*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

John Cena needs to get the better of this feud; the Rock needs to put Cena over. John Cena still has years to give to the company, whereas the Rock hasn't shown interest in committing to the WWE for the long run. Having Cena get the rub from Rock will solidify his drawing abilities and his worth to the company. The Rock gave us an entertaining stint, but he needs to realize in wrestling that the torch passes to continue the business. He needs to realize Cena will benefit from this, and he won't be able to give to the fans what Cena can. It's just a logical decision in letting Cena get the better of Rock in this feud. Everyone benefits.
The funny this about all these threads talking about what Cena NEEDS to do is that Cena doesn't NEED to do anything. Sure The Rock will always be a favorite but as long as Cena is as popular as he is he will not turn heel unless he really really really wants to and even then Vince may not sign off on it. Also Cena has been making Rock look like a total jackass every week and Rock has yet to retaliate on WWE television since his birthday celebration so beyond the hometown and old school fans most of the TV viewers could potentially side with Cena especially the kids who only know Rock as "the guy picking on John Cena".
Whether Vince likes it or not, Cena will be heel?

Gotta disagree with this one. The only time Cena looks to be going in a heel direction is when he is facing a heel who is becoming a tweener. Hello Randy Orton. Now Punk is riding that fence right now. And out come the "Cena needs to be a heel" posts.

After Punk, Cena will move on to Del Rio who shows no signs of going face, so Cena, by default, will be the face. Not to mentions, if Vince wanted Cena to stay heel, and ever felt like he had no control over it, he would come out at MITB, nail Cena with a steel chair, align himself with Punk, and play the superheel that he has in the past.
FutureChamp is right...and why so many threads crying about Cena going heel...it would be internet sales suicide. and who said EVERY adult hates Cena. I have watched wrestling since 1997 and i love cena...so dose my father and he's 57 years old and has been watching wrestling his entire life...Cena will take the rock down and then the fans will move on...A riot?...get reel man:twocents:
There may come a time when John Cena turns heel, but that almost certainly won't happen anytime in the forseeable future.

In The Rock's hometown, I've no doubt that he'll get far more cheers than Cena but that doesn't automatically render Cena as a heel. It won't be the first time Cena has been faced with a hostile crowd in his career. When it comes to pure, 100% anti-Cena crowds, I don't think that anything has outdone the ECW One Night Stand ppv back in 2006. Even though there were only about 2,500 fans in the Hammerstein Ballroom for that event and that can't compete with the crowd size that'll be in Miami, those 2,500 fans all hated John Cena with a passion. There'll still be John Cena fans in Miami. There'll be dueling chants of "Let's go Cena" vs. "Cena sucks", I guarantee it.

John Cena will not turn heel at this particular juncture because he's still a cash cow. In spite of what the IWC propoganda against Cena, the guy does have a broad appeal. Out in the audience each night, you'll see not only kids wearing his merchendise but men and women as well. I know the IWC has this near obssession with wrestlers either being heels or being these "edgy" rebel without a cause types but it's not realistic. Cena's every bit as over now as he's ever been and he pulls in lots of money for WWE. Right now, Cena's all American hero babyface is a goose that's laying golden eggs and you don't slit that goose's throat while it's still laying.

As for Cena going over The Rock, why is that unfortunate? The Rock's been gone from WWE for the better part of a decade out making his movies in Hollywood while Cena's busted his ass in the WWE. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem whatsoever with Rock pursuing other dreams in life but just because he was the guy that people cheered for during the AE 12 years ago doesn't mean he should go over John Cena. Nostalgia wasn't reason enough for Hogan to go over Rock and he didn't. Same thing applies here. After WrestleMania, The Rock will be going back to whatever his next film project will be while Cena will still be the face of WWE. Cena is the one that needs the win, not The Rock.
I don't necessarily think Cena is going to be booed. I think its going to be a lot like when The Rock wrestled Hulk at Wrestle Mania. People love The Rock and People (kids and girls lol) love Cena. With that being said its going to be back and forth like The Rock and Hogan match. They are both going to be cheered at some points and booed at some points. Personally I'm going to root for The Rock the entire time. I do agree that Cena needs a heel turn but i don't see that ever happening.
why do so many ppl bag cena? the guy gives everything to the wwe and to the fans every week, and ppl still bag him out week by week! if it weren't for cena, where would the wwe be at the moment?

guys lyk triple h, should be in stories etc still, but aren't doing much that the fans can see,

the rock promised never to leave, where is he now?

cena should be the guy we all cheer, not boo!
You are right. He will get boo'd. Remember One Night Stand '06? That has got to be the most anti-Cena crowd I have heard in my entire life. But what happened after that night? Cena continued to be a face. Just because Miami will boo him, doesn't mean every other city will. After WM, they will film Raw in another town and Cena will get the same crowd reaction that he has been getting before WM.
I'd like to say that you're right about this, but I think Vince is contented to let Cena just go the rest of his career as a face, unless someone can surpass him in T-Shirt sales and Make-A-Wish requests. Cena always gets compared to Hogan, but it's more like he's a combination of everything bad about Bret Hart (his personality is kind of lame) and Hogan (he can't wrestle) combined. If RVD v Cena wasn't a clue to McMahon as to how the hardcore fans felt about Cena, then he's either never going to realize it or he just will never care. I fully expect Cena to leave Chicago with third degree burns from the flames the crowd will throw at him, and everyone knows the only clean finish will be Cena over Punk. The perfect chance, way more perfect than last year with the Nexus, to turn Cena heel would have been make him side with Vince and let Punk take over the guard as the new Mr. Anti-establishment, i.e. Stone Cold. Thus, Cena finally embraces that he's lame and corporate, that nobody really likes him, and now Punk is the People's Champion. However, it's just not going to happen. The problem with Cena is that his whole character has been based around the idea that it's him against the world, always, and eventually, people can only cheer for you for so long before they realize that someone else is the new underdog; it was all in Punk's closing promo, Monday. I think they laid the groundwork for the perfect double turn, for Punk to become the new big face of an attitude rebirth, and I know that they're not going to capitalize. So, I agree that Cena has to turn heel...but he's just not going to. At least, I'll see it when I believe it. Then again, if Cena is like a talentless Bret Hart, then maybe this could be like Wrestlemania 13 with Hart and Austin doing a double turn...but, again, I seriously doubt it will happen.
If WWE likes it or not, Cena is a heel now, and will be one again come WrestleMania. Maybe not amongst the women and children, but all it took was 2 promos by CM Punk that may have inadvertently changed the Face/Heel roles for the MITB PPV. The WWE needs to resign CM Punk more than ever. Punk is in the perfect position to be the top face of the company, having an Austin like feud with Vince McMahon sans swears and middle fingers, with John Cena being Vince's bitch and the top heel. Would the booking be identical to the Austin-McMahon feud? Yes! While that may be an old way to book, in todays WWE it would feel fresh.

I am a John Cena fan, I respect the man for what he's done for the company, and I respect his dedication and devotion to company. I am not a fan of how he is booked, nor am I a fan of him not offering to take a step back. I was at the Raw in Boston this past Monday and the more CM Punk spoke, the more fans turned on Cena. I went to the Garden expecting a massive pop for Cena, but it was way more mixed than I thought it would be. In his hometown Cena can't get over as well as they want him to.

Unfortunately, a Cena turn will not happen. Vince Mcmahon doesn't realize that every damn word of what CM Punk said during his worked-shoot promos is exactly what the high majority of current fans and even a higher-majority of past fans are thinking. CM Punk is right, Vince Mcmahon doesn't care what the fans want. Come this Monday, Punk is gone, Cena is dominating Raw again, and everything is back to normal weather the fans like it, or not.
Shouldn't happen, isn't happening. In truth, boo's really don't matter. It helps with the feel of an event, but the boo's themselves don't do anything. Money is drawn from attendance and merchandise. (PPV obviously in the mix, as well.)

If Cena turns heel, the tickets aren't going to start flying off the rack. Attendance will stay about the same. Merchandise could dramatically drop. Anyone see WWE risking that? I sure as hell don't.

He's face and he's a face for a long while. Likely, fans will enjoy both, but cheer like crazy for The Rock. Cena will likely win and Cena will then move on with life.
And you can't compare this with Taker's streak at WM. Taker putting someone over or not putting someone over is different. Rock has been gone for years. Taker is still technically just a wrestler. Sure, he only shows up now and then, but that's because of his physical condition and age, not because he's got better things to do. Plus, Rock is not undefeated at WM for nearly 20 years. Rock will not lose anything by putting Cena over. Taker, were he to put over some young talent, would lose something. He would stil be considered one of the greatest of all time, of course. But 20-0 or 21-0 looks a lot better than (anything)-1. No way Taker loses his streak.

Does that mean we cue up the Taker is a bad guy cuz he won't give a huge rub to the next generation threads for when he retires?

20 years undefeated at Wrestlemania will be 20 years undefeated at Wrestlemania. Even if the streak is snapped. I mean, after being carried out unconscious last time up after making HHH submit(apparently beyond instinctive, as instincts work poorly when your out cold) I actually felt cheated for that match. Thank god Zack got whacked, or I might have totally been pissed.

Anyways, I end my digression.
OK I'm about to be real with you guys: Cena DOES NOT have to win at WM. No matter what happened during Hogan vs. Rock, that was then and this is now. Those are 2 separate events. Sure, Rock, representing the younger generation, beat Hogan who was representing the old school, but there are many things separating that match from this one:

1. John Cena and The Rock are both faces atm. I think what a lot of people are not remembering is the fact that Hogan was a heel who was aligned with the NWO during that time. So a face Rock who was on top of the company wasn't going to lose to a heel Hogan. Sure, people cheered Hogan, but thats because we got over the whole storyline in respect for the fact that 2 legends were going at it. I still firmly believe that if Hogan went into that match as a face, he would have gone over Rock. Since Cena and Rock are both faces, that evens the chances of Rock winning

2. It's in Miami. Rock/Hogan was in Toronto, not Hogan's hometown. Cena already has some hostility, so him winning in Miami won't help.

3. Cena as a face doesn't have enough crowd support to win imo. And I don't mean crowd support as simply 'we like him better'. I mean as in a 'if Cena wins we riot' situation like we had at One Night Stand with RVD. I've even seen some kids in the crowd, I mean like elementary and middle school kids (Cena's main audience) side with the Rock: wearing the I Bring It shirt, holding up fruity pebble signs, and even sometimes joining the Cena sucks chants.

4. Hogan sort of passed the torch to Rock, whereas we can already say that HHH and HBK have done that already for Cena. And also keep in mind, most careers who have to get put over by Rock (except Kurt Angle) never ended well (Lesnar, Goldberg, and Bully Gunn ring a bell?)

So to be honest, I just can't see Cena winning this without major backlash, which is why I say turn him heel and let him lose.
Cenas response..

"CeNation. Just saw Dwayne's statement. Via satellite of course. Sad, really. It was like an episode of mad money. I wonder if GLAAD will be offended by Dwayne's comments. Either way..looks like I have really made him mad. But, certainly not mad enough to show up and do anything. Maybe he can send a stuntman. Dwayne. I am a WWE employee, and a proud one. The difference between us is you left for 'greener pastures'. For me...this is what I love. I have never begged for anyones admiration or acceptance, u don't believe me..watch MITB. Its not about that. Its about showing up. Id rather wrestle a thousand 'punks' than one 'rock'. Because I can see his passion. Wish I could see yours...yer just never there. :) Until april 1st. Keep on bringing it my man. You're doing great. Your friend John Cena"

Ok so Cena pulls the via satellite , yet hes doing it via twitter? Thats just sad. Horrible response. Kinda feel bad for Cena considering now he can NEVER broaden his career cuz hed be called a hypocrite.
The Rock will not job in his hometown. At WM celebrities always have the advantage in a match...

Great point. We've been looking at this as a returning superstar, but the bottom line is the Rock is a guest from the outside world of entertainment.

That being said, I think I just had an AHA moment, and agree that Cena will lose to Dwayne at WM. And the regular media will pick it up, and give the E some outside exposure. Its not a Hogan v Rock torch passing, but a Special Enforcer Tyson WM moment, or a LT v Bam Bam moment.

Damn, son, you are some smart son of a b*tch.

Thanks for putting it in the proper context
By your logic of Cena being overwhelmingly booed leading to a heel turn, Cena would've turned heel years ago. Remember ECW One Night Stand 2006. Everyone HATED Cena. Who can forget that infamous "If Cena Wins, We Riot" sign? He was overwhelmingly booed at that event and he never turned heel after that. I see no reason why Cena being overwhelmingly booed at Wrestlemania against the Rock will lead to a heel turn either. It's not like it's gonna be the first time he's had the crowd solidly against him. On top of that, there is no reason to turn Cena heel. He's the face of WWE and it's top draw and main cash cow. Faces are the draws, not heels. You don't have a heel portrayed as the face of your company. Cena appeals to the WWE's target demographic more than anyone else on the current WWE roster. To turn him now would be foolish. Maybe at some point in the future but certainly not within the next year or two.

And why would it be bad for Cena to beat the Rock at Wrestlemania? Rock hasn't wrestled a match it seven years while Cena busted his ass for the company in his absence. What good would it do for Rock to beat the company's top face in the company's biggest pay per view? Having Cena go over Rock would solidify him as the leader of WWE going forward. He has more to gain than the Rock does by winning at Wrestlemania. Cena will still be with the company after the big pay per view. The Rock will go on to do other film projects and maybe make very rare appearances on WWE television. There is absolutely no reason for Rock to beat Cena.
No man, I'm not saying Taker is a bad guy or should be viewed as one. I don't think he should have the streak ended. I think he should retire undefeated. If the steak is snapped, it's snapped. You can't say "He was undefeated for the first 20" or whatever. That's not undefeated. I see you're from Canada, so I don't know if you'll get my next comparison, but it's the closest thing I can think of to compare this situation to. If you pay attention to the NFL, you'll understand.

Think of the New England Partiots from a few years ago. Undefeated all through the regular season and the playoffs, all the way up to the Super Bowl. Then they got upset in the Super Bowl by the NY Giants. 19-1. Not 20-0. During the season, they were getting hyped as the greatest team ever. Now you don't hear that anymore. There is still only one team in NFL history that has gone undefeated all the way and won the Super Bowl (my Dolphins, thank you, so I was QUITE pleased with the outcome of that game). It makes a huge difference. Again, if Taker were to lose, no one is going to say, "God, he sucked". He'll still be a legend. But I think even the legends each have one or two things that set them apart from the other wrestlers and even the other legends. Taker should have this, and should be recognized as the only man to go undefeated at WM.
As a guy just pointed out to me, Cena isn't wrestling a guy from wwe's past, hes wrestling a Celeb. And at WM, Celebs win. LT v Bam Bam, etc.

But then again, didn't Piper beat Mr. T? But I don't think that was how it was booked in pre production.

But yeah, The Rock could and likely will win because he's an outside celeb, and that will get the E a rub in entertainment media. Especially if Vin Diesel does a run in and smokes Cena with a supercivic to give the Rock a win over supercena
LOL, the Bills almost have more homegames here than in New York State. I get what you are saying, and If the Niners ever get a consistent O to go with the D... I digress.

It could go either way, it once was billed as a decade of destruction. Now its almost a 5th of a century of crushing foes at WM. It is all in how it is expressed. 4 superbowls in a row, even if it was 4 superbowl loses is still something.

The funniest thing is when you hear 14 time champ. Sounds great. But in there is 14 times failing to retain the title.

Just saying, 2 decades of destruction is still 2 decades of destruction, even if there is never a 3 decade or even another single year.
If the Rock were to show up at MITB and cost John Cena the championship. I mean think about it, you could have Rock screw over Cena and Punk take off for a little while with the title. Madden mentioned it in one of his articles. Cena would be fired for a little while preventing any kind of Rock/Cena confrontation, but still adding to the interest in WM next year. Cena could be miraculously rehired in a few weeks the match at Mania would be back on and we would be back to the status quo.

To the mods I know that there is a Rock/Cena thread already but I think this is a novel idea. Won't happen but I think it would work.
Yeah, you are right about that. Nothing will take away the things Taker has done, even if he were to lose. And it's a great point about how things are packaged, you're absolutely correct. I don't know, I just can't see it happening. I do agree with your earlier post as well though, about the ending of his match with HHH. Whatever happens in his next WM match, I hope he ends it on his feet, not a stretcher.

And I forgot about the Bills playing games in Canada, but yeah, now that you say it..... Just didn't want to be arrogant and assume everyone follows American sports lol

And my team has some issues on offense as well.......... haven't had a QB worth anything since Marino.
what i see possibly happening and please no hate is vince maybe giving the face ball to punk in a stone coldesque role. im not sayin punk is the second coming of scsa but bear with me. i see a possible montreal type screw job on punk and it being revealed cena was in on it. punk gets so infuriated that he decides to stay and become the defacto face in the process. it sets up cena for a short term heel run and gives punk the chance to see if he can make it. cena goes into WM as the heel and goes over the great one and ends up becoming a face again when rock shakes his hand after the match putting him over and passing the so called torch. only fault i see with this is the supposed del rio cena feud for summer slam.
Already been tossed around...

Thing is it doesn't make any sense. Why would the Rock Screw himself out of Wrestlemania next year? The move would come off as 100% cowardly and would kill his Flame War...Would be nice to actually see the guy though...HEY ROCK, STOP TALKING SHIT AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING!
There is absolutely no way that Rock can justifiably win this match. Don't give me the "he's a celebrity" crap, celebrities don't have a year long build to the main event of WrestleMania. This is not a celebrity match by any stretch of the imagination; it's a match between two icons of their respective eras. So no, Rock being a "celebrity" is absolutely not a good reason for him to win, and I don't think it will play any factor here.

The right thing to do in wrestling is to pass the torch to the guy who is on top at the moment. Cena may already have the "torch," but beating Rock will solidify him as one of the all time greatest, whether Rock's fans like it or not. But what would it do for Rocky? He's going to leave again after the match, and Cena would still have to carry the company if he wins. He literally has nothing to gain here. And about the hometown thing, let's not act like 1) all the fans there are going to be from Miami, and 2) they haven't had Cena win in hostile environments before.
You guys also have to remember that there's no way they're going to leave Cena off SummerSlam when they have a thin main event roster as it is right now. Regardless of the outcome of this match, Cena's not taking any time off. If he loses, they'll find a way around it just like they did the last time they did this.

I also agree with the idea that it's dumb for Rock to not want the title. Even if the feud isn't actually about the title, anyone who's wrestling any match should have that as their ultimate goal, no matter how many times he's already won it. And also, Punk hasn't exactly had kind words for Rock either, so Rock helping him out would mean this scenario makes even less sense.

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