Cena/Ziggler alternative....


Championship Contender
There is a big deal going around about John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, heel turns, and the U.S. Belt. , Ziggler himself makes a good heel. But whether he's a heel or face the fans cheer and go nuts over him. Probably teenage girls lol. Must be DZ Nations look lol.

Now if they did want this feud to turn Cena. DZ taking the belt from a heel Cena would blow the roof off.

Or turn him and keep the belt like this. Have Nikki and Brie run to the ring. Nikki jumps on the Apron and distracts the ref. Brie throws the title into Cena who blasts Ziggler in the face. Ref turns around and Cena pins him 1-2-3.. After the match Nikki slides a chair into the ring and Cena beats the holy living ape $hit out of Ziggler then kicks him out of the ring. The Bella's and Cena stands in the ring everybody booing. Then the Authority music hits and out comes HHH, Steph, and Rollins. All hugging and celebrating. Triple H grabs the mic and looks at Seth Rollins and says "Who needs a Plan B, when we've got a Plan A right here!!!" Triple H pedigrees Rollins and says He'll in a Cell is now a triple threat championship match and puts Cena in the match. At HIAC the authority helps Cena win the World Championship. Next night Raw opens with authority's music and out comes HHH, Steph, John Cena (Double champ), Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, and J&J Security. And introduces to the world the NEW AUTHORITY!!!

And plus sets up Seth Rollins (plan B) against HHH at Wrestlemania!!!!

Now how's that for quick booking? Lol
We all know John Cena won't turn heel for another 15-20 years. Right before he retires. But this sounded like a good story !!
It's interesting. It works. The only problems are: 1) like you said, cena won't turn yet 2) when cena does turn the place is going to erupt and cena is going to get cheered more then ever. Love the double turn tho.

The Cena heel turn will happen. I think roman needs to be ready to take over the top spot and I don't think they're there yet.
While that would be a great idea and all, Cena is leaving for a while after HIAC so this really wouldn't work the best. The better option would be to turn Ziggler heal and align Nikki with Ziggler by turning her back on Cena. At HIAC have Nikki come out to "save" Cena but in the end turn on him and have Ziggler destroy Cena leaving him on the shelf for a while
That sounds awesome I like it a lot, The only question is will John go for it. I do not think John will ever turn heel but it would be cool if he did. I think Dolph will be the heel in this feud and maybe even have Nikki by his side. I am not sure how to write John off of t.v after HIAC, maybe Dolph gets some help from some unlikely source. They than beat the snot out of John and he is gone for awhile.
Cena is a long way from a heel turn. It would be good in a wrestling sense but not good in a business sense. The WWE has to get everything they can out of his being a face along with his charity work but if he has a decent drop off in popularity then he could do a turn. Vince only cares about the price of his shares and in no way is he going to do something to hurt that. He also doesn't have a big enough face to take Cena's place.
DZ taking the belt from a heel Cena would blow the roof off.

I can appreciate your thinking, but feel you're vastly overestimating the impact and appeal of Dolph Ziggler. To me, he's a career midcarder....and as hard as the company has tried to elevate him.....and despite the occasional unexpected triumph by Dolph....I believe it will take a guy who's a lot more 'main event-ready' to put the first defeat on a newly-turned Cena. In fact, when bad Cena loses for the first time, his opponent will be on the level of Brock, Undertaker......or even Sting.

Your 'New Authority' idea is an interesting one. It seems like the type of thing that would catch the fans unaware.

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