The Authority's back! Where do we go from here?

Or to place further emphasis;

Honestly, at this point such a stance- and a fair number of people have it- leaves me scratching my head.

Usually that point is emphasized during a rather specific point of the show where the audience is showing downright blatant disrespect for the product they are seeing. I'm thinking Cena/Orton XC: Bloody Stone, from last year's Royal Rumble, to name such an example. Or the multiple times the crowd has tried to wreck the show with a 'CM Punk' chant. Or how thoroughly they dumped on Batista when he was shown to be the big hero WWE scripted beyond all reasonable sanity.

But the problem with saying fans should just kick back and enjoy the show brings an important question; what if the show they are offering just isn't good? Or fails to give them what they want? Do we just tell them, 'Boo Hoo, cry me a river on Youtube' and leave it at that? That's about as dismissive as WWE tends to really treat their fans. Or as ANY sport/entertainment/etc. treats their fans- like they are walking disposable dollar bills, easily replaced, easily placated.

Is it because the audience is untrustworthy because they can be ******edly fickle in their support? To an extent, yes. It's why John Cena's been on top for so long, remember. Because HIS supporting fanbase is both steady and easily replaceable, where on the other hand the 'IWC Darling' of the day might very well be turned on within the span of a few months. Because we've learned that kids out-do the grownups in that department, easily.

The truth is, fans in general HAVE no other weapons at their disposal to display their displeasure at the product being shown. Petitions are garbage, only worth an amount of time equivalent to signing your freaking name on a piece of paper. Letters do not work without a unified front, which fans these days no longer are, paradoxically, because today's massively technologically advanced era has somehow eroded the connections between fans much worse than in the old days. Walking away from the product? Are you freaking kidding me? If people had THAT kind of sense in the world there wouldn't BE a WWE. Nor would there be a TNA or GFW or NJPW or that new Luchador stuff or any of the territories or any wrestling at all. Heck, anything entertainment-based would take such a nasty hit that we'd be back down to the oldest branches of entertainment; kiddie games and brothels. Products like the WWE can endure the stance of 'If you don't like it, leave it' because ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the person in the spotlight will cowardly get back to his seat and leave all pretensions of abandoning something that gives his sorry excuse for a soul something to enjoy. And the one guy? Replaced by a hundred new kids.

That leaves outright rebellion.
Calm down, William Wallace.

You make light of it, but just don't watch. If I don't like something, I don't watch. I didn't watch WWE from 2002 - about 2009 because it was atrocious. Even now, I just watched Royal Rumble 2003. Shawn Michaels opens the Rumble up with a botched blade job on his own forehead. It's worthless. I'll never understand the idea that I should keep consuming media that I hate while complaining about it and trying to change it and ruin it for everyone else.

If a movie comes out and my favorite actor isn't the lead character, I don't go onto message boards and threaten to ruin the premiere. I either watch it to see how good the movie is, or I don't watch it at all. If I go to a concert and my favorite band doesn't play the song list in the order that I think is best, even though they're the professionals, I don't stand up and try and start a riot. I'd be called all sorts of things. But since wrestling is a carny side-show, it's supposed to be ok to disrupt the entire evening for people. This is why WWE fans can't be trusted. The minority can very easily ruin it for the majority.

The overwhelming majority of WWE fans would much rather see Roman Reigns win the Royal Rumble. They love to hate HHH as the heel Authority. And they LOVE John Cena. These are the people that the WWE caters to, and that's because they make the money.

Now, Daniel Bryan threw a wrench in that, and since audiences fucking LOVE cheering and chanting, the Yes! thing took off, casual fans took notice of the Daniel Bryan angle in which the WWE pushed him as hard as possible from Summerslam to Wrestlemania, and they got behind him.

But this is about the Authority. HHH is probably the best promo heel since Rock was a heel. And even then, HHH might be better. He's just absolutely perfect at it. Fans, casual fans that just want to see a live show, can REALLY get behind hating the Authority and HHH. Why would they hate Bray Wyatt? Why would they hate any heel in the WWE? HHH provides the kayfabe morality compass in the WWE right now. The person that HHH wants to fight is the face, anyone that fights them is a heel.
I feel I will be watching less WWE than ever in 2015 w/ the return of the Authority. I really dislike them and was ecstatic when they left, I don't know if this is the cure to raise ratings or not but I"m not a fan of it. Its just going to be a repeat of the 3 on 1 or 4 on 1 beatdowns like before and the antagonizing verbiage of Steph/Trip H belittling the faces-WWE needs to do something bigger than this ploy to get me to watch more this year.
1. DB wins the Rumble and goes to Wrestlemania to fight for the title against Lesnar.

2. On the Rumble Lesnar beats Cena but he gets somehow attacked by Rollins who wants to turn the MITB briefcase in.... just before he can pin Lesnar he gets screwed by Kane, JJ Security or even HHH himself.... because "it is best for business to have Lesnar as the WWE Champ!". This makes Rollins get mad and we see him slowliy turning face to feud against the Autority and have a match against HHH at Wrestlemania.

3. Ziggler ... Everyone believes Orton will return as a face but i see him returning again as member of the Authority and feud with Ziggler. But to be honest i dont really care what happens with Ziggler. I have lost interest in him. As for Orton it would be cool to see him against Ambrose.

4. Cena could fight Reigns for the number one contender spot at WM. So whoever wins gets in line to fight the new champ (DB). This could be a good way to elevate Reigns even more by beating Cena.

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