held in the NWO and Wade Barret will be the hulk hogan type character. Meaning that triple H will be putting Wade in the title situation spots. HHH is in the spot now where he can help younger superstars. Hes going to be making these superstars better in terms of putting them over. They could learn alot from hunter. Also this would give them a reason and give hunter the heel run they have always had. IDK where the John Cena thing came from, that would be the worst idea john cena absoultely sucks, IMO i never liked him at all
This angle is doing fine on it's own and shouldn't be tampered with in any way, shape or form for that matter. Wade Barrett needs to remain the leader and he's doing such a fine job at holding the Nexus in place. If anything, Triple H needs to align himself with Cena is this battle. Looks like Sheamus has, but we'll see on that one soon. Don't mess this angle up! It's great for Raw now and there doesn't need to be a veteran behind this group.
Further elaborating my point, John Cena would kill the story. He can't really wrestle and him being in the role of the major heel i dont think i could watch anymore. It would absolutely kill the angle. I think Randy Orton would have been a better choice. It would be like this have nexus help randy win MIB then have john cena win his belt back then have nexus beat him down and pretty bad, then have randy orton come out like he is going to save cena then have him hit cena with the brief case and call a ref out and 123 hes champ and he celebrates with nexus thats just me it would put randy back where he should be a HEEL
Anytime a supestar tries to "be cool" with them, like Sheamus, Jericho, or Miz, they circle them, and either chase them off or beat them down.

Sorry bud, but your wrong.

Did you not see RAW last Monday? Jericho was backstage talking to Wade, and he didn't get attacked, then when someone[I forget who] tried to interview him, he said "no comment". So they don't attack all of them, especially not Jericho, and after seeing that confrontation it made me think that it would be him that is the leader of Nexus. HHH would be a good one too, but i'd be all for Jericho.

Cena COULD have been the leader, but they are too deep into it now, they bet him down too much for it to make any sense as stated before. With Jericho they could have a whole story saying like "oh we had this planned since day 1 of NXT me[Wade] and Chris[Jericho] had this planned all along." I think it would be great, but thats probably just because I'm a Jericho mark and I would love to see him in a higher up position.
It makes sense to leave the Nexus out of any 'big name' WWE superstar being behind their formation.

Purely because they are doing fine without one. Its one thing for other talent to 'align' themselves with the Nexus (such as Jericho, Barrett's pro) but to actually be behind their formation would merely make them look weak.

They formed because they were annoyed at being treated unfairly in the season one NXT, that is all the motivation that they, as a group need. There doesn't need to always be a 'mastermind' behind everything. Keep things simple, that is always the secret to a good storyline.
Like mostly everyone else, i would welcome a cena heel turn. But not as part of joining nexus. Any reason they could come up with to justify it would be weak. God forbid the writers should know who is leading (which i think they do) the group and follow through with a complex storyline with a beginning-middle-end.

I think credibilty would actually be lost in HHH turned out to be the leader of nexus. It would be rightfully viewed as a backstage power stroke by HHH. Much like how he completely stole the heat from Rikishi, claiming to be the mastermind behind running over stone cold.

It can't be either, because Shemus the logical choice. He has never been attacked by Nexus. He always manages to escape. He has had countless interactions with Nexus. He has become world champion since their arrival. He has a common thread of being a new guy as well.
It's obvious that they're setting Jericho up to be the leader of the group... unless the twist this Sunday is that they turn on Jericho and imply that someone even bigger is the leader of the group.

I think Triple H would be a perfect fit, it's about time he turned heel again.
Why does there need to be a leader? Can't it just be seven young guys who hate WWE management? The thing I like about the Nexus is the fact that they appear to be going it alone, doing it their way. I would really hate it if an established superstar came in to take the limelight.

If WWE are going to have a leader for the group then Triple H would probably be the way to go. His character has been crying out for a heel turn (as much as I prefer him as a face). He is good at helping out younger wrestlers at getting them over whether he is with them (Orton and Batista) or against them (Sheamus). Hang on! Sheamus! Isn't Triple H supposed to get his revenge on Sheamus when he returns? If we don't see a final grudge match between Triple H and Sheamus I will be quite annoyed.

On the other hand, Cena does not need a heel turn just yet. I know a lot of people bitch and complain about Cena's 'stale' character but he is undeniably brilliant as SuperCena. Turning the biggest name in professional wrestling heel during the PG era is a waste (i'm not complaining about the PG era by the way). It just seems to me that there will be more ways to go with his heel turn if the rating was TV-14 (not to mention it would probably have a bigger impact.

Although I don't want a leader to emerge, WWE seem set on it. And if thats the case, Triple H would be the best man for the role.
Since they mentioned that they have a reason for taking out McMahon, I've been 100% sure it's Trips...or Possible SMH.......or Both...............Triple H put the group together to take out McMahon, because he's married to Stephanie...and guess who takes control when Vince is out? Exactly.....If this was already mentioned, sorry, I didn't feel like reading all.
Monday night the fans were all over them and they went out and beat John Cena clean.
I agree with everything you said except this.

They beat Cena relatively clean. Yeah, they didn't all jump him at once, there were no weapons or low blows employed, etc. But it took blind tags Cena didn't notice and attacks from behind to get any real advantage on him. And even after taking finisher after finisher, he was up moments after the match and ready to go.

Yes, they won. But they could have looked stronger. Not a huge deal, but it was six on one. Eventually, they should have just had Cena get worn out, unable to deal with fresh man after fresh man face to face.

As for a big mastermind being behind this, I'm against it. They're having no problem getting Nexus over on their own. Why insert someone who'll most likely only steal the spotlight from them and hinder the progress of a bankable star of the future? In addition, and I was saying this on another board the other day, Cena shouldn't turn to join Nexus because, frankly, WWE doesn't need to blow their load of every major dream angle they have left in the bank in order to make this major angle better. Book Nexus logically around Nexus and save Cena's turn so you can cash in at a later date. And yes, that means I don't want The Rock to return and face Nexus leader John Cena at SummerSlam.

As to the question of whether a Cena turn would logically work, I actually think it could. Nexus has been saying that their actions have meaning and aren't about Cena. In theory, their motivations could be so compelling to Cena that he would look to join up with them. Mastermind? I hope not. Future associate? I wouldn't be totally opposed to the notion with solid kayfabe logic. But I don't think it will help the angle.

Also... anyone but Triple H. Dear Lord.
If they need to have an established WWE Superstar end up being behind Nexus I think the one that makes the most sense is Christian. He has been heel before in WWE as well as TNA and shines in that role. He is great on the mike. Ultimately it makes the most sense because he has the most in common with what they seem to be about. He could easily play the "I have never been given a legitimate shot" angle and he was on NXT Season 1 as a pro so he has that connection.

I don't think they need or necessarily should have a "superstar" leader but if they do it would make the most sense for it to be Christian.
I don't see why WWE really needs to turn Cena or Triple H heel to be associated with The Nexus. Sure it gives The Nexus some more hype. But in the end the heat will be focused on Triple H or John Cena. I don't want to see that.

The Nexus should be able to function by themselves just fine. The same goes with John Cena and Triple H. If WWE wants to turn them heel. They could do it just perfectly fine on their own. Triple H has done it numerous times before to make him a great heel. John Cena has done it as well.

Personally if I had to choose one that I would want to be the heel though. It would have to be Triple H. Mostly because I just prefer Triple H as a heel. He's my favorite heel of all time. But also because I'm not too hyped on John Cena as a heel. Because of the fact that John's heel turn could go both ways. People could love it (The IWC probably would). But it could just as well fail miserably.

So here's to hoping that it's just a thought. Unless it's a singles heel turn for Triple H.
Well from I've gathered watching raw da past few weeks whoever is da mastermind behind nexus is da raw gm and if that's da case I'd rather it be hhh.I think it could work out with cena being heel I do disagree with that arguement that turning cena heel would kill his fanbase/merchindise and here's why:exhibit a: randy orton. Exhibit b:edge.exhibit c:jericho.(And he even has his own show that ppl watch because of him)all these guys are downright evil character wise and sell out EVERY arena they go 2.I don't think cena would be any different
There are actually a couple of wrestlers that I can see that will fit the bill perfectly that is the leader of Nexus.

Triple H - For the sole purpose because he is playing the game and this is his revenge on Sheamus, which is having him run like a girl. Then we have Triple H come back and mocknig him about how he ran away from Nexus. Just because it's Triple H does not mean that he will be a heel, this can all just lead up to his revenge against Sheamus.

Batista - I know he isn't with the company anymore, but he fits this to a tea, maybe they are trying to get him back which is why they have not announced the gm. If your really think about it, Batista is the one that does not like WWE or Vince, or does not like the superstars and want to be the face of the company, so he is trying to eliminate everyone who can potentially be one.
Until Meltzer comes out with it, I'm not even going to take it serious yet.

John Cena doesn't need to turn heel. He just need a face adjustment/tweak. John Cena has grown into such a money making machine, they would be ******ed to please the 5% of hardcore fans and risk losing 95% of the casual fans money.

At the start of the show when they do the camera swing after the intro...

This is all you see

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