*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

what is pathetic is when fans like you dont realize its all about MONEY ALL THE TIME IN THIS BUSINESS!!!!! i would bet any amount of money that if john cena had a ounce of talent and could go hollywood or "sell out" he would!!!! if john cena could sell triple no just go platinum with his rap shit he would sell out!!! and the cry baby fans need to get over them self, the rock isnt going to be wrestling til hes 50 years old like some of these goofs in the wrestling business like sting,taker,hogan yada yada yada... End of the day rocks in a different level.. GAME OVER!!!!!

Yeah you're completely right, the Rock is on another level, the Rock is on that "I am a Giant Pussy Level" and he can't compare to Cena on any level in a wrestling ring. Cena has stated time and time again that he's a WWE Superstar first, and everything else is a distant second. The Album, the Movies that was all second string shit compared to his passion which is wrestling, not acting, not rapping, but PRO WRESTLING. I'm sure if he was injured and had to retired he could seek other outlets for his talents like Austin has, but he's healthy and in a good place now, why ruin that to pursue something else?
All I gotta say is WOW. What a promo that was The Rock cut. He didn't do it in a WWE ring, he didn't even do it for WWE TV, he did it in his OWN TIME and he did it for his fans.

I gotta admit, I bought some of Cenas shit, he's there every night blah blah but yeh, he does it for the money. He gets paid and it keeps the Wolf from the door. The Rock has probably earned 50-fold what Cena has in his career. The Rock is back for the Universe ladies and gents, not to get paid, he doesn't need it.

And finally, I'm glad The Rock cleared up his 'never leaving' thing. I unserstood what he mean't and I have backed him to the hilt on this....so glad he has cleared it up.

This promo was a great shoot in my eyes, yes done for the purpose to keep the fued in everyones mind but The Rock mean't every damn word and Cena got his ass handed to him.
Yeah you're completely right, the Rock is on another level, the Rock is on that "I am a Giant Pussy Level" and he can't compare to Cena on any level in a wrestling ring. Cena has stated time and time again that he's a WWE Superstar first, and everything else is a distant second. The Album, the Movies that was all second string shit compared to his passion which is wrestling, not acting, not rapping, but PRO WRESTLING. I'm sure if he was injured and had to retired he could seek other outlets for his talents like Austin has, but he's healthy and in a good place now, why ruin that to pursue something else?

Lol. You really are naive, aren't you? The fact of the matter is Cena is a wwe superstar because that's all he has. Say what you want about Dwayne and his movies, but he has a successful career in that. If Mr. All About the WWE straight to DVD movies didn't bomb and his "hippity hoppity thuganomics" cd didn't bomb...PLEASE BELIEVE he would be doing the same thing Dwayne is doing. He tried and failed. So his only venture is WWE. That's a act.
Yeah you're completely right, the Rock is on another level, the Rock is on that "I am a Giant Pussy Level" and he can't compare to Cena on any level in a wrestling ring. Cena has stated time and time again that he's a WWE Superstar first, and everything else is a distant second. The Album, the Movies that was all second string shit compared to his passion which is wrestling, not acting, not rapping, but PRO WRESTLING. I'm sure if he was injured and had to retired he could seek other outlets for his talents like Austin has, but he's healthy and in a good place now, why ruin that to pursue something else?

Firstly, I definitely don't understand the "Giant Pussy" quote. Have you seen the size of The Rock lately? No man that trains that hard and then works in between can be considered a giant pussy. You must mean that he's not taking bumps in a wrestling ring, instead he's in a nice movie studio.

Well since WWE is blurring the kayfabe line with their recent promos, I'll make things realistic as well.

When Cena says, "I'm not an actor, I'm a WWE superstar because that's what I love.", The Rock should say "So is that championship you have real?"
Someone call ESPN and tell them to recognize John Cena.

PRO WRESTLING is ACTING, Rock went from one acting to job to another. Cena has already made movies himself so to bash Rock for making bigger movies seems a little ridiculous. The Rock has already been on the road, drawn huge crowds for Vince, and done it all; but some people act like The Rock has never been a part of the company, never taken the bumps, and was just handed stardom.

If you leave wrestling on your own terms even after creating a legacy, people still have a problem with you. Or, if you stay longer than fans want you to like Hogan and Flair then you will also be heavily criticized.

Can't win.
Can I just say I find this very interesting? There has been some serious doubt on how well this feud would build over the year. Right now it's starting to feel like a slow burn under a powder keg, and I think it's all due to the WWE, Rock, and Cena's use of social networking.

As the WWE and the IWC have realized, the 'common fan' would lose interest watching this build every episode of Raw for an enitre year. The creative team just wouldn't be able to keep up. But the use of social media in this stage of the feud just works so well. It gets the IWC talking, and in a mark-like sense of the word, feuding. Who here doesn't feel like they're "part of Team Bring It" or "part of Team Cenation". We all are talking about this feud, and to an extent feel like part of this due to the social media approach and the shoot-feel it brings. Not to mention, we continuously debate over Attitude versus PG.

As for the 'common fan', they already are getting seeds and reminders of this feud. Who knows how they will build the feud between January and April, but all WWE.com would have to due is post links to all these videos and "shoots" and the common fans will do backflips of rage!

Rock/Hogan didn't build up over a year, but Rock/Hogan also didn't happen during a time where social networking were so integral in the media. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not even sure myspace was popular during that feud. Today, we have facebook, Twitter, youtube, and whosay (which by the way I only heard of because of The Rock). WWE, Rock and Cena are all using these tools to support a legitimate year long feud and the feud is selling. It is July and Wrestlemania is already selling. Congrats, WWE, great job.
Can I just say I find this very interesting? There has been some serious doubt on how well this feud would build over the year. Right now it's starting to feel like a slow burn under a powder keg, and I think it's all due to the WWE, Rock, and Cena's use of social networking.

Rock/Hogan didn't build up over a year, but Rock/Hogan also didn't happen during a time where social networking were so integral in the media. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not even sure myspace was popular during that feud. Today, we have facebook, Twitter, youtube, and whosay (which by the way I only heard of because of The Rock). WWE, Rock and Cena are all using these tools to support a legitimate year long feud and the feud is selling. It is July and Wrestlemania is already selling. Congrats, WWE, great job.

Agreed, planning a match a year ahead is proving to be a great idea and the build will only get hotter. Things are crazy when they aren't even in the ring, I can't imagine what Miami will be like. The Rock to even make a big impact before WM. Survivor Series?
At wrestlemania 28, we will see the biggest match, representing 2 eras in wrestling, arguably since Hogan Vs Rock.

But we need to come to terms with the reality, that as much as the majority of us will not want it to happen, Cena has to go over the rock. As much as it pains me to say it, the majority of us here would love to see rock go over Cena clean, and get to see him stand atop the turnbackle and flip the belt over his shoulder one last time..... its just not going to happen

Theres no way that the WWE will let their biggest star not have the same unofficial torch passing, that hogan gave to rock. If the Rock were to win, it would crush Cena's momentum and a lot of its credibility, as it essentially states that today's best is not as good as yesterdays; which is a message that the WWE cant put across.

So my point is here, is there anyone who believes the rock will go over cena? or do we all have to upset the sadness that is Cena will go over the great one, crushing any hopes of a return to the glory days
I think this will be short, but I agree with you. Rock will put over the PG era just like Hogan put over the Attitude era. And yeah, I was a fan of The Rock. And I'm a fan of John Cena! Definitely a bigger fan of Rock then Cena, but that's beside the point.

The point is this is not only passing a torch to the next superstar, this is passing a torch to the next era. For Hogan passing the torch to the Attitude era, I feel like that came too late, but the PG era has some good years left in it. This match will result in Cena winning cleanly.

However, I'm not sure how Miami will react to that.
i've always known Cena is going over the Rock since it was announced, but if people don't want to accept that or they don't think that, i wouldn't blame them. that's what being a mark is all about! Cena's going to have his fans, Rock his. they both gotta believe their guy is going to win. i can't think of anyone honestly saying "Hogan's putting over Rock" before WM 18. everyone was too hyped up about the match up to even think that and we'll get to that place when it's getting closer.

Miami will react in boos but then cheers because there will be a similar ending to Rock/Hogan. Cena beats Rock, they stare at each other, Rock puts over Cena to the fans in a "cheer for him he's the better man" kind of way
I would hate to see Rock go over Cena. Cena is still a worker, Rock is an actor. Rock going over after not having wrestled in...8 years? It will be a nice moment, but what could Rock winning possibly lead to? I'm thinking the title won't be involved by that point, because you can't have Rock win then never defend it, so that is too obviously telegraphing the finish. But even if the title is not on the line, what does Rock winning do for the company? Hey, I love George "The Animal" Steele, but having him come in for one match and beat Randy Orton doesn't do anything but hurt Orton. Rock over Cena might make a nice moment, but the rest of the company has to return to work the next day, and deal with the mess that would create.
I love Rock (hence my username), but it would be one of he stupidest things ever in wrestling to have Cena lose. Cena shouldn't, can't and wont lose. I want Cena to win and I want Cena to do it cleanly. I hope Rock (unlike what Hogan did) will let Cena have his moment after winning. Rock Should lose cleanly, handshake and leave so that Cena can have his moment.

Hogan never really put over Rock. Hogan let Rock (instead of Austin) go over because he knew that he was a bigger name than The Rock so he could still have the spotlight after the match (unlike if he lost to Austin, where everyone would focus on Austin instead of Hogan). It kind of dwarfed Rock's win.
Miami will react in boos but then cheers because there will be a similar ending to Rock/Hogan. Cena beats Rock, they stare at each other, Rock puts over Cena to the fans in a "cheer for him he's the better man" kind of way

i gotta disagree with you here...

going into rock vs hogan. i believe that (before hogan returned to wwe) 90 maybe even 95% of viewers were fans of the rock. However i would say the majority of the fans who will be at mania are adults, and therefore i would say atleast 75% of them will dislike Cena, in the same mannor that we do.

Going into the rock hogan match, people didnt hate the rock, they just prefered their childhood hero, hogan. here, the people want rock to win, but they also hate cena... and those that dont 'hate' cena, still prefer the rock

i can't see the crowd accepting cena as the 'better man' as he has just beaten not only the crowds favourite, but the hometown hero!! I think once we see cena's reaction at MITB, with a hometown hero of punk, it will be but a glimpse of miami. Arguably the most popular wrestler ever... making his return... in his hometown... on the biggest stage ever.... against someone who the adults have been waiting to get his come uppance for years... and then this same hero gets beaten by cena. the crowd will go mental !
yah it pains me to say it but cena will go over.. No way can the rock be gone as long as he was come in to the biggest event of the year and beat super cena!! WWE wont allow that to happen!! Besides i thought the rock wasnt going anywhere :shifty:
Recently i made a thread about the unfortunate fact that cena will have to go over rock at mania.... and it got me thinking

one person had this to say about it
Miami will react in boos but then cheers because there will be a similar ending to Rock/Hogan. Cena beats Rock, they stare at each other, Rock puts over Cena to the fans in a "cheer for him he's the better man" kind of way

to which i replied, in short

i can't see the crowd accepting cena as the 'better man' as he has just beaten not only the crowds favourite, but the hometown hero!! I think once we see cena's reaction at MITB, with a hometown hero of punk, it will be but a glimpse of miami. Arguably the most popular wrestler ever... making his return... in his hometown... on the biggest stage ever.... against someone who the adults have been waiting to get his come uppance for years... and then this same hero gets beaten by cena. the crowd will go mental !

This made me realise, with all of the aforementioned factors, there is NO WAY that the WWE can continue pushing Cena as a face after this, he will be unanimously boo'd the shit out of at wrestlemania, more-so than he is now.... i think maybe even the kids will no longer support him. I remember as a kid, if my dad disliked someone, i disliked them too... so maybe the kids parents/cousins/older brothers will watch the match and boo cena, and cheer rock; its a long shot, but it could happen...

Regardless, it seems to me that they now have no choice to turn Cena heel as he will be hated at mania, even IF...IF! rock tries to put him over afterwards with an embrace, i don't think it will be forgive, that cena ruined Rockys literal and metaphorical homecoming

it seems whether or not Vince likes it, Cena will become a heel....Do you agree?
yah it pains me to say it but cena will go over.. No way can the rock be gone as long as he was come in to the biggest event of the year and beat super cena!! WWE wont allow that to happen!! Besides i thought the rock wasnt going anywhere :shifty:

i think when the rock said 'he wasnt going away' was that he would never leave for another 7 years and distance himself from wrestling... even the most casual fan would realise that rock will be doing films...

but rocky has stayed active, making twitter crakcs at the rock, or making youtube videos, or his occasional appearances. Hell, he is constantly referred to at the moment on raw.
I can't see the turn as much as I'm sure I'll enjoy it, and certainly not at wrestlemania. Unless someone is ready to take a huge face run to replace Cena as the man, the E will not risk going into the future without someone that is poised to be over. My 5 cents
We still have people out there that think Cena is only over with the kids. The Rock was great, and he was over with everyone. But the was a long time ago. I think they can book a great match, give Cena the W and everyone will understand.

Oh we will whine on here about it, but it makes sense. And while Cena will get a passionate mixed response, him going over at Mania will not lead to a riot.
I can't see the turn as much as I'm sure I'll enjoy it, and certainly not at wrestlemania. Unless someone is ready to take a huge face run to replace Cena as the man, the E will not risk going into the future without someone that is poised to be over. My 5 cents

there are several people who i could easily see taking the ball of the top guy... namely Orton (although i wouldn't want it) CM Punk, in an anti-authority role, and my personal choice, the Miz, in a Y2J type character... hell he pretty much gets pop of the night as it is at the moment......

i see it not so much as the E wont risk it... they will have no choice as Cena's ability as a face will be totally removed by the fans, that cena won't even get a cheer from the crowd post-mania
We still have people out there that think Cena is only over with the kids. The Rock was great, and he was over with everyone. But the was a long time ago. I think they can book a great match, give Cena the W and everyone will understand.

Oh we will whine on here about it, but it makes sense. And while Cena will get a passionate mixed response, him going over at Mania will not lead to a riot.

there will be no "mixed response"! its in the rock's hometown... any ANY cena chants will be drowned by 50 000 plus booing the shit out of cena.... a lot of the kids will favour rock, because their parents with them will cheer rock, the hometown hero, so the kids will too....
You all agree that rock should lose, symbolizing the passing of the torch to another superstar. But no one agrees that taker should lose at wm symbolizing the passing of the torch to another superstar. I Will make everyone eat crow when he loses at wm, because i guarantee, without a shadow of a doubt, That Taker will lose his last wm match, symbolizing "the passing of the torch" and a end of a era.


If rock would some how... Win at WM, it will tell me that he's here to stay for the longer run in the wwe, instead of just saying he's back and that he isn't going anywhere (what a joke that was) but somehow i just don't see the rock winning, even if it's in his home town.
As much as i hate it, cena will go over the rock at 28:banghead:

i love your points you made with Cena coming out of mania a heel wether he likes it or not. I hope the Rock doesn't pull the "hogan move" on Cena to sell him as the better man as this would cheapen all the build up throughout the past year. If WWE really wants a good epilogue then the Rock should blow off Cena after the match or maybe even give him the RockBottom.

We are all waiting for Cena to turn heel and most likely he wont. His character is so god damn boring and stale that if what u predicted comes true he will finally get that major boost in his character that he so desperately needs. A heel turn is fresh start and this fool needs one!

I cant wait to see the fans outcome this sunday because if the go crazy when Cena wins, a riot is sure to break on at Wrestlemania 28!
Why have Rock go over Cena? What benefit does that hold for anyone, including Rock? If he doesn't come back for a full-time schedule, Rock WILL not and SHOULD not beat Cena. Like him or hate him, Cena puts his time in, above all else. There is NOTHING to gain from Rock winning. Except nostalgia from us Attitude Era leftovers! LMAO
You all agree that rock should lose, symbolizing the passing of the torch to another superstar. But no one agrees that taker should lose at wm symbolizing the passing of the torch to another superstar. I Will make everyone eat crow when he loses at wm, because i guarantee, without a shadow of a doubt, That Taker will lose his last wm match, symbolizing "the passing of the torch" and a end of a era.

Whoa this shouldn't even pertain to Rock passing the toech to CEna, due to the fact that the Undertaker is so above both superstars that he doesnt even need to think about passing a "torch." He is the untouchable superstar when it comes the WrestleMania and you should know that.
it seems whether or not Vince likes it, Cena will become a heel....Do you agree?

No, Cena won't become a heel and shouldn't. The fans will be on the Rock's side, but that doesn't make Cena a heel. For Cena to become a heel, he'd have to modify his charterer to have antagonistic qualities. This won't happen, and shouldn't happen. It would be too detrimental to the company. Cena is the biggest star today, and has a large fanbase. If he turned heel (i.e., if he turned his back on those fans), his appeal would decrease and he would lose his fans. He's got fans because he's a face, he represents a good guy in a world of tyranny. His charterer would be demolished if he turned heel, and his original fans would struggle to jump back on his fanbase.

I don't see why the match can't just be face vs. face. The Rock will have the most support, but at least Cena's drawing power will remain. The match will be entertaining, however, regardless of face/heel disposition.
There's no way the Rock is going to go over Cena, and there's no way he should, either. Rock chose another career path, he chose movies and Hollywood over the grind of being a regular wrestler. I'm not knocking him for that decision, it's one I think most people would make in the same situation, given the opportunity. But the fact remains that he made that choice. To have him parachute in years and years later, and expect him to beat the face of the company, the guy who IS there now, every night, putting in the work, getting the bumps is ridiculous. Not only would it destroy Cena's credibility, it would be a slap in the face in my opinion. "Hey thanks for carrying us since the Attitude Era ended, here, lose to this guy who was great once but is a movie star now." That would honestly be awful.

I'm not taking one little thing away from the Rock and what he did in his time. But he chose to leave. He didn't get too old. He didn't have a career ending injury. He decided to get while the gettin was good. And again, no blame on him for that decision, but he's the past now. Cena is the present and the (forseeable) future. Cena has every right to go over. No way he should lose to someone who is going to be gone again for years, if not forever, after WM. (Despite what he said about "never leaving", uh huh.)

And you can't compare this with Taker's streak at WM. Taker putting someone over or not putting someone over is different. Rock has been gone for years. Taker is still technically just a wrestler. Sure, he only shows up now and then, but that's because of his physical condition and age, not because he's got better things to do. Plus, Rock is not undefeated at WM for nearly 20 years. Rock will not lose anything by putting Cena over. Taker, were he to put over some young talent, would lose something. He would stil be considered one of the greatest of all time, of course. But 20-0 or 21-0 looks a lot better than (anything)-1. No way Taker loses his streak.

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