*MERGED* Compare and Contrast - The Rock & John Cena

Who will retire the greater legacy?

  • John Cena

  • The Rock

  • Same

  • Too Early To Tell

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Better Legacy? I don't know. That's very generation based. But, as for overall better Wrestler—The Rock. The Rock has had an impact on in ring wrestling (shockingly enough) and his mic work. The Rock is the greatest mic worker ever. No one controlled the crowd like The Rock. Heel or Face, The Rock entertained. One can argue for Ric Flair, but The Rock truly ''electrified.''

I think John Cena could excel more if it wasn't for his gimmick. His gimmick isn't overall likable to the masses, especially for fans from the Attitude Era.

The Monday Night Wars, ECW, and the Attitude Era change the way wrestling is viewed for most fans. If you say the Attitude Era was overrated, then you're just kidding yourself.

A lot of people forget that The Rock was the face of WWF/E for one it's most profitable (I believe it's the be the most profitable) years. I wouldn't include titles into the picture, because wrestling is booked vastly different.

I like John. John really worked his way up to be the top dog. The Rock just deserved it. His talent just pushed him up there. I'm not saying John isn't talented, but he's not on the same level on The Rock. The Rock is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time—like it or not.
I definitely have to go with The Great One. I have one major point to voice and that is this: Yes, John Cena is the face of the company and he is carrying it, but against what odds? There are no companies posing threats to the WWE. Cena is NOT contributing towards a WWE, at a low point.

Right now WWE is driving w/ cruise control, that is until a hazard comes into view. John Cena's matches since becoming the face of WWE have been everything but UNpredictable. 90% of the match IS in fact Cena getting beaten down, from being DDT'd on the concrete to being enshrouded by a blanket of pyrotechnics. John Cena has a playground nearly all to himself in the aspect of TNA & ROH are not threatening to WWE, all the while the ratings, PPV buyrates, and overall fanbase of the WWE remain lackluster, compared to when The Great One was in action. In fact the highest rated segment in RAW history had hmmmm....I wonder who.........The Rock directly involved.

The Rock had you guessing whether he was going to win or lose. When the Rock would be cheated out of a title, it PISSED EVERYONE off! (including the little kids and the ladies) When Cena loses the title it's like FINALLY...Super Cena HAS BECOME TITLE-LESS..........AGAIN!

The Rock's mic skills are highly memorable...no forced script. I bet even if The Rock had no control over his promos, he would still produce golden results. I will say this about Cena, as I have other current superstars, had he been in the A.E. John Cena honestly would've been leaps and bounds ahead in the sense of being a well rounded superstar. Had Cena contributed to the survival of the company when at a low point, then okay...I would place him much closer to the greatness of the Rock.

When WWE is damaged, it is due to their self-afflicted harm to the company. Again, TNA/ROH are not posing threats, so Cena doesn't have to do anything spectacular to keep WWE afloat.

All in all, The Rock's Legacy will continue to luster brighter than Cena's. The Rock contributed more. Cena just stepped in, when nobody else COULD hold that spot. There were many other superstars at that time that had enough star power to hold the company as well.
I don't think John Cena will ever retire with the same legacy as The Rock or Stone Cold. However, if the WWE keeps this PG rating going for a long time, they might be well forgotten, considering that some kids are young enough not to even know who The Rock or Stone Cold was.
John Cena sucks simple as that. He is a PG face thats only marketable to kids and marks. He steals catch phrases from hip hop and stole his entrance music from MOP. His wrestling skills are just as bad as the faces he makes. He hired a ghost writer to write his raps, and hes just another wigger from Mayberry.
He gets no points from me whatsoever.

The Rock is the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment. His catch phrases will live on forever as well as his classic rivalries. He's been gone over 6 years and the people are still chanting his name, awaiting his return. Too bad his return will probably only be when he is inducted into the HOF.
John Cena.

I don't care for him too much but he is easily the Hogan/Austin of this Era. Had the Rock NOT walked away so early it would be a different story- but he did, and it's a good bet that Cena will still be around in 5 years. When he retires his legacy will only be outmatched by the big 5. (Hogan, Austin, Undertaker, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels)
Speaking of supercena mode, austin was on it the whole time no one ever complained about it. Plus, if your statement is right then why the hell would the rock lose to hurricane, Y2J(Since they got into a feud in 2001 rock was losing 75% of his matches against jericho), brock lesnar(rookie at that time), goldberg, even steph mcmahon.

Cena on the other hand, winning or losing, he beat the hell outta his opponent.
Speaking of supercena mode, austin was on it the whole time no one ever complained about it. Plus, if your statement is right then why the hell would the rock lose to hurricane, Y2J(Since they got into a feud in 2001 rock was losing 75% of his matches against jericho), brock lesnar(rookie at that time), goldberg, even steph mcmahon.

Cena on the other hand, winning or losing, he beat the hell outta his opponent.

i sure as hell cant remember any austin match where he played superman and i do remember him losing 3 consecutive matches against jericho(austin that is)

yeah and rock lost to hurricane when austin interfered to further their feud to wm 19.

face it dude cena and rock are pretty similar character wise.the differentiating factor is as stated earlier charisma and mic skills where rock is almost a god.
The Rock. Not even close. Better on the mic, better matches, more memorable fueds. Rock was a face and a heel, while Cena has been the exact same character it seems since 1967. The number of titles won means nothing in pro wrestling. If this was the NFL, or NBA, it would matter but of course its fake.
The current era of WWE is pretty much garbage.
So who is better in short? The best of the greatest era, or the best of one of the worst? Easy call.
The Rock, it's a no-brainer really; no matter how many Cena marks vote for him.

The Rock was the most entertaining person I've ever seen step foot in that ring, and his matches were always A* quality. His backstage segments were hillarious, his accomplishments were quite grand and he has had the most memorable matches and rivalries ever seen in Pro Wrestling.

I have nothing against Cena at all besides the fact that I don't find him funny, he's abit old now and he's always the center of attention; but I just don't think he's ever going to BE the next Rock or BE anything close to being The Rock himself.
A LOT of young fans around here. The answer is simple, The Rock. Back in the day, world titles did mean something when you have all these superstars(Austin, Taker, Angle, Y2J, Rock, Foley, Benoit, HHH, Kane, Show, RVD, Booker, Edge,etc...) in 1 roster and 1 world title. Vince was very careful with giving titles, hell was very careful with giving title shots, cause he don't wanna ruin the campany, unlike today. Edge for example, he never won a world title until half the superstars i listed above walked away(I'm not saying edge sucks or anything, but '02 edge>>>today's).

Some people said rock was lucky to be in that great era, THAT'S A FALSE STATEMENT!! Actually it was a lot harder to shine in the attitude era considering the superstars and companies(WCW, ECW, WWF) at that time. If it was because of the era, explain to me the fans OF THIS ERA reaction to rock in the HOFE 08. Rock is just too good,. He can control the fans the way he want like no other. Plus he had a lot of great moments fans will never forget, Rock/Hogan staredown, Cena simply won't be in a moment like this, ever. Unlike cena, rock did have rivalries with austin(headlined WM 3 times), HHH, Angle, Y2J, Mankind, Hogan(The had argubly the greatest match ever in WM18),..etc. Plus, in 6yrs rock simply done it all. Held a record the only 7 times wwe champion, 2 times WCW champion, RR winner '00, Fought everyone(HHH, Austin, Taker, Y2J, Angle, Goldberg, Hogan, Flair, Bret, Foley, Lesnar,Eddie, benoit,...etc.

Cena can win all the belts he want, but the fact remain since the brands extension, the world titles are nothing but paper titles. That's why HBK refused to win titles(He just added the WH title to his collection ;D),he didn't need the belts to prove his greatness. Winning or losing nobody out performed michaels since his comeback from the back injury. IMO there no rivals for supercena, he just beat the hell outta his opponents(I'm still LMAO about that arm wrestling match against henry), you must cheat in order to beat superman. He just don't give any chances, that's why everybody hates him. Plus, the guy can't wrestle, for real. He got only 5 moves and he do each one of them atleast 2,3 times in one match.

In wrestling, great moments and great matches will make a legend outta you, It's not title belts, it's not winning matches...
i sure as hell cant remember any austin match where he played superman and i do remember him losing 3 consecutive matches against jericho(austin that is)

yeah and rock lost to hurricane when austin interfered to further their feud to wm 19.

face it dude cena and rock are pretty similar character wise.the differentiating factor is as stated earlier charisma and mic skills where rock is almost a god.

First of all, austin is my 2nd all-time fave after rock, so nothing personal. 2nd thing is, "hulking up" is something every face wrestler do when they get the tag or when they are at rage. You said austin never been in a kinda mode, then what about when he and rock faced angle and jericho on SD before vengeance? Austin simply opened up a big can of whoop ass on both Y2J and kurt. How about returning and giving every alliance member a stunner? Rock never did anything like that.

Character wise, no one is similar to the great one. His character took him to hollywood. Cena is more of a hogan character, He always win at the end.
First of all, austin is my 2nd all-time fave after rock, so nothing personal. 2nd thing is, "hulking up" is something every face wrestler do when they get the tag or when they are at rage. You said austin never been in a kinda mode, then what about when he and rock faced angle and jericho on SD before vengeance? Austin simply opened up a big can of whoop ass on both Y2J and kurt. How about returning and giving every alliance member a stunner? Rock never did anything like that.

actually rocky is one of my favs too so yeah its not like i dislike rock or anything.also the hot tag stuff is a bit different from hulking up in a match like cena or hogan do.the alliance stuff was more of an angle where austin interfered rather than a match.so yeah i cant remember any austin match where he kind of no sold everything like its fake and went after the other guy.rock sold well too especially the other guys' finisher but i feel sometimes he wouldnt sell a leg injury or arm injury that much though he sold his leg very well in the ladder match vs trips.

about your other post well the people's champ and cenation thing arent that different.its only that rock was so unique and it was more or less his charisma and sense of humor that sent him to hollywood.look cena insults his opponents,rock used to insult his opponents only thing is rock was so much better at it.

about cena winning all the time ive written in an earlier post about the opponents both guys had to face.you can read it there as im not gonna write it again.simply said rocky had more variety as compared to cena plus a different era which was not exactly the best time for long championship reigns
the rock CAN WRESTLE and he knows more than five moves to my knowledge from watching his most electryfing man in sports entertainment dvd while cena cant sell moves to make it look authenic, has a stale character, crap merchandise (my opinion) and only appeals to girls and little kids
actually rocky is one of my favs too so yeah its not like i dislike rock or anything.also the hot tag stuff is a bit different from hulking up in a match like cena or hogan do.the alliance stuff was more of an angle where austin interfered rather than a match.so yeah i cant remember any austin match where he kind of no sold everything like its fake and went after the other guy.rock sold well too especially the other guys' finisher but i feel sometimes he wouldnt sell a leg injury or arm injury that much though he sold his leg very well in the ladder match vs trips.

about your other post well the people's champ and cenation thing arent that different.its only that rock was so unique and it was more or less his charisma and sense of humor that sent him to hollywood.look cena insults his opponents,rock used to insult his opponents only thing is rock was so much better at it.

about cena winning all the time ive written in an earlier post about the opponents both guys had to face.you can read it there as im not gonna write it again.simply said rocky had more variety as compared to cena plus a different era which was not exactly the best time for long championship reigns

Oh your talking about selling injuries, yeah your right about that, rock wasn't that good at that. Now back to cena, it's not rock's problem that cena wants to be like him. Rock did everything his way. Also, he did put some guys over himself(rookie lesnar for example), unlike cena.
Oh your talking about selling injuries, yeah your right about that, rock wasn't that good at that. Now back to cena, it's not rock's problem that cena wants to be like him. Rock did everything his way. Also, he did put some guys over himself(rookie lesnar for example), unlike cena.

I wasn't gonna enter this thread, but I simply have to facepalm this one.

Cena didn't put anybody over? How about putting over Edge, putting over Sheamus, putting over Wade Barrett and The Nexus?

John Cena puts over more than enough people, he makes people look good when he wrestles with them in terms that they get to dominate him for a while, or ultimately comes out victorious against him, in some situations that is.

So to say that John Cena doesn't put anybody over, that is absolutely bullshit.
I wasn't gonna enter this thread, but I simply have to facepalm this one.

Cena didn't put anybody over? How about putting over Edge, putting over Sheamus, putting over Wade Barrett and The Nexus?

John Cena puts over more than enough people, he makes people look good when he wrestles with them in terms that they get to dominate him for a while, or ultimately comes out victorious against him, in some situations that is.

So to say that John Cena doesn't put anybody over, that is absolutely bullshit.

I didn't say he didn't put anyone over. Second thing is, Cena always win at last, it doesn't matter how much he lose. And hey how about HHH, HBK, Angle, Y2J, Batista, Orton, Lashley, and all those guys, cena whiped the floor with them all even if he lose, he dominate most of the fight. In wrestling no matter how good you are, you must have some Ls in your record.
Rock put guys like jericho(beating rock for his 1st world title) not only that, but he was like beating rock every week. Hurricane, come on rock losing to this guy is just stupid. Rookie lesnar, rock lost to him clean no cheating no nothing even though rock was the face of the wwe at that time(even stone cold refused to job for him). Rookie angle, just like y2j, he beat rock to capture his first world title, and he also pinned him to win the 6man HIAC. LOL even stephanie mcmahon has a W over the rock. do i need to go on?

LOL Yeah, everyone expect supercena to beat 6 guys by himself, so it's not right to lose to them.
I didn't say he didn't put anyone over.

No, you actually did say that "The rock put some guys over by himself (Rookie Lesnar) unlike Cena"

Second thing is, Cena always win at last, it doesn't matter how much he lose. And hey how about HHH, HBK, Angle, Y2J, Batista, Orton, Lashley, and all those guys, cena whiped the floor with them all even if he lose, he dominate most of the fight. In wrestling no matter how good you are, you must have some Ls in your record.

John Cena has loses you know. There's a reason he's a 9 times world champion, meaning he lost the title 9 times. John Cena doesn't always win, and anybody saying that is talking bullshit. John Cena is the face of the company, are you honestly gonna want your top guy to loose often?

Rock put guys like jericho(beating rock for his 1st world title) not only that, but he was like beating rock every week. Hurricane, come on rock losing to this guy is just stupid. Rookie lesnar, rock lost to him clean no cheating no nothing even though rock was the face of the wwe at that time(even stone cold refused to job for him). Rookie angle, just like y2j, he beat rock to capture his first world title, and he also pinned him to win the 6man HIAC. LOL even stephanie mcmahon has a W over the rock. do i need to go on?

Yes Rock put people over, but that doesn't mean that John Cena didn't put anybody over dude. John Cena has put over a decent handful of wrestlers as well. So how you try to prove that there's little comparison between John Cena and The rock in this manner, is hardly helping.
No, you actually did say that "The rock put some guys over by himself (Rookie Lesnar) unlike Cena"

John Cena has loses you know. There's a reason he's a 9 times world champion, meaning he lost the title 9 times. John Cena doesn't always win, and anybody saying that is talking bullshit. John Cena is the face of the company, are you honestly gonna want your top guy to loose often?

Yes Rock put people over, but that doesn't mean that John Cena didn't put anybody over dude. John Cena has put over a decent handful of wrestlers as well. So how you try to prove that there's little comparison between John Cena and The rock in this manner, is hardly helping.

Actually, there is no comparison the rock got pinned by a woman, rookies, and bums. As i said cena lost some fights but he never lost a war. And you didn't answer my Q about cena beating guys like HHH, Angle, HBK, Y2J...

In fact, It could be anyone. It's very easy for vince to push a wrestler down our throats. I'm sure if he gave the same chance for orton he would've been more successful.
Actually, there is no comparison the rock got pinned by a woman, rookies, and bums. As i said cena lost some fights but he never lost a war. And you didn't answer my Q about cena beating guys like HHH, Angle, HBK, Y2J...

Hardly considered the list of wrestlers you "questioned" me about as a question. However I'll play.

All of these guys are some he wrestled, while being able to fight back because it was a higher profile match. There were needed for a back and forth brawl, a slug-out so to say. John Cena made them look great even if he dominated, or got dominated. John Cena overall either deals out massive pain that the opponent looks good at being able to take, or he takes a lot of pain that the opponent looks good at for being able to give.

John Cena have lost wars, to the point where he eventually weren't involved in the whole deal anymore. Remember Sheamus? He challenged Sheamus a few times in the start of the summer, but never got his title back.

John Cena pretty much lost his 2009 war with Edge as well, because he didn't walk out the champion, Edge did.

Besides, John doesn't need to lose the wars. Like I said, he's the top face of the company, are you honestly gonna want your top face to loose wars where the majority of the fans who cheer for him, wants him to come out the winner? That's not exactly how you run a promotion successfully.
Hardly considered the list of wrestlers you "questioned" me about as a question. However I'll play.

All of these guys are some he wrestled, while being able to fight back because it was a higher profile match. There were needed for a back and forth brawl, a slug-out so to say. John Cena made them look great even if he dominated, or got dominated. John Cena overall either deals out massive pain that the opponent looks good at being able to take, or he takes a lot of pain that the opponent looks good at for being able to give.

John Cena have lost wars, to the point where he eventually weren't involved in the whole deal anymore. Remember Sheamus? He challenged Sheamus a few times in the start of the summer, but never got his title back.

John Cena pretty much lost his 2009 war with Edge as well, because he didn't walk out the champion, Edge did.

Besides, John doesn't need to loose the wars. Like I said, he's the top face of the company, are you honestly gonna want your top face to loose wars where the majority of the fans who cheer for him, wants him to come out the winner? That's not exactly how you run a promotion successfully.

LOL believe me his war against shamus ain't over. Maybe he didn't walk out a champion against edge, but he did have the last laugh.
LOL believe me his war against shamus ain't over. Maybe he didn't walk out a champion against edge, but he did have the last laugh.

His war with Sheamus isn't over sure, but the latest feud is pretty much "over" and he came out the loser of that one.

You're saying John got the last laugh against Edge? You're kidding me right? He got thrown through a search light! And then he went on to feud with Big Show.

So really John Cena loses some of his wars, to say otherwise we've pretty much already determined isn't true. Besides, The Rock didn't exactly lose all of his wars either, he came out victorious in a decent handful of them. Which would make the comparison of John Cena vs The Rock firm once again. However The rock was never truly the face of the company at any given moment, so obviously he didn't come out victorious all the time, the face of the company usually does because it makes sense for the company. Wouldn't you think Hogan losing in the 80's would've fucked things up pretty badly for the popularity of Hogan?
Hardly considered the list of wrestlers you "questioned" me about as a question. However I'll play.

All of these guys are some he wrestled, while being able to fight back because it was a higher profile match. There were needed for a back and forth brawl, a slug-out so to say. John Cena made them look great even if he dominated, or got dominated. John Cena overall either deals out massive pain that the opponent looks good at being able to take, or he takes a lot of pain that the opponent looks good at for being able to give.

John Cena have lost wars, to the point where he eventually weren't involved in the whole deal anymore. Remember Sheamus? He challenged Sheamus a few times in the start of the summer, but never got his title back.

John Cena pretty much lost his 2009 war with Edge as well, because he didn't walk out the champion, Edge did.

Besides, John doesn't need to loose the wars. Like I said, he's the top face of the company, are you honestly gonna want your top face to loose wars where the majority of the fans who booed him, wants him to come out the winner? That's not exactly how you run a promotion successfully.


Austin was the face of the company, and he won some and he lost some.

"John Cena overall either deals out massive pain that the opponent looks good at being able to take, or he takes a lot of pain that the opponent looks good at for being able to give."
LOL Yes he gave a serious pain(throwing edge from the top of the ladder through the table), but he never took one. I never saw him get punished(the way foley did to orton for example).

It's the same old shit! Cena dominating with his 5 moves, if it's a huge event(WM) and he is facing a guy like HBK, he'll make him carry his sorry ass to make himself look good.
His war with Sheamus isn't over sure, but the latest feud is pretty much "over" and he came out the loser of that one.

You're saying John got the last laugh against Edge? You're kidding me right? He got thrown through a search light! And then he went on to feud with Big Show.

So really John Cena loses some of his wars, to say otherwise we've pretty much already determined isn't true. Besides, The Rock didn't exactly lose all of his wars either, he came out victorious in a decent handful of them. Which would make the comparison of John Cena vs The Rock firm once again. However The rock was never truly the face of the company at any given moment, so obviously he didn't come out victorious all the time, the face of the company usually does because it makes sense for the company. Wouldn't you think Hogan losing in the 80's would've fucked things up pretty badly for the popularity of Hogan?

I agree, but when he lost to lesnar he was clearly the face of the company. When he lost to goldberg he was damn sure the face of the company.

I said his fans, not his haters. His fans cheer him.......

Austin was the face of the company, and he won some and he lost some.

So does Cena. Besides John is made to be this generation's Hogan, who hardly ever lost, but is considered one hell of a legend.

LOL Yes he gave a serious pain(throwing edge from the top of the ladder through the table), but he never took one. I never saw him get punished(the way foley did to orton for example).

Yeah, so he definitely didn't get punished in the Last Man Standing against Batista, the I Quit match against Batista, the Last Man Standing against JBL, The Last Man Standing against Edge, The Last Man Standing against Umaga, the I Quit match against Randy Orton, the Hardcore Iron Man Match against Randy Orton, and the Parking Lot Brawl against Eddie Guerrero. How could I forget. John Cena doesn't take pain, how stupid of me. :suspic:

It's the same old shit! Cena dominating with his 5 moves, if it's a huge event(WM) and he is facing a guy like HBK, he'll make him carry his sorry ass to make himself look good.

John Cena does more than 5 moves. John Cena wrestles great matches, you're just too blind to see that dude. John puts on high profile matches that are pretty much always the match of the night, John wrestled back and forth with Shawn Michaels in an equal match, as well as he wrestled with numerous great wrestlers and hanged with them, without being carried. John doesn't need to get carried.
I said his fans, not his haters. His fans cheer him.......

So does Cena. Besides John is made to be this generation's Hogan, who hardly ever lost, but is considered one hell of a legend.

Yeah, so he definitely didn't get punished in the Last Man Standing against Batista, the I Quit match against Batista, the Last Man Standing against JBL, The Last Man Standing against Edge, The Last Man Standing against Umaga, the I Quit match against Randy Orton, the Hardcore Iron Man Match against Randy Orton, and the Parking Lot Brawl against Eddie Guerrero. How could I forget. John Cena doesn't take pain, how stupid of me. :suspic:

John Cena does more than 5 moves. John Cena wrestles great matches, you're just too blind to see that dude. John puts on high profile matches that are pretty much always the match of the night, John wrestled back and forth with Shawn Michaels in an equal match, as well as he wrestled with numerous great wrestlers and hanged with them, without being carried. John doesn't need to get carried.

Yeah, my bad. He has stf(trying to do it a whole fight), AA(just like the stf), shoulder(he does it 5,6 times in 1 match), killswitch, diving legdrop bulldog, and FKS. And he do each for like 4 times a match.

"John wrestled back and forth with Shawn Michaels in an equal match" Yeah that's why the awarded shawn a W the next night. You gotta understand something, NO ONE OUTPERFORMED HBK, not this era's wrestler for sure.

"John puts on high profile matches that are pretty much always the match of the night" That's because PG SUCKS comparing to attitude. Rock matches on weekly shows>>>cena PPVs macthes(including WM).

"John doesn't need to get carried" Orton carried his ass in thier ironman match.

End Of Thread.

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