**MERGED** John Cena Heel Turn Speculation

They never woulda needed a "figurehead" if WWE kept booking them strong. but it looks like Cena got insecure and he's in the process of burying them, except 4 Barrett.
John Cena as a heel because of Nexus would be welcomed by so many, im a Cena mark, and this would be a great way to turn him heel, he works great as a heel considering his work as one back in the day. Cena is more likely to put the Nexus over as Triple H would likely bury them. And Cena could really have great matches as a heel as well as we'd see even more intensity and aggression.
I still think it's Triple H, but John Cena could work. There is another report on Wrestlezone.com saying that The Miz is "the next face of Raw". So having The Miz get a huge push, could equal to John Cena being the mastermind of all this.

But the report says, Triple H has been wanting to turn heel for some time but couldn't because of injuries. I think having Triple H heel is definitely better than making John Cena heel right now. Just because Triple H could be used as a heel manager. ('Cause he's old and needs to stop wrestling as much.)
I really think that it will be Triple H behind the Nexus but after last night I could possibly see it possibly going ina diff. direction. After Cena took out Tarver, he took his armband. This could have simply been a sign of disrespect, or a spoil of war(i.e. taking someone's Dog tags..) but for some reason something about that bothers me. The only thing is, I just can't see his reasoning for turning. There must be some foundation for him to be behind this and thus far they haven't led us to believe there is any. But i digress...With a Cena heel turn this could allow for a Miz face turn. After the Miz won the MITB last night, and hearing the back stage rumblings, I can see this as an opportunity to turn both of them. With Cena being a heel, the PG crowd will need a new hero. The Miz, who cuts excellent promos, could continue to be the anti-Cena. I can hear all the little kids now, In the crowd chanting, "and I'm awesome. just a thought
Cena making a heel turn could be the best thing he's ever done, really. But on the other hand, Vince cares about the money, thats all. And so many kids buy Cenas gear.

HHH has been wanting a heel turn for quite sometime. Getting back with HBK in DX paused that for quite sometime as well. Its more common to have HHH turn heel over Cena.

Cena needs his heel turn more badly, but it would be clever to have HHH behind Nexus and become the leader and having Hunter and John feud. Of course, Cena would still be getting booed, he'd be the face and hunter, the heel.

You never know whatll happen. WWE management/producers changed the shit all the time.

My opinion is that I'd love to see Cena turn heel, but I dont think it'll happen anytime soon.

Yea neither one is going to happen.

Here are the two main reasons...

First off as a few others have pointed out, it makes no sense whatsoever to have the guy who has been repeatedly mugged by this group to emerge as their leader.
I mean seriously,

Barrett: Whats the plan boss?

Cena: Why don't you guys spend the next month kicking the ever loving shit outa me. Yea that could work, serious mind fuck they won't know what hit em.

(Young and Otunga shaking their heads in the background)

Otunga: Why are we following this guy again

Young: Beats the hell outa me, Wade thinks it will get us over.

Cena: Yea and to begin with we can have Daniel Bryan SPIT on me.

(they all laugh maniacally and head out to the ring to choke out Justin Roberts with his own tie and give the boss his first planned beat down)

See the logic there folks? Because I sure as hell don't.

Triple H also makes no sense. I see a heel turn in his future but not until he settles things with Sheamus.

Again see the logic there folks? Because again I really don't.

He has to settle things with Sheamus, why in the world has the Nexus so far left him alone. He hasn't taken a single beatdown yet.

I could even see some kind of Sheamus Nexus alliance, due to the fact that they really haven't laid a hand on the guy yet.

I am hoping for someone out of the blue. If he isn't the mystery GM, I would like him to lead the Nexus, if ya smell what the ______ is cookin.
I still think they will turn Cena heel as it would be good for nexus, unlike hhh who was known to hold back good talent. well we should see something tonight on raw
or next week
I still think they will turn Cena heel as it would be good for nexus, unlike hhh who was known to hold back good talent. well we should see something tonight on raw
or next week

Cena's not going to turn heel. Based on his promo tonight, it would be too "obvious" now for that to happen. It is far more likely to be HHH, but I hope it's neither HHH or Cena.
Cena's not going to turn heel. Based on his promo tonight, it would be too "obvious" now for that to happen. It is far more likely to be HHH, but I hope it's neither HHH or Cena.

I still think it will be Cena, Have Cena run the group till HHH makes his way back and then setup a Cena HHH feud to when Cena cant take anymore then have Cena and HHH PowerTrip 2
so we will have to wait to see, wwe is suprising us over and over again
after seeing the cup that he designed for the make awish foundation im pretty sure that cena isnt going to turn heel any time soon because lets face it CENA = Money
I hate to think this but does anyone smell Austin-Cena turn at Summerslam? I mean wasnt austin getting attack by The Alliance when they invaded. Watch, in the coming weeks, we are going to see Cena in the same position. If Nexus loses at Summerslam then it deals the fatal blow to their angle and merchandise. I can see Cena giving Bret Hart the AA and letting Barrett get the win giving the biggest swerve since Hogan and Austin heel turns. I mean right now it seems hella predictable but for it to happen still would be a surprise. Is it likely to happen? Probably not but what else could they possibility do with a clusterfuck of a match with Nexus vs the Alliance. A return Triple H? Most likely not since he's injured and he wont be effective as a mouthpiece. The final 3 people on Cena side should be Jericho so he can get a face turn for the Y2J persona. Cena attack Jericho and Bret and the rest is history. 4.0 rating? Probably. Nexus losing at SS cannot happen as that would be pretty much the end of everything.

So how about that Miz on RAW tonight lmao!
I think its way past due to turn Cena and this would be a great chance to do it at the PPV. Cena aligning himself with Nexus throwing everyone off guard just like Hogan did with the NWO. Of course the problem is Cena is the face of the company, besides Orton. Cena gets a louder reaction from the fans now more then ever. I just think its time to take risks and pull the plug on the Cena face character once and for all. It could give WWE increased ratings and they could sell even more Nexus merchandise.

The Nexus could take out the tag champs and the US Champion with Cena leading the group as the WWE champion. Just a thought. Cena may overshadow Nexus, but he wont if the Nexus were champions as well. If it doesn't work out he can always go back to being the top face of the company saying he joined Nexus just to fool them. Either way someone needs to be the manager of the group whether it is Cena, Triple H, or even Michael Cole.
Hey Yo!

There has been alot of rumour, speculation and debate as to whether John Cena will be revealed as the mastermind of Nexus at Summerslam or somewhere else down the road. Now Cena isn't obviosuly going to gain a positive crowd reaction, so obviously he will be a heel and a much needed character tweak to refresh the John Cena character but this all depends if he actually does become a heel and is to be revealed as the mastermind behind Nexus in the near future or whenever it does happen.

So my question to you people is the WWE, planting all the necessary seeds to make a John Cena heel turn believable and effective?

Personally i think the WWE is taking the right steps, and surely if they go through with the heel turn it is going to be through the betrayal of Bret Hart that is the only reason he is on this RAW team, he is a plant for Cena's heel turn. In recent weeks Cena has showed this aggressive side and has been less comedic and way more serious, claiming to take the Nexus out one by one. SO back to my question.

Is the WWE planting the seeds, for an eventual John Cena heel turn, to make it believable and effective?
The idea is growing on me. I'd be very difficult to explain the beat downs - but I guess you could...

Cena as a heel leading this thing would be much better than Triple H as the leader. I think I'd rather see Cena leading the heel faction, with Triple H trying to defend the companies honour, rather than more Cena babyface stuff.

Cena stealing the "N" armband - a sign?
im reading this post and for some reason cant help think of the people who will/have compared this to the hogan turn. i think IF they turn cena heel that should do it without any warning like completely out of left field.
Yeah I noticed he took the Nexus armband also.

But I was thinking that this could actually work with Cena turning on his team making him a super-heel with not only turning on Bret Hart but also other major heels to make it more effective.

And if the heel turn doesnt work out so well then they could always back track him to face by just simply taking Nexus down from the inside. You know... Cena turns on his buddies to make Nexus believe that he's loyal to them just to take them down "one by one" from the inside.

It could work.
Wait I love the idea of John becoming a heel but how is he supposed to explain the nexus beatdowns? He set them up to get himself beaten up. It just wouldn't be right.

However as some people in this thread he did steal a nexus armband possibly a sign of things to come.

I would love to see Cena turn heel in this match as not only does he turn bad on the faces he turns bad on the heels.

All I can say is what a way to turn him heel if they do. Just as long as they explain the beatdown thing well. Also he is the biggest seller of merchandise which is another reason I don't think they will turn him heel.
im reading this post and for some reason cant help think of the people who will/have compared this to the hogan turn. i think IF they turn cena heel that should do it without any warning like completely out of left field.

Very wise my friend calling comparisons to the Hogan heel turn. However, huge difference: Hogan wasn't nearly as over in WCW at the time as Cena is now. Unfortunately I can't see ANY Cena heel turn being completely unexpected. There have been rumblings of it happening for years and many calls for an evolution of John Cena's character. Cena turning would be the likely choice...but here's a left fielder: BRET HART revealing himself as the mastermind behind Nexus. Crazy yes, but with WWE's booking, anything's possible. IMO, a true mastermind should be in a managerial position, not in a wrestling position.

Cena as a heel is still possible but not at this time, not with this storyline.
Hey Yo! Come up with something thats original. If you smell what im cooking >.>

Now then. Im glad its happening its about time and this RAW gave me that special feeling that only the rivalgamer can get when eating pie! See i did it again lame right? Scott Hall agrees you should stop =] Anyways. It was really good, i was hopping to see Cena join them, because a 7v7 doesnt do it for me really, I feel like its not going to benefit either side. Doesnt bring us any info on the Nexus, and none of the ChainGang will benefit from it, other then possibly Nexus going bye bye which is not going to happen. So something big will have to happen at SummerSlam to fill in the loose ends. Im happy the GM only had one message and didnt steal anyones lines.

I found it odd all the commercials of Cena during RAW, couldnt imagine them turning him heel while they are promoting his face. HHH heel i mean it seems cool AGAIN, but better Cena we get to see how good he really is. If he can make people hate him then yay maybe the kids will cry, girls will continue to not find him attractive. If Cena goes heel, the question is HOW, WHEN, WHY. Post ideas on that i would love to see your ideas.

My guess is Cena will go bad sometime during the Royal Rumble by either betraying someone or going crazy and attacking people. Why? thats the fun part. I would assume he gets screwed over and is not happy or some reason hes been evil all along.
The biggest seed is that NNNNNNN asked Cena to join them. That explains the beat downs. Sure it would temporarily give the WWE U the chance to call him a coward, but at the same time he'll help NNNNNNN beat down his own team at Summerslam. The next night he can claim that he was behind it so that eventually he'd be in that situation-RAW's best and brightest all in one place behind Cena thinking he's their 'leader.'

If it happened that way, and at Summerslam, than it'd make all the sense in the world for 3 reasons;

1. HHH could return in the 2-3 months he's scheduled off in order to help people take back the company.

2. It'd freshen it up, given that the top star(also the face of the company, obviously) has turned heel, which would show to the entire WWE U that ANYTHING could happen with the NNNNNNN storyline.

3. Biggest reason this would work would be that it gives The Miz the most room to grow. Not to mention others like DiBiase, Bourne, and Morrison. And a reason for Miz to wait til the least costly time to cash it in, making it unexpected and ironic all in one. If Miz is going to become the face of RAW than he needs momentum. He could be the one to come forward, taking the place of Cena.

I admit, it's a huge stretch, but he has 1 year to cash it in, and with the eventual NNNNNNN&C stronger, his chances get slimmer. Which means he could put everything on hold to do what Cena is promising now, unless he cashes in on Sheamus before the truce gets defunct by Cena.

The Nexus could grow, is all I'm saying, but if they gain HHH over Cena it'll bore the die hards because Cena as we all know is the less likely choice. Cena in the freshest role he's been in, or HHH leading another group to conquer WWE.

I could also see the Miz lead the NNNNNNN pack, which might be just as good. Time will tell, but the WWE could do wonders with this.
to finish off Cena's line "if you cant beat them.. join them" seeing that resistance was futile (anyone else laugh at that? big time star trek line haha) he gets tired of being beat and joins. now i have been calling for a Cena heel turn for quite a while, and have been VERY vocal about my dislike of his superhero gimmick.

BUT. with how much those kids/women love the guy, i think Cena could give the AA to a baby, and still get the same reaction the next week from the crowd. turning him heel will be harder then they think. and i would not compare it to hogan. now THAT was what made hogan matter again. i compared it to Austin's heel turn when he joined the alliance. Big shock for a face of the company to do. but i still think it'll be hard to do. was hoping that tonight he was going to take off his CeNation shirt and have a Nexus shirt on under it (NWO style baby!) but alas.. didnt happen. oh well, maybe some other time.

P.S. keep you small children away from Cena.. he might put the theory to the test of doin the AA to them to see if he can get Full on heat!
I think they could explain the beatdowns somewhat. If Nexus was beating down everyone else on Raw except for Cena than wouldn't you people be wondering why? At least if Cena is being beaten than he can play it off as not having a part in it. Look at the stupid Bret Hart storyline when he was "hit by the car and broke a leg." He did it to lure McMahon into a match since he thought he was hurt. It wouldnt be the dumbest angle ever. I just want to know why they're doing it. They're already into a huge match but nothing has been explained as to why they continue doing this.
Also I dont care how much merch. the guys sells. Austin and Rock sold just as much if not more and they both had their heel days. Cena needs to be a heel, theres just no way around it because he is getting stale. I'm sick of his cartoony lines and bs one liners. He needs to start rapping again and be relevant. I do think Bret Hart will play a role in the outcome of the match though one way or another. He's usually the sacraficial lamb.
Very wise my friend calling comparisons to the Hogan heel turn. However, huge difference: Hogan wasn't nearly as over in WCW at the time as Cena is now. Unfortunately I can't see ANY Cena heel turn being completely unexpected. There have been rumblings of it happening for years and many calls for an evolution of John Cena's character. Cena turning would be the likely choice...but here's a left fielder: BRET HART revealing himself as the mastermind behind Nexus. Crazy yes, but with WWE's booking, anything's possible. IMO, a true mastermind should be in a managerial position, not in a wrestling position.

Cena as a heel is still possible but not at this time, not with this storyline.


I'd love to see Cena as a heel. But you mention Bret Hart. Maybe it could be him (as the mastermind after all). How they could explain it is that this is Bret's revenge on WWE for Montreal. Maybe Bret could explain that he felt let down by the whole company at the time, and very few superstars sought him out and took his side, because they wanted to remain loyal to Vince McMahon. This would explain why Nexus beat down Vince. So, Nexus are trying to take over, as Bret's revenge for SS '97, and the company abandoing him.

This would also make Triple H's part interesting. As someone who knew about the screwjob, Bret would want to get revenge on Triple H. This could be a great way to eventually bring Shawn Michaels out of retirement as well.
Damn how old are most of you people? It doesn't make sense since they are attacking him?Ministry of Darkness storyline, anyone? Vince made himself seem like the victim throughout the whole thing, yet in the end he revealed he was the mastermind behind it all. It can definitely happen again. I would love to see Cena revealed. And yes, it would be as epic as Hogans heel turn. I've always said his inevitable heel turn needs to be HUGE. Revealing himself as Nexus leader would be beyond huge.

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