**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Hope you are all ready for Super Cena :)

READY FOR???? That's all he's been for a few years! The only difference is now we're going to be annoyed non-stop with the knowledge after WM he'll be the champ. Unless they have Punk vs Taker, I for one really have no interest in WM this year! I mean I WONDER WHO's going to win Rock Vs Cena:shrug: Then who will win Lesnar vs HHH :huh: . WM is going to blow unless there's a good Punk match because the rest of the main matches are predictable.
John Cena.... Why do I hate him?

His constant blandness, his 5 moves of doom, his stale unevolving character which has been the same for near enough 10 years.

Whenever I see a Cena promo or match I fast forward it, It sends me to sleep, I cannot bear to watch or listen to him, he is so talentless. He is in that postion because he was the right guy at the right time. A time where anyone else left who had the star factor either had left WWE or went semi retired. THEY HAD NO ONE ELSE.

Why is it WWE is embarassing now a days? Im ashamed to say I watch it to my friends who dont anymore, It used to be kool, edgy and thoroughly more entertaining in the attitude era. Its draw/viewing numbers prooves that when comparing them to todays product. This silly PG product that no one seems to like except 5 year old children?

The only 2 guys who bring some promise to the future is punk and ziggler. Cena I have no time for.

If any of the old greats wrestle at a PPV I will happily buy it, like i did RR. To see them once again wrestle. Because its ENTERTAINING.

Rock alone has bought me back to todays product, I didnt watch WWE from 2004-2011. Do you know why?


BECAUSE IT WAS AWFUL TELEVISION, and you marks know no different and will happily buy the crap they put in front of you. We the consumer should control what we want to see, we are the income to the business. But the longer you fanboys keep up with it the longer it will remain.

Rant over..... Now breathe.
John Cena.... Why do I hate him?

His constant blandness, his 5 moves of doom, his stale unevolving character which has been the same for near enough 10 years.

Whenever I see a Cena promo or match I fast forward it, It sends me to sleep, I cannot bear to watch or listen to him, he is so talentless. He is in that postion because he was the right guy at the right time. A time where anyone else left who had the star factor either had left WWE or went semi retired. THEY HAD NO ONE ELSE.

Why is it WWE is embarassing now a days? Im ashamed to say I watch it to my friends who dont anymore, It used to be kool, edgy and thoroughly more entertaining in the attitude era. Its draw/viewing numbers prooves that when comparing them to todays product. This silly PG product that no one seems to like except 5 year old children?

The only 2 guys who bring some promise to the future is punk and ziggler. Cena I have no time for.

If any of the old greats wrestle at a PPV I will happily buy it, like i did RR. To see them once again wrestle. Because its ENTERTAINING.

Rock alone has bought me back to todays product, I didnt watch WWE from 2004-2011. Do you know why?


BECAUSE IT WAS AWFUL TELEVISION, and you marks know no different and will happily buy the crap they put in front of you. We the consumer should control what we want to see, we are the income to the business. But the longer you fanboys keep up with it the longer it will remain.

Rant over..... Now breathe.
Careful my friend. I bashed Cena here and I got messages calling me a ******. They are VERY sensitive when it comes to Cena. Some even believe he is the greatest ever (No, I am not kidding).

I honestly cannot stand Cena. His promo skills are non-existent and his in ring acumen average at best. WWE will end up relying on him too much and for too long and pay the price. When I came back to wrestling in 2010, I wanted to give him a chance and not be one of the "haters" but after the Nexus shit, I stopped attempting to be a fan.

He reminds of Hogan in WCW back in 95/6, jumping the shark. The announcers claiming that the crowd is loving him when the majority of male adults are booing the shit out of him. But he will be getting another title run and I will probably watch.
People may not like it but they at least have to understand it. CM Punk has held the WWE title for over 400 days which is completely unheard of in the modern era. Even before that Alberto Del Rio had the belt for a short while. I think John Cena has done his part in spreading the wealth and giving up a spot that many people would argue he didn't have to. Even with the rise of Punk, Cena is still a mega player and seen my many as the face of company, he's in his mid 30s, looks 25 years old and I know some may not want to hear this but can probably wrestle well into his early 40's. It wasn't if if he was going to win the title again but when. Do I think he's the overall most entertaining guy in the company, no but I understand his the reality of his superstardum that only a handful of people reach in wrestling history ever. Don't worry new stars will continue to rise and be made but let's be honest Cena getting back the WWE title was only a matter of time.
I myself am going to ignore the same old tired arguments of ''he's selfish for always hogging the spotlight'' or ''EVERY YEAR IS JOHN CENA'S YEAR.''

In my opinion, it's about time. Whether you like it or not, Cena IS THE TOP GUY, has been for a long time, and still will be for the foreseeable future. And yes, I do agree that he was in quite the funk during the majority of 2012, but now that my favourite babyface in the company is coming back to his rightful spot in the main event, things are looking up. Just for the record, I do like the fact that he won the Rumble, I do want to see Rock/Cena II, and I do want another Cena championship run.

Call me a crazy fool, but Cena being on the top again is a great thing. I am proud to say that as a fan.

Unfortunately this will be the year of Cena, its absolutely destined to. We've just got to hope that after 2013, Cena's participation and role in the WWE will start to diminish. I cant see him being the top dog for too much longer, not with guys like Ziggler, Barrett and Ryback waiting to snatch the flame.
People may not like it but they at least have to understand it. CM Punk has held the WWE title for over 400 days which is completely unheard of in the modern era. Even before that Alberto Del Rio had the belt for a short while. I think John Cena has done his part in spreading the wealth and giving up a spot that many people would argue he didn't have to. Even with the rise of Punk, Cena is still a mega player and seen my many as the face of company, he's in his mid 30s, looks 25 years old and I know some may not want to hear this but can probably wrestle well into his early 40's. It wasn't if if he was going to win the title again but when. Do I think he's the overall most entertaining guy in the company, no but I understand his the reality of his superstardum that only a handful of people reach in wrestling history ever. Don't worry new stars will continue to rise and be made but let's be honest Cena getting back the WWE title was only a matter of time.
I agree with you and I am glad this is not devolving into name calling and angry downvotes or whatever it is called.

He is the top guy and others have gotten a title run. It did not help that Punk played second fiddle during a lot of his title run. In order to make new stars you have to give them the confidence etc. Let Punk main event. Put the spotlight on him. Cena is going to make money no matter what and will never be fully away from the main event. Wrestling is typically conservative and adverse to change or at least slow to evolve.

I am not saying that anyone can fill Cena's shoes but I think that fans are pretty pliable and that more could be done to create bigger stars for the future. If you really want to push someone, fans will typically respond.
do you guys think he ever gets tired of basically burying or not putting over younger guys. Cant take Ziggler seriously when Cena takes 5 finishers, kicks out of them all, does the 5 moves of a doom, an AA and its over. Besides his match vs Rock last year when was the last time he lost clean in a one on one match?
People may not like it but they at least have to understand it. CM Punk has held the WWE title for over 400 days which is completely unheard of in the modern era. Even before that Alberto Del Rio had the belt for a short while. I think John Cena has done his part in spreading the wealth and giving up a spot that many people would argue he didn't have to. Even with the rise of Punk, Cena is still a mega player and seen my many as the face of company, he's in his mid 30s, looks 25 years old and I know some may not want to hear this but can probably wrestle well into his early 40's. It wasn't if if he was going to win the title again but when. Do I think he's the overall most entertaining guy in the company, no but I understand his the reality of his superstardum that only a handful of people reach in wrestling history ever. Don't worry new stars will continue to rise and be made but let's be honest Cena getting back the WWE title was only a matter of time.

People reach the stardom he does? Doesn't everyone always seem to forget it's VKM who pushes Cena? It's not like Cena "Shared the wealth". In reality he was just not in the title picture is all. He still main evented the PPV's he was in, all the RAWs were 3 hours of Cena either wrestling, talking, Lawler pitching, or commercials of Cena. There will NEVER be new stars because VKM won't let other's run with the ball.

Punk is a prime example! He started overtaking Cena in popularity, then the next thing you know he's jobbing to HHH, and Cena is getting his story lines. I won't even go into all the stories from wrestlers who basically rip Cena. I know every one says disgruntled ex-employees. But those same people always believe everything said about Hogan and others.

2013 and every other year will be the year of Cena as long as he's in the company. Not because he has any talent, or good on a mic, just because VKM loves the guy.
do you guys think he ever gets tired of basically burying or not putting over younger guys. Cant take Ziggler seriously when Cena takes 5 finishers, kicks out of them all, does the 5 moves of a doom, an AA and its over. Besides his match vs Rock last year when was the last time he lost clean in a one on one match?

I agree 100% he buried Ziggler 2 weeks in a row. It would have been one thing if Dolph got 1 win but he didn't 2 weeks in a row Dolph hit Cena with every move only to have Cena kick out and Cena won even when Dolph had help. How did that not make Dolph look HORRIBLE? If HHH had done that the internet fans would have EXPLODED.

The talk about every year being Cena's year is true. We get the same guy in the main event at the biggest show EVERY year. When you go to a movie theater do you go to the same movie EVERY time. Do you know that Cena has been in more world title matches at Mania then Hulk Hogan?

HOGAN 2,3,5,6,7,9 (6)
Cena 21,22,23,24,25,26,27 (7) going to be 8

I won't lie and say I won't watch but this year unlike the past I won't pay for Mania i will find myself a stream. I have paid for the cena show I won't pay for it again. Cena has had his time. There are other guys who given a chance could have theres. But we get Cena shoved down our throats year after year. I will watch put I won't support this product with my money. I already paid enough for this show.
I have nothing against Cena winning the Rumble match, not a hater at all. Also, since Austin, No one has ever won it multiple times until now, Sometimes you can't keep having fresh faces winning the Rumble match, it was never a problem when Austin won it back to back or Shawn Michaels, because it also lead to great things.

Now, I have it in my mind that Cena vs. Rock at Mania is more or less going to happen depending on what happens at EC, and IF Cena does take the title off The Rock at Mania, I hope he has a long reign also overcoming heels he fell to last year, fresh feuds with the title involved, Cena with the WWE title is just like Triple H, he makes us believe nothing more matters to him than the title.
I have nothing against Cena winning the Rumble match, not a hater at all. Also, since Austin, No one has ever won it multiple times until now, Sometimes you can't keep having fresh faces winning the Rumble match, it was never a problem when Austin won it back to back or Shawn Michaels, because it also lead to great things.

Now, I have it in my mind that Cena vs. Rock at Mania is more or less going to happen depending on what happens at EC, and IF Cena does take the title off The Rock at Mania, I hope he has a long reign also overcoming heels he fell to last year, fresh feuds with the title involved, Cena with the WWE title is just like Triple H, he makes us believe nothing more matters to him than the title.
I really hope it is not a long title run; Trips was awful in 03 and they had to bring in Goldberg instead of trying to get new guys built up. especially after the Booker T fiasco. They will have to turn people heel for him to feud with, like they did with Punk. Eventually they are going to run out of people for him to feud with too.

I don't think Cena winning will lead to great things but you never know.
Honestly, I see no problem with letting Cena have this year.

I highly doubt he'll win an Elimination Chamber match, unless it's a singles match apart from the Elimination Chamber. He already earned his WrestleMania spot, he can put someone else over at Elimination Chamber.

My biggest problem with Cena is that he takes such a personal role in his promos, kind of like an over-obsessed dungeons and dragons geek. The build to his match with The Rock had him going to embarrassing lengths to upstage his opponent, and to be honest his rapping is piss poor. His young fans will probably never abandon him, so it seems self-serving that he had to introduce the "I bring it via satellite" shirt.

He paid his dues, in a Hogan-esque manner mind you, in 2012. I don't think that he doesn't deserve the spot he's getting. I just hope he and his fans realize that the "Cena Sucks!" chants are way too catchy to go away.

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I really hope it is not a long title run; Trips was awful in 03 and they had to bring in Goldberg instead of trying to get new guys built up. especially after the Booker T fiasco. They will have to turn people heel for him to feud with, like they did with Punk. Eventually they are going to run out of people for him to feud with too.

I don't think Cena winning will lead to great things but you never know.

This is exact thing same I was thinking of what happens to Cena after WM who is going to feud with other Punk, which has been good in the past but those two feuded the last two summers pretty much. Ziggler should move on to SD! and put himself in position for WHC, Big Show/Cena has been done to death, Ryback would have to be a heel turn but that would be the same old story of Cena beating the odds of the larger more powerful opponent. Who does that leave Orton, Sheamus, Bryan, Kane are we really seeing anyone viable. I sure the wild card is Lesnar but is he going show up more then every 3 or 4 months. There is just more options for when Punk was champ then there are with Cena.
Lets see. Cena's promos have been weak & that was before the closing Raw segment a week or two ago. Rock literally recycles, writes his lines on his wrist, & says the same thing in attempt to remember the next line. & These two are headlining WM again. Don't buy it, don't buy this is Cena's year. I am not a bandwagon guy either, I hated Cena when he first popped on the scene looking like the tick. (Long Torso, short legs) I have always loved the rock but the first real promo between the rock & punk proved who the better man is. My point is this is still CM Punks year reguardless of who has the title. This is not an opinion this is a fact. Cena is just not that good at wrestling or on the mic. No diversity. I don't mind him getting this year handed to him because that's what Vinny is going to do. But the ones who are not getting a push & still doing great. This is their year.
I think this year will in fact be Cena's Year, but in a different kind of way. Wwe knows his character is bland, and they are running out of ideas with him. He does not draw like he once has, and he is holding back other faces from merch. sales and drawing. Wrestlemania may in fact be the Cena Turn! Rock beats Up Cena, and is ready for people's elbow when the shield comes out to beat up rock. Rock fights them off, until Cena Low Blows the Rock, and they all Gang up on him! Ryback comes out to stick up for Rock, until Brock Lesnar comes out and destroys him. Paul Heyman and CM Punk come out and continue the beat down, and Maddox comes out as a Ref and counts the 3 Count, and New Champion is Cena who is a fresh Cena, and a Heel! Cena will then be champion for 2012 against the likes of Rock (Rematch)Jericho, Ryback, Del Rio, Sheamus, D-Bry, Punk (Face Turn), and eventually Undertaker in 2014.
Has anyone else given the consideration that it will be Dolph/Cena with the rivalry they have started and then Punk winning his title back at WM? I mean all I hear is "oh it isn't fair", though they have drawn themselves a few avenues to go with Cena. I think they aren't going the obvious route of him beating the Rock at WM until they book it.
I think this year will in fact be Cena's Year, but in a different kind of way. Wwe knows his character is bland, and they are running out of ideas with him. He does not draw like he once has, and he is holding back other faces from merch. sales and drawing. Wrestlemania may in fact be the Cena Turn! Rock beats Up Cena, and is ready for people's elbow when the shield comes out to beat up rock. Rock fights them off, until Cena Low Blows the Rock, and they all Gang up on him! Ryback comes out to stick up for Rock, until Brock Lesnar comes out and destroys him. Paul Heyman and CM Punk come out and continue the beat down, and Maddox comes out as a Ref and counts the 3 Count, and New Champion is Cena who is a fresh Cena, and a Heel! Cena will then be champion for 2012 against the likes of Rock (Rematch)Jericho, Ryback, Del Rio, Sheamus, D-Bry, Punk (Face Turn), and eventually Undertaker in 2014.

My issue is that if he is stopping a face from being a seller, doesn't that say more about the other guys character than Cena's? I mean Cena really has done the same thing and that is put other guys over in recent memory, hence the piling up losses, says a lot about what he is willing to do for the company.
John Cena.... Why do I hate him?

His constant blandness, his 5 moves of doom, his stale unevolving character which has been the same for near enough 10 years.

Whenever I see a Cena promo or match I fast forward it, It sends me to sleep, I cannot bear to watch or listen to him, he is so talentless. He is in that postion because he was the right guy at the right time. A time where anyone else left who had the star factor either had left WWE or went semi retired. THEY HAD NO ONE ELSE.

Why is it WWE is embarassing now a days? Im ashamed to say I watch it to my friends who dont anymore, It used to be kool, edgy and thoroughly more entertaining in the attitude era. Its draw/viewing numbers prooves that when comparing them to todays product. This silly PG product that no one seems to like except 5 year old children?

The only 2 guys who bring some promise to the future is punk and ziggler. Cena I have no time for.

If any of the old greats wrestle at a PPV I will happily buy it, like i did RR. To see them once again wrestle. Because its ENTERTAINING.

Rock alone has bought me back to todays product, I didnt watch WWE from 2004-2011. Do you know why?


BECAUSE IT WAS AWFUL TELEVISION, and you marks know no different and will happily buy the crap they put in front of you. We the consumer should control what we want to see, we are the income to the business. But the longer you fanboys keep up with it the longer it will remain.

Rant over..... Now breathe.

No you're not the income to the business. The real people who actually go out and buy the PPVs and not watch it via stream are the fans in the audience.

Seriously if you think Cena got to the top because he was the right guy at the right time you're making no sense. The guy was over as hell, and could actually put on a good back. Watch Cena from 04-09 and from 010-Present and there's a big difference.
By VKM rule. As long as there woman and kids buying his merchandises...... Vince will put Cena as #1 no matter what happens. We should come to term VKM doesn't care about long term, he only see what he can make in a few months.

You hire all these creative writers, wouldn't make a thing. VKM still has the final saying on what happens out there.
We the consumer should control what we want to see, we are the income to the business. But the longer you fanboys keep up with it the longer it will remain.

Rant over..... Now breathe.

the problem is the consumer wants Cena its the vocal minority that doesn't. You don't like Cena fine. You stopped watching wwe because of cena fine. But don't pretend like everyone hates Cena and vince isn't giving his fans what they want they want Cena they want Rock. people aren't fanboys for liking Cena they are called Cena Fans and there are more Cena fans then Punk fans then Ziggler fans then Sheamus fans. Vince is trying to appease the most fans guess what Cena and Rock have more fans then anyone else. You are the minority they are the majority the majority still like Cena and want to see him with the title and feud with the Rock.
I don't like Cena and I'm not going to hide and and pretend and say B.S to be a nice guy about it.

Fact is Cena's run is stale.
Punk should have over taken him as the guy when he was hot and lead the WWE into a new Era. But that's not gonna happen since WWE is committed to this Family Entertainment crap.
Scobby Doo Movies, Cereal Box covers, Anti Bullying Campaigns, etc.
This is the WWE now.

2013 and Beyond is the year of John Cena as he is the definition of Family Entertainment.
The Problem with Cena and this is not me hating on him i don't hate him but not a fan of him either but its his character needs a change. Majority of the fans is bored with him it shows when at least half the fans boo him. Alot of people say the rapper gimmick was only a mid card gimmick but he was well liked as the rapper. I am not saying thats what he needs to be but something other than what he is now would be better
the problem is the consumer wants Cena its the vocal minority that doesn't. You don't like Cena fine. You stopped watching wwe because of cena fine. But don't pretend like everyone hates Cena and vince isn't giving his fans what they want they want Cena they want Rock. people aren't fanboys for liking Cena they are called Cena Fans and there are more Cena fans then Punk fans then Ziggler fans then Sheamus fans. Vince is trying to appease the most fans guess what Cena and Rock have more fans then anyone else. You are the minority they are the majority the majority still like Cena and want to see him with the title and feud with the Rock.

Really? Actually the Cena "fans" are the minority! He gets booed louder than anyone. Punk went heel and he still gets cheered more than Cena. Your logic and statement is wrong. Vince shoves Cena down people's throats that's why he's over. He could do it with anyone. But he spent a ton of money and PR on stale Cena so of course he's going to be over no matter what! Vince didn't care when boos drowned Cena out and doesn't care now. As long as he's taking some poor kids ice cream money for Cena merchandise, Cena will be on top. Take Ryder for instance. He was uber over and selling a ton of merchandise, what did that get him??? A 29 day US Championship belt and then buried so Cena could save face when he was getting cheered more than Cena.

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