*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

Rock was here for a bit, Then hes gone and I Bring It Via Sattelite, LOL Cena is there every day, Fuck the IWC, cena truly loves the business, rock my say he does and its in his blood but he needs to be there for people to believe it. Rock<Cena,

Cena is gonna win in the Main Event of WrestleMania 28 against The Rock, no one gives a Fuck if you try to find ways to bullshit my statement, its the passing of the torch At WrestleMania simple and plain motherfuck you and john wayne.
The Rock is regurgitating the exact same bullshit in every promo hes cut/tweeted since his return. Nothing he's said is new, it all follows the same childish Rock promo type. "Blah blah blah lay the smackdown, blah blah blah candy ass, blah blah blah blue I love blue waffles pie blah blah blah if you smell my lame as outdated promo material blah blah." Same garbage Rock promo from 2002

However Cena gets the best of the Rock in every promo because he points out the obvious, which if you haven't noticed is the lack of the Rock on WWE TV. The Rock may say that Cena and others misunderstood his promise to never leave, but the Rock is the idiot who said it, and if its not what he meant he should retracted his statement due to being a pussy.

Lets hope the Rock does show up at Summer Slam, so Cena or someone else who's an active wrestler can knock his teeth down his throat so we never have to hear his voice again.

Blue waffles pie...huh? That's what I call "Lame".

Outdated or not outdated, the bottom line he's the biggest draw for the wwe right now(And arguably the biggest draw ever), which means there are millions around the world wouldn't give a rats ass what YOU think. You, cena, and all his fans can whine about him not being in every show, you can talk about how cena bust his ass for the company, still rock will always be bigger and clearly the favourite of the two. They've been in the same ring twice and clearly rock was the fans fave,even though this era supposed to be john's. If you think that's unfair, just wait till WM 28, when 80,000 strong booing cena's ass out of the building.

Now, as far as his childish promos go, I think it's the right thing to do, since it's the PG era. It's just suitable for the young fans, that includes your RUDY-POO CANDY ASS!! :icon_rolleyes:
Rock was here for a bit, Then hes gone and I Bring It Via Sattelite, LOL Cena is there every day, Fuck the IWC, cena truly loves the business, rock my say he does and its in his blood but he needs to be there for people to believe it. Rock<Cena,

Cena is gonna win in the Main Event of WrestleMania 28 against The Rock, no one gives a Fuck if you try to find ways to bullshit my statement, its the passing of the torch At WrestleMania simple and plain motherfuck you and john wayne.

The Rock busted his ass day in and day out for years, when he was an active wrestler. You Little Jimmys are acting like he's some nobody off the street. Rocky has wrestling in his blood. He is a third generation star that worked his way to the top. The Rock worked his way from Rocky Maivia to one of the all-time greats, The Rock. Yes, Cena is there day in and day out, no one is denying that. That's because he's an active wrestler now. That would be like The Rock saying to Cena, hey where were you in 1999 when I was busting my ass on every show, every night? Cena wasn't there because he wasn't yet a pro wrestler. The Rock is not there now because he's a retired wrestler (and Cena knows that) that is coming back for one match. When he said he was never leaving he meant that he will never distance himself from WWE, the way he did for the last 7 years. He never meant that he would be on every show and deep down you, Cena and all the Little Jimmys know that.

If you think The Rock doesn't love the wrestling business, you're a moron. The Rock and Stone Cold kept WWE alive and basically put it back on the map in the mid to late 90s. The Rock loves entertaining people and so he moved on to Hollywood. He has said numerous times that his dream was to be a movie star. He accomplished everything there was to accomplish in pro wrestling so he decided to move on with his life.

Why don't you hypocrites pick on Jericho? He left to go tour with his rock band. If HBK goes and does other things outside of wrestling then comes back every once in awhile are you Little Jimmys going to diss him? No!

The only reason the little jimmys are dissing the Rock is because he's feuding with your precious hero.
The Rock busted his ass day in and day out for years, when he was an active wrestler. You Little Jimmys are acting like he's some nobody off the street. Rocky has wrestling in his blood. He is a third generation star that worked his way to the top. The Rock worked his way from Rocky Maivia to one of the all-time greats, The Rock. Yes, Cena is there day in and day out, no one is denying that. That's because he's an active wrestler now. That would be like The Rock saying to Cena, hey where were you in 1999 when I was busting my ass on every show, every night? Cena wasn't there because he wasn't yet a pro wrestler. The Rock is not there now because he's a retired wrestler (and Cena knows that) that is coming back for one match. When he said he was never leaving he meant that he will never distance himself from WWE, the way he did for the last 7 years. He never meant that he would be on every show and deep down you, Cena and all the Little Jimmys know that.

If you think The Rock doesn't love the wrestling business, you're a moron. The Rock and Stone Cold kept WWE alive and basically put it back on the map in the mid to late 90s. The Rock loves entertaining people and so he moved on to Hollywood. He has said numerous times that his dream was to be a movie star. He accomplished everything there was to accomplish in pro wrestling so he decided to move on with his life.

Why don't you hypocrites pick on Jericho? He left to go tour with his rock band. If HBK goes and does other things outside of wrestling then comes back every once in awhile are you Little Jimmys going to diss him? No!

The only reason the little jimmys are dissing the Rock is because he's feuding with your precious hero.

Acually, In his prime, rock worked even harder than cena. He used to be on every raw, every smackdown, sometimes on heat, not to mention the house shows, "Make a Wish", talk Shows(Saturday Night Live), TV shows(Star trek), Political Campaigns, Music Videos(Method Man, Wyclef Jean),...etc. Hell,I remember in 2000, durng the mcmahon helmsley era, He used to compete in 3 matches in one night, promos aside. Did you think he was the highest paid wrestler in wwe history for not showing up?! At that time austin was out, and rock was THE guy, and instead of him whining and complaining about the past wrestlers leaving, rock stepped up his game BIG time and never looked back. He took the wwe to the highest place, and guess what, the year 2000 ended up as the most successful year in wwe history, in terms of rating,PPV buy-rates, and profit. Cena might be a hard worker, but comparing to pre-2002 superstars he's not. If you say you're a hard worker show me what you got in the ring. To me I think cena is lazy, he's been doing the same stuff since 2005(I have to agree with chavo on this one).

Rock paid his duos and he doesn't need to show up every week, he's no longer an active wrestler just like hhh, taker, autin, hbk, jericho and all these guys. He's here for one more match, and believe me win or lose, it WILL be the rock's night. As far as "passing the torch" thing, even after cena get the win the fans will still boo him, hell, the situation might even get worse. In other words, the fans won't buy it.
Acually, In his prime, rock worked even harder than cena. He used to be on every raw, every smackdown, sometimes on heat, not to mention the house shows, "Make a Wish", talk Shows(Saturday Night Live), TV shows(Star trek), Political Campaigns, Music Videos(Method Man, Wyclef Jean),...etc. Hell,I remember in 2000, durng the mcmahon helmsley era, He used to compete in 3 matches in one night, promos aside. Did you think he was the highest paid wrestler in wwe history for not showing up?! At that time austin was out, and rock was THE guy, and instead of him whining and complaining about the past wrestlers leaving, rock stepped up his game BIG time and never looked back. He took the wwe to the highest place, and guess what, the year 2000 ended up as the most successful year in wwe history, in terms of rating,PPV buy-rates, and profit. Cena might be a hard worker, but comparing to pre-2002 superstars he's not. If you say you're a hard worker show me what you got in the ring. To me I think cena is lazy, he's been doing the same stuff since 2005(I have to agree with chavo on this one).

Rock paid his duos and he doesn't need to show up every week, he's no longer an active wrestler just like hhh, taker, autin, hbk, jericho and all these guys. He's here for one more match, and believe me win or lose, it WILL be the rock's night. As far as "passing the torch" thing, even after cena get the win the fans will still boo him, hell, the situation might even get worse. In other words, the fans won't buy it.

You hit the nail right on the head and some of these Cena fans/Little Jimmys can't accept it. THE ROCK PAID HIS DUES!!!! I am sick and tired of hearing "he doesn't deserve to be in the main event at WM because (Morrison, Rhodes, Zack Ryder, etc.) deserve a shot." Most of these guys that the Little Jimmys love will never even reach a level anywhere near the Rock and should never be even mentioned in the same sentence. He has earned the right to fight at any Wrestlemania he wants.

I can understand people being mad when Shaq or Snoop Dogg wants to fight in a match. These people aren't there every day and they're not putting in the time.

The Rock is one of the All Time greats and will be inducted into the Hall of Fame the night before Wrestlemania. He deserves the main event for his body of work, and because it's in his hometown, more than anyone else on the roster.
Rock was here for a bit, Then hes gone and I Bring It Via Sattelite, LOL Cena is there every day, Fuck the IWC, cena truly loves the business, rock my say he does and its in his blood but he needs to be there for people to believe it. Rock<Cena,

Cena is gonna win in the Main Event of WrestleMania 28 against The Rock, no one gives a Fuck if you try to find ways to bullshit my statement, its the passing of the torch At WrestleMania simple and plain motherfuck you and john wayne.

So you're saying cena is better than rock because he's there everyday?!:lmao: Oh, you're a sharp guy.

You really care about who wins?! hmm....Well obviously, cena will win, but guess what, that won't change anything cause the fans will still chant "Cena suck!". And like I said, it WILL be The Rock's night, with 80,000 on his side, cena will be lucky to get out alive. If you think ONS 06 was unfair, just wait tell WM 28. Oh and no matter what city rock will always be the fan favourite, and no one gives a fuck if you try to find ways to bullshit my statement.
Rock was here for a bit, Then hes gone and I Bring It Via Sattelite, LOL Cena is there every day, Fuck the IWC, cena truly loves the business, rock my say he does and its in his blood but he needs to be there for people to believe it. Rock<Cena,

Cena is gonna win in the Main Event of WrestleMania 28 against The Rock, no one gives a Fuck if you try to find ways to bullshit my statement, its the passing of the torch At WrestleMania simple and plain motherfuck you and john wayne.

My god are we still arguing the same thing. The Rock covered absolutely every talking point there is in his video.

You Cena fans need to seriously get a CLUE.

Although it is nice that you realise Cena will win. It compounds the fact that Rock is coming back not only for the fans and the WWE but also for Cena's benefit. Where's your argument now?
Maybe it's just me, but everytime I see a Rock promo, he is less and less entertaining. He should have quit a long time ago while he was ahead, but this latest thing that was shown from his facebook account made him look like a child desperate be in the spotlight. He is recycling material he used months ago and now that it lost the novelty he sounds terrible. Try some new material.

And it's not just the material. He does not sound passionate anymore about what he's reading off of teleprompters. His whole tone comes off whining.

I don't know, I think it's a big shame that his "return" (cough cough) speech was so dramatic and entertaining, and to see what he's reduced himself to is disappointing. Personally, I would be happy to not see any more of him if this is what he is reduced to.
I've been going through a lot of boards and comments on WZ and I have seen quite a few people commenting on Rock "going back on his word" and what not but quite frankly The Rock can not and should not come back full time and here's why.

1.) We want to remember The Rock as the Great One not a 60 year old running over TNA trying to keep his spot. The Rock did something most main eventers haven't done unless forced to, retire. Think about it, if Austin and Bret weren't injured would they have retired? And look at the ones who didn't that should have a long time ago, Hogan, Flair the Hardy's they've not only soiled their legacy but embarass themselves everytime they get into the ring. Is this what we really want to see from The Rock? He left healthy and in good shape. On his way out he ensured to build up to stars, though they both left, he's done everything there was to do. That chapter in his life is closed and should not be open, full time, no matter how much we miss watching him.

2.) What would Cena have as a basis for his feud? This whole Cena/Rock mega match is based on one thing. Cena is angry that The Rock left. Then he gets upset that The Rock isn't there every week. So if Rock came back full time then what would Cena use as his catalyst for this feud? The Rock's worst movie grossed more than Cena's best? I mean seriously Rock being away for so long is what's building this story and this match up. Throw in a few appearances here and there to remind the fans but Rock staying off TV is adding more to this match than him actually being there week in week out.

Seriously, is there a needed reason for The Rock to comeback fulltime? Not in my opinion.
I get and agree with what you are saying.

Here's what's confusing me though. I don't honestly believe that Dwayne Johnson is beefing himself up just for this G.I. Joe gig. Did you see how beefed up he was again when he came back for Wrestlemania, he's gotten even bigger now.

Why would a guy, who lost a lot of muscle purposefully, then has surgery to remove the excess skin, come back a few years later and start building up like he has done all of a sudden?

I really think he intends to come back. While it might be a mistake, a guy like that doesn't build himself up into the greatest shape of his life, to just run up and down Hollywood boulevard.
@ DJ Kyo, perhaps he has buildt himself up for both his roll in fast five and GI Joe, but also perhaps he just got bigger. He is samoan and those guys do have the tendency to get big. Also as you do get older your body does tend to put on more weight. And yeah he has gotten bigger, hell I think bigger than when he wrestled. When he was in wrestling shape his body looked more lean and atheltic now its just all muscle. I just don't see hiim coming back full time. Maybe a few matches here in there to scratch that itch but nothing more, nothing less.
The Rock isnt back because it's smart. He's being used right, he's the biggest SPECIAL ATTRACTION WWE has right now

Back in the day when they didnt wrestle like guys do today you had guys that were special attractions who didnt show up all the time.

Rock shouldnt be overexposed, but he's gonna win and set up a SummerSlam rematch. Cena shouldnt and wont win against The Rock, and there are so many reasons why but I'll wait till January when an official match thread pops up
yeah John Cena is right now the Rock is in the past CENA> Rock

Cena was right on point about everything he said and I'll say this if the Rocks beat Cena at Wrestle-mania I'll lose a lot of respect for wwe

I like Cena and don't understand what's not to like about the guy
This is my first post. Rip me a new one if you must. I don't mind criticism.

For years people had/have talked about how Cena is The Rock of this era, and yes I know some will post about comparing wrestlers is stupid blah blah. Save your breath. Anyways there was always talk about how it would be a dream match if these two were to square off. The Rock to come back one last time and LAYETH THE SMACKDOWN! Then the "Great One" returns and cuts that amazing promo. Everyone marks out! Rock shoots on Cena. Cena rebuttals. This goes on until after Wrestlemania, and then the dream match is made official!

Now time has passed... And it seems the only thing people on the internet are doing is mocking and bashing the match which was once a distant dream.

My question is why? Why all of a sudden is this match not up to par? I mean yeah it was booked pretty early ahead of time, but other than that I cannot find a reason why any wrestling fan would not wanna see this match go down. I for one cannot wait to see the rock back in action again against the current face of the wwe John Cena. Now don't get me wrong I'm not the biggest Cena fan but I couldn't see Rock coming back to face anyone else but Cena. It just works for me. Now to the point of the thread.

Why is it that people have become so turned off by this match happening?
Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for someone who was never excited for this match in the first place, and offer suggestions as to why it may appear that interest has declined. There will be some overlap, and these reasons are not listed in any particular order.

1. The wow factor has diminished. Rock's original return and promo were fantastic. The teased animosity from the first promo had most folks wondering where this was going, especially if the rock really was coming back and if a match was going to happen. If a match had happened soon after, I think lots of folks would have been excited. But not only did a match not happen then, it was postponed for an entire year. Hard to remain excited that far ahead of time.

2. The rock did not really return. That probably disappointed a lot of people...he promised he would never leave again, but then we didn't see him live very much soon after and by now it is clear he is never really coming back.

3. Related to #2, that means that the match is probably not going to be that great. The rock will certainly have ring rust, and since he is likely going back to do movies soon after his "match", we probably cannot expect to see a huge action packed match due to rock not wanting to risk major injuries before going back to movies.

4. Related to #2 and #3, from a pure storyline perspective, there is no way that one could possibly expect the Rock to beat Cena. He's been out of action for far too long.

5. A win for either wrestler does nothing for either one. It's hard to care too much about who comes out the victor.

6. All the hype leading up to this match (so far) has basically been name calling. Amusing at first but it degraded into something so juvenile (especially from the rock) that it's easy to lose interest quickly. How many times can I hear rock do that silly "you can't shee me" voice and make fun of Cena's outfits? Honestly, Rock's promos used to be great but he's become terrible: he doesn't seem passionate, he reads off of cue cards, and he throws out juvenile insults. And he doesn't even show up. Most of his arguments were prerecorded, and these days, confined to twitter and facebook. Hard for us to care about this feud when it's obvious Rock doesn't care either.

So those are just some ideas. And it's possible that interest will spike again closer to wrestlemania. But for those reasons above it is hard for me to care even one whit about this match.
I for one have been extremely vocal dislike for the entire Rock vs Cena story/program.

I didn't want the Rock to be involved with WM27 at all, I found his promos leading up to the event, and at the actual event boring. The Rock is the prime example of why constantly rehashing the past is a very bad thing in professional wrestling. Every promo he cuts, is the same promo he cut 7 years ago.

I don't agree with the Rock coming back and stealing the spot of a person who's worked their ass off over the past few years to make it to the WM Card. The Rock is back for a pay off, he doesn't give a flying fuck about the fans, he only cares about his bottom line.

Other posters will say how the money factor is whats important and how buy rates are important. Ill say again how I am a wrestling fan, and with or without the Rock on the card I would shell out the money to watch WM.
Okay most of those reasons I can agree with, except for the one about him not really "coming back." I think all of us knew he wasn't going to come back for more than one match. What did you expect? Him to come back to a full time schedule? And you also noted something like "if the match was soon after the promo then we would have been more excited". Well the wrestlemania card was pretty much set at that point. Adding The Rock to that card would have been unnecessary. Also a match at any other ppv would not do it justice. It's a wrestlemania match and nothing less. Even more, I'm willing to GUARANTEE DAMN T that The Rock had it in his contract that he would not return for a match unless it was at wrestlemania. Big draw deserves Big event.
As much as I'd love to see The Rock come back (and cut promos better than anyone else in WWE right now), coming back for the Cena match is pretty damn lame. Mostly because we all know they are going to have The Rock lose just as they did back with the last time he fought with Mick Foley... They'll have him lose in a stupid manner at that.

I'd be happy if The Rock would sign a 6-month contract and fight for that long once again. Just for something 'exciting' on the card once again.

I would have much rather seen The Rock come back at Survivor Series and be the one who ultimately challenged The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. It's a match that never happened when you think of the big names vs. Taker at WM... Rock never did it. Stone Cold never did it. Hell, Cena hasn't even done it.... Cena honestly was the last hold out to have a 'thought' that someone might actually beat Taker.... Now who are they going to give that illusion to? Bring someone in like Mick Foley who will make it look like a joke? LOL...

I don't know. This Rock v. Cena thing is just a big marketing ploy at the end of the day. I was 'hopeful' it was more than that becasue of how built up The Rock got once again, but I guess not.
Okay most of those reasons I can agree with, except for the one about him not really "coming back." I think all of us knew he wasn't going to come back for more than one match. What did you expect? Him to come back to a full time schedule? And you also noted something like "if the match was soon after the promo then we would have been more excited". Well the wrestlemania card was pretty much set at that point. Adding The Rock to that card would have been unnecessary. Also a match at any other ppv would not do it justice. It's a wrestlemania match and nothing less. Even more, I'm willing to GUARANTEE DAMN T that The Rock had it in his contract that he would not return for a match unless it was at wrestlemania. Big draw deserves Big event.

Dude, why are you arguing? I was merely offering suggestions as to why people might have lost interest, which was your original question.

I never said that I personally expected him to come back full time. I'm saying that many folks might have been disappointed by the fact that he was not really back, so they lost interest in this match.

And why argue about the rock match needing to be at the following wrestlemania. Why are you trying to defend that decision? Sure, your argument makes sense, but it also makes the match a year away, hence, people lose interest, which I thought was the point of your thread.

I guess I'm not sure based on your followup post what you are looking for in this thread. If you are looking for reasons why folks have lost interest, then why attack the suggestions people offer? Or are you looking for a debate on this topic, and want to try to convince folks that have lost interest that they are wrong to do so? If that's the case, then it should have been more clear in your original post.
You said it right, people are fickle. They want what they want, until they don't want it anymore. Usually because some troll shat all over what they wanted and they became jaded little b**ches too.

The Rock & John Cena are two of the best story tellers out there, Rock is still in his 30's. He's more than young enough to bring it, but he's gonna have to work on his cardio, not his build. Most people have just convinced themselves that the current guy has to win because The Rock HAS to pass the torch to Cena.

Why? Why does The Rock have to pass the torch to John Cena? Does The Rock HAVE to pass the torch at all? Just because "that's how it's normally done" is not a good enough answer. If the last few months have taught the viewers anything it's that WWE is still capable of surprising you, and The Rock is not going to do the same old s**t. He's going to do something to surprise and entertain people.

To be honest, I think The Rock is going to win, because that's the unexpected thing to do, and it's what everyone wants as well.
Dude, why are you arguing? I was merely offering suggestions as to why people might have lost interest, which was your original question.

I never said that I personally expected him to come back full time. I'm saying that many folks might have been disappointed by the fact that he was not really back, so they lost interest in this match.

And why argue about the rock match needing to be at the following wrestlemania. Why are you trying to defend that decision? Sure, your argument makes sense, but it also makes the match a year away, hence, people lose interest, which I thought was the point of your thread.

I guess I'm not sure based on your followup post what you are looking for in this thread. If you are looking for reasons why folks have lost interest, then why attack the suggestions people offer? Or are you looking for a debate on this topic, and want to try to convince folks that have lost interest that they are wrong to do so? If that's the case, then it should have been more clear in your original post.

Okay my apologies. Like I said I'm new to this. I was just attempting to debate some of your points, not scrutinize them. I respect the critique though. Anyways It seems like everytime the wwe goes out on a limb to make something big happen people love it for a week or 2, and then bash it as either predictable, boring, mundane, etc. Nobody ever thought they would see the rock step inside the ring again and the wwe went out and I'm assuming forked over a TON of cash to get him here for the fans, and now the fans practically deplore the idea. Like the title of the thread says, it seems incredibly fickle to say the least.
You said it right, people are fickle. They want what they want, until they don't want it anymore. Usually because some troll shat all over what they wanted and they became jaded little b**ches too.

The Rock & John Cena are two of the best story tellers out there, Rock is still in his 30's. He's more than young enough to bring it, but he's gonna have to work on his cardio, not his build. Most people have just convinced themselves that the current guy has to win because The Rock HAS to pass the torch to Cena.

Why? Why does The Rock have to pass the torch to John Cena? Does The Rock HAVE to pass the torch at all? Just because "that's how it's normally done" is not a good enough answer. If the last few months have taught the viewers anything it's that WWE is still capable of surprising you, and The Rock is not going to do the same old s**t. He's going to do something to surprise and entertain people.

To be honest, I think The Rock is going to win, because that's the unexpected thing to do, and it's what everyone wants as well.

I can't see The Rock winning. I fully expect a great match, loads of near falls and false finishes and then John Cena beats The Rock. A hand shake at the end - end of.

People will always want what they can't have. How many people are moaning to see HBK wrestle again ? To see Stone Cold wrestle again ? I'd love it too but the fact is one is injured and the other retired in an awesome Wrestlemania main event.

I'd also agree with earlier posts in that I was going to order Wrestlemania regardless of The Rock appearing or not.
Good Post/Thread, though I'd be more specific when discussing these "fans."

Its a vocal segment of the IWC you're talking about, and not even a majority at that.

Some people present valid reasons for not liking the angle. However, there are a coagulation of scattered lowlives that have nothing better to do than hang out on wrestlezone hitting refresh every ten minutes and if the news day isn't interesting or eventful enough to their liking, they exacerbate their bad mood by shitting on EVERYTHING.

Since these people are so bitter, vocal, and have so much free time, eventually their trolliness becomes contagious and eats away one's own enthusiasm for the product.

That's why its so much easier to dismiss these people rather than argue with them. You'll save yourself the enjoyment of the product that such jaded curmudgeons lost long ago.
I can't see The Rock winning. I fully expect a great match, loads of near falls and false finishes and then John Cena beats The Rock. A hand shake at the end - end of.

People will always want what they can't have. How many people are moaning to see HBK wrestle again ? To see Stone Cold wrestle again ? I'd love it too but the fact is one is injured and the other retired in an awesome Wrestlemania main event.

I'd also agree with earlier posts in that I was going to order Wrestlemania regardless of The Rock appearing or not.

But WHY? And please don't give me that "Because Cena's the top draw" or "It's a passing of the torch." Argument. Why do people think the top draw can't lose to a loyal legend and future hall of famer?

The Rock is still young and in shape, he's still got his millions and millions, and think about what really happens if John Cena loses. Does that just automatically mean Cena loses credibility to his fans? What if Cena is able to make it about the world title? What if Cena loses his title to The Rock at Wrestlemania, and The Rock is left in the position of "Ok now what do I do with this thing?" There's no reason he can't fight and lose another day to Cena at Vengeance or even somebody else, like CM Punk, who has been taking shots at The Rock. Or is it backlash? I never pay attention to that kind of crap, whatever the next PPV after WM is.
Well I think the main reason is in your first couple of lines. Time has passed. The initial excitement that the match will finally take place has died down, and the millions are getting bored of waiting. Now people are frustrated, and picking holes in the match/feud that arent really there. For example, people are saying The Rock will be rusty in the ring. Not a chance in hell!! By Wrestlemania, he will have had over a year to prepare for the match, if you don't think he will spend at least 3-4 months in the ring beforehand (as Jericho did before his return), then your crazy.
Basically, WWE made a mistake announcing the match so far in advance and allowing the initial excitement to die down.

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