John Cena Heel Turn with Nikki Bella


Pre-Show Stalwart

I am now going to admit in ink, that I, being of sound mind and heart hereby admit that I have been enjoying the hell out of Nikki Bella’s heel turn. It’s been great. I think Nikki Bella is a great heel. She has presence as the biggest bitch in the company, and it is working for her like a charm. I don’t think she is like this. Based on what I’ve seen on Total Divas (which is a fair amount), she seems like a very fun, sweet woman who has that side of her, that could kill you.

It’s a good character for her to play. I just don’t understand. Why won’t Brie Bella fight back? She is such a weak character that she couldn’t make the Yes chant work. It’s true, wrestling fans like aggression and wrestlers that don’t take any crap. Nikki has that right now. That is why Nikki is the far more talented one of the twins.

John Cena is about to get destroyed by Brock Lesnar again. If he puts up a fight, he’ll be okay, but he will still lose. Imagine if the biggest babyface on the roster in John Cena, suddenly had Nikki Bella with him as a valet. Nikki Bella has said herself that she would like to have a program with John Cena before she retires. I realize she is heel, but imagine if Cena just started having his aggressive Bella with him all the time. He’d go crazy. He’d start losing matches and eventually, his attitude would change. He would start to get more aggressive and be angry all the time. The whole character would shift a little. I think it would give him new life.

I would personally build this whole thing up until Wrestlemania XXXI. John Cena with Nikki Bella vs. Daniel Bryan with Brie Bella. I think this match is huge. I think Daniel Bryan is a strong enough face, and with the sympathy of the injury and the title strip, he could come back and rival John Cena for the top face easily if booked properly. I think John Cena loses this match by tapping out to the Yes Lock.

I think in order for the John Cena character to really change, he would have to submit in a big match. I think that puts Bryan over on a very high level that he could challenge Roman Reigns, or even Brock Lesnar for the Championship after that. But the real story is with Cena, and the fact that for the first time in over twelve years, John Cena quits. After that it is gold, Cena keeps slipping by being dragged down by the evil Nikki Bella. He becomes more and more heel, and we all know he has the mic ability and presence to cut face/heel promos and then falling into the darkness. Really have fun, there are so many things to do with that side of John Cena.

This is the master stroke of John Cena’s career, and WWE wants to throw a story like THIS away because they don’t want to risk losing money because the kids like him too much. That right there is what is wrong with John Cena’s booking. The guy could be epic. He could be one of the best ever, but he’s being held back. This is where Cena’s attitude really gets to me. We just want to help you. We just want you to be great. I know that wrestling fans can be A-Holes, but we truly just want the best product possible.

John Cena always talks about the fans, right? Here’s a little Pipebomb for you, John Cena doesn’t care about the fans. John Cena cares about his fans. Fans that think like me are being ignored because stories like the one above are not “best for business”. Instead, we get the other stories where John Cena fights the bad guy, but the bad guy is tough, but then JOHN CENA WINS because god forbid, he shows a little bit of humility. God forbid, he becomes a person and not a character. God forbid, he becomes relate able to someone who still loves wrestling just as much now, as they did at their age. When it’s written down like that, I feel like WWE is eating my fruit and throwing away the peel. I don’t feel good about wrestling anymore when WWE would rather ignore me than listen.
Other than in Total Divas, have the WWE ever acknowledged Nikki Bella as dating Cena in kayfabe? I've not noticed it myself anyway.

I've also not hated the Bella thing as much as I expected to (though some of the segments have been truly godawful), and Nikki comes off as a natural heel quite well. Plus her finisher is fifty times more badass than Brie's one. :) To the topic though, I don't think a Cena heel turn will ever happen, regardless of what's going on with the Bellas. They've teased it before, and they're regurgitating the same old crap as always. Kane tried to bring out the demon in Cena, Wyatt tried to bring out the monster inside him, and Heyman is trying to bring the beast out of him right now. What happened in the end? Absolutely nothing other than Cena overcoming the odds. Now I'm anticipating a Lesnar win at NoC which does leave a little uncertainty as to what Cena will do going forward. But I still don't see anything resembling a heel turn happening. Maybe he taps into an angry side of himself (but we've seen that too, Jack Swagger anyone?) for a small time before he composes himself again? I don't really know.

Not shooting your idea down, I like it, I think the majority of us would love to see something different happen with Cena (if we can't get rid of him entirely :D ), but I just don't see any sort of heel turn ever happening.
You say that you just want to help Cena but sounds like your having a dig because you don't like him in WWE.

I think your story simply puts over DB, rather than anything to do with Cena's career.
there are a lot of fans out there who think that losses would be really good to help the guys they don't like, but if one of their favorites loses it's a burial
To be perfectly honest, I'm extremely surprised that WWE hasn't already done some sort of storyline involving Cena and Nikki. Total Divas is an important project to Vince, so much so that Vince has ordered some WWE storylines created featuring the Divas so that said storylines will be part of the plot for episodes of Total Divas itself.

The notion of Nikki being involved in a storyline with Cena would illicit groans of displeasure from some people, which I can understand. At the same time, however, people have complained for years, justifiably so, that there's no storylines happening with women wrestlers in WWE. It's something that WWE has been steadily changing for the past 1.5 years or so, yet some still complain. The Divas can't be relevant while having nothing remotely meaningful happening at the same time.

However, it's unlikely that John Cena will be turning heel. The reasons why have been stated so many times in so many different threads that they've become almost cliché. John Cena, as a babyface, is too profitable for WWE. Cena as the "face" of WWE has helped raise the standing of the company in the eyes of a lot of people, as shown by WWE's partnership with organizations like Make A Wish and the Susan G. Konnen organizations. I read a report last year stating that the "John Cena brand" brings in about $100 million in revenue to the company.

I understand and agree with the notion that Cena's character is stagnant at times, but Cena's unpopularity among fans is heavily exaggerated at live events and TV tapings. If as many fans genuinely disliked Cena as much as it seems, his matches & segments wouldn't be among the most watched parts of Raw nor would his "brand" be generating 9 figure revenues for WWE. Fans boo Cena on Raw and house shows because it's "the thing to do", it's become almost tradition. When you've been to as many house shows as I have and seen people wearing Cena hats or t-shirts joining in with the "Cena sucks" side of the chants, it's hard to take them seriously.

The bottom line is what's of most importance to WWE or any other company in the business of making money. John Cena, as is, is a big draw and money maker for WWE, so many that's why they haven't changed his character or turned him heel. Vince ain't gonna throw away $100 million away just because, comparatively speaking, a handful of smarks rag on Cena.
I have to agree with Jack Hammer on this one. John Cena is too important to the WWE revenue and popularity wise to risk losing what he brings in. He will never turn heel not even to help a horrible show like Total Diva's. And if that show can't make it on it's own without his help, then it's time to fold up the tents and cancel it.

The Bella twins have their own thing going, and as cringeworthy as it is at times, it's their thing. No need to pull your number one draw into the middle of that shitshow. The worst thing I could imagine is John Cena in the ring last week in the middle of that Jerry Springer debacle. No, leave Cena out of it, thank you very much.

If Cena is going to turn heel, which he won't, then it should happen for a much better reason or cause than to help his girlfriend in a relationship, which the WWE has never really acknowledged. After the Wyatt's trying to get to him to turn, the Paul Heyman promo's and the destruction by Lesnar at Summerslam, if he's not turning heel by now he won't.

A lot of wrestlers have relationships with other wrestlers, and the WWE doesn't use them in storylines, and I agree. There is something in this world called privacy and people should be allowed to have some.
I like the idea actually. But it would have to be built in to a Cena heel turn by WM31 and that won't happen.
i think if he does turn heel it should be on Bryan because it only makes sense. Imagine
with Cena/Lesnar on Sunday Cena taps out to the Kimura leaving people stunned. The next night Cena then say's Heyman is right he is not himself. Cena say's he needs to take some time off (Really to finish his movies.) He returns at RR and is quickly eliminated by Bryan. After Bryan fight's Brock and gives him a hell of a fight (something Cena couldn't do.) At EC Bryan pins and eliminates Cena first. Cena looks on shocked and then goes to leave but then turns around while Cesaro is laughing and get's in Bryan's face and then pushes Cesaro. The next night on Raw it is a tag match Cena/Bryan vs. Cesaro/Bray. After the match Cena raises Bryan's hand up (who get's the pin) and then clothesline him. After he picks him up and drops him with an AA. He throws Bryan out the ring into the barricade, into the steps and AA's him on the steps. He walks away looking pissed and does the U can't c me with a smirk to the fans. The next week he say's his reason was because Bryan can't beat me,him pinning me at SS 2013 and EC was a fluke,him eliminating me in the RR was a fluke. He say's he left to find his mojo and why he couldn't beat Brock,why he couldn't beat Randy,why Bray was in his head. He say's because he lost his mojo from Daniel. He say's not only Daniel but all of you. You cheer a goatface troll who's been here for 4 years but boo a men who gave his all to you for 12 years. You chant suck, you sing for me to retire with Na Na Na goodbye. Worst of all you tell your kids to turn on me too. He challenges Bryan to a match at WrestleMania 31. He loses blames the fans and goes part-time saying they have to earn a John Cena return.

But a heel turn with Nikki. NO?

They said he can't turn heel from a merchandise perspective but that is because he is the only one who really wears shirts. If Bryan was back with a new shirt,Reigns weared his shirts over the vest,Dean weared his they would have a chance at selling close to his rate. Hell John Cena's new heel shirts would out sell his old shirts IMO. It needs to happen/has to happen. It makes sense at this point. If they trust Reigns to be the next top guy by WM 31 they need to trust him all the way not halfway.
For the love of God, PLEASE STOP MAKING THESE POSTS! They're getting ridiculous and are starting to be more annoying than people not realizing currency isn't money. John Cena WILL NOT turn heel, so there's not any reason to discuss it. WWE fears that turning him heel would hurt his character, and if you need proof of that; look at ALL of Stone Cold's heel turns... the WWE ended up turning him back to face out of fear of losing merchandise.

I'm balls deep on a Cena heel turn right now. I love it. I want it. I feel like all programming and all dirt sheet rumors and stories are pointing in that direction. I've become so entrenched in it that I have become one of those fans who I mock when they complain about the product because what they said was going to happen or want to happen didn't happen. In the end it all comes down to how many people re-upped their Network subscriptions and how many foreigners signed up over the past month or so. We know not as many signed up as predicted originally and not many signed up after Mania. The ones that are going to re-up will do so before NoC and the ones who did not will either never sign up again or are waiting for the Rumble or Mania. WWE needs a way to draw these people back before Mania season and bring those on the fence in. A Cena heel turn is the biggest bullet they have in their gun right now.

I don't love this Nikki dea though. I don't mind Nikki aligning herself with Cena but I don't think she should play a major role. A one off interview now and again or a backstage segment is enough. Then again, the heel heat Cena would receive if he had Nikki doing his promos would be overwhelming. She has that Vicki Guerrero quality about her plus she is hot.
Where does John Cena go after NoC if he loses? He can't get a third shot. Triple H and Steph butting heads with him it gives some logic for Cenas involvement before throwing him in to a random storyline.
Not a bad idea at all. If Cena loses again to Lesnar, this could be the perfect heel turn we've all been hoping for. Lesnar could move on to the next challenger while Cena toils in anger for a few months, making a slow change to a heel. His attitude would change over the course of weeks or months.

Then Nikki comes into Cena's kayfabe life. They could make that happen on total divas or on raw. Then, at about the same time Daniel Bryan would be back from injury. The Bella Feud could spill over into a Cena / Bryan feud. If there is one face more over than Cena it is Daniel Bryan. A feud with him would cement Cena as a heel for a long time.
QUOTE=Wale4Real;4997753]i think if he does turn heel it should be on Bryan because it only makes sense. Imagine
with Cena/Lesnar on Sunday Cena taps out to the Kimura leaving people stunned. The next night Cena then say's Heyman is right he is not himself. Cena say's he needs to take some time off (Really to finish his movies.) He returns at RR and is quickly eliminated by Bryan. After Bryan fight's Brock and gives him a hell of a fight (something Cena couldn't do.) At EC Bryan pins and eliminates Cena first. Cena looks on shocked and then goes to leave but then turns around while Cesaro is laughing and get's in Bryan's face and then pushes Cesaro. The next night on Raw it is a tag match Cena/Bryan vs. Cesaro/Bray. After the match Cena raises Bryan's hand up (who get's the pin) and then clothesline him. After he picks him up and drops him with an AA. He throws Bryan out the ring into the barricade, info the steps and AA's him on the steps. He walks away looking pissed and does the U can't c me with a smirk to the fans. The next week he say's his reason was because Bryan can't beat me,him pinning me at SS 2013 and EC was a fluke,him eliminating me in the RR was a fluke. He say's he left to find his mojo and why he couldn't beat Brock,why he couldn't beat Randy,why Bray was in his head. He say's because he lost his mojo from Daniel. He say's not only Daniel but all of you. You cheer a goatface troll who's been here for 4 years but boo a men who gave his all to you for 12 years. You chant suck, you sing for me to retire with Na Na Na goodbye. Worst of all you tell your kids to turn on me too. He challenges Bryan to a match at WrestleMania 31. He loses blames the fans and goes part-time saying they have to earn a John Cena return.

But a heel turn with Nikki. NO?

They said he can't turn heel from a merchandise perspective but that is because he is the only one who really wears shirts. If Bryan was back with a new shirt,Reigns weared his shirts over the vest,Dean weared his they would have a chance at selling close to his rate. Hell John Cena's new heel shirts would out sell his old shirts IMO. It needs to happen/has to happen. It makes sense at this point. If they trust Reigns to be the next top guy by WM 31 they need to trust him all the way not halfway.[/QUOTE]

Right on man this is a wonderful idea. I would love to see it happen.

Also what the OP posted was great. Its well past time for a heel turn for Cena. I don't think people would clamor as much for a Cena heel turn if he would at least change up his character.

Bryan would be the perfect one for him to turn because like many have said he is a likable guy, he does make a wish and is humble. Also his merch was selling
Cena will turn Heel when they find the guy who can and will do what he's been doing for 9 yrs and being the Face of The Company as he's done everything since his 1st World Title win over JBL at WM 21. So I think Sethy is that guy but he's getting slowly built as the Nexy Guy and when they think Rollins can handle it than John will turn and maybe a Double Switch as what if Cena has been working for The Authority all along but he wants to be a Good Guy.

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