**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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I like how everyone assumes cena will win the title from rock, like really is it stone? It seems naive all of us assume he will, did we not all assume rock would be gone last year after mania? Whos to say he wont stick around, hes pulling one hell of a schedule now, perhaps rock retains at wm and cena finally snaps? Who knows, vince has moved away from top stars before....
Really? Actually the Cena "fans" are the minority! He gets booed louder than anyone. Punk went heel and he still gets cheered more than Cena. Your logic and statement is wrong. Vince shoves Cena down people's throats that's why he's over. He could do it with anyone. But he spent a ton of money and PR on stale Cena so of course he's going to be over no matter what! Vince didn't care when boos drowned Cena out and doesn't care now. As long as he's taking some poor kids ice cream money for Cena merchandise, Cena will be on top. Take Ryder for instance. He was uber over and selling a ton of merchandise, what did that get him??? A 29 day US Championship belt and then buried so Cena could save face when he was getting cheered more than Cena.

no Cena fans aren't the minority at all. Cena gets booed by the loud minority that go to ppv's at house shows Cena gets the biggest pop because thats the shows that the majority casual fans go to. And again the vocal minority cheers punk. AS for shoving Cena down our throats he shoved sheamus down our throats. Orton got shoved down our throats yet they never got as over or as big of a draw as Cena cause they weren't as good as Cena. The boos that drown Cena out come from only the smark cities that again make up the Minority at house shows in Minnesota, Maine, Oklahoma he still is the most over guy but cause people in NYC boo him doesn't mean the fans don't like him. and really the Vince stealing kids money for Cena t-shirts and merch. You do realized vince runs a business right making money is kind of the goal right. Zack Ryder didn't get buried cause Cena he got buried cause of Vince's ego pure and simple. Daniel Byran didn't get buried when he got over cause Vince created it. Cena will be on top until someone else makes them more money. Hogan stayed on top cause he made more money. Austin stayed on top cause he made more money. Cena will do the same thing.
Cena fans are some of the most irritating fans of any wrestler on the planet. You know, this might sound a little cold, but one of the best things that could happen to WWE would be for John Cena to get injured for at least a year. Why? Because they would be forced to actually build new stars and find a suitable replacement in the ME scene for him. Maybe Vince and company would actually start trying? I don't give a damn that he went an entire calendar year without the WWE title. Undertaker went three years ('99-2002) without the title and another five years after his reign as Undisputed champion. Look at how many years went by before Kane won his second World title. He deserved that second reign. Much more than Cena deserved all these title reigns. I can't say that Cena deserves to be a what.....13 time champion after Mania? It's pathetic. He'll probably exceed Ric Flair in World title reigns by the time he FINALLY retires. Guess what though? He isn't even in the same league as Flair. For that matter, he's not in the same league as Austin, The Rock, HBK, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Hogan, Macho Man, Triple H, Undertaker, Edge and a lot of other legends. Some of those guys have given me goosebumps at just the sound of their entrance music. Cena has never done that for me. Also, your supposed "top babyface" should not have 70-80% of the crowd against him. (It's not just us IWC members.) Cena doesn't even need to be WWE champion anymore and how anyone can say he deserves to be champion again or he deserved to win the Rumble again is ridiculous. Look at Kane. He's been the epitome of a company man and is one of the longest tenured guys on the roster. He's been selfless in putting others over, he's been given plain stupid storylines and horrid booking time and time again and is supposed to be one of the nicest guys on the roster. How many Royal Rumbles has he won? How many World titles has he won? Look at Cena. Guys like Ken Doane and Michael Tarver say he's a complete ass. Ken Anderson said that Cena, Orton and Triple H were Vince's "Breakfast club." (It's not hard to believe a top guy would have some backstage pull.) I'm inclined to believe them.

Look, I used to like Cena (In 2003 when he was cool) and I wanted to keep liking him after he turned face and eventually became WWE champion. By the end of 2005-early 2006, I was getting a little tired of him. By the end of 2006....Dear God! His title reign that lasted like 13 months was brutal and I didn't mind it a bit when he got injured. Lots of people have put over Cena but how many people has he put over since he became established? Jericho has put over Cena pretty much every time they wrestled. Has Cena ever returned the favor? Ugh...I could go on, but I'm getting sick of typing. Anyone that says Cena is the greatest (or one of the greatest) of all time is either a troll, an idiot, just started watching wrestling in the last few years or has horrible taste in wrestlers. Period.
no Cena fans aren't the minority at all. Cena gets booed by the loud minority that go to ppv's at house shows Cena gets the biggest pop because thats the shows that the majority casual fans go to. And again the vocal minority cheers punk. AS for shoving Cena down our throats he shoved sheamus down our throats. Orton got shoved down our throats yet they never got as over or as big of a draw as Cena cause they weren't as good as Cena. The boos that drown Cena out come from only the smark cities that again make up the Minority at house shows in Minnesota, Maine, Oklahoma he still is the most over guy but cause people in NYC boo him doesn't mean the fans don't like him. and really the Vince stealing kids money for Cena t-shirts and merch. You do realized vince runs a business right making money is kind of the goal right. Zack Ryder didn't get buried cause Cena he got buried cause of Vince's ego pure and simple. Daniel Byran didn't get buried when he got over cause Vince created it. Cena will be on top until someone else makes them more money. Hogan stayed on top cause he made more money. Austin stayed on top cause he made more money. Cena will do the same thing.

I can't believe you even really believe what you write! He's over in Minnesota, Maine, Oklahoma. HAHAHAHAHAAAHA Where do you think the majority of the fan population of wrestling is??? Big cities! Oh Cena's over in Papa New Guinea so he has to be loved by everyone! You must be from one of those places you listed! No Cena is shoved down more than Orton and about the same as Sheamus. Sheamus is an HHH doing while Cena is all VKM!!:banghead:
I still maintain the far-shot and say that Cena pulls the WM-X7 on us and goes heel at WM29. Just imagine: he's fighting The Rock, about to lose, and then BAM, The Shield hits and mobs out the Rock. Everyone's confused because the match had nothing to do with Punk. Cena looks shocked and confused as hell, but gets up and completes the mock People's Elbow he tried during WM28. He wins, and the Shield surrounds him. After some tension, he smiles, laughs, and gets his hand raised by them: instant heel turn.

Next night on RAW he explains himself:
The Shield was a cover-up for Cena to get back in the title picture: they protected Punk so that Cena would finally get his revenge by taking the title from him rather than Ryback, but then Rock screwed it all up, so he threw a curveball and got some revenge anyway. The Shield are Cena's boys who he got through to the roster because of his backstage pull. Hate to play armchair booker, but I feel something at least remotely similar will happen.
Wow even back then he was horrible on a mic! I still don't get what Vince saw in him. It's going to end up the year of Cena FOREVER and he will end up worse then Hogan!

Hmm, let me guess, he got over on the microphone.


Tell me he wasn't over.
Hmm, let me guess, he got over on the microphone.


Tell me he wasn't over.

yes he was ohhhh so many years ago when he was fresh and new! Now he's just a waste of space. I don't get the wrestlers mad at Jericho and others for taking a spot when that's all that Cena does with the exception that all these part time wrestlers only take their spot for one night where Cena holds them back daily.

But then again I guess most of them learned don't bad mouth Cena or you get cut or sent to the black hole of Superstars.
yes he was ohhhh so many years ago when he was fresh and new! Now he's just a waste of space. I don't get the wrestlers mad at Jericho and others for taking a spot when that's all that Cena does with the exception that all these part time wrestlers only take their spot for one night where Cena holds them back daily.

But then again I guess most of them learned don't bad mouth Cena or you get cut or sent to the black hole of Superstars.

Don't see how he's a waste of space. His character and wrestling may not be good nowadays but WWE would drop in ratings without him.
Im with the majority who say cena is stale. Everyone I talk to about WWE thinks Cena is stale. I can think of one person who kind of likes him and he is even a little ashamed about it because he knows how stale he is.

It does appear he is set for a big year.

Cena is CRINGE WORTHY. The worst main eventer on the mic ever. Go watch the ECW video against RVD where Cena about gets Bood out of the gym. Chants of "same old shit" resonate throughout the arena because that is exactly what Cena is and always will be. If he turned heel it would be incredible. It won't happen though.

Another problem with Cena is in the ring he does not look natural at all. Maybe that is why at the ECW event they chanted "you can't wrestle!" at Cena all night. The kids love him. The children. Of course some adults like him too but they are the minority. Most adults and people with any kind of taste can't stand him.
Cena fans are some of the most irritating fans of any wrestler on the planet. You know, this might sound a little cold, but one of the best things that could happen to WWE would be for John Cena to get injured for at least a year. Why? Because they would be forced to actually build new stars and find a suitable replacement in the ME scene for him. Maybe Vince and company would actually start trying? I don't give a damn that he went an entire calendar year without the WWE title. Undertaker went three years ('99-2002) without the title and another five years after his reign as Undisputed champion. Look at how many years went by before Kane won his second World title. He deserved that second reign. Much more than Cena deserved all these title reigns. I can't say that Cena deserves to be a what.....13 time champion after Mania? It's pathetic. He'll probably exceed Ric Flair in World title reigns by the time he FINALLY retires. Guess what though? He isn't even in the same league as Flair. For that matter, he's not in the same league as Austin, The Rock, HBK, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Hogan, Macho Man, Triple H, Undertaker, Edge and a lot of other legends. Some of those guys have given me goosebumps at just the sound of their entrance music. Cena has never done that for me. Also, your supposed "top babyface" should not have 70-80% of the crowd against him. (It's not just us IWC members.) Cena doesn't even need to be WWE champion anymore and how anyone can say he deserves to be champion again or he deserved to win the Rumble again is ridiculous. Look at Kane. He's been the epitome of a company man and is one of the longest tenured guys on the roster. He's been selfless in putting others over, he's been given plain stupid storylines and horrid booking time and time again and is supposed to be one of the nicest guys on the roster. How many Royal Rumbles has he won? How many World titles has he won? Look at Cena. Guys like Ken Doane and Michael Tarver say he's a complete ass. Ken Anderson said that Cena, Orton and Triple H were Vince's "Breakfast club." (It's not hard to believe a top guy would have some backstage pull.) I'm inclined to believe them.

Look, I used to like Cena (In 2003 when he was cool) and I wanted to keep liking him after he turned face and eventually became WWE champion. By the end of 2005-early 2006, I was getting a little tired of him. By the end of 2006....Dear God! His title reign that lasted like 13 months was brutal and I didn't mind it a bit when he got injured. Lots of people have put over Cena but how many people has he put over since he became established? Jericho has put over Cena pretty much every time they wrestled. Has Cena ever returned the favor? Ugh...I could go on, but I'm getting sick of typing. Anyone that says Cena is the greatest (or one of the greatest) of all time is either a troll, an idiot, just started watching wrestling in the last few years or has horrible taste in wrestlers. Period.
I agree with this. All I will say is that Cena fans claim that it is only the "smark" crowd who boos him. Cena is booed in every city, even his hometown. In Seattle I have gone to a couple of shows and the crowd is probably 50/50. Seattle is not a "smark" crowd. Most of the Cena fans are kids or their dads or guys who honestly weigh about three bills. My wife and I went to a House Show and we sat by two guys who had not watched wrestling since Lesnar a decade ago. They did not know what shirts to get and the place only had Cena shirts, so they bought them. My wife told them she thought only kids wore Cena garb. She literally thought the shirts only came in youth sizes! Let's just say (and this was October) that by the end of the night they were Punk fans.

Vince does not like change. Plain and simple. And eventually the ass you ride gets tired and worn out and people stop tuning in.
Wow, can't believe people would wish an injury on Cena. Expected it from generic Cena hater 2000. Why did John Cena win the Royal Rumble? Because he's a star, he brings in PPV buyrates. Wrestling fans need to start looking in the eyes of a business, not a fantasy booking thread. John Cena & The Rock is going to get the WWE money which at the end of the day is the whole point of WWE. You can't blame Cena for not putting anyone over. Its not his choice.

And yes John Cena is one of the GOAT. Not only is he one of the biggest stars and probably the biggest household name behind Rock, Hogan & Stone Cold, but the guy has put on great matches through his career and easily one of the GOAT on the mic.
Don't see how he's a waste of space. His character and wrestling may not be good nowadays but WWE would drop in ratings without him.

Actually that's wrong! With or without him ratings really didn't make a big difference. And he's been main eventing RAWs and ratings are still down. Most people are sick of him and the product. Rock will give them a short term ratings boost but after that WWE is back to the Cena show and people starting to give up and find other things to watch.
Wow, can't believe people would wish an injury on Cena. Expected it from generic Cena hater 2000. Why did John Cena win the Royal Rumble? Because he's a star, he brings in PPV buyrates. Wrestling fans need to start looking in the eyes of a business, not a fantasy booking thread. John Cena & The Rock is going to get the WWE money which at the end of the day is the whole point of WWE. You can't blame Cena for not putting anyone over. Its not his choice.

And yes John Cena is one of the GOAT. Not only is he one of the biggest stars and probably the biggest household name behind Rock, Hogan & Stone Cold, but the guy has put on great matches through his career and easily one of the GOAT on the mic.
I am not a Cena fan but I do respect your being a Cena fan....Despite your young age; I clicked on your WCW link. Cool stuff. Not sure if you still do it but keep up the good work.

I just watched all the Monday Wars episodes and Blogged about them: rawwrestlingrants.blogspot.com. Thought I would plug myself too. It took me a little over two years to watch and I finished a few months ago.
Actually that's wrong! With or without him ratings really didn't make a big difference. And he's been main eventing RAWs and ratings are still down.

John Cena is pretty much the only household name to the casuals. Most of the adult fans watching are watching to see him go heel, or be beaten. And the kids watch him because its Cena. Cena is the only star in the WWE. Fire him and I guarantee RAW's ratings will be worse than they are now.
John Cena is pretty much the only household name to the casuals. Most of the adult fans watching are watching to see him go heel, or be beaten. And the kids watch him because its Cena. Cena is the only star in the WWE. Fire him and I guarantee RAW's ratings will be worse than they are now.

Yes and in the process they're losing most of their adult crowd! Punk was a household name and got more Media attention than Cena, so the WWE has HHH bury him and slow his momentum.

Cena is the worst thing to happen to the world of wrestling since The Shockmaster
John Cena is pretty much the only household name to the casuals. Most of the adult fans watching are watching to see him go heel, or be beaten. And the kids watch him because its Cena. Cena is the only star in the WWE. Fire him and I guarantee RAW's ratings will be worse than they are now.
I am still befuddled that you are upset that I don't like Cena. I am not going to attack you. Just your opinion if anything. Cena is not the only star in the WWE. But if indeed that is the case, that is a dangerous precedent. If he did get injured then WWE would be screwed. But WWF survived without Austin (they did have the Rock) and without Hogan and HBK etc. The roster is thinner now than it used to be because Vince is not the businessman he used to be and has allowed the midcard to go stale, though it is getting better. But if Cena did leave for a bit, WWE would survive. It may actually free them up to become more innovative. That is not the fault of Cena but rather the writers and Vince. But once your mainstay departs you are forced to make changes and sometimes that is for the better and if Cena comes back, his character would be fresher and it might do the WWE some good.
Yes and in the process they're losing most of their adult crowd! Punk was a household name and got more Media attention than Cena, so the WWE has HHH bury him and slow his momentum.

Cena is the worst thing to happen to the world of wrestling since The Shockmaster

Punk wasn't a household name. The guy got media attention for one summer, but he wasn't on the level of Cena to where a non wrestling fan could know who they are. Hell Punk couldn't even get into an arena once and that was as his first reign as WWE Champion.

I am still befuddled that you are upset that I don't like Cena. I am not going to attack you. Just your opinion if anything. Cena is not the only star in the WWE. But if indeed that is the case, that is a dangerous precedent. If he did get injured then WWE would be screwed. But WWF survived without Austin (they did have the Rock) and without Hogan and HBK etc. The roster is thinner now than it used to be because Vince is not the businessman he used to be and has allowed the midcard to go stale, though it is getting better. But if Cena did leave for a bit, WWE would survive. It may actually free them up to become more innovative. That is not the fault of Cena but rather the writers and Vince. But once your mainstay departs you are forced to make changes and sometimes that is for the better and if Cena comes back, his character would be fresher and it might do the WWE some good.

Please name any other stars in WWE.
Punk wasn't a household name. The guy got media attention for one summer, but he wasn't on the level of Cena to where a non wrestling fan could know who they are. Hell Punk couldn't even get into an arena once and that was as his first reign as WWE Champion.

Please name any other stars in WWE.

Sorry Cena is not a household name! You think he is because you're a fan! Cena is nothing more than a niche person who can't act, can't wrestle, can't speak on a mic, but gets pushed because VKM built him.

And there's MANY MANY stars who get a bigger reaction than Cena. DB, Punk, Ziggler, the list can go on.

Unfortunately your blinded to the truth because you're a fan. Punk made mainstream news and ESPN for positive things. Cena made TMZ and ESPN for being a joke.
Punk wasn't a household name. The guy got media attention for one summer, but he wasn't on the level of Cena to where a non wrestling fan could know who they are. Hell Punk couldn't even get into an arena once and that was as his first reign as WWE Champion.

Please name any other stars in WWE.
CM Punk is a star. I have to agree with Ryberg that they aborted the Summer of Punk too early. He did the talk show circuit etc. The WWE needs to create the stars, give Punk top billing when he is champ. Treat him like the top guy and not a placeholder champ. Vince does not do that, or rarely does. It is almost as if he does not want to supplant Cena. It takes work to get guys over but fans are pliable. If you do it long enough and do it well, the fans will buy into it.

They could easily make a huge star out of Daniel Bryan. Fans cheer Ziggler, Jericho gets love. There are plenty of guys that could breakthrough that glass ceiling. Maybe Orton if he could stay sane and sober, but then again he is a cure for insomnia. You could probably elevate a lot of guys to a bigger status. But it is the fault of the WWE that they don't.
Sorry Cena is not a household name! You think he is because you're a fan! Cena is nothing more than a niche person who can't act, can't wrestle, can't speak on a mic, but gets pushed because VKM built him.

And there's MANY MANY stars who get a bigger reaction than Cena. DB, Punk, Ziggler, the list can go on.

Unfortunately your blinded to the truth because you're a fan. Punk made mainstream news and ESPN for positive things. Cena made TMZ and ESPN for being a joke.

Cena is a household name. Household name doesn't have anything to do with your wrestling skill. It has to deal with how known you are. Cena is more known than all the other guys you listed. I showed you a video of how over Cena was and yet you still claim he was pushed magically to the top.

Bigger reactions doesn't make you a star.
Cena is a household name. Household name doesn't have anything to do with your wrestling skill. It has to deal with how known you are. Cena is more known than all the other guys you listed. I showed you a video of how over Cena was and yet you still claim he was pushed magically to the top.

Bigger reactions doesn't make you a star.
Had WWE made the main event at WM: Punk v. Rock for the belt. Punk wins on the biggest stage. Now you have a bona fide star. You just had your talent, one of your top guys go over the legendary Rock at WM. Something that Cena could not do. And you do it cleanly. Now people take notice and or more so than before. Punk is that household name you speak of.

Had WWE done it right then it would have been Cena v. Lesnar II. Instead they fucked that up. It is baffling that WWE can screw up the simplest things. Both Punk and Cena get the big win, setting up a big feud between the two. I really believe that Vince lost touch years ago.
Cena is a household name. Household name doesn't have anything to do with your wrestling skill. It has to deal with how known you are. Cena is more known than all the other guys you listed. I showed you a video of how over Cena was and yet you still claim he was pushed magically to the top.

Bigger reactions doesn't make you a star.

So what I can show you 1000 videos of how over Eugene was! CENA WAS MAGICALLY PUSHED TO THE TOP with a steady diet of shoved in your face. Cena is more well known BECAUSE he was pushed as a business decision. He's a product.:banghead: My god you Cena fans just don't get it.
The WWE needs to have the winner of the Rumble actually win the belt. It really hurt ADR when he lost at WM. They have to make the winner the focal point or a bigger focal point in the build towards WM.

Have King of the Ring still. The winner gets a shot at SummerSlam. Sure there are some misses there but you also had Austin and HHH. My God, that is a chance to build new guys.

Have MitB a part of WM. And the winner gets a certain amount of time to cash it in. The last two winners have gotten BURIED before cashing it in. Miz too....so the last three or more. It hurts their credibility when they are losing all the time and then win the belt. The fans don't take them seriously. Thankfully Bryan built himself up and then the fans rebelled against Sheamus' nonsense WM win.

There will always be room for Cena. I get that he is a moneymaker. But when he wins the MitB case, something he did not need and the Rumble and now WM. For me at least, it is too much.
Also to show how out of touch the WWE is: They cannot book a heel at all. They treat the secondary belts as jokes. They have two guys who can talk and are decent in the ring with Wade and Antonio. But Antonio loses clean to Orton and then after Wade beats Orton he loses to Sheamus and they hardly make a dent in the Rumble. Wade was in for a bit....

One of those two could have been in at the end. It is almost as if the WWE is willing to mortgage its future just so Cena, Orton, Sheamus and the Ryback's of world keep winning. At this point I am almost wondering why the WWE even has heels.

I mean Wade or Antonio could feud with Cena later but instead get a win here and there but are treated as cannon fodder for the top guys.

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