CM Punk and The Rock - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

The Rock isn't that good of a movie star, just wanted to remind people. He did leave when the WWE needed him the most, that's a fact.
Oh you mean he left the WWE when they needed him most because Vince let Rocks contract expire right? One of the biggest top guys in the history of the company and you let his contract expire? Right. Clearly Rock is the bad guy here.
The people who actually KNOW Dwayne Johnson unanimously describe his as a standup guy who is easy to get along with. Guys like Punk and Orton, who don't know him, have nothing but petty things to say about him.

I would understand Punk's issue with Rock returning if not for the fact that Vince McMahon and John Cena are who Punk should have a problem with. Because McMahon wanted Rock at Mania, and The Rock is returning to put over Cena at Mania, which he certainly doesn't have to do. Also, by being at two Mania's in a row, The Rock's fame brings more mainstream exposure to guys like Punk and Orton.

In fact, The Rock doesn't have to come back to the WWE at all. He has transcended. His star power is far greater than anything in the WWE. By coming back he is giving the rub to Cena and the WWE product. That's a pretty gracious thing to do.

And who is CM Punk to question Rock's love for the business? The man busted his butt and gave the WWE some of its greatest, most iconic moments ever. The Rock was instrumental in propelling the WWE to its greatest heights. He put in his time and did it all, in the process proving his love for the business and dedication to it. And the only reason Rock didn't come back more often is because Vince McMahon did not renew Rock's contract. So again, Punk should take fault with McMahon. Also, while pursuing his film career, Rock was asked several times about the WWE and had nothing but good things to say about the WWE and professional wrestling.

And I ask this question: Who is Punk to judge The Rock? I think Punk is a marvel in the ring, but he's got a pretty sanctimonious, self-righteous attitude. His criticism of The Rock comes off as petty and as a ploy to get The Rock's attention and drum up heat/demand for a future match. I get the impression he's feeling a lack of attention and is a little bitter about it.

Punk shouldn't worry about The Rock. He needs to worry about putting on a great show at Mania and propelling himself and the WWE to that higher level.
I will just copy and paste my feelings on The Dwayne from the "The Miz being blamed for Survivor Series numbers" story on the main part of WrestleZone.

"That leads me to a bigger problem - The Dwayne. This power-hungry, pious piece of shit is getting to main event WrestleMania while people who bust their ass for the company all year will be down on the mid-card, or will miss WrestleMania all together. They are pissing on everyone that works for that company by doing it, as far as I'm concerned. Don't like what I'm saying? Go look for some shoot interviews on YouTube where people blast The Dwayne. You'd be shocked."

I don't like the guy. I don't know him personally; would never want to, to be honest. I think he is a liar who has never apologized for the lies he has told to his own fans, and they welcome him back with open arms. I don't think someone who has made TWO live appearances on Raw in nearly a year deserves a main event spot at WrestleMania - I don't care what it's going to draw. I also don't appreciate good wrestlers who are busting their ass for the company day-in and day-out being used as fucking fodder for the Cena-The Dwayne WM match.
I will just copy and paste my feelings on The Dwayne from the "The Miz being blamed for Survivor Series numbers" story on the main part of WrestleZone.

"That leads me to a bigger problem - The Dwayne. This power-hungry, pious piece of shit is getting to main event WrestleMania while people who bust their ass for the company all year will be down on the mid-card, or will miss WrestleMania all together. They are pissing on everyone that works for that company by doing it, as far as I'm concerned. Don't like what I'm saying? Go look for some shoot interviews on YouTube where people blast The Dwayne. You'd be shocked."

I don't like the guy. I don't know him personally; would never want to, to be honest. I think he is a liar who has never apologized for the lies he has told to his own fans, and they welcome him back with open arms. I don't think someone who has made TWO live appearances on Raw in nearly a year deserves a main event spot at WrestleMania - I don't care what it's going to draw. I also don't appreciate good wrestlers who are busting their ass for the company day-in and day-out being used as fucking fodder for the Cena-The Dwayne WM match.

Ohhh you said Dwayne that makes you so cool :rolleyes:

lol@this. If anything you should be happy he came back and worked with one of his biggest fans, a guy who you are CLEARLY a fan of in The Miz. Honestly, Miz had to be super excited to be in that ring and doing promos with his idol. You think Miz gave a shit he was being used as "fodder"? Hell no, so why should you? Also, stop taking that report about the buyrates as fact. Hell, stop taking most of these dirtsheet reports as facts. They are designed to give you a reaction and it did just that.

As for the Main event, its a business thing. Period. You may not like it but Vince will but his big names in that last slot. Undertaker sits around for a year and he comes in and gets to Main Event. Same idea. It really doesn't matter. You think a guy like Trent Baretta, a guy who works hard, would be main eventing Mania? No. As far as Im concerned, if you are apart of Mania in any form, that is more than enough. It really doesn't matter what spot you are on in the card, if you get to make it to the actual card you are set. Orton who said this, thanked The Rock for being apart of the event because it raised his paycheck. CM Punk says Rock being apart of the show brings awareness that you dont get all the time.

Some of you guys need to relax.
Ohhh you said Dwayne that makes you so cool :rolleyes:

lol@this. If anything you should be happy he came back and worked with one of his biggest fans, a guy who you are CLEARLY a fan of in The Miz. Honestly, Miz had to be super excited to be in that ring and doing promos with his idol. You think Miz gave a shit he was being used as "fodder"? Hell no, so why should you? Also, stop taking that report about the buyrates as fact. Hell, stop taking most of these dirtsheet reports as facts. They are designed to give you a reaction and it did just that.

As for the Main event, its a business thing. Period. You may not like it but Vince will but his big names in that last slot. Undertaker sits around for a year and he comes in and gets to Main Event. Same idea. It really doesn't matter. You think a guy like Trent Baretta, a guy who works hard, would be main eventing Mania? No. As far as Im concerned, if you are apart of Mania in any form, that is more than enough. It really doesn't matter what spot you are on in the card, if you get to make it to the actual card you are set. Orton who said this, thanked The Rock for being apart of the event because it raised his paycheck. CM Punk says Rock being apart of the show brings awareness that you dont get all the time.

Some of you guys need to relax.

Your points are taken. I didn't post all of my super-rant on that comments section, but I did preface all of what I said with saying "assuming it's true."

I respect The Rock (that better?) for what he's done in the WWE, and I completely understand why he and Cena are going to main event WM. It's taking place in Dwayne's hometown, and it's going to draw like a motherfucker. Him being in the main event doesn't annoy me at all, to be honest. It's the fact that he rarely makes live appearances (via satellite doesn't count to me).

As for your Undertaker and Trent Baretta points, 'Taker is FORTY-SIX-old. He needs time off. The Rock is fully capable to be a full time wrestler. I guess I should have been more specific to who I think should be in the main event, particularly the world and WWE champions, whoever they may be. They should have the chance to be in the main event.
Your points are taken. I didn't post all of my super-rant on that comments section, but I did preface all of what I said with saying "assuming it's true."

I respect The Rock (that better?) for what he's done in the WWE, and I completely understand why he and Cena are going to main event WM. It's taking place in Dwayne's hometown, and it's going to draw like a motherfucker. Him being in the main event doesn't annoy me at all, to be honest. It's the fact that he rarely makes live appearances (via satellite doesn't count to me).

As for your Undertaker and Trent Baretta points, 'Taker is FORTY-SIX-old. He needs time off. The Rock is fully capable to be a full time wrestler. I guess I should have been more specific to who I think should be in the main event, particularly the world and WWE champions, whoever they may be. They should have the chance to be in the main event.

I understand, I think Rock could make more live appearances too but it is what it is. He did 10 of them last year (3 were Via Satellite) and I guess I dont really care as much about it because what he did last year is more than anything hes done in almost a decade. At least this time around (when he returns at the end of the month) its been confirmed Rock is actually committing to be on the show for a prolonged period o time to build the match instead of doing one show and being gone.

I know that Taker is old and he needs time off but Im saying in regards to Taker being able to get a main event spot (as he did at Mania 26) or he can get a spot on the card sitting out the year. He gets that spot because its a business thing. I just thought more people would be content and happy with seeing guys actually being on the show as opposed to what spot they are on. I mean there are more guys who dont get to work Mania at all then guys who wont be able to Main event.

But yeah not trying to come off pissy or anything just wanted to get that out there.

Remember when the Rock inducted his father into the Hall of Fame? That's when the reports of the Rock being "Hollywood" to the boys backstage first started. It is possible that Punk felt "Dwayne" was behaving this way when he returned to RAW. If you're asking for theories as to why he may not like him, based on what's been said I think this could be a factor. And like I said, IF there is really beef and this isn't just Punk playing a character.
JR disputed that report back in his blog back in 2008. I think he would know more than a "dirt sheet" report.
Interesting thread and I can see you all have really strong opinions for each side, well in my opinion I can see how punk could be mad about this, considering he along with alot of other people on the roster bust their ass off all year. But if hes mad at the rock I think he should also be mad at cena and mcmahon I mean theyre all also responsible for this as well. Mcmahon approves this and cena is the other guy in the damn match too. But ive heard punk say that he actually likes Cena.

and also like I saw another poster say Punk should worry about himself and just putting on great matches like he does, I remember hearing jericho say and other wrestlers say too its not always about main eventing Mania but goin into Mania and stealing the show, which im sure punk is capable of. I dont have a problem with Rock being in this Mania and main eventing it, I think it'll be entertaining and also so what if he left? In his mind he accomplished everything he set out to do and moved on, are wrestlers supposed to stay in the ring till they die in order to get respect from the fans? or is it just the IWC thats hating on the rock cause it sure as hell doesnt sound like the live crowds are angry at the rock at all.Plus either way its impossible to please the IWC completely I mean theres IWC fans that would still probably cheer a wrestler who killed his own son, plus Austins an "alleged" wife beater and also walked out on the WWE and its fans when he felt he wasnt getting things to go his way and does that make him any better than the rock? he sure does get more respect than him though.

im sure if punk was a wrestler around the 80's and early 90's he wouldve been complaining about Hogan Main eventing every wrestlemania although back then too it didnt seem like alot of the fans minded it though. Also with the exception of his latest match at survivor series rock did lose at a wrestlemania to evolution and before that too before he left he went out on a loss to Goldberg.And who knows he might go out and lose to Cena at this Wrestlemania as well and put him over too.Punk is an amazing wrestler and I like the things he says and I think he injected alot of life into the current wwe product and he actually got me watching wrestling again, but when he says things like that it just sounds like hes letting his own ego get in the way, I think he should just stop bitching about it and go out and make an even bigger name for himself and he will be noticed more and im sure main eventing Wrestlemania is something thats in his near future, I mean Jericho Main evented Wrestlemania and went ahead of Hogan vs Rock, and even rock was able to break through in the Austin era and he made a huge name for himself
The Rock isn't that good of a movie star, just wanted to remind people. He did leave when the WWE needed him the most, that's a fact.

That's a lie. They needed him most when austin and taker were both injured, back in late 1999, and guess what..he DID carry the whole company on his back while they were out. And by the way, it's not about whether he's a good actor or not, it's about making money, and I'm damn sure rock is making more money in hollywood without risking his health. Like it or not, that's was a smart decision.
A lot of people are forgetting that The Rock has a ten year old daughter. He probably decided to leave the business and do movies so he could spend more time with her. The Rock pretty much retired from wrestling a little after his daughter was born. I mean can you blame the guy from leaving the business when he did. He found something that he was good at and that would give a chance to earn a paycheck and not have to worry about getting injured. There are a lot of guys who are still wrestling way past their primes such as Hogan, Flair and others. And like someone else said if The Rock had never left the business today right now people would be complaining that The Rock is holding the young talent down or he's way past his prime. If you guys remember a few months back The Rock explained what he meant when he said he would never leave. The Rock does not owe anything CM Punk, John Cena, THE WWE, The WWE Universe, members of the Wrestlezone Forums, etc.The only people owes anything to is his daughter and the people in his family and his friends.
A lot of people are forgetting that The Rock has a ten year old daughter. He probably decided to leave the business and do movies so he could spend more time with her. The Rock pretty much retired from wrestling a little after his daughter was born. I mean can you blame the guy from leaving the business when he did. He found something that he was good at and that would give a chance to earn a paycheck and not have to worry about getting injured. There are a lot of guys who are still wrestling way past their primes such as Hogan, Flair and others. And like someone else said if The Rock had never left the business today right now people would be complaining that The Rock is holding the young talent down or he's way past his prime. If you guys remember a few months back The Rock explained what he meant when he said he would never leave. The Rock does not owe anything CM Punk, John Cena, THE WWE, The WWE Universe, members of the Wrestlezone Forums, etc.The only people owes anything to is his daughter and the people in his family and his friends.

Very well said. However I doubt your post will get through the thick skulls of the IWC marks. For some reason they have this idea that Rock owes them something lol
[punk is probably legit jealous of the rock and his schedule, i don't believe its all gimmick punk is insecure and arrogant but i do like that he speaks his mind.
I'm pretty some of you actually said what I'm about to say, but I didn't read through all the pages, so sorry for the repost.

Lol some of these comments on here are laughable. Some of you actually believe that since the small community of the IWC hates Dwayne for leaving, means that everyone else in the world hates him for leaving. Sorry that's not the case at all.

I mean give it a rest already. Some of you have to be at least in their 20s and 30s, and you're still mad about a grow ass man following his dreams? How do you sound right now? Seriously. Most fans such as myself who idolized The Rock back in the day, once he left wrestling sucked so we left, he came back, we came back and embraced it.

As a 21 year old female that's inspiring to finish college and have a career of my own, how can I hate on someone that is making gazillion of dollars by working hard? Like there has to be really something fucked up inside of you to actually feel that way about someone you don't even know personally.

So whattttttt if he was gone for 7 years, I mean didn't his absence give others time to shine such as Cena, Orton, etc....wouldn't The Rock staying around all those years been dull? You guys are the same ones bitching about how old Undertaker looks and wrestles, and how it's the same ol same ol with Triple H, and so forth, so what is your issue? Like others have said, Dwayne did everything Punk and others have accomplished, what more is there for him to do?

As far as Punk is concern, I love the guy but he sounds pathetic. Like again you're a grown as dude, so the fuck what The Rock left and said he's never leaving. He has another job to what the he'll is he suppose to do? Stop makin 20 million dollars per script, to wrestle and get considerably less than that? Stop it. Should he be like "Nah man I can't take this script, even though it's worth over 20 million dollars, I told the WWE and the WWE Universe I won't ever leave, so I have to be at arenas every Monday night, so I can wear down my almost 40 year old body and work with below average wrestlers. Yeah man I'll take less money working with the WWE." Come on now.

And with the whole Austin thing, yeah he makes his appearances here and there but he's not there all the time, so stop crucifying The Rock when Austin does the got damn same thing. They've paid their dues and are entitled to do what they want at this point. Get over it.

And yeah it sucks that some of these wrestlers bust their ass every night, and here comes The Rock and he automatically headlines Wrestlemania. But you know what? That's life. If you don't produce at your job, you get replaced. Point blank. Look at half the roster, and look at the reactions they get from the crowd, they are not performing up to par, so The Rock is here to shaken things up. You guys and CM Punk and whoever else has an issue needs to grow up and get over it, it's not that deep.

I highly doubt The Rock parades himself with some Hollywood ego btw. He's always been arrogant, like what the fuck else is new? Why is this even an issue?

And to the person who said Dwayne failed at're reaching. Stop it. I'm pretty sure he has accomplished more in football than you have in general.

Lol a year later and grown ass people are actually still bothered by this issue and hate this man. A mess.
I would appreciate a plot like this actually ...

the ROCK - CENA FACE OFF ...RAW episode 4 weeks before wrestlemania ...
** Verbal battle ... punk joins cena and crowd gets confused on whom to cheer ... punk puts it in a way none of them look heel ... both of them start going on the rock and then austin returns to save the rock and then we get cena vs rock and punk vs austin at WM I**
fukk now thats too much an impossible story line but if that happens ill watch every raw edition till WM and then quit the entire WWE peacefully ...
Oh you mean he left the WWE when they needed him most because Vince let Rocks contract expire right? One of the biggest top guys in the history of the company and you let his contract expire? Right. Clearly Rock is the bad guy here.

I'm not saying he was the bad guy, I was stating he left when the WWE needed him the most, as far as ratings, injuries to stars, needing him to be the face of the company etc. etc.

I can see why Punk wouldnt like him he said in the promo with Cena he's a wrestler and busts his ass off and other people are just awarded opportunity.
cause he thinks either rocks a sellout or a ******. If he gave up wrestling for those shitty movies because of the pay check, then he is a sellout, if he gave up wrestling for the shitty movies cause he thought he was producing more entertaining stuff then hes a ******.
Probably because he is a D-List actor that didn't want to be known as a wrestler anymore. His whole schtick is corny and played out.
Probably because he is a D-List actor that didn't want to be known as a wrestler anymore. His whole schtick is corny and played out.

Way to take the words right from Punk's mouth. He believes that he should have the main event spot to everything when that's just not true. Honestly I like Punk but it's ridiculous the amount of people who think everything he says is right over a worked shoot that happened months ago.
Punk doesn't hate Dwayne he hates the fact that he has busted his ass for the past few years to be in a Wrestlemania main event and Rocks come back and has been given a main event match and all this major publicity after doing jack shit for WWE since 2004. Its all a matter of Punk speaking his mind on people being more deserving of a main event spot than a guy who hasn't been there for 8 years.
Anybody catch these before? One was done today and the other was done back in July after MITB.




I dont think there is any problem with these two at all.
Anybody catch these before? One was done today and the other was done back in July after MITB.




I dont think there is any problem with these two at all.

Seems like the dropper of pipebombs is now riding the people's strudel all the way home. Never thought there was any real problems between the two. I always thought it was just Vince telling people to bad mouth him in a effort to stay and put over more people.
Wow some of these responses make me laugh my ass seriously off.. Do some of you even bother to read what you write before you run your mouths..

He's a Sellout, he's distanced himself from WWE BLAH BLAH BLAH

First if any of you even BOTHERED to watch interviews/videos
when VINCE that's right boys and girls VINCE ask the rock if he wanted to make a movie he also asked Triple H. Who also has made a movie or two of his own.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has publicly said he has done it all in the WWE and when Vince asked him to do movies he saw it as another challenge but wanted to make it on his own not based upon this WWE persona.

If because he made movie(s) it makes him a sellout then i guess there are quite a bit of sell outs..
Hogan, Cena, Austin, Edge, Triple H, Kane, Angle, Goldberg, and I'm sure there are a few more not to mention countless cameos done by wrestlers one of the most famous being Sakata in Bond.

Granted majority of those movies sucked royal sweaty donkey nuts but not all were bad. Cena had decent movie, Hogan's No Hold Barred is a classic, Austin's had a handful of movies that actually weren't too bad the rest were kinda ******ed.. Dwayne is just the one who made it in Hollywood.

When Cena made his movies where was he in the WWE oh that's right no where to be found, where was Kane during his making of See No Evil... again no where to be found.. Wrestlers tend to "dissappear" while making a movie. The Rock still as someone mentioned goes out of his way to make appearances even if it is done by satellite or in person.

The bottom line as SCSA would say is this..

IF they really hated each other or if it was just Punk who really hated The Rock. They would never appear together, they'd never have air time in the ring, and they sure wouldn't be participating in the ring together.
Someone posted tweets by both Punk and Rock does THAT look like someone who "hates" them?

Whoever it was that said if they kept Rock around for the 8 yrs, you'd all be bitching enough with him.. YOU my friend hit the nail on the head and that is EXACTLY what would have happened..

Last point of my wonderful rant is this.. You don't want to bring back old wrestlers make time for the new wrestlers.. Guess what do you know why they bring back old wrestlers.. yes it brings in the money and that business wise is prolly THEE number one reason they bring back older wrestlers but they also bring them back cause how many parents out there talked about seeing Stone Cold, Hogan, Rock, Triple H, and to the build up of 1000th episode always have a legend whoop ginger boy.. it's also so the children who grew up hearing about these guys can also enjoy seeing what their parents grew up watching.. I don't care who you are but I don't know a single person who didn't put a smile on their face the first time Hogan came back as Hulkamania and dropping the NWO crap. Not to mention Rock is I would say without a doubt by far the best person on the mic when it comes down to cutting a promo, no one does it as quick, smooth and entertaining as he does.

End Rant.
CM Punk is a character.He will say whatever the boss tells him to do.Besides,The Rock hasn't been around lately.So what can Punk and Cena tell except the crappy movie star rant.They can't just use the corporation or NOD to cut a promo against rock.To think whatever punk says is what he belives is bullshit.So don't be so naive.And related to the topic i am going to love punk vs rock.It can be a better built feud.So i am looking forward to it.
you are wrong there have been many wrestlers that worked together that hate each other jerry lawler and eric embry ric flair and dusty rhodes savage ands hogan so oyur point is wrong and misinformed!
anyone who thinks just because rock and cena were seen talking on means they are friends is narrow minded i have worked in many offices where people didn't get along but had to talk for business purposes or were just cordial so you people are wrong they arent friends

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