*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

If the Rock were to show up at MITB and cost John Cena the championship. I mean think about it, you could have Rock screw over Cena and Punk take off for a little while with the title. Madden mentioned it in one of his articles. Cena would be fired for a little while preventing any kind of Rock/Cena confrontation, but still adding to the interest in WM next year. Cena could be miraculously rehired in a few weeks the match at Mania would be back on and we would be back to the status quo.

To the mods I know that there is a Rock/Cena thread already but I think this is a novel idea. Won't happen but I think it would work.

Why would the Rock cost Cena the championship when he knows it would get Cena fired and therefore blow his only chance to get his hands on Cena at WrestleMania? Furthermore, why would Rock screw over the WWE by allowing CM Punk to win and leave with the title?

It would be a silly twist to the feud. You say it'll prevent any kind of Rock/Cena confrontation, but I have a better idea on how to prevent any kind of Rock/Cena confrontation. Don't have any.
In my opinion Cena needs to turn heel between now and Mania cuz seeing a face vs face match between Rock and Cena would be boring. not only that but like someone else said Cena got booed in his hometown and i dont ever recall a wrestler getting booed in his hometown when they were face besides Cena. and thats not suppose to happen in wrestling, so i hope if Punk is staying that we see a double turn at MITB were Vince ends up helping Cena win ala Mania 17.
Cenas response..

"CeNation. Just saw Dwayne's statement. Via satellite of course. Sad, really. It was like an episode of mad money. I wonder if GLAAD will be offended by Dwayne's comments. Either way..looks like I have really made him mad. But, certainly not mad enough to show up and do anything. Maybe he can send a stuntman. Dwayne. I am a WWE employee, and a proud one. The difference between us is you left for 'greener pastures'. For me...this is what I love. I have never begged for anyones admiration or acceptance, u don't believe me..watch MITB. Its not about that. Its about showing up. Id rather wrestle a thousand 'punks' than one 'rock'. Because I can see his passion. Wish I could see yours...yer just never there. :) Until april 1st. Keep on bringing it my man. You're doing great. Your friend John Cena"

Ok so Cena pulls the via satellite , yet hes doing it via twitter? Thats just sad. Horrible response. Kinda feel bad for Cena considering now he can NEVER broaden his career cuz hed be called a hypocrite.

Christ, its like arguing with a Cena fan except he IS Cena. Did he even watch the video? Rock refutes and destroys every point Cena has. Again Cena is pushing rock doesnt love wrestling angle.

Again the Rock has already done what Cena has and more and yet he is coming back. Cena has to come back because hes an employee and is getting paid to do it. Rock doesnt need the money and hes damn sure not doing it for hte money because he earns his millions making movies.

Cena truly is an idiot.
This made me realise, with all of the aforementioned factors, there is NO WAY that the WWE can continue pushing Cena as a face after this, he will be unanimously boo'd the shit out of at wrestlemania, more-so than he is now.... i think maybe even the kids will no longer support him. I remember as a kid, if my dad disliked someone, i disliked them too... so maybe the kids parents/cousins/older brothers will watch the match and boo cena, and cheer rock; its a long shot, but it could happen...

Regardless, it seems to me that they now have no choice to turn Cena heel as he will be hated at mania, even IF...IF! rock tries to put him over afterwards with an embrace, i don't think it will be forgive, that cena ruined Rockys literal and metaphorical homecoming

it seems whether or not Vince likes it, Cena will become a heel....Do you agree?
He will not be "unanimously" booed at WrestleMania. Not everyone who goes will be from Miami and not everyone who goes will be a Rock mark. There will certainly be a good amount of boos, but it absolutely will not be worse than things that Cena's experienced before. He got booed out of the building at Mania 22 and won; I doubt it will be worse than that, especially given the sheer size of the stadium and the fact that Miami is not the same kind of "smarky" city that Chicago is.

If he gets booed, what happens? The boos end when WrestleMania ends, and business continues as usual. Also, let's not act like Cena hasn't had any supporters in this Rock feud. People still cheer him, and his current supporters aren't suddenly going to turn against him if he beats somebody that they're already supporting him over. Cena will still be popular, and he will still be the main moneymaker in the company. Rock will leave, and things will continue with Cena at the top.

So in short, Cena does not by any means HAVE to turn heel. Would it be enjoyable? Of course. But it does not HAVE to happen.
I think Cena turning heel would only lead to his beloved 'kids and ladies' fans booing him, and 'guy' fans cheering him. Cena's career is cursed in my opinion; cursed in a way that he can only remain a face, and not a true heel. This means that no matter what, Cena would always get mixed reactions from the crowd, he WILL always get cheered and booed at the same time. When hogan turned heel, the difference was that EVERYONE loved hogan before his heel turn. Cena is at a state, where he gets the majority of cheers, but at the same time, booed by a certain group of wrestling fans. (like me) This wouldnt change if he turns heel in my opinion. AGAIN, Cena WILL ALWAYS get mixed reactions in terms of cheers and boos.
Spazz made a great point. Think back to when The Rock was a good guy babyface and was getting "Rocky sucks" chants every week... and then they turned him heel and he got popular. The same thing could end up happening to Cena, and then we're right back where we started. The people who are booing him right now are likely looking for some type of character change from him, and if they get one, they might start to like him again. So then you still have split reactions while probably not making as much money from merchandise and things of that nature.

1) Are we really comparing John Cena to Bob Backland? There is nothing, in any aspect, that is similar between the two.

2) There is not a chance that The Rock can be compared to LT, Mr.T or Ice T! No way you can look at him as a celebrity who will be involved in a wrestling match. This is not a celebrity who needs to be paired with another WWE Superstar to polish their wrestling skills.
The Rock has headlined Wrestlemania, won a Royal Rumble, was a multi-time WWE/F champion, and one of the faces of the attitude era. Just to name a few......

On to the thread...... Can't see VKM turning Cena heel. We live in a PG world, and Cena is the PG face. He is a hero to the millions of kids who wear the Cena shirt. No one will be able to "Own" the kids like Cena does, except maybe Mysterio.

Will he go over The Rock, not sure. But not in VKM's best interest to turn Cena heel
I was hoping you'd troll the forums and just post, "...if we were older," after the title.

I'd love it if Cena lost this match and took a month off, or so. Sure, Summerslam would have a much lower buyrate and might even be a shitty show because of it, but why not use it to build new stars? I'm sick of the youth movement; give some of these kids a trial by fire and see who survives. Maybe we'd have fewer Dolph/Kofi matches if one of them was downgraded. I think the WWE right now is full of three or maybe four actually interesting wrestlers, and just a bunch of people who show a little promise. However, if these kids are forced to sink or swim, then maybe some of them would step their game up and develop their character. Why not turn Drew face and let him fight Dolph? Even if people don't get attached to Drew at all, at least you can say that you gave him every opportunity. I asked the other day why hire all of these wrestlers when maybe only ten of them, both shows combined, ever at one point get any real screen time? I was so stoked to see Christian finally getting his push, but the fact that WWE has just recycled the same Christian/Orton match has somehow made me as bored with the two of them as I was originally with Orton. Maybe they should have went ahead and let Mark Henry have some matches with Orton. Sure, Henry is terrible, but at least I might not be so sick of Christian. It would be a terrible business decision for the E to not book Cena at Summerslam, but it could help in the long term. At least, I'd like to think that it would be. :/
Sure, Summerslam would have a much lower buyrate and might even be a shitty show because of it
And the thinking ends there if you're Vince McMahon. You don't just accept the fact that your second biggest show of the year will have a bad buyrate and will suck, that's not good business and it's not worth the risk to start pushing young guys. After all, if the buyrate sucks, who the hell is going to be watching the young guys develop? The way to do it is to build them in the midcard and get fans to care about them BEFORE they start headlining shows. They can't just sideline Cena and hope somebody else magically becomes good enough to take his spot. Doesn't work that way. It has to happen over time.
I don't necessarily think Cena is going to be booed. I think its going to be a lot like when The Rock wrestled Hulk at Wrestle Mania. People love The Rock and People (kids and girls lol) love Cena. With that being said its going to be back and forth like The Rock and Hogan match. They are both going to be cheered at some points and booed at some points. Personally I'm going to root for The Rock the entire time. I do agree that Cena needs a heel turn but i don't see that ever happening.

how can you even compare the rock then to cena now, the rock was the most over superstar of all time and much bigger than john cena that's why there was a dual chant. Right now cena usually get's about 50/50 boo's and cheers on a normal monday night crowd and you think it will be that way in miami in a match against the rock are you high?
Why in the world would Vince McMahon settle for ANY PPV to have a lower buy rate to give the youth movement a push? Let alone Summer Slam.

He has given the youth movement exposure. And "The Fans" showed they did not want it.

How did they get their chance? By shows like Superstars and NXT. Or maybe a little further back like Velocity and Sunday Night Heat.
Where are those shows now???? Superstars and NXT can only be seen on WWE.com, not on TV. The ratings of these shows were lucky to beat a 1.0 to 1.4. Which translates to "Nobody was watching them"

No chance Vince will lose the income of the 3rd biggest PPV. No one is going to pay $55 to see Drew Mcntyre or Daniel Bryan in the main event or an under card with Darren Young vs. Tyson Kidd.
And the thinking ends there if you're Vince McMahon. You don't just accept the fact that your second biggest show of the year will have a bad buyrate and will suck, that's not good business and it's not worth the risk to start pushing young guys. After all, if the buyrate sucks, who the hell is going to be watching the young guys develop? The way to do it is to build them in the midcard and get fans to care about them BEFORE they start headlining shows. They can't just sideline Cena and hope somebody else magically becomes good enough to take his spot. Doesn't work that way. It has to happen over time.

I suppose that's where the thinking ends if you're reading my comment, as well. I'm not Vince McMahon, I'm just a guy on the Internet and I have never claimed to be anything more than that. Of course a low buy rate would be a nightmare for McMahon, I was just saying that it would be nice to have a roster with more well developed characters instead of just a midcard bursting with young guys waiting to get a push. I may have chosen my words poorly, but I understand exactly what you mean. But, I suppose what I really want is just to see McMahon take a risk. I feel like he's taking one with all of Punk's recent work, but he's not going to pull the trigger. I just want to see Vince take chances. I know why he doesn't, but it would be nice for me, the fan to see. Then again, the IWC is full of people who criticize him when his risks fall flat, so he probably shouldn't. I admit there isn't a lot that I know, but I could ramble for hours about the things I would like. Lol.
Why in the world would Vince McMahon settle for ANY PPV to have a lower buy rate to give the youth movement a push? Let alone Summer Slam.

He has given the youth movement exposure. And "The Fans" showed they did not want it.

How did they get their chance? By shows like Superstars and NXT. Or maybe a little further back like Velocity and Sunday Night Heat.
Where are those shows now???? Superstars and NXT can only be seen on WWE.com, not on TV. The ratings of these shows were lucky to beat a 1.0 to 1.4. Which translates to "Nobody was watching them"

No chance Vince will lose the income of the 3rd biggest PPV. No one is going to pay $55 to see Drew Mcntyre or Daniel Bryan in the main event or an under card with Darren Young vs. Tyson Kidd.

I never said put Drew in the main event, but maybe just give him a chance as a face. I totally admit it's probably just me, but I think Drew would do better as a face. It may not say much when you put it that way, but at least it's something.
And the reason shows like NXT and Superstars failed was that they put on terrible programing. If you build low card feuds on Superstars, but there's never a Pay-Per-View match, then why would anyone tune in? For all intensive purposes, you could completely forget that Superstars was there and you would never miss a beat. It's because they didn't try to build off of the show is why nobody watched it. The same goes for NXT. People watched the first season because it was new and the managers were all big stars like Jericho, and people tuned in for a little bit during the second season because they built off the first season with Nexus; they made it feel important to watch. Then, they finally killed the show with the Diva's season and poof, the show's online only. It's not that people didn't want to see new stars; that's the reason people tuned in in the first place. It doesn't matter if Raw has all the stars; if it's a bad show, nobody is going to watch. All I was trying to say is that I want to feel like the WWE is taking risks. I honestly think that's why Punk has exploded, and they should try and make use of the roster they have. I've already said that I may have done a bad job in phrasing my words, but when Cena and Orton are the focal point of every single segment, maybe they should try and introduce some new stars. Truth garnered some interest, but that one match where he sold a splash of soda to the face from a child is all they're ever going to make of him. Do you remember when Dolph was building steam on Smackdown? Now he's wrestling Kofi every single week like before and holding the meaningless US Title. Again, I'm not saying that DBD should headline Pay-Per-Views, but maybe he could at least get a little mic time to show what he's got?

I just want to see the WWE try. I just want to see them give someone unexpected not named Mark Henry a little time to show what they have. They know where their talent is, but they're still not doing anything with them.
"CeNation. Just saw Dwayne's statement. Via satellite of course. Sad, really. It was like an episode of mad money. I wonder if GLAAD will be offended by Dwayne's comments. Either way..looks like I have really made him mad. But, certainly not mad enough to show up and do anything. Maybe he can send a stuntman. Dwayne. I am a WWE employee, and a proud one. The difference between us is you left for 'greener pastures'. For me...this is what I love. I have never begged for anyones admiration or acceptance, u don't believe me..watch MITB. Its not about that. Its about showing up. Id rather wrestle a thousand 'punks' than one 'rock'. Because I can see his passion. Wish I could see yours...yer just never there. :) Until april 1st. Keep on bringing it my man. You're doing great. Your friend John Cena"

There we go. Well, obviously where Rock had an amazing 11 minute video, Cena has a very small chunk of text, which I took from the Wrestlezone Page, which I'm guessing they took from Twitter.

Where he says he'd rather face "a thousand Punks", is that because he knows he can't beat "one Rock"? Either way, it's not, to me, at all interesting or exciting as the way Rock came across, because Cena's all text and no mouth. If he really wanted to get it out there, why doesn't make a video like Rock's? I'm loving all these shoots and promos popping up, so I really did think that Cena should've fired back with his own video.

What do you all think?
whilst i would love to see rock on tv more and more to build this up i realise it is not going happen until rumble time

this was quite an awesome tweet along the lines of punks promo, if all they can do at the moment is have an internet war of words then so be it. cena is winning because his tweets are correct and real.

somehow i think the payoff at WM is gonna stink
Cena keeps missing the point, he HAS to appear because he's under contract with WWE, Dwayne isn't. Besides Dwayne is probably training again so he can get back in the ring I mean a few punches, an elbow and a Rock Bottom isn't going to be enough.
Can anyone else see WWE using this on MNR next week? A promo that great by The Rock deserves world wide exposure. Ok, a few expletives and a bit of editing (11 minutes too long) I think this would only help WWE/Rock/Cena/WM28...

Makes sense to me!!!
A Twitter War leading up to the main event at WM.............. LAME! Twitter is not that popular to have a 1 on 1 feud for over a year when everyone knows its fake.

These 2 guys Rock and Cena are laughing the whole time they are "tweeting" ...stupid! and VKM was even more stupid to let this crap go on for over a year..... Wrestling truly is simple minded, childrens entertainment..... I can see why Punk wants to leave!
Cena is obviously mad because the Rock is spot on and don't forget how many times Cena had a chance to confront the Rock and cowered away. The Rock is what Cena wishes he was,,,
Great shoot by the rock. He said the exact same thing I've saying to all of you. Cena is trying to get the people behind him with this whole "I've been busting my ass for 7yrs", "Rock left us" "I shows up in every live event" and all that crap, just like the rock said he's "Phony", that sums up john cena's whole career. He's what vince want him to be. He's no rapper, he's no marine, he's just vince's boy.

Now, the thing that grabbed my attention most is when he talked about getting cena. He gave us a hint about the city...:scratchchin:...The city where he had his first match?! SS 1996, NY City, MSG. The city that witnessed the birth of team bring it?! I think it was at Summerslam 1998, NY City, in MSG, Becasue it after all the rocky sucks chants and all the die rocky die, the people, finally, Cheered him, even though he was the number one heel in the company at that time.

So, I believe he'll screw cena in MSG, and he'll cost him the title...Not sure about MSG, but he'll do it in NY...Buffalo NY, Night of Champions, Maybe?
Where he says he'd rather face "a thousand Punks", is that because he knows he can't beat "one Rock"?

Can you not read, he said that because Punk has passion of a wrestler, while he feels the Rock no longer has that passion.

I do find these online videos and Tweet war are quite funny. Seeing as the IWC is only 10% of the fanbase, yet they seem to holding the rivalry for the biggest match of WM on the Internet.

Also I do agree with Cena, wether you like him or not, he is performing everynight. It would be nice for the Rock to show up at least 1 a month maybe. Have we even seen him since the night after WM
What point is Cena missing. I'm pretty sure he gets it. Rock disses him he disses Rock. Rock put himself in a corner by saying he was never going away again ( never make a promise like that in a very public forum knowing you have other obligations ). Either way I do like how these two and Punk are keeping WM28 in peoples minds by continuously going back and forth because it is a long way.

One thing Cena posted was about GLAAD. I know Rock is not a full time employee (hmm independent contractor) but technically him being in the main event at Mania puts him under the WWE umbrella. Even if he wasn't Rock is a bigger star than Tracy Morgan.

GLAAD you are being watched for consistency.
uhhhh this war of words while the match is over 9 months away is just stupid!!! I am not interested in this until at least RR time rolls around!!! They should have saved this until then!!! I think the buildup will be better than the match itself!! The rock by that time will be what 39 or so!! I dont think the rock can go he hasnt had a match in 7 plus years thats a long layoff no matter how talented you are!! Cena will go over in this match... They really should have had this match at summerslam!! With punk leaving supposedly anyway this would have stolen the show!!
I don't know how authentic this feud is, how much truth is in it, how much animosity there is between them, but I don't care. I'm going to sit back and be a mark. They're two of greatest wrestling entertainers of our time. This online social media banter is entertaining, but I'm waiting for the actual feud to commence. But, so far, this has lived up to my expectations, and will continue to do so.
I think all of it is a work just like if it were all on TV. However, through this we can see that Cena truly does not have any where NEAR the mic skills of The Rock. The last few months people have tried to push Cena as a great talker, but heck, look at the person on the other end of the conversation..first was The Rock and now is CM Punk...anyone can look better on the mic when the person on the other side is giving them material to work with.

In my opinion Cena will never come close to being as entertaining as The Rock. And on a side note, I don't care that Rock does movies now instead of full time wrestling...I am still a fan of his regardless....

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