*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

A Twitter War leading up to the main event at WM.............. LAME! Twitter is not that popular to have a 1 on 1 feud for over a year when everyone knows its fake.

These 2 guys Rock and Cena are laughing the whole time they are "tweeting" ...stupid! and VKM was even more stupid to let this crap go on for over a year..... Wrestling truly is simple minded, childrens entertainment..... I can see why Punk wants to leave!
Very well put.

Oh I also like the extremely biased wording the OP uses. Cena didnt just make a couple tweets, hes been LIVE on TV and house shows promoting the match while The Rock sits on his computer or in front of a web cam trying to woo the crowd. I honestly agree with Cena, we might not see Rock in the ring until April 1st, and yes, I would be surprised if he even showed up to promote the match the month prior. I never thought I would end up defending Cena but its funny how the fans prefer a guy who sits around making videos and tweets after a 7 year absence over a guy whos always been there since he started. It might not have been the best couple of years with Cena, but argument wise hes winning.
You wanna know why Cena's retort was a text rather than a video? Because as the Rock pointed out, you can't hide phony. He knows everything, AND THE ROCK MEANS, EVERYTHING, he said was true. Have you ever been called out on something you did and you couldn't say anything back? Ever been called out on a character flaw and all you could say was whatever...so what...forget you....it don't matter.....but on the inside you know everything said was the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING but the truth?
I read Cena's post and all I could see while reading it was:
"CeNation. Just saw Dwayne's statement. Via satellite of course. (gotta get them back on my side) Sad, really. It was like an episode of mad money. (maybe they'll think thats funny...hey that rhymed!) I wonder if GLAAD will be offended by Dwayne's comments. (gotta get someone else mad at him like they were mad at me) Either way..looks like I have really made him mad. (i'll just laugh off all of the truths he's said about me) But, certainly not mad enough to show up and do anything. (lets keep reminding the people about what he said...that'll keep the heat off me) Maybe he can send a stuntman. (haha....i like that one.) Dwayne. I am a WWE employee, and a proud one. (so suck it dwayne...i like my job sometimes) The difference between us is you left for 'greener pastures'. (yeah, you left. I stayed. I mean, so what my movies failed and my rap album went double wood, it dont matter at least I stayed here...i mean, not like I could leave...my movies failed and my rap album went double wood) For me...this is what I love. (because for me, this is all I have. apparently its what i suck the least at) I have never begged for anyones admiration or acceptance, (out loud) u don't believe me..watch MITB. Its not about that. Its about showing up. (back to getting MY fans to yell and scream for me!) Id rather wrestle a thousand 'punks' than one 'rock'. (rap skills at work, man i'm good) Because I can see his passion. Wish I could see yours...(and figure out how you do it...i can't get anyone to like me....i feel like a lame extremely colorful action figure...) yer just never there. Until april 1st. Keep on bringing it my man. (please try to suck more with your promo's cause I can NOT hang) You're doing great. (you're doing great) Your friend John Cena" (i hate you, you showed the world my draws and called me out on everything that i truly deal with on a day to day basis and for that....i truly hate you)

See the thing is, when you get your secrets aired out in public like the Rock did to Cena all you have left is empty words and private pain. I don't care how much of a work this might be, there is truth fueling about 85% of it. The Rock pulled Cena's hoe card. Cena's shot back, did nothing if not confirm everything that was said about him.
NOW, its getting interesting.
With the recent statements of CM Punk about Cena, and then the Rock's nuclear promo on Cena.....now would be the PERFECT time to turn him heel....
WWE really needs to pull the trigger on this..cause, i don't know how much more he's gonna be able to take...lol
The Rock is paying the price for one line. I wonder what Cena would have talked about had Rock never mentioned that line. Oh wait, he would have talked about The Rock's crappy movies which make more than any of Cena's movies ever have.

Seriously, by this point I wonder if Cena has anything else at his disposal. And anyhow, how the hell does it matter if Cena is more dedicated to the business? Rock is undoubtedly more popular at this point than Cena even if it is due to nostalgia. Cena might be a very devoted worker but only a select few will admit at this point that he is better than Rocky in any way. In my view at least this makes Cena look pretty lame. It makes him look as if he has got nothing up his sleeve.
The bottom line in all of this is that Cena didn't leave to make movies. Cena does other things outside of wrestling and still wrestle. Granted some movies are not that good, but that isn't the point. When The Rock left, he made it clear he wanted to be known as Dwayne, not The Rock. He made it clear he wanted to be SEPARATED from the WWE. He finally came back when his last few movies bombed, and he needed the fans back, so suddenly he wanted to be known as The Rock again. He made a huge mistake alienating his fans. Yes people wanted him to at least come back once in a while and so something in the WWE and he did that. I was one of them that wanted this, but I lose ALL respect for him when he came back and did and does nothing but run his mouth about John Cena, who spoke the truth and called him out on his mistake. Did Rock apologize? No. He pretends like it never happened. THAT'S why the people who are bitching about him being back bitch. He came back and did not and still has not acknowledged his mistake. Had he come back and said "You know what, I was wrong for trying to separate myself from WWE, I was wrong for alienating the WWE universe and I apologize." then the people who are bitching would have nothing to bitch about and I would actually look forward to this year in advance Wrestlemania match, but it's not that way. The bottom line is The Rock is not a man. A man apologizes for what he did wrong, a man doesn't pretend it didn't happen.
The bottom line in all of this is that Cena didn't leave to make movies. Cena does other things outside of wrestling and still wrestle. Granted some movies are not that good, but that isn't the point. When The Rock left, he made it clear he wanted to be known as Dwayne, not The Rock. He made it clear he wanted to be SEPARATED from the WWE. He finally came back when his last few movies bombed, and he needed the fans back, so suddenly he wanted to be known as The Rock again. He made a huge mistake alienating his fans. Yes people wanted him to at least come back once in a while and so something in the WWE and he did that. I was one of them that wanted this, but I lose ALL respect for him when he came back and did and does nothing but run his mouth about John Cena, who spoke the truth and called him out on his mistake. Did Rock apologize? No. He pretends like it never happened. THAT'S why the people who are bitching about him being back bitch. He came back and did not and still has not acknowledged his mistake. Had he come back and said "You know what, I was wrong for trying to separate myself from WWE, I was wrong for alienating the WWE universe and I apologize." then the people who are bitching would have nothing to bitch about and I would actually look forward to this year in advance Wrestlemania match, but it's not that way. The bottom line is The Rock is not a man. A man apologizes for what he did wrong, a man doesn't pretend it didn't happen.
How was it a mistake? It made him a ton of money. You think every movie hes been in should have said "Starring WWE's the Rock!" instead of his actual name? Geez. He did what was best for his life and his career and people want to fault him for it. He does not need WWE but he is here doing this program because he loves it. Cena goes on and on about how he is here night in and night out. Well, Cena doesn't really have any other options.
The bottom line in all of this is that Cena didn't leave to make movies. Cena does other things outside of wrestling and still wrestle. Granted some movies are not that good, but that isn't the point. When The Rock left, he made it clear he wanted to be known as Dwayne, not The Rock. He made it clear he wanted to be SEPARATED from the WWE. He finally came back when his last few movies bombed, and he needed the fans back, so suddenly he wanted to be known as The Rock again. He made a huge mistake alienating his fans. Yes people wanted him to at least come back once in a while and so something in the WWE and he did that. I was one of them that wanted this, but I lose ALL respect for him when he came back and did and does nothing but run his mouth about John Cena, who spoke the truth and called him out on his mistake. Did Rock apologize? No. He pretends like it never happened. THAT'S why the people who are bitching about him being back bitch. He came back and did not and still has not acknowledged his mistake. Had he come back and said "You know what, I was wrong for trying to separate myself from WWE, I was wrong for alienating the WWE universe and I apologize." then the people who are bitching would have nothing to bitch about and I would actually look forward to this year in advance Wrestlemania match, but it's not that way. The bottom line is The Rock is not a man. A man apologizes for what he did wrong, a man doesn't pretend it didn't happen.

Said like a true Cena Mark. What does he have to apologize to you for? He electrified the WWE Universe for years, did all that he needed to do and all that he wanted to do and then set his sights on different things and accomplished those things. The funny thing about people like you is, you wanna talk about the things he failed at. Ok fine. Sure he had some bomb movies, BUT how can you in one breath talk about the movies that didn't do well, and yet not mention the FACT that as a movie star he's made MILLIONS. Not to mention the FACT that if he sucked so bad in hollywood, why does he KEEP getting movie roles? Yeah, Cena's been able to do both at the same time as well. He had a couple movies out too. THAT SUCKED. He had an album out to. THAT SUCKED. Thats why he focuses so much on wrestling. HE AIN'T GOT CRAP ELSE HE CAN DO. Wrestling is just what he sucks at least!!! Apologize...APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT? Cause he wanted to seperate Dwayne Johnson from the ROCK so that Hollywood would take him seriously and give him better roles? Apologize because he wanted the world that he was entering to see him not as the most electrifying man in sports entertainment but as a talented actor? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Apologize to us FOR WHAT? Cause he wanted to excel in something other than wrestling? Cause he wanted to achieve other goals in life? I'm sorry but I dont believe he needed our approval or our acceptance because he wanted to step away. Apologize? are you kidding me?
John Cena spoke the truth. Thats the biggest joke in your whole arguement. John Cena said that when the Rock left, he abandoned his fans and then by saying that he wanted to be seperated from the wwe and wasn't coming back, that he neglected the very thing that made him.
Let me tell you something about John Cena that bears repeating. If his Rap album had blown up....if his movie career had blown up, HE WOULD HAVE DONE THE VERY SAME THING. Believe it. John Cena wants to be the Rock so bad it don't make sense. The only reason why this is an issue at any rate at all is because John Cena, is JEALOUS of the Rock. John Cena doesn't understand why the Rock can do what he did, ask to be seperated from the WWE and the persona of the Rock, and come back 7 years later and STILL get a bigger pop than the entire roster. John doesn't understand why the crowd doesn't boo at the Rock when he sends comments via satellite or however we hear from him. He doesn't get why no matter how much "passion" he has for the business and how much he is "in the building, at the events" the people refuse to get behind him. Let me tell YOU why. Because the Rock, Dwayne Johnson, NEVER said I hate the WWE. He wanted to exist outside of it so that he could reinvent himself in another area of entertainment and thats what he did. and REAL fans and people who understand diversity understand that. Cena and his Cenation never will. When the Rock said he wasn't ever leaving again that didnt mean he was going to be signing a new contract to be in the wwe for fulltime employment, it meant he'd be making more appearances than he had in the past 7 years.
Not that he even ever had to explain himself to anybody, but even the simplest explanation still goes over the head of the average Cena mark.
Apologize.............you sound crazy.
What you need to do, is ask CENA to apologize. Apologize for being a puppet. Apologize for trying to talk about the character of a man he don't know. Apologize for coming out week after week trying to convince the WWE universe that he loves this business when in all actuality he wishes he could leave and do movies and have a budding rap career. Apologize to the fans for trying to make them believe that he enjoys being supercena. Apologize to the fans for making them think he don't care who boos him or not. YOU APOLOGIZE CENA. Apologize because YOU KNOW that the only reason why you're wearing that title is not because you're a great wrestler or because you have a crap load of charisma and your great on a mic because NONE of that is true. It is simply this. Kids love you and Vince sees dollars signs with kids. You've become the corporate cash cow and the minute that stops being true, your done.
The Rock hit the nail on the head about your hero. He's phony and he sucks and he wishes he had the Rocks career.
The reality is at night when he goes home, he tapes his eyebrow up, puts on a pair of black trunks and boots, goes over to that special place in the corner of the mansion McMahon built (the one next door to Hogans) that has all of the Rock periphenalia and puts on continuous loop of people cheering ....just so he can get a taste of what the Rock is cookin.
All the junk about "The Rock left to be an actor" makes me sick! If Cena could get the offers that Rock has in movies he would be GONE too! The difference between Rock and Cena is The Rock actually is a decent actor and has had success, where Cena would LOVE to be an actor, but has no skill in that category either! (IE The Marine and any other of those worthless movies.) That is not to say all of The Rock's movies has been great...but the quality of movies is not my point. The fact is if Cena had gotten the opprotunities in Hollywood that Rock has he would be LONG GONE!
Honestly why bother arguing with the Idiotic Wrestling Community over this? The Rock has already explained that he didn't mean he was gonna be at every show when he said he was never leaving and I didn't certainly didn't think that was what he meant, anybody who honestly thought that he meant he was giving up a movie career which pays him shitloads for a full time career that he's already done full time before, is an idiot. He has done everything HE wanted to do, he has done everything Cena is already doing, he doesn't need to be full time there anymore since he's accomplished everything he wanted to do, why do people not get this? Wrestlers don't enter the business for you, they enter it for themselves. And if he wanted to be full time, he would never have left in 2002 at all. Also I hate all this "Cena works hard for the WWE" bullshit. So what? Every wrestler works hard for the business and if they were given the ball like Cena, they would work just as hard as Cena does now. I mean hell I heard The Miz was doing appearances for the media even on his days off when he was WWE Champion and HHH has said in an interview that Sheamus would sometimes come in to see the shows on his days off too and this was when he wasn't WWE Champion, anybody can work hard. No matter how many times you spell it out for the IWC about what The Rock meant, they will always continue to ignore what he really meant and continue spewing the same bullshit about The Rock, acting as if he meant that he will show up every show when he said "he would never leave again".
Does anyone know of any major moments in the rocks career that took place in chicago? I know its unlikely but i have a sneaky suspicion about sunday. If someone could get back to me i would appreciate it!

well, the only great moment I can think of is when he challenged hogan for a match at WM. The crowd went nuts, and rock was clearly the favourite.


Oh, and there is another great rock moment that took place in chicago, and that's ending the vince mcmahon kiss my ass club by shoving vince's face in rikishi's ass.


These are the only two I can think of, but to be honest with you I don't think chicago is the city, I think it's NY. He made his debut in NY(SS 1996), and he also became a fan favourite(Birth of team bring it) in NY(Summerslam 1998). I think He'll screw cena at Night Of Champions, considering the fact that it will take place in buffalo, NY.
Survivor Series is in Madison Square Garden this year, and considering that Rock said "historic arena" in that video, I'd bet on it being there. Of course, I would rather him show up sooner in some form or fashion, but I'll take what I can get; especially since I live near MSG and have been hoping to go to SS since it was announced to be there.

It was an excellent promo, by the way, and showed that the man really hasn't missed a beat on the mic after all these years. The way that they're using social media to promote this is very smart, especially considering how they can't exactly take up television time with it every week.
why do so many ppl bag cena? the guy gives everything to the wwe and to the fans every week, and ppl still bag him out week by week! if it weren't for cena, where would the wwe be at the moment?

guys lyk triple h, should be in stories etc still, but aren't doing much that the fans can see,

the rock promised never to leave, where is he now?

cena should be the guy we all cheer, not boo!

we boo cena is the same reason rock said he gets booed!!!! hes a phoney hes bin since the start we can all see thru that !!!!! he is clearly jealous of the rock...

the rock is not coming back full time when will the dumb fans figure this one out ? im thinking 2000 neveruary !!!!!

Cena is like a kid at school that tries extra hard to fit in !!!!! "hot mustard sandwich ":lmao: :lmao: if your worth cheering for the fans will cheer for you, cena is not worth cheering for i think hes a better rapper than a wrestlers
All the junk about "The Rock left to be an actor" makes me sick! If Cena could get the offers that Rock has in movies he would be GONE too! The difference between Rock and Cena is The Rock actually is a decent actor and has had success, where Cena would LOVE to be an actor, but has no skill in that category either!

Forgive me if I repeated what someone already says, I just scrolled through this quickly.

First of all buddy, do you know Cena personally? No. So how the hell would you know that Cena would be long gone if he got movie offers? Do you think Cena would like to do movies? Well, from interviews and stuff, I am sure that Cena loves what he does now. So please, get your facts straight before you try to "prove a point".

Anyway, this is pointless. Both of these guys are good. Cena's saying shit because that's what he's paid to do, to make WWE entertaining and interesting. I love Rocky too, who doesn't?

But, there is one thing that is kind of bugging me. People who say "Well, The Rock did what he was suppose to do, entertain and bring in money, so he doesn't owe anything to wrestling right now." Yeah you people WERE right, until Rocky came back to the WWE and said "I'll never leave again" and then not show up every damn Monday. Hell, I haven't seen him in ages! Wow Rocky, what a lie.
Forgive me if I repeated what someone already says, I just scrolled through this quickly.

First of all buddy, do you know Cena personally? No. So how the hell would you know that Cena would be long gone if he got movie offers? Do you think Cena would like to do movies? Well, from interviews and stuff, I am sure that Cena loves what he does now. So please, get your facts straight before you try to "prove a point".

Anyway, this is pointless. Both of these guys are good. Cena's saying shit because that's what he's paid to do, to make WWE entertaining and interesting. I love Rocky too, who doesn't?

But, there is one thing that is kind of bugging me. People who say "Well, The Rock did what he was suppose to do, entertain and bring in money, so he doesn't owe anything to wrestling right now." Yeah you people WERE right, until Rocky came back to the WWE and said "I'll never leave again" and then not show up every damn Monday. Hell, I haven't seen him in ages! Wow Rocky, what a lie.

Typical example of what I said. The Idiotic Wrestling Community continuing to act like that's what he meant when he said "he'll never leave again". He clearly explained in his latest video that it didn't mean he would show up every event, just that he would never leave WWE again by making various appearances. In fact anybody who isn't slow & dumb should've figured that out at the time he said it. What morons you lot are.
we boo cena is the same reason rock said he gets booed!!!! hes a phoney hes bin since the start we can all see thru that !!!!! he is clearly jealous of the rock...

the rock is not coming back full time when will the dumb fans figure this one out ? im thinking 2000 neveruary !!!!!

Cena is like a kid at school that tries extra hard to fit in !!!!! "hot mustard sandwich ":lmao: :lmao: if your worth cheering for the fans will cheer for you, cena is not worth cheering for i think hes a better rapper than a wrestlers

When did John Cena become a phony? was it before or after the Rock's shitty 11 minute "shoot" video on YouTube? I don't know how anyone especially The Rock can call the biggest name in professional today a phony, when Cena does more for the business in a week, than the Rock has in the past 7 years.

A lot of you may dislike Cena's WWE on screen Character, but you cannot say the man is a phony when it comes to the WWE, the WWE Universe, and his love for Professional Wrestling in general.

You may hate him for pushing for the PG-Era, but guess what the other company in the US that has blood, tits, ass and extreme violence isn't doing so hot right now, and the WWE continues to get bigger.

You may hate him because he is booked as Super Man, but lets be real, who else on the roster now could perform the level that John Cena has for the past 5 years? With so many long term major WWE Players retiring from age or injury stepping away from the WWE who other than Cena would be the face of the company?

The only super star built up to Cena's level int he WWE today is Randy Orton? If the program going into WM28 next year was Orton vs the Rock would all of you panties still be in a bunch?

One of you Rock Fan Team Bring it tards, Please give me a list of people currently in the WWE that could replace Cena as the FACE OF THE COMPANY over the past 5 years. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
The idea that Cena is phony or doing it for the money is extremely stupid. I liked the promo, but those were my two biggest issues with its content. Of course the guy gets a damn paycheck, that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a passion for what he's doing. Rock acts like he's not getting paid a shitload of money for this WWE work he's doing this year and next. I don't care if he needs it or not, he's getting paid just like Cena is. And I'm sure Cena could find a job elsewhere to support himself and his wife if he really needed to. But instead, he chooses to bust his ass for the company he loves for the majority of the year, rarely even getting to see his family. Yeah, what a greedy son of a bitch, right?
@xoxo French Kiss xoxo

The only super star built up to Cena's level int he WWE today is Randy Orton? If the program going into WM28 next year was Orton vs the Rock would all of you panties still be in a bunch?

The answer is yes, as long as we'll have the chance to see rock in the ring one more time.

Please give me a list of people currently in the WWE that could replace Cena as the FACE OF THE COMPANY over the past 5 years. PLEASE!!!!!!!

I'm sure If the same chance was given to neither orton or Punk they'll do just fine. Matter of fact, I think Punk is the guy that will take the wwe to the next level, believe me, he WILL be the face of the company, soon.

You may hate him because he is booked as Super Man, but lets be real, who else on the roster now could perform the level that John Cena has for the past 5 years? With so many long term major WWE Players retiring from age or injury stepping away from the WWE who other than Cena would be the face of the company?

We hate him because he sucks, plain and simple. Oh, and by the way, he became the face of the company by default.

You may hate him for pushing for the PG-Era, but guess what the other company in the US that has blood, tits, ass and extreme violence isn't doing so hot right now, and the WWE continues to get bigger.

:scratchchin: I'm not sure about that.

When did John Cena become a phony? was it before or after the Rock's shitty 11 minute "shoot" video on YouTube? I don't know how anyone especially The Rock can call the biggest name in professional today a phony,

Well, the biggest name in professional wrestling today is nothing compared to arguably the biggest name in wrestling history.

when Cena does more for the business in a week, than the Rock has in the past 7 years.

He retired in 2004, Idiot! Don't you understand the word "Retired"?

A lot of you may dislike Cena's WWE on screen Character, but you cannot say the man is a phony when it comes to the WWE, the WWE Universe, and his love for Professional Wrestling in general.

Oh yeah, Couple a years ago he was a street thug, all of a sudden he's mr.goody two shoes?!...:rolleyes:..what a joke. He's nothing but vince's boy. And the reason why he's not leaving the wwe because he got nowhere else to go.

Yet again, no matter how much cena love this business, no matter how much he bust his ass for the company, no matter how much kids wishes he make, rock will ALWAYS be the bigger star, not because he love the business, not becase he bust his ass for the company, but simply because he's better. Cena need to get this through his thick head.
How was it a mistake? It made him a ton of money. You think every movie hes been in should have said "Starring WWE's the Rock!" instead of his actual name? Geez. He did what was best for his life and his career and people want to fault him for it. He does not need WWE but he is here doing this program because he loves it. Cena goes on and on about how he is here night in and night out. Well, Cena doesn't really have any other options.

Except for the fact that the reason The Rock is as famous as he is is because of WWE. He became famous because of WWE. WWE made him. If it weren't for WWE he wouldn't have had a movie career. He crapped on the fans by disassociating himself with WWE and the fans. It's the same story that Kelly Clarkson once tried with American Idol, and she eventually apologized. All The Rock had to do was say he was wrong. Instead he insults Cena, who eats, sleeps, dreams, and bleeds WWE. And The Rock isn't "back doing a program" because he loves it. His last few movies were crap and he needed his fanbase back.
Except for the fact that the reason The Rock is as famous as he is is because of WWE. He became famous because of WWE. WWE made him. If it weren't for WWE he wouldn't have had a movie career. He crapped on the fans by disassociating himself with WWE and the fans. It's the same story that Kelly Clarkson once tried with American Idol, and she eventually apologized. All The Rock had to do was say he was wrong. Instead he insults Cena, who eats, sleeps, dreams, and bleeds WWE. And The Rock isn't "back doing a program" because he loves it. His last few movies were crap and he needed his fanbase back.

Again with this, "He crapped on the fans" garbage. Why? because he wanted to pursue something else? Come on dude, get real. He doesn't need to apologize. He wasn't wrong. Wanting to disassociate yourself from a CHARACTER is the same thing actors do, when they've been made into a franchise by a television show and they want to get into movies. Its how actors get what show business calls, "TYPE CASTED". They get movie roles based on what they've done in the past because thats what they're known to be good at. THATS why he went out and did a bunch of Disney movies, played a gay body guard and whatever else he did. To get away from the Rock so that he could be seen as a movie star and NOT the Rock. And he was successful in doing so (to date having done over 20 movies, STARRING in 10) and if i'm not mistaken has been the only wwe wrestler to host SNL more than once.
If you want to be a successful actor after having built a franchise on a single character, you have to do everything you can to distance yourself from THAT character so that you can build from there. Fans, LIKE YOURSELF, are the reason why people get typecasted in the first place. You fall in love with a character and then when the actor tries to change you never let him. You're probably one of them dudes that would walk up to an actor and call him by the name of the character he played. Why? Because you can't seperate fantasy from reality. AND THAT, kind sir, Is YOUR problem, not his.

He doesn't have to apologize, to you or anyone else and you have NO right to ask him to.

As far as Cena is concerned, working his butt off is called doing what you're supposed to do. Does he love the business. Surely. IT PAYS HIM. Does he work his butt off.....I believe he used to. Is he phony? Thats subjective to whoever knows who he REALLY is. IS he a rapper? Is he a super man? Is he a suburb bred poser trying to get over as a hip hopper trying to get over as a quazi-marine trying to get over as a superhero?
No. He's Vince's Whipping Boy, trying to get over. Period.
And he's mad cause TRUE wrestling fans aren't buying it.

The Rock doesn't need to get over. He's done it all. He's OVER as ever and the fact is, theres nothing...and the ROCK means nothing, you or Cena can do about it.


you sound crazy.
[cL];3264930 said:
Again with this, "He crapped on the fans" garbage. Why? because he wanted to pursue something else? Come on dude, get real. He doesn't need to apologize. He wasn't wrong. Wanting to disassociate yourself from a CHARACTER is the same thing actors do, when they've been made into a franchise by a television show and they want to get into movies. Its how actors get what show business calls, "TYPE CASTED". They get movie roles based on what they've done in the past because thats what they're known to be good at. THATS why he went out and did a bunch of Disney movies, played a gay body guard and whatever else he did. To get away from the Rock so that he could be seen as a movie star and NOT the Rock. And he was successful in doing so (to date having done over 20 movies, STARRING in 10) and if i'm not mistaken has been the only wwe wrestler to host SNL more than once.
If you want to be a successful actor after having built a franchise on a single character, you have to do everything you can to distance yourself from THAT character so that you can build from there. Fans, LIKE YOURSELF, are the reason why people get typecasted in the first place. You fall in love with a character and then when the actor tries to change you never let him. You're probably one of them dudes that would walk up to an actor and call him by the name of the character he played. Why? Because you can't seperate fantasy from reality. AND THAT, kind sir, Is YOUR problem, not his.

He doesn't have to apologize, to you or anyone else and you have NO right to ask him to.

As far as Cena is concerned, working his butt off is called doing what you're supposed to do. Does he love the business. Surely. IT PAYS HIM. Does he work his butt off.....I believe he used to. Is he phony? Thats subjective to whoever knows who he REALLY is. IS he a rapper? Is he a super man? Is he a suburb bred poser trying to get over as a hip hopper trying to get over as a quazi-marine trying to get over as a superhero?
No. He's Vince's Whipping Boy, trying to get over. Period.
And he's mad cause TRUE wrestling fans aren't buying it.

The Rock doesn't need to get over. He's done it all. He's OVER as ever and the fact is, theres nothing...and the ROCK means nothing, you or Cena can do about it.


you sound crazy.

Well, you have your right to your opinion and I have mine. I used to love Rock. Now he's just a novelty act. I had no problem with him changing, becoming an actor, everything you say, but when you try to put where you came from, why you became a name to be recognized to begin with in your back pocket and forget about it, that's where I have a problem. You say Cena can't do anything else. Sure he could. It might not necessarily be something famous, but he has tons of money. If he got injured tomorrow and left the wrestling business, he could do anything. He could invent a new line of harmonicas, he could open up a fried chicken franchise, he could work helping disabled kids. Just because he might not be in the spotlight does not mean he CAN'T do anything else but wrestle. The difference is, if Cena ever did leave, I don't see him disassociating himself from the WWE no matter what he does. If he did, then I would lose respect for him as well. You don't crap on where you come from. You just don't. I love Weird Al Yankovic's music, and if he were to one day switch gears and become the world's newest and richest fragrance maker for argument's sake, and he said "Oh I don't want to be associated with music anymore. That's the past." I would boycott his fragrances and lose respect for the guy. That's just how it is. I reiterate, you DON'T crap on what made you and where you came from. You just DON'T.
Well, you have your right to your opinion and I have mine. I used to love Rock. Now he's just a novelty act. I had no problem with him changing, becoming an actor, everything you say, but when you try to put where you came from, why you became a name to be recognized to begin with in your back pocket and forget about it, that's where I have a problem. You say Cena can't do anything else. Sure he could. It might not necessarily be something famous, but he has tons of money. If he got injured tomorrow and left the wrestling business, he could do anything. He could invent a new line of harmonicas, he could open up a fried chicken franchise, he could work helping disabled kids. Just because he might not be in the spotlight does not mean he CAN'T do anything else but wrestle. The difference is, if Cena ever did leave, I don't see him disassociating himself from the WWE no matter what he does. If he did, then I would lose respect for him as well. You don't crap on where you come from. You just don't. I love Weird Al Yankovic's music, and if he were to one day switch gears and become the world's newest and richest fragrance maker for argument's sake, and he said "Oh I don't want to be associated with music anymore. That's the past." I would boycott his fragrances and lose respect for the guy. That's just how it is. I reiterate, you DON'T crap on what made you and where you came from. You just DON'T.

See and there you go again. MISSING THE POINT ENTIRELY.
He didn't crap on where he came from, he stepped away from the CHARACTER he was playing. As much as we liked the movie Home Alone, I dare you to walk up to Macauley Caulkin and do the "O" face thing and see what he says. You know how many roles he must have lost out on because of that? People don't see that the boy had talent, all they saw was that little kid on Home Alone. THATs what the Rock was trying to avoid. He NEVER said he didn't love the WWE. He NEVER said that he didn't love the business anymore. All he was saying, is that the ROCK was a character he played, and he wanted to be disassociated from that, so he could get a wider audience for the roles he wanted to play. What is so hard to understand about that?
And yeah...Cena's rich. OF COURSE HE IS. and the point you missed concerning him was, that it ain't about what he COULD do. Its about what he WANTS to do. He wanted to do films but they failed. He wanted to do an album but that failed. Sure he could help the homeless, come out with a brand of see through night gowns or come up with a product to help ******ed monkeys climb trees...he could do anything if he left wrestling but the bottom line is he can't do, what the Rock did and that burns him alive. If he left today and came back 7 years from now, his return would be met with the exact same thing as if he walked into a wwe arena today.
"lets go cena"


and by the way...if someone REALLY crapped on where they came from, they'd refuse to have anything to do with it completely. And when I say completely, i don't mean not showing up for seven years. I mean, he'd have nothing to do with the Rock character. But he didn' t do that. He'd be on talk shows and they'd ask him to do the eyebrow thing or say a line from the Rock or anything like that and he'd do it with a smile...as his fame grew, and Dwayne's name began to come to the forefront he no longer needed to do that because the people began to know him not as the Rock, but as Dwayne Johnson. Which is who he is, outside of the wrestling ring. So tell me this. If Shawn Michaels shed's the "Michaels" and goes back to his real name Hickenbothom or whatever it is, for his next reality show, you gonna hate on him too? Cause if so, thats just dumb.
I don't understand why all the Little Jimmys think that The Rock owes us something or that he "stabbed us in the back" by leaving WWE? I can't fault a man for doing what he wants to do with his life. He made millions wrestling but it was clear as day, he has a great personality and charisma as entertainer and that's what he wanted to do so he left for Hollywood. He owed us nothing. No more matches or promos or anything. When he was here, he entertained us. He left.

Now, he's back and he has every right to come back. He EARNED his place among the all-time greats. He paid his dues, put in the time, won, lost, got over, jobbed. Some of you guys are acting like he's a nobody that just showed up and now expects to main event Wrestlemania.
The Rock did what most other WWE superstars wish they could have done. Look at all of the guys who has been in movies and tv, from Hulk Hogan, to Stone Cold, Kane, Big Show, Triple H, every big name... majority of them bombed and they ended up not seeing anymore film opportunites. The Rock just showed how smart of a business man he is and how multitalented he really is. He took a character, The Rock, who's drive on the success road would have ultimately ended up as "One of the best WWE superstars ever" and his body would have been beat to hell, and turned that into Dwayne Johnson, "A WWE hall of famer(it's a given)/mega movie star" known around the world and not just in the WWE world. He has shown that he can play many different roles. In the beginning of his career, he played ass kicking men who fought with wrestling moves. Scorpion Kings, bounty hunters, ex soldiers or whatever. Now he plays drivers, fairies, killers, shooters, cops, on top of all of that other stuff. Even the person who talks about it the most, John Cena, is trying to follow in Rock's footsteps. But he couldn't, why? because his movies sucked so hard that no one outside of porn and the WWE would offer him a movie role.

John Cena wants to be The Rock. Look at the comparisons, they both came in with one gimmick, changed to another to try to better adjust with the era and the fans, then kissed so much ass that their lips turned shit-green. The eventual heel turn later (which many people are clamouring to happen for Cena) and you're in the same damn boat. Do some movies and then leave, come back, be hated for a while, then be loved more than ever. That's why The Rock, at the height of his career, made a smart business move and went to hollywood. he then came back and people pissed they damn pants out of excitement.

As far as Cena busting his ass for the company, I think he has more to gain from it than the WWE. Cena in himself is possibly bigger than the WWE without him. He's a brand now. Just like The Rock is a brand. Rey Mysterio is a brand. These brands come from the WWE, but aren't tied only to that company. Only dumb, non business savvy guys wouldn't try to benefit from it. Like Punk said, the wheels are gonna keep moving with or without them, so why not expand your own brand? And if Cena gets hurt and can't wrestle, what will he do? Act? Oh wait, he can't. But Dwayne Johnson can land a movie role.

People have to just learn that Cena is The Rock of this era, just with less skills, and less business smarts. You can love him, or hate him, but he's following in the same footsteps. Just like Hogan before them, the list goes on forever.
The Rock did what most other WWE superstars wish they could have done. Look at all of the guys who has been in movies and tv, from Hulk Hogan, to Stone Cold, Kane, Big Show, Triple H, every big name... majority of them bombed and they ended up not seeing anymore film opportunites. The Rock just showed how smart of a business man he is and how multitalented he really is. He took a character, The Rock, who's drive on the success road would have ultimately ended up as "One of the best WWE superstars ever" and his body would have been beat to hell, and turned that into Dwayne Johnson, "A WWE hall of famer(it's a given)/mega movie star" known around the world and not just in the WWE world. He has shown that he can play many different roles. In the beginning of his career, he played ass kicking men who fought with wrestling moves. Scorpion Kings, bounty hunters, ex soldiers or whatever. Now he plays drivers, fairies, killers, shooters, cops, on top of all of that other stuff. Even the person who talks about it the most, John Cena, is trying to follow in Rock's footsteps. But he couldn't, why? because his movies sucked so hard that no one outside of porn and the WWE would offer him a movie role.

John Cena wants to be The Rock. Look at the comparisons, they both came in with one gimmick, changed to another to try to better adjust with the era and the fans, then kissed so much ass that their lips turned shit-green. The eventual heel turn later (which many people are clamouring to happen for Cena) and you're in the same damn boat. Do some movies and then leave, come back, be hated for a while, then be loved more than ever. That's why The Rock, at the height of his career, made a smart business move and went to hollywood. he then came back and people pissed they damn pants out of excitement.

As far as Cena busting his ass for the company, I think he has more to gain from it than the WWE. Cena in himself is possibly bigger than the WWE without him. He's a brand now. Just like The Rock is a brand. Rey Mysterio is a brand. These brands come from the WWE, but aren't tied only to that company. Only dumb, non business savvy guys wouldn't try to benefit from it. Like Punk said, the wheels are gonna keep moving with or without them, so why not expand your own brand? And if Cena gets hurt and can't wrestle, what will he do? Act? Oh wait, he can't. But Dwayne Johnson can land a movie role.

People have to just learn that Cena is The Rock of this era, just with less skills, and less business smarts. You can love him, or hate him, but he's following in the same footsteps. Just like Hogan before them, the list goes on forever.

I was with you up until that last part. I think that Cena can't be compared to Hogan or the Rock. Sure he is a brand and absolutely the MAN in WWE right now. Face of the company and all that. But to be compared to Hogan? To compare Cenation to Hulkamania is absurd. Nothing could be a worse comparison. Hulk Hogan up until his heel turn was the most over man in the history of wrestling. Period. He didn't have a lets go Hogan, Hogan Sucks chant going at ANY venue at any point in his career before the heel turn. He was a smart business man, getting ownership of his name and his brand and he was able to diversify into other genres. The Rock, on the other hand, had a love hate relationship with the fans when he was a good guy, and eventually turned heel and created the persona of the Rock which got him so over that it took on a life of its own. Love him or hate him, he was one of the most over characters in WWE history and also got ownership of his name and brand from Vince and diversified into hollywood. As over as Cena is with the youth and women, i'm not sure how smart a business man he is or how much other skill he has outside of the ring. His inability to gain the support of at least 90% of the arena he's in says he'll never be Hogan. His inability to capture the attention of the crowd with a great promo means he'll never be the Rock. His inability to create a successful entertainment venture outside of the ring means he'll never be Rock OR Hogan and therefore a successful comparison can NOT be made. Is he the face of the company like Hulk was? Yes. But I doubt he'll have a PPV, especially the biggest PPV of them all named after his likeness, like Wrestlemania is after Hulkamania. Is he an iconic figure in the WWE, by default, yes. But I doubt he'll have a show named after anything he's said like having an entire BRAND extension named after a catch phrase (Smackdown).
The reality is, as good as Cena is, he's not great. As much as Hogan is doing now to destroy his legacy, Cena will never be able to compare to his legend.
Cena will be in the WWE hall of fame one day. True enough. But to compare him to the Rock in anything other than pure wrestling (due to the fact that they both probably have the same move set) is just ridiculous.
If Cena is the Mercedes Benz SL550 of wrestling, Dwayne the Rock Johnson is undoubtedly the Maybach. The same company makes them, but you're definitely gonna pay more for the latter.
You drive a mercedes.
You GET driven in a Maybach.

He'll never be the Rock.
what I meant by that was it's the same. Just look at Hulkamania and Cenation from a landscape of the business standpoint, not from an overall stand point. Hulkamania was huge. Beyond huge. It was other worldly. It might never be topped in sports entertainment history. But on the flip side of that coin, Cenation is the biggest thing in wrestling now, not only the WWE. No matter if you hate it or you love it, there's no denying that Cenation is huge by today's standards. If you take a side by side look at the audience of today, and the audience of Hogan's time, the amount of merch they move is very similar. Hogan was the face of the WWE in his era, guys like Rock were the face of the WWE in the attitude era, but in the PG-era, Cenation is unmatched. Even his reactions, however mixed they might be, are huge. Cena gets people talking, arguing or otherwise. And that, my friend, is good for business.

Yeah, I feel like if Cena was around during the time of Rock, Stone Cold and those guys in their prime, he'd be in fueds with guys like Al Snow and D-Lo Brown, instead of the main event but in todays WWE, he is what he is. The face. You just have to realize that the situation is totally different now. The main event picture is John Cena, Randy Orton, Christian, CM Punk and Miz. That's nowhere near the level that it used to be. But he's still the engine of this vehicle. As was Hogan. As was Rock. He's just not as good of an engine as the others. It's like having a V8 compared to a V6, one will pull more and last longer, but the other will still give you some quality, just better off for a smaller car and less work.
That's just how it is. I reiterate, you DON'T crap on what made you and where you came from. You just DON'T.

Yeah Rock certainly crapped on the WWE by hosting WM and wrestling in next years WM whens hes RETIRED. Hes coming back to LOSE against Cena.

Cena cretins are all the same they have no ammunition against the Rock, why? Because Cena himself has no ammunition. They have NOTHING on the Rock, absolutely zero.

Rock made himself a legend, Cena is far from it. Learn some respect cretins.

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