**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Whats great is that creative went somewhere I never thought they would. Letting someone get a clean win over cena on the biggest stage of all time. I was expecting a run in, or some interferance, or hell even a double count out, but nothing like that happened. The match itself wasnt by any means the best match I've ever watched, and after a years hype, it was bound to achieve below par expectations, but the outcome was a welcome surprise.
As others have mentioned I hope this leads to a new character development for cena. And supercena is no more.


The outcome was shocking in that everyone seemed to think that either
A. John Cena would humble The Rock by cleanly beating him
B. John Cena would win cockily and begin a heel turn
C. The Rock would win due to interference
D. The Rock would win due to himself cheating

No one thought that The Rock would CLEANLY WIN. That's what made the whole event that much more memorable..It's the first time aside from Sheamus' epic push 2 years ago that I can remember anyone beating Cena cleanly.

So yes the outcome was the LEAST likely scenario in the minds of most of us. They even went as far as to have Cena throw in all of our faces that speech last week where he confidently said "I rise above...and I win." Finally he found an obstacle that he couldn't overcome with the same "5 moves of doom" all of his haters detest. Look anywhere online. Look at this forum. Majority of his fans are pissed beyond belief. While most of us Rock fans could fathom and accept (and even expected) the idea of Rock losing, most of the Cena fans were completely unable to accept a scenario where The Rock could cleanly win.
What I do not get is that WWE has been pissing all over Cena in this feud for more than a year. The Rock interfered in WM 27. He rock bottomed him at SS and just acted stupid and he has been talking trash about him every single appereance. And this guy wins? Seriously I understand that it is his hometown but the ending of this was horrible. The Jerk (we all know The Rock plays the jerk) wins. Nice move Vince. Unless there is a rematch coming up where Cena will totally bury The Rock. It needs to happen fast tho cause one more year with this feud will bore me to death...
people need to stop thinking "cena shoulda won, hes 1. been with WWE longer/currently, 2. woulda made rock pass the torch so to speak like rock/hogan." because in all seriousness, cena got enough wins under his belt. seriously who can walk around saying they made HHH, HBK, and Batista tap out @ WM to win/keep the WWE championship? hes done enough, and maybe it wasnt the most business-like choice for the rock to win because it hurts the current superstar, cena, but WWE doesnt have to do whats most logical, they are in control on who wins, be it logical or not, just look at DB losing in SECONDS, you all keep buying into it as a scripted show that builds character, maybe they just wanted rock to win for the fans or because his last WM before this he went out on a bad loss to Evolution or w/e WWE wants to think, they are pretty stupid still for burying DB like that so theres no point in watching anymore, WWE just so happens to want the WHC to be a record breaking fastest match for no reason, it does absolutely NOTHING for DB or shaemus and hence why rock wins because they just decided it.

cena fans should stop being butthurt, he got enough wins under his belt to warrant him a so-called legend in the eyes of the WWE, not me.
Last night was a reality check, this whole year has been a reality check.. im talking mostly about The Rock and John Cena.. what we witness last night and... i hope you guys have been paying attention all year long as me and some others have.. Because all year long watching these two clash, it has been a confirmation for me.. the glory days are in the attitude era.. not just in Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, Taker, HBK etc.. but even in the NWO, WCW.. and even with people like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit(ring wise), hell even Bill Goldberg at one point(yea i said it).. the 90's and 80's period.. the only thing better about this era that we are in now, is media and marketing.. few other things proly as well.. But when it comes down to it, the tude era was the best.. the reason why i mention NWO by the way, is because to me.. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, was a better makeup than the red n yellow hogan.. I feel like that was the greatest character ever because of how it took place and the shock value.. thats why people clamour so much about Cena turning heel, because it would be great.. all the great ones have been heel at one point, and when they were, it was great value to it.. especially how hogan, rock, austin did it.. peak of the face careers when no one expects it, boom... they did it.. anyways back to the point..

Rock vs John Cena... whether it was Vince, or even HHH behind it.. or just Cena himself.. Cena had been running his mouth about The Rock.. some say it was Vince behind it as a business or motive to get The Rock back, and some like me believe it was just a case of Cena being Jealous in some sort.. idk what it could be.. but IMO.. Cena does get tired at least somewhat of everyone not accepting him for who he is and what he has done.. so maybe he looked at The Rock, who IMO.. is the most unique story in WWE history because.. for him being black and mixed with other things, but rising to a place in history with the names of Hogan, Austin, HBK, Taker.. that category? that is beyond amazing.. No that is not a racist statement, i just think its so unique and amazing.. cuz others like ranging from the Junk Yard Dog to Shelton Benjamin couldnt get over on the mass level that Rock did..

but anyway.. Cena might have looked at the rock all this time interestingly enough, and made him a target for his own frustration.. its kinda weird why he never seemed to make a remark about Austin and Hogan, but had a personal thing with The Rock..

Because apparently also, it was bad in his eyes for someone to dominate for 7 years, do everything that there is to do in the business.. then pursue another venture, not just for the money but.. health wise... It still doesnt make sense to me why, there was a backlash for the Rock for doing so...

I think its because of selfish reasons from us fans.. we are selfish because we loved The Rock, so we never wanted to see him leave.. barbaric overlooking that fact that hey... ITS WRESTLING.. IT TAKES A BRUTAL TOLL ON ONES BODY, BUT WE NEVER THINK OR THOUGHT ABOUT IT, CUZ WE ARE FANS... WE DONT TAKE TIME TO UNDERSTAND THAT.. if i sacrificed my body for seven great years for fans, and achieved everything that there is to do in the biz.. then i think that would earn me the right to pursue hollywood or another venture if that were possible.. just saying.. but we got what we wanted in the end.. he came back... and he tooked aim at John Cena.. and even with PG Era restrictions, he still tore down Cena on the Mic, especially in the beginning until Cena caught up and made the mic war even for the most part.. I know some of you ranted about the Rock constantly making "lady part" jokes on Cena, or the fruity pebbles thing or even just catch phrases period but still.. it was better than Cena for the most part

Rock tore down Cena so much in the early stages that, all that was left was for Cena to catch up and make it "60/40" at least.. because for the most part, it was about 80/20 advantage-Dwayne Johnson... For you Cena fans, and fans that arean't Cena fans, but dont like The Rock.. this is still "The Rock" thats why it didnt matter about what you had to say about him.. Rock is on "The Wrestling Mount Rushmore" as far as anybody with a decent brain is concerned.. John Cena is a great wrestler, because he has as much heart as anyone that has ever stepped in that ring...

And im pretty sure he could beat anyone at least once, if the scripts were tossed out and it was a "shoot match" But its still like Sidney Crosby compared to Wayne Gretzky, who's legacy do you think matters more? thats same sense with Rock and Cena.. along with Cena, you smarks.. always talk about well "Cena is more loyal, and has been in the game for longer than the rock" hmmmmm... ever heard the term "quality"? yea.. life is all about quality over quanity.. im sorry to tell ya.. so that means.. 7 years of Dwayne Johnson should not be taken for granted, nor should they be subdued to 10 years of John Cena.. thats like saying hey... " Lebron James is better than Michael Jordan because MJ left the game of basketball twice to retire"

You wanna talk about The Rock not putting people over? and thats why he shouldnt have won last night huh? lets see.. why do the same smarks or smarks complain about Cena always winning and really never putting no one over until this year? yet dont acknowledge that... Rock put over likes of Kurt Angle, Jericho.. yea you Jericho fans.. that leaped Jericho into where he is today WWE wise.. Brock Lesnar(a guy who didnt even stay around long) shit even Bill Goldberg, he put him over... so give me a break... and know your role, and check your facts ;).. Cena squash Jericho and Angle in his first title reign like they were nobodies.. Cena has gone over just about everyone cleanly in super fashion.. thats one of the reasons why it was good for him to lose last night..

So its bad for business that Cena lost? i dont believe so.. its like saying, its bad for business for Cena to lose period.. and let me close out this thread with a back spin.. this was not a "passing of the torch" this was a statement match.. Thats why i felt it was right on for The Rock to win.. Rock has fought for everything too, not just Cena.. and he isnt not sellout.. Cena is a sellout in essence.. because instead of being thankful for what the Rock has did for the company...

He disrepected him, looking for a opportunity to make himself look good, and it backfired.. Rock along with others made this business and paved the way.. If Rock would have stayed around for 7 more years.. Cena might not had even got to where he was today.. imagine that? hell if Brock Lesnar would have stayed around... there wouldnt be no John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk IMO.. i feel like Brock Lesnar dropped the torched on the ground when he left.. and Cena got a chance to pick it up and run with it..(good for him too) Cena deserves alot of credit for keeping this company alive, but umm.. he needed to realize where it came from to begin with, and so do those young wrestlers in the back.. It came from Vince and his family of course.. but it also came from the Hogans, the flairs, the hbks, the takers, oh and uh... the Dwayne Johnson's

Hopefully John Cena recovers from the lost, because he is the face of the company.. but he still needs to revamp himself.. whether its turning heel or just simply revamping.. he's great, but can be even greater.. he's stale because he feels that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing.. i hope after being in this fiasco with the "great one" that he will realize..

CM Punk started it... by saying that Cena is too typical, Rock exposed it and finished it..

your thoughts?
people need to stop thinking "cena shoulda won, hes 1. been with WWE longer/currently, 2. woulda made rock pass the torch so to speak like rock/hogan." because in all seriousness, cena got enough wins under his belt. seriously who can walk around saying they made HHH, HBK, and Batista tap out @ WM to win/keep the WWE championship? hes done enough, and maybe it wasnt the most business-like choice for the rock to win because it hurts the current superstar, cena, but WWE doesnt have to do whats most logical, they are in control on who wins, be it logical or not, just look at DB losing in SECONDS, you all keep buying into it as a scripted show that builds character, maybe they just wanted rock to win for the fans or because his last WM before this he went out on a bad loss to Evolution or w/e WWE wants to think, they are pretty stupid still for burying DB like that so theres no point in watching anymore, WWE just so happens to want the WHC to be a record breaking fastest match for no reason, it does absolutely NOTHING for DB or shaemus and hence why rock wins because they just decided it.

cena fans should stop being butthurt, he got enough wins under his belt to warrant him a so-called legend in the eyes of the WWE, not me.

Ironically, losing to The Rock is probably going to help Cena's career far more than if he'd have won and just shook hands afterwards. Cena (in kayfabe) is clearly cracking now, it's only a matter of time before he snaps. The entire promo he gave on Raw was so sickly that it was clearly too good to be true. He was practically begging Rock to come out and shake his hand before Lesnar came out and shut his whining trap.

They can do a lot with Cena's character after that loss. Let's hope WWE writers can pull a decent storyline off that will have some longevity and entertainment value. We all know that the old super Cena who seldom lost was getting stale anyway.
I will add as someone who has been annoyed by Cena and thought he was stale... he was pretty damn entertaining until the glass tube artificially created embryo of Goldberg came down and did the f5.

btw I watch raw, try to every week, its sad but i don't even remember a lot now I'm missing it haha. So maybe every other it averages out to I catch, but when did Cena get that shirt. It is actually sick.
Did anyone notice that Cena's promo tonight seemed a little bit weird? He came out and said all of his usual corny shit like the rock was the better man, he's not making excuses, he lost fair and square, and etc. But it seemed like he was over doing it with the cheesy goody two shoes crap on purpose. Something just seemed off and i was wondering if anyone else noticed it and maybe it's the start of the change of his character?
A lot of 42 year old virgins upset at Cenas loss. Did anyone really expect the biggest name in the business to return and lose in front of his own fans? Cena was made to look good in the promos, The Rock could have gotten a lot more personal but didnt in order to preserve Cenas character.

Also, wonder if Cena will badmouth Brock for leaving and coming back?
I think it's funny that Cena is all about hustle, loyalty and respect and yet during the feud he said he didn't respect The Rock and after Cena lost didn't shake his hand in front of the world at wrestlemania. Why do I care that he didn't shake Rock's hand? Because at wrestlemania 18 when Hulk Hogan lost to The Rock, Hogan shook Rock's hand. Now if Hogan who everybody thinks as the biggest asshole in the world shook Rock's hand after a loss and Cena didn't, what does that say about Cena?

It's also funny that Cena's fans complain that he lost when Cena has had to have won more big matches than anybody on the roster in the last 10 years. How many matches does he have to win to make his fans happy? My favorite is Jericho yet I will not complain at all about him losing because it happens. Every time Cena loses his fans complain more than anybody.

And for anybody saying the younger full time roster guy (Cena) should have won: Why? He is more over than anybody on the roster and he can't possibly get any more over than he now. The Rock didn't need to pass the torch to Cena because he has had it since 2005.
I think it's funny that Cena is all about hustle, loyalty and respect and yet during the feud he said he didn't respect The Rock and after Cena lost didn't shake his hand in front of the world at wrestlemania. Why do I care that he didn't shake Rock's hand? Because at wrestlemania 18 when Hulk Hogan lost to The Rock, Hogan shook Rock's hand. Now if Hogan who everybody thinks as the biggest asshole in the world shook Rock's hand after a loss and Cena didn't, what does that say about Cena?

It's also funny that Cena's fans complain that he lost when Cena has had to have won more big matches than anybody on the roster in the last 10 years. How many matches does he have to win to make his fans happy? My favorite is Jericho yet I will not complain at all about him losing because it happens. Every time Cena loses his fans complain more than anybody.

And for anybody saying the younger full time roster guy (Cena) should have won: Why? He is more over than anybody on the roster and he can't possibly get any more over than he now. The Rock didn't need to pass the torch to Cena because he has had it since 2005.

When comparing Hogan/Rock to Rock/Cena, you should remember that Cena has the role that The Rock did in the past. Do you think Rock wasn't winning most of his matches during that time period? Do you think Rock didn't have the torch before that match was even proposed? Do you think Rock needed this win any more than Cena did? In fact, I'd like to propose a question to most of you who think that this was the best idea for business.

If Hogan came back to the WWE right now and beat The Rock in the next Wrestlemania, would you react the same way you think Cena fans should be reacting right now? Furthermore, do you think most of The Rock's fans in here wouldn't be going apeshit with tons of Cena hate threads getting merged into this, threats of rioting, and claiming to never watch wrestling again?

From what I've seen, most people who doesn't support the finish, like myself, have stopped with questioning the notion that this was a good idea. We think it's stupid, furthers The Rock zero, is disrespectful to Cena's legacy, and seemingly doesn't help anyone from any angle. Despite that, some of us are even willing to concede that it might lead to a great storyline in the future, despite not currently being able to perceive what that may be. Very few people (none that I've seen, at least), no matter how big a fan of Cena, are losing hair right now, yelling obscenities at Rock fans, or making any lame threats of rioting or never watching again.

Oddly enough, Rock fans still don't seem satisfied despite loving the finish. Look through the threads and see which side of this spectrum are throwing out the greater number of insults and using every excuse to insult the wrestler that their golden boy was against.
I like John Cena personally
I respect him as a wrestler

But i'm tired of the campy good guy he tries to portray, the Rock feud brought out the best in Cena, the problem is, he's become so complacent, he rarely goes to that level and it frustrates fans
Last night was a reality check, this whole year has been a reality check.. im talking mostly about The Rock and John Cena.. what we witness last night and... i hope you guys have been paying attention all year long as me and some others have.. Because all year long watching these two clash, it has been a confirmation for me.. the glory days are in the attitude era.. not just in Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, Taker, HBK etc.. but even in the NWO, WCW.. and even with people like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit(ring wise), hell even Bill Goldberg at one point(yea i said it).. the 90's and 80's period.. the only thing better about this era that we are in now, is media and marketing.. few other things proly as well.. But when it comes down to it, the tude era was the best.. the reason why i mention NWO by the way, is because to me.. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, was a better makeup than the red n yellow hogan.. I feel like that was the greatest character ever because of how it took place and the shock value.. thats why people clamour so much about Cena turning heel, because it would be great.. all the great ones have been heel at one point, and when they were, it was great value to it.. especially how hogan, rock, austin did it.. peak of the face careers when no one expects it, boom... they did it.. anyways back to the point..

Rock vs John Cena... whether it was Vince, or even HHH behind it.. or just Cena himself.. Cena had been running his mouth about The Rock.. some say it was Vince behind it as a business or motive to get The Rock back, and some like me believe it was just a case of Cena being Jealous in some sort.. idk what it could be.. but IMO.. Cena does get tired at least somewhat of everyone not accepting him for who he is and what he has done.. so maybe he looked at The Rock, who IMO.. is the most unique story in WWE history because.. for him being black and mixed with other things, but rising to a place in history with the names of Hogan, Austin, HBK, Taker.. that category? that is beyond amazing.. No that is not a racist statement, i just think its so unique and amazing.. cuz others like ranging from the Junk Yard Dog to Shelton Benjamin couldnt get over on the mass level that Rock did..

but anyway.. Cena might have looked at the rock all this time interestingly enough, and made him a target for his own frustration.. its kinda weird why he never seemed to make a remark about Austin and Hogan, but had a personal thing with The Rock..

Because apparently also, it was bad in his eyes for someone to dominate for 7 years, do everything that there is to do in the business.. then pursue another venture, not just for the money but.. health wise... It still doesnt make sense to me why, there was a backlash for the Rock for doing so...

I think its because of selfish reasons from us fans.. we are selfish because we loved The Rock, so we never wanted to see him leave.. barbaric overlooking that fact that hey... ITS WRESTLING.. IT TAKES A BRUTAL TOLL ON ONES BODY, BUT WE NEVER THINK OR THOUGHT ABOUT IT, CUZ WE ARE FANS... WE DONT TAKE TIME TO UNDERSTAND THAT.. if i sacrificed my body for seven great years for fans, and achieved everything that there is to do in the biz.. then i think that would earn me the right to pursue hollywood or another venture if that were possible.. just saying.. but we got what we wanted in the end.. he came back... and he tooked aim at John Cena.. and even with PG Era restrictions, he still tore down Cena on the Mic, especially in the beginning until Cena caught up and made the mic war even for the most part.. I know some of you ranted about the Rock constantly making "lady part" jokes on Cena, or the fruity pebbles thing or even just catch phrases period but still.. it was better than Cena for the most part

Rock tore down Cena so much in the early stages that, all that was left was for Cena to catch up and make it "60/40" at least.. because for the most part, it was about 80/20 advantage-Dwayne Johnson... For you Cena fans, and fans that arean't Cena fans, but dont like The Rock.. this is still "The Rock" thats why it didnt matter about what you had to say about him.. Rock is on "The Wrestling Mount Rushmore" as far as anybody with a decent brain is concerned.. John Cena is a great wrestler, because he has as much heart as anyone that has ever stepped in that ring...

And im pretty sure he could beat anyone at least once, if the scripts were tossed out and it was a "shoot match" But its still like Sidney Crosby compared to Wayne Gretzky, who's legacy do you think matters more? thats same sense with Rock and Cena.. along with Cena, you smarks.. always talk about well "Cena is more loyal, and has been in the game for longer than the rock" hmmmmm... ever heard the term "quality"? yea.. life is all about quality over quanity.. im sorry to tell ya.. so that means.. 7 years of Dwayne Johnson should not be taken for granted, nor should they be subdued to 10 years of John Cena.. thats like saying hey... " Lebron James is better than Michael Jordan because MJ left the game of basketball twice to retire"

You wanna talk about The Rock not putting people over? and thats why he shouldnt have won last night huh? lets see.. why do the same smarks or smarks complain about Cena always winning and really never putting no one over until this year? yet dont acknowledge that... Rock put over likes of Kurt Angle, Jericho.. yea you Jericho fans.. that leaped Jericho into where he is today WWE wise.. Brock Lesnar(a guy who didnt even stay around long) shit even Bill Goldberg, he put him over... so give me a break... and know your role, and check your facts ;).. Cena squash Jericho and Angle in his first title reign like they were nobodies.. Cena has gone over just about everyone cleanly in super fashion.. thats one of the reasons why it was good for him to lose last night..

So its bad for business that Cena lost? i dont believe so.. its like saying, its bad for business for Cena to lose period.. and let me close out this thread with a back spin.. this was not a "passing of the torch" this was a statement match.. Thats why i felt it was right on for The Rock to win.. Rock has fought for everything too, not just Cena.. and he isnt not sellout.. Cena is a sellout in essence.. because instead of being thankful for what the Rock has did for the company...

He disrepected him, looking for a opportunity to make himself look good, and it backfired.. Rock along with others made this business and paved the way.. If Rock would have stayed around for 7 more years.. Cena might not had even got to where he was today.. imagine that? hell if Brock Lesnar would have stayed around... there wouldnt be no John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk IMO.. i feel like Brock Lesnar dropped the torched on the ground when he left.. and Cena got a chance to pick it up and run with it..(good for him too) Cena deserves alot of credit for keeping this company alive, but umm.. he needed to realize where it came from to begin with, and so do those young wrestlers in the back.. It came from Vince and his family of course.. but it also came from the Hogans, the flairs, the hbks, the takers, oh and uh... the Dwayne Johnson's

Hopefully John Cena recovers from the lost, because he is the face of the company.. but he still needs to revamp himself.. whether its turning heel or just simply revamping.. he's great, but can be even greater.. he's stale because he feels that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing.. i hope after being in this fiasco with the "great one" that he will realize..

CM Punk started it... by saying that Cena is too typical, Rock exposed it and finished it..

your thoughts?

Thoughts? I think you're a blatant mark who can't see that the attitude era was built on cheap pops and was no more than trash TV. that most of the fans they gained weren't actually wrestling fans. They were the same people who watch Jersey Shore now.

Cena isn't typical. Cena is smart. If people legitimately hated him and didn't love to hate him, they wouldn't make noise, show up, or type of forums about him. I hate, legitimately don't like, Jersey shore, I don't watch it. I think it's trash. I only talk about it in these examples.

You are clearly someone who is being worked. Rock and Cena worked you. I'm glad you had fun though.
You sound so F*cking stupid when you say crap like "if people hated cena so much why are they paying to go see him, and watch him on tv."
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, We go to see guys like Jericho, Punk, Orton and Taker? Are you so asinine that you believe that anyone here watches the WWE solely because of your fruity pebble Cena?

I don't know about you, but i'd never stop watching wrestling because I can't stand one person. I buy tickets to see other people I like wrestle, and unfortunately I have to sit through Cena's garbage most of the time as well. And when I watch TV and Cena comes on, guess who turns the channel? This guy.
Yes the argument of people hating Cena yet pay to see him is ridiculous. I pay to see Rock, Randy Orton, Jericho and so on. If you like a show you will not stop watching it for one character. Now dont get me wrong I have major respect for the man behind the mask John Cena as many have pointed out the man has done it all in WWE and have given beyond measures I truly believe that no one hates Cena the man for there really is no reason to hate him. But his character doesnt feel right to me in sports entertainment or 'Professional Wrestling' to me WWE is about kicking ass and being tough. Wrestling was always synonymous with testorone, fighting and pain and hurting as well as compelling storylines and entertainment. and lets be honest it always was a man show. not hating on women because its certainly for them and children too but predominantly teenage boys and grown men watch it because its a soap opera made for men. All im saying is Cenas character seemingly belongs to a cartoon for kids or a superhero comic book or even a politically correct moral show for older people and respectable parents like the beavers. Wrestling is supposed to be cool and physical and simulated fighting much like an Arcade fighting game but with storylines. And Cenas innocence just doesnt seem to belong in this overall raunchy adolescent form of entertainment so I cant relate to a character like his in a show thats made for off the wall yet competitive entertainment. but as a man I respect him. Hes a professional at what he does but Im not a fan of his character and hopes he either tweaks it by becoming more agressive and not car as much or become cocky and brag about his accomplishments and being so much higher above the roster because in all honesty he is. im not asking anyone to agree just stating my opinion. Thank You

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